
Multiversal Crossover

by victauron

Chapter 31: 31. Copycat Mechbeast

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Keep the reviews coming and also, do you want me to release the Starrunner terminals now or after I finish the story?

After a few moments, the entire group all got up to the attic of the Watterson house. "We're sleeping here?" asked rarity as she looked around it. "Well, there isn't anyplace else you can stay," said Gumball. "Especially not the school," added Darwin. "What do you mean not the school" asked Twilight. "We have a very mean teacher there," said Darwin. "Speaking of school, me, Darwin, and Anais have it tommorow," said Gumball. "So we're going to sleep on the ground?" asked Finn. "Yeah, since we don't have any extra beds," said Gumball. "I do not want to sleep on the dirty floor!" complained Rarity. "Well, this is the only place," said Sonic.

While everyone was getting accustomed to the attic, Knuckles went to Lorina's disk. "Tell me more about the Starrunners and who exactly is Xanazor," he said to her. "Can we listen too?" piqued Charmy and Saffron. Mighty, Ray, Julie-Su, Espio and Charmy also came. "We heard about what you were talking about with Lorina and got curious," said Julie-Su. Lorina appeared suddenly. "The tale of the Starrunners started out well but they became corrupted and it slowly grew darker," she said, "As for Xanazor, he was once like other Starrunners and kind and caring but got consumed by his lust for power which turned him into the monster he is now," she said and told the entire history of the Starrunners and their downfall.

After hearing her story, the Chaotix were left with shock. "His descent into evil is much more horrid than Menniker's" said Knuckles after hearing it. "Who is Menniker?" asked Lorina. "The First Grandmaster of the Dark Egg Legion," he said.

Then, Pinkie Pie said, "It's nightime," "Already?" said Rainbow Dash. "Well, time to get some sleep," said Finn. "Yeah, but still, why did I feel that this wasn't long enough?" asked Jake. "Time zones can be different in different dimensions," said Lorina. "Oh," he said.

"Good night," said Anais to all of them as the three were walking down to their rooms. Gumball and Darwin went to their rooms and fell asleep, hoping that tomorrow, nothing really weird what happen to them but little did everyone know, Xanazor was watching this all from his lair and decided to send another mechbeast at them, one that could copy the appearance and abilities of its prey and it could clone itself several times.

The next day, everything seemed to go one as usual except that at breakfast, there was a lot more people at the table. "Have a good day," said Nicole to her children when they went onto the bus. After a few minutes, the bus arrived at the school and everything at school seemed to go on as usual.

Then, while he was cleaning his locker, Penny came up to him. "Hi," she said. This caught Gumball's attention. He became instantly consumed with love. "Come with me," she said and Gumball, dumbstruck by his love, followed her. They walked through the hallway into a large closet and then, right before his very eyes, she transformed and into a robotic humanoid cat with red eyes. "What are you?" asked Gumball, scared. "The Copy Cat mechbeast," it said and its voice sounded slightly feminine. "Where'd you put Penny," said Gumball, with a little courage. "Since you're unlikely to survive, I can tell you right now, she is stuffed in her locker and I assumed her form to kill you and once I'm done with you, I'll finish off the others," it said dryly. Gumball could do nothing but back up until he hit a wall and looked scared as it came closer and closer, with its claws drawn.

Right as it was about to strike, it got struck from behind and turned to see that a ninja star was stuck in its back. Then, Espio seemed to materialize in the room. "How'd you do that and what are you doing here?" asked Finn to him. "To answer both of your questions, it's camouflage and I came here because I suspected something was wrong and I was right," he replied. "But anyways, thanks," said Gumball. "Your welcome," said Espio right before he turned to face the copy cat mechbeast. "You'll pay for your interference!" it hissed and changed its form to Espio's.

He gasped when he saw it do that. "How are you able to do that?" he said. "I was designed to take the form of an enemy I'm facing and that is not all I can do," it replied and then created 2 copies of itself. "Destroy the two of them," it commanded its clones and they went to attack.

Espio took down one clone by tossing a star into its weak point, its heart and pushed the other one into the mechbeast but it dodged and it hit the wall, blowing up and causing an explosion that destroyed the room and could be heard through the entire school. Luckily, Espio and Gumball were still alive but so was the mechbeast.

It hissed at them and ran out. Espio and Gumball pursued it and Gumball grabbed a mop before he ran out. During the pursuit, Darwin saw them and after realizing what happened ran. The pursuit continued until they reached a group of lockers. The mechbeast took Espio's form again and tossed several ninja stars at them but they avoided and then the mechbeast created 8 copies of itself and they attacked.

Gumball fended off the clones with the mop he grabbed despite their formidability and Espio countered the clones with his own attacks.

The battle continued for a while and some students came to look and cheered them on. The fight continued until a laser blast shot one of the mechbeast's clones and it stopped attacking and pulled back its clones to see that it was the Chaotix who arrived.

All the students who were watching the fight cleared to allow way for the Chaotix. "How'd you know we were in danger?" asked Gumball. "Your friend," said Knuckles. "That's me!" said Darwin who suddenly popped out.

"Thanks," said Espio. "Let's beat it!" said Gumball and he and the group went to fight it. The mechbeast had a lot of forms to choose from and first, it changed into Knuckles and it gave the Chaotix confusion, leading them to hit the actual Knuckles by mistake.

Then, it changed into Vector and punched away many of the Chaotix but as it was about to finish off Ray, Mighty caught its fist and threw it at a locker, which coincidentally, happened to by Penny's locker and there she was, bound and gagged. "Penny!" shouted Gumball as he dropped his mop and went to untie her. After a few seconds, she was free, "Thanks Gumball," she said to him before taking her place among the crowd that gathered to watch the fight. Gumball blushed for a moment and then rejoined the fight while Darwin went to his position to help him.

Finally, the mechbeast created many clones of itself which all took the forms of the Chaotix and meanwhile, Darwin said to Gumball, "Give me the mop," and Gumball handed him it and he chewed its handle into a sharp stake and tossed it at the actual mechbeast which impaled it, killing it.

The mechbeast's clones all vanished and it fell to the ground and its body disintegrated a short time afterwards and the crowd all left once the fight was over.

Next Chapter: 32. Serpentius's attack Estimated time remaining: 44 Minutes
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