
Multiversal Crossover

by victauron

Chapter 16: 16. Fight in the Palace

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Note: If anyone didn't read that Archie Sonic issue 241, it involved Ixis Naugus possessing Geoffrey St. John's body. The abilities of the mechbeast in this chapter is based on Tubalcain Alhambra from Hellsing.

"Yes," said Finn. "So where should we start?" "We should probably start with the closest Chaos Emerald, the purple one which Ixis Naugus currently has, and by the way, also rules us," said Sonic with some contempt.

"So how are we going to get it?" asked Finn.

"He carries the emerald on a staff and it is probably stored in the palace where he now resides and it is heavily unlikely that he would just hand it over even if we convince him of a common enemy," said Sonic "So are we going to have to take it by force?" asked Finn. "It's the only choice," replied Sonic. "Then let's barge in and take it," said Finn with determination. "That's the spirit, but I've fought Ixis Naugus before and I don't suppose just the nine of you and me with some of my friends are enough to go against him," said Sonic.

"We've collected two Gems of Light," said Finn in a confident manner. "And we have the Elements of Harmony," added Twilight. "What are the Elements of Harmony?" asked Sonic. "Six magical objects that wield the power to vanquish evil and it can only be wielded by six who represent each element," stated Twilight Sparkle. "Sonic pondered this for a moment and said, "Okay, I will go get Team Fighters with me but be aware, Naugus is a powerful sorcerer," said Sonic as he ran off. "Nothing evil can repel the Elements of Harmony," Twilight Sparkle. After a while, Sonic showed up with Tails and Amy and they decided to head over to the palace.
Meanwhile, in the palace, Ixis Naugus was having a conversation with a mysterious figure that had showed up and wanted to talk with him. The person had one eye, a brownish-green body, and several spikes on his body.

To Ixis Naugus, it was surprising that the person knew that he who he was even though Ixis Naugus had possessed the body of Geoffrey St. John but still, what the person had to say could be important.

"Several strangers are in the city and they could be conspiring with secret enemies to overthrow you," he said. "Do you mean them?" asked Ixis Naugus, conjuring up a picture of Finn, Jake, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Spike. "Exactly," the person said. "I will crush them for their treachery," said Ixis Naugus angrily, realizing that the Freedom fighters were against him all along.

"But they could be here any minute," the person said.

And just as he finished saying that, several people burst in shouting, "You're going down Ixis Naugus!"

The two turned to find Finn, Jake, Sonic, Amy, Tails, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow dash, Applejack, and Spike at the entrance to the room.

"Who are you and Geoffrey, where is your master?" said Sonic looking at the two. "Allow me to introduce myself," the stranger said. "I am General Optis of the Kronosians and do you think just you band of misfits can stand up to his and my master's might," the stranger said. "Yeah!" shouted Sonic in a defiant tone to him.

"Wrong answer," General Optis said as he instantly fired an eye laser that came so quick that none could dodge in time. The blast sent all of them into the air and then they fell down with a thud on the ground.

Then, General Optis fired a few spikes at them and luckily, they dodged this time and Sonic spin-dashed toward Optis, knocking him into a wall. Sonic looked at the Optis's body when suddenly, Optis opened his eyes and punched Sonic in the belly.

The punch sent Sonic flying back toward the group but he regained his stance before he fell all the way back in time.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got more important stuff to do and my little friend and he will do all the work for me here," said General Optis just before he teleported away.

"What do you mean my little friend," wondered Finn. But just as he finished thinking, a mechbeast teleported in front of them. It wore a red coat and had a pale white face with red eyes and a red glowing mouth and it wore a top hat. "So that's what he meant by his little friend," said Finn. "General Optis sent this to aid me?" said Ixis Naugus, surprised. The mechbeast hovered forward and threw a set of cards at the group but they dodged but they didn't noticed Ixis Naugus pulling out his Chaos Emerald staff and blasting them.

Just before they could recover from Ixis Naugus's attack, they got hit by the mechbeast's cards again. After they noticed the staff, Sonic asked Geoffrey, "Why are you holding Ixis Naugus's staff?" "Maybe now I shall reveal who I really am," said Ixis Naugus. "I am actually the spirit of Ixis Naugus possessing Geoffrey St. John," said Ixis Naugus. "But what are you doing in his body?" asked Sonic. "My old body deteriorated and I had to possess this body to save myself," said Ixis Naugus.

"Quick! Use the Elements of Harmony on them," shouted Finn in a frantic voice towards Twilight Sparkle. "We can't," she replied. "Why?" asked Finn. "The attacks are coming too fast," said Twilight Sparkle.

"Relax, me and Team Fighters will take care of that mechbeast while you guys use your Elements of Harmony on Ixis Naugus," said Sonic to the Mane Six. The six ponies nodded.

The mechbeast unleashed another wave of cards and Team Fighters dodged and they sliced apart a pillar instead. "Beware of the cards, guys," warned Tails.

Sonic spindashed into the mechbeast but it formed a wall using its cards and lowered it to see what happened to Sonic but just as it lowered it; it got pummeled by Amy Rose's hammer.

Meanwhile, Naugus was using his Ixian magics against a combined onslaught of a sword slash, a stretchy dog, fireballs, a Pegasus charging, a blast from a party cannon, and unicorn magics.

Naugus pushed aside them and blasted them with blasts from his emerald staff. The blast came to fast for them and they all were injured by the blast. "This is too easy," said Ixis Naugus after he had blasted them. "I shall crystallize you and maybe turn you into some trophies for myself," he said as he began the process but before he could, he got knocked from behind by a spindash and fell to the floor. But Sonic got hit by one of the mechbeast's cards afterwards.

"Are you okay, Sonic?" asked Fluttershy as the others ran towards him. "I'm alright," he said weakly, "Just finish off Ixis Naugus but don't hurt Geoffrey," said Sonic. "How can we beat him without harming the body," said Finn but then an idea popped into his head.

"Twilight," he asked Twilight Sparkle, "Can the Elements of Harmony push out an evil spirit?" "Yes, why?" she asked. "I've got a plan," said Finn and then whispered it to them.

At the moment, Ixis Naugus got back up. "Are you ready to die," he said to them. "You're going down, ya butt!" shouted Finn. "You dare insult me!" said Ixis Naugus angrily towards them. Then, he charged up a fire blast, but before he could shoot it, he got punched in the face by Jake.

Before Ixis Naugus could even recover from the punch, he got hit by a fireball from Spike and then got hit in the stomach by Rainbow Dash's charge, then got hit across the room by a pillar that the Twilight levitated at him.

After being hit, he got up from his spot and said to them, "You are stronger than I expected but that is nothing compared to my powers," he said as he created crystals and threw them at the group.

They ran when they saw the crystals but Jake got hit and frozen but stretched and broke the crystal prison.

"No, this is impossible," said Ixis Naugus. "I am the most powerful wizard that has ever lived and this world should be mine to ru-," but got cut short after Spike tossed a debris at his face.

"So much for most powerful wizard in the world," mocked Rainbow Dash.

"That's it!" shouted Ixis Naugus angrily as he got back up again. "I'll make you all pay for this," he said angrily as he charged up a blast of Ixian energy and fired it towards them.

"Use the Elements of Harmony," said Finn.

Twilight nodded her head and said to her fellow ponies, "Get out your Element of Harmony," and each of the Mane six got out their piece and put it on. Then they all floated in together and a large energy gathered around them and their eyes glowed white. Finn and Jake looked at this all with wonder.

Then, from the glowing aura shot a huge rainbow at the dark blast that came from Ixis Naugus and at first it seemed Ixis Naugus was prevailing but then, the rainbow began pushing back the blast. "How can this be," said Ixis Naugus when he saw that it was repelling his blast.

The rainbow pushed back the blast more but Ixis Naugus continued to use more Ixian energy to try and make his blast hit them but it only counterbalanced it.

Then, the rainbow came pushed it closer towards him. "No, Nooo, Nooo!" shouted Ixis Naugus as he tried in vain to use more energy to push back the Rainbow. But it was too late and finally, the Rainbow hit him and Ixis Naugus felt its energy racing through his possessed body and repelling his spirit and then his spirit was completely erased and gone.

Once the Rainbow hit Ixis Naugus, there was a bright light that flashed towards the sky and everyone in New Mobotropolis noticed a light from the palace.

After the light cleared, there was the body of Geoffrey St. John lying on the spot with the purple chaos emerald besides him and some smoke.

Geoffrey St. John opened his eyes and said, "Where am I? and who are you," upon noticing Finn, Jake, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.

"We are some newcomers and why aren't you trying to kill us anymore," asked Finn to him.

"Kill you," said Geoffrey, surprised. "Why would I want to do that?" he said but then remembered that Ixis Naugus possessed his body. "That must have been my former master, Ixis Naugus," he said to them. "So you are saying that you were controlled by something evil the whole time," asked Applejack. "Yes, and as an act of gratitude, have the Chaos Emerald that my master had," said Geoffrey as he removed the purple emerald and gave it to them.

"Thanks," said Finn. "Hey Sonic, we got it," said Finn as he turned but still found Sonic, Amy, and Tails fighting against the mechbeast. "You should go help them," said Geoffrey St. John. "We will," said Finn and they all ran to fight the mechbeast.

Meanwhile, the mechbeast was able to defend itself against blows with card walls but couldn't defend forever. As it was using its cards, it suddenly got hit by an arrow and turned to see, Finn, Jake, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Geoffrey St. John.

"Leave him alone," said Finn towards it. The mechbeast responded by throwing a chain of cards at him but Twilight rebounded it at the mechbeast. The mechbeast dodged it and sent more and more chains of cards at them but Finn sliced through some while Twilight and Rarity controlled some with their magic and tossed it at the mechbeast while Spike shot several fireballs at the mechbeast and it could not avoid all the attacks and fell down.

Just as it got up again, it got pummeled in the face by Amy Rose's hammer and Sonic, grabbing the purple emerald, quickly spindashes clean through it, killing the mechbeast.

"Thanks for the help," he said towards Finn and his friends, but as soon as he saw Geoffrey St. John, he leapt at him trying to punch him and Finn and the Mane Six had to hold him back to keep him from hurting Geoffrey.

"You dirty traitor!" shouted Sonic towards Geoffrey. "Dude, chill, he's one of the good guys now," said Finn. "He might backstab us just like before," said Sonic to Finn.

"No, that was the past and I've seen the error of my ways," said Geoffrey towards Sonic. Finally, Sonic stopped struggling and then said as he was being let go, "Okay, but if you show the slightest bit of treachery, you're dead!"

"What was all that for?" asked Twiligiht towards Sonic. Sonic sighed and explained everything about when Geoffrey abandoned Sonic in the special zone, giving the purple emerald to Ixis Naugus and aiding Ixis Naugus rule the Republic of Acorn.

"Whoa, he did all that bad stuff," the Mane Six all responded. "Yes and you should keep a close eye on him," said Sonic. "Let's go head out to the airbase," he said.

But they were all unaware that entire battle had been recorded on a camera that was connected to the Secret Freedom Fighters.

Meanwhile, in the Secret Freedom Fighers headquarters, Harvey Who, Leeta and Lyco, Silver the Hedgehog, Larry Lynx, and Shard were all watching it. "Turns out that those mysterious strangers got rid of Ixis Naugus for us," said Shard. "Yes but we have a new and greater enemy to deal with," said Harvey Who. "And you know what to do right?" "We will help them at all costs, and steal enemy info," all the Secret Freedom Fighters said."

Next Chapter: 17. Going to the Casino Night Zone Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 31 Minutes
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