
Crystal Empire: Alternate Ending

by Foxy of Pirate Cove

Chapter 3: 3. Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Scarlet orbs slowly opened to a blinding light, he quickly squeezed them shut again with a groan.

The place reeked of antiseptic, and he shot straight back under the itchy covers, his nose blocke.

An occasional 'beep' emitted from the box next to him acompnied by some green line that dashed upwards.

He turned over into the crisp pure white sheets, taking the covers with him as he squirmed trying to get comfortable.

'Oh! I give up! This bed is so uncomfy!" Sombra growled, the unicorn colt flopped onto his belly and started up at the ceiling, pinkish white.

Like his sister's coat.

He sighed, he just missed her so much, she had always been there for him when he needed her was he ever there for her?


All the times he had needed her help, for example when he was bullied how she defended him and to the day he turned evil, despite everything she was there for him and he paid her back by turning evil.

He wanted his sister, what he would do to see her again.

He was starting straight into her pinkish purple eyes.

'What the hay?' he yelled falling over the bed with a crash followed by his head poking wearily up at her.

'Tia!' Sombra yelled he picked himself up clumsily and ran towards her and tackled her into a loving hug, which was returned. The older monarch wrapped her feathered wings around her sibling and nuzzled him close.

His coat was covered in bruises and cuts, but she didn't care, she just wanted to keep him safe, she smiled.

'Come on Sombra, let's get out of here' she said ruffing up his wispy black mane.

'I thought I had to stay here over night!' the younger unicorn protested.

Celsestia sighed before looking directly into his eyes,

'Sombra you have been out for a month.'

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