
Returning Home: Strange World, Strange Help

by Nimbus Demontails

Chapter 3: 3. Statuesshouldn't move, Right?

Previous Chapter

Hey everybody, Finally there is another chapter. and already the first human OC will appear. This one is from DiscordOctavia. Have fun reading!

Statues... shouldn't move…Right?

I had to get up early for work this morning… But that is boring, so on to the story when I come back, more interesting that part… I think. Continue!

After I came back from work I noticed Luna was asleep in my bed. I sighed and pulled her up, carrying her like a princess, she apparently was but still, I didn't know any other way to carry someone at the moment. Also because I didn't want to think. The moment I went into Luna's room I almost tripped on her rags. I looked again at her clothes and they seemed to shimmer through. Could it be that their clothing was made with magic? Better give them real clothes later on.

I laid Luna on her own bed and straightened up. I turned around to walk away when I felt something on my leg. I looked to my jeans and noticed that Luna was holding my jeans.
''Please don't go, Sister.'' I looked at her, this was new, She looked like someone strong, but now she was more….fragile. She was crying, having a nightmare. I grabbed her hand and hold it. I stayed beside her until she calmed down. Which was surprisingly slow for our princess. I sat there almost an hour, sleep trying to knock me down. When I finally noticed that she slept quietly I exited her room, only to be met by an angry looking Octavia.
''What were you doing in Princess Luna's Room, if I may ask?'' I blinked a few times before I realized she was mad at me.
''Me? Oh sorry. Yeah, Luna fell asleep on my bed and I put her back in hers. Then she had a nightmare and I stayed with her until she calmed down.'' Now it was Octavia's turn to blink.
''Are you serious about this?'' I nodded and walked back to the fridge and pulled out an energy drink. Octavia, slowly stepped around the corner, in the light of the fridge I saw that her clothes were also fading out, like the magic of the clothes was disappearing. At the sight I almost spit out the… Oh wait, didn't even open it yet. I blushed and looked at Octavia.
"Want something to drink?" I asked her with a smile, trying to loosen her up.
"Only some water please." She said and I filled a glass.
I sat on the couch while taking a sip from my drink and putting Octavia's glass on the table. I felt Octavia sit next to me and looked at her.

''I don't know if you have realized but our clothes aren't real. They are made by the magic of Vinyl, the pon…girl with the light blue hair. But her magic isn't strong enough to keep it on, but that would also mean we are subjected to the cold of this world. Do you know a way for us to accommodate ourselves of some clothing." Octavia asked in her classy way.
"Well, there are a few clothing shops that I know. A friend of mine works in one…She hates it but still. We can buy some clothes for you guys there." I thought about the clothes. I didn't have any clue what clothes they should wear. but seeing they already wore some type of clothing, being it magic, told me that they wouldn't have too much trouble.

Octavia took a few sips from her water and looked at me.
"I would be very thankful for that. The others too." Octavia smiled softly. I think she didn't smile that often, but her soft smile was pretty nice to see.
After we were done with our drinks I stood up and hold out my hand.
"Care for me to escort you to your room?" I winked, indicating, in my mind, that I was just being classy myself. But it had effect. Octavia blushed a little and took my hand. Slowly I escorted her to her room and opened her door.
"Try to sleep for a little while longer Octavia. Then I'll promise to get everyone to the shops."I promised her and she nodded. She walked into her room and closed the door.

"Well… Those were two girls I've dealt with this morning. Wait… What is that light?"I walked towards the room that was given to the Doctor. There was a strange blue light coming from the room.
I looked into the room and saw a lot of wires sticking out of a barn-printed box. It sounded like he was using a torch to weld something. Well…he kept the noise down so I guess this is okay. He must feel very guilty about all of this. Involving everyone here, even so, experiencing this is unique so… as long as nothing strange or scary happens I won't mind.

After I slept a little and woke up the first thing I did was facepalming myself. Seriously, me trying to be classy towards that Octavia girl…pony…individual… This is confusing. To make a long story short, I acted like an idiot, not something new but still.
I got dressed and looked outside. It was nice weather, for the end of winter. It was warm enough to walk around with just a shirt outside. And I did just that, I walked straight to the front door, accidently ignoring some good morning's and went outside. I breath in the fresh air. Strange, I never did this before.
Luna was the first one outside after me and then Derpy. They both looked at me and wanted to ask what was wrong when they noticed what I was doing. They stood next to me and mimicked me.

"The air feels so nice, I could really relax by spreading my wings in this weather." Luna said and Derpy nodded. I looked at them, confused.
"Wait, I understood you had magic but wings to fly?" It really piqued my interest when she said that. Flying with wings was pretty awesome in my mind.
"Yes we can fly, I'm…was a Pegasi and the princess was an Alicorn. Alicorn's have both wings and magic." Derpy explained to me. It was at least an easy explanation. Better than the Doctor had for me yesterday about how I could help fixing his TARDIS. I remember him going on about timey wimey stuff and me getting dizzy after that. I really need to ask him again.

I looked back again to the girls and saw they put on one of the shirts I laid down for them, so they didn't have to use their magic or something.
Suddenly I heard the ripping of fabric. I looked around and saw the shirt bulging on Luna her back. The bulge became bigger and bigger, while I just stared at it.
"This shirt restrains my wings too much." Luna said and with those words they became visible. Two majestic big wings on her back ripping the shirt in half. But I quickly averted my eyes because she didn't wore anything underneath it.

"Luna, please cover yourself up. I explained didn't I?" I said while looking the other way. I felt a breeze coming up.
"Oh I know, Humans wear clothes to protect them from their environment. This resulted in the fact that both male and female didn't saw each other's naked body and became excited every time they saw it." Derpy explained and I raised a brow. Wow, she really remembered.

"Ahhh!" Luna suddenly screamed and I turned back towards them. A breeze apparently swept her up and now she was hovering in the air. But the wind disappeared as suddenly as it appeared and Luna came crashing down to the Earth, straight on my car.
With a large crash she came down and Me and Derpy came rushing to her. We got her of my car, which was totaled when the others came outside.

"We're sorry about your vehicle, Rick." Luna said but I shook my head. Of course I was a little sad about the car, I wanted to take them with me today with it, but it wasn't meant to be.
"Don't worry Luna, I'm glad you're fine." I smiled at her while Derpy brought her in. I told her where my clothing was and told her to give Luna something to wear for now. When I looked back to the car I saw the Doctor staring at it.
"What's the matter Doctor, the car is totaled now. I will call the garage in a minute, first I'll make sure Luna is fine." I went inside to check on Luna while the Doctor stayed outside, he grabbed something out of his pocket and put it in his mouth. a few seconds later a buzzing sound was heard from the outside.

We all sat around the table after Luna got her clothes back. Octavia managed to make some breakfast for us and it was well made. Only the doctor was missing, but he came inside with a big smile on his face.
"Hello everypony, how are you now after that crash of miss Luna? Are you feeling better dear?" He looked at Luna but before she or anyone else could respond he continued talking.
"Rick, I got a little surprise for you, see it as a token of gratitude for the days to come. And the kindness too." He waved outside and I followed him. We both arrived at my car, my repaired car. I was in shock, the Doctor repaired it in record time. I opened the door and stepped in… but something was wrong. It was wide… I looked to the back and saw seats enough for a van. I was sitting in a friggin van, in my car.

"Doctor, why is the inside of my car almost twice the size?" I was still a little in shock.
"Well, I bended the space in your car to accommodate more ponies, people. I heard you talking last night about taking us to a clothing store." He smiled at the fact he outsmarted me. I was still in shock, I was so in shock that I just have to repeat the stupid sentence.

So…After Luna felt better we went to a clothing shop at the edge of town. Maybe strange, but I had two good reasons for this. the first one being the fact that it would be better for now if we were at a place that didn't have many visitors. The second, A friend of mine was working there. Her name is Kat, and I hope she is in for a big surprise.

"Hey Kat, glad you're working today." I walked in first. Followed by the Doctor who quickly took the lead and behind us the girls came.
"It's not that I'm working right now, I'm the boss right now. The real boss had an emergency so I have the store all to myself." Kat replied with a smile. she wore her usual clothes, probably ignored the dress code now she is the boss here. She wore a custom made hoody with a small picture of a house build out of pencils on it. Some jeans and Tennis shoes were also part of her daily outfit.

"But what do you need? You come in with five others and all of them wear your clothes." She pointed at the others.
"Yes, will you please help me find them some clothes for themselves, just for the girls, I can help mister hyper over there, but I have no clue about girls clothing." I pointed at the Doctor while saying mister hyper. He didn't respond but Kat nodded.
"It's calm today so I will help, but I want a good explanation later." Kat walked towards the girls and took them to the changing rooms. I went to the Doctor and did the same.

"You humans have so many different kinds of clothing." The Doctor said fascinated. He picked up something from every rack, but I noticed he kept returning to the suites.
"Do you like something like this?" I said while taking out a light brown suit, with matching pants and a hat.
"We'll see in time won't we. I'll be back before you can say the meaning of the TARDIS." He disappeared behind the curtain and I wanted to say the meaning of the TARDIS…but I never heard what it was.
"That's cheating Doctor, whoah." I jumped back when the Doctor got back out of the changing room, straight into the suit and hat. He changed very quick and it looked good on him.
"I was just outsmarted you a little, don't underestimate yourself."

Because the Doctor was Quick we waited for the girls when we heard a scream from the girls side. We both rushed to the other side.
"What's wrong?" I asked to Kat and she looked as shocked as the Doctor and me.
"That girl, Luna, she has a major tattoo on her hip." She told us and I frowned. Why would she have a huge tattoo on her hip?
"Can someone please explain why we have a so called tattoo on our flank?" Luna covered herself in the curtains while she stuck her head out. She looked half panicked and half furious.
"Has thou done something to us while we were asleep?" Luna was serious. But I was too at that point. Seriously, Why would I do anything like that, and how couldn't you feel someone tattooing something that big on your ass.

"Princess Luna, it's your cutey mark…" Octavia said from the changing room next to her. What the hell is a cutey mark? Seriously, that was my first thought. But when I saw Luna blush and heard Vinyl Laugh, I thought that it was something simple.
"I'm sorry for the commotion we made, please return to where you were waiting Sir Doctor, Rick." Luna bowed and disappeared. I noticed she didn't use any sir with my name… Was I really that low in the eyes of Royalty?

After everyone was done the Doctor and I finally saw what Kat found for the girls.

Vinyl jumped in front of the girls and happily showed her new clothes.
"These humans know how to make cool clothes." She added to that. She wore ripped stone washed skinny jeans, tank top with something that resembled her cutey mark, blue high tops and sleeveless hoody.

"Vinyl, don't be so rude!" Octavia, the second to step forwards wore a white blouse with grey, sleeveless blazer and black skirt. She also found a pink bowtie to match.
''Can't be seen without one." She mumbled, it was probably something she is recognized by.

"Aww, you're such a worry ward." Derpy said with a smile, she was very happy with her clothing, it looked like she was flying, which I hope wasn't happening, since I already have an headache before something like this happens, again. She now wore stockings, shorts, t-shirts with a muffin graphic and tennis shoes, apparently the shoes were in right now… I never follow mode.

"We don't know if this fits us…" Luna stepped forward in her new clothes. She wore a pair of khakis with heels, a blouse and had a necklace with the shape the moon. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and she looked a little embarrassed.
''Don't worry Luna, you look beautiful." I said with a smile. She blushed even more and looked towards Derpy, who unbeknownst to me made a sign towards Luna. Derpy then walked towards the Doctor.
"You look great Doctor, for human standards." She mumbled that last part and the Doctor laughed at it. I also heard it but shrugged it off as otherwordly humor. Kat looked proud.

"I'm happy you like it. But about that explanation…" She came closer to ask me but other customers came in. We then closed in to the desk to pay for the clothes.
"I can't tell you right now, if you come by tomorrow, I'll tell you everything."I was serious, I needed to have some people to help me with this if needed.
"Reason for that, because I ordered you?" She was a bit worried about being greedy for information, but I wasn't.
"No, not at all. I need some people to help with this, I must admit I realized this when you said you wanted to know…. But I will invite some people over for tomorrow." I was actually wondering if it was such a good idea, well, I also made a backup plan by saying that I needed a plan for some event. But only if there would be an event that should change the entire situation.

We left the store after paying, seriously, I never felt that empty. My wallet was drained and I still needed to get my paycheck. The girls entered the car and I looked around, something was off, even now there would be some people around, even in this deserted place of town.
Instead, it was empty as the void, the only things around were some statues on the rotunda.

"Are you alright Rick?" The Doctor asked me while I was staring at the statues. They looked a lot like the statues I saw at the Library. Angels with their hands in front of their faces.
"It's nothing big, let's go home." I stepped inside and the Doctor followed my lead. I started the car and drove home, passing the Library. there were some more people here but also more angels. They were popular. But there were angels on the sockets, and last time they weren't there.

"Statues…shouldn't move, right?" I looked to the other passengers. They looked like I was crazy, or was it fear? I think a bit of both.
"Statues don't move, of course they don't move." The doctor began to talk hyperactive. Yep, they thought I was an idiot.
"Aliens, Weeping Angels move, but only when you don't look. They are incredibly fast. If you don't watch out they could stand in front of you and kill you." The doctor smiled at me with the last sentence. The blood drained from my face. creatures that tried to kill me? Why was he laughing?

"Why are you laughing about that?" I almost yelled and the Doctor kept smiling.
"Because they come through the dimensional plane. It gives me more hope in getting us back." He was clearly happy about the fact but forgot that they would try to kill us!
"I'm getting us the hell out of here, hold on!" I put the pedal to the metal in the dark night. If we survived the night, we would have back up. I don't know these Weeping Angels, but let's see what they will do against a Marine.

Meanwhile in a plane towards an unknown airport
"Finally returning after three years, I wonder what has changed?" A guy in the beginning twenties was mumbling to himself. Together with other marines he was heading home. his brown hair was messy after he put down his head.

"Let's see if Rick became stronger…"

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