
My Little Legend of Minecraft

by Jenstone

Chapter 5: 5. Chapter 5

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Twilight woke up. The moon was high, but it wasn't a block. She looked at her hooves. They wern't blocky anymore, they were rounded perfectly. She looked at her surroundings, she had fallen asleep on a bridge. Twilight's mane had small portions of blood stains. Her nose was bleeding. "Ugh."

"Heh, heh, heh," Discord laughed. "Show yourself, Discord!" Twilight snarled. "Oh, little ole me? Sure thing." He flashed in front of her. "I see you've defeated him ONCE. Once is not enough. Defeat him 9 more times, you get you're elements. You're now in Hyrule. Here's your Link." He dropped Link in front of her. "Ugh.." He groaned. "Twilight? Zelda..." He muttered. "Link, you're just a kid..!" Twilight said. Link nodded. "Yeah..." "HA HA! You got your little Link. Here, another challenge. Cross the river, past the bridge, there you'll find you're rewarding chance.." He flashed away. Link smiled. "I know where that is! Follow me, Twilight!" He started running, Twilight galloped along.

They reached a small river. There stood a platform with a sword stuck inside. Link ran up to it and tried to yank it out. "Wait!" Twilight yelled. She remembered her dream. But it was too late. Link split into four. One red, one purple, one blue, and the original, green. "Heh, heh." Discord laughed. Twilight ducked down. Fluttershy suddenly appeared. "Fluttershy!" Twilight called. The Links smiled. "Hey, how are there four of us?" The blue Link asked.

"I pulled out this sword."


"Whatever. You have to do whatever I say." The green Link grinned. "Noo," The blue Link said. "Yesss." Link said. The red link was chating with the ponies. "Hey, me, green version! Look at these ponies!" Link looked over at the red him. "Hey, Fluttershy, you're back!" Fluttershy smiled. "Yes." The group huddled together. "We have many jobs. Red, you need to find 4 more of us multi-colored ponies. Blue, I need you to find Discord, a draconequus. Purple, explore for a human with white eyes. Green, come with me and Fluttershy. GO GO GO!"

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