My Little Legend of Minecraft

My Little Legend of Minecraft

by MLPTitan222


  • 1. Chapter 1
  • 2. Chapter 2
  • 3. Chapter 3
  • 4. Chapter 4
  • 5. Chapter 5
  • 6. Chapter 6
  • 7. Chapter 7
  • 8. Chapter 8
  • 9. Chapter 9
  • 10. Chapter 10
  • 1. Chapter 1

    "Come on girls, I'm sure we're going in the right direction." Twilight Sparkle told her friends. "Uh, sugacube, we're lost," Applejack told her. "We're in the middle of the Everfree forest." Twilight grinned. "Yeah, but we're going in the right direction, I know it! I brought a map."
    "All this icky mud is getting on my new dress!" Rarity complained.
    "I'm hungry!" Pinkie Pie yelled.
    "Uh, can we go home now?" Fluttershy asked.
    "I'm soo bored! How long will it take to get there?" Rainbow Dash asked.
    "GIRLS!" Twilight Sparkle announced. "We are here." The girls looked up to see a pony. "Uh, who are you? Could you step aside sir?" Twilight asked. The pony stared at the group. He looked like he'd been though a lot. ((Link's not gonna be silent))"Uh, I'm... Link. Why are you talking? Where am I?" "You're in the Everfree forest, in Equestria.. we can all talk si- I mean Link." Pinkie Pie said. "*gasp* AREYOUNEWHERE? WELCOME! HEYLOOKEVERYPONY! ANEWCOMBER!" Link was breathing heavily. Twilight pushed Pinkie Pie aside. "Sorry about that Link. Pinkie's a little.. crazy sometimes.." Link slowly nodded. "I'm lost. Could you help me get back to Hyrule?" The group looked confused. "Hyrule? This is EQUESTRIA. There's NO Hyrule!" Rainbow Dash said. "Who are you? Where are you from? Did you hit you're head or something? What 's that thing on you're flank? It's not like any cutie mark I'VE ever seen." Link looked at his flank. "Oh, you mean this? Uh, if it's a triforce... cutie mark, or whatever you call it." "What's a triforce? What's THAT?" Twilight asked. The group stared at a portal that was opening right in front of them!

    Link walked up to it and put his hoof inside. He grabbed Twilight and pushed her in, he did the same to the others. "Why are you doing thiisss?" Fluttershy asked as she was tossed in. Link didn't respond but he pushed them in till the portal closed behind them. "Keep walking," He told them. They did.

    When they reached the end, they stepped out and let the portal close. "Why's the sun a block?" Pinkie Pie asked. Link looked at himself, he was a human again, but he was a blocky, human. The ponies looked at Link. "Why are you a human? Why is everything made of... blocks?" Twilight asked. Link's eyes were wide. "Who's that?" He pointed to a guy trying to break a tree with his fist. Everyone walked up to him. The guy looked at them, and he stopped breaking the tree. Everyone was silent.

    "Who are you?" The guy pointed at Link. "I'm Steve. I'm NOT on multiplayer. And I definatly didn't download any PONY mods!" He pointed at all the ponies. The ponies huddled together. Link pushed down Steve's fist. "I'm Link, and these are my, friends. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy." Twilight looked up. "Friends?" Link nodded. "I guess since we met, we could call each other friends." Twilight smiled. They heard an awful scream. "Herobrine." Steve mumbled. "Come on! We need to find shelter! I'll stall him!" He pulled out a diamond sword. Fluttershy squeaked. "Help!" Link picked her up and they all ran to a cobblestone house on top of a hill. As they were running, Twilight looked behind her and saw Steve fighting a him! But with white eyes that made her head hurt. Twilight lead them inside one at a time. "I LLIW LLIK UOY LLA!" Herobrine shouted. Twilight gasped and ran inside.

    2. Chapter 2

    Inside the house a fire was burning. Fluttershy was curled up on the bed and the others were sitting next to the fire. Twilight was sitting on the couch while reading a book that was written by somepony named Notch. Steve walked in and was breathing hard, covered with scratches. Twilight ran up to him. "Oh no! What happened? Were those scratches created by a sword?" Steve nodded. "Diamond." He put his sword in a chest and walked over to his bed where Fluttershy was crying. Twilight walked over to her. "Fluttershy, Steve needs his rest. Follow me." Fluttershy got off the bed and Twilight put her down on the couch. Steve didn't fall asleep. "His powers haunt you're dreams," He told Twilight. "I can't sleep, you shouldn't either, none of you should." They both turned around to a screaming Fluttershy, she had fallen asleep. "Fluttershy!" Twilight called. Fluttershy woke up, still crying. They looked at the fire, all their friends were fast asleep. Pinkie's hair had stopped being crazy. She was twitching uncontrolably. "Pinkie Pie!" Twilight called. Pinkie wouldn't wake up, nether would any of her friends. Except for Link. Link woke up, scared. "What just happened? I was in a dark room, surrounded by crystals. I pulled out a sword, and a dark me killed me." Twilight looked at Steve. "Don't go to sleep. Herobrine formed that dream. His power haunted it." Steve informed him. An evil laugh filled the room, followed by a scream. "Wait, that sounds like, it can't be... Discord." Fluttershy said. She buried her face in her hooves. Something appeared in the room. "Enderpony!" Steve yelled. The pony snatched Twilight's book, then it was gone. Steve turned his head. "Why would it want that book? Twilight, what book were you reading?" Twilight smiled weakly. "A Miner's Guide to Survival..?"

    "That was the book I use to kill Herobrine! Twilight!" Steve smacked his face. "I'm sorry Steve! I didn't know the information in there was so important! I love to read, and I was bored, and I thought, hey wh-" Twilight was stopped by Herobrine. He used his power to lift Twilight's friends into the air. None of them woke up. He smashed them together which caused them to wake. "AHH!" They all called. Link, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Steve were helpless against Herobrine's magic. They couldn't do anything to help. Discord came in the house holding the, Elements of Harmony! "Hello my little ponies. Look's like I can't be stopped. Defeat Hero 10 times and you get you're little elements back." He snapped and they dissapeared. "You give the elements back!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Herobrine dropped her and she crashed to the ground. Discord laughed and Herobrine picked her back up. "T'NOND NEVE YRT." Herobrine told her. "Hilarious!" Discord laughed. He pulled Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie to him. He hypmatized them. "Let's go Pinkamena. Let's lie AJ. Rarity, there's diamonds in this game." He dropped them. Pinkie turned gray and took Steve's sword. She ran off. Applejack turned gray and ran with Pinkie. Rarity turned gray and followed. "Give my sword back!" Steve called. Discord smiled. "Sorry, they won't listen to you. My little minions. So awesome." They both dissapeared.

    "Rainbow!" Twilight called. Rainbow Dash was lying still on the ground. She slowly opened her eyes. "You passed out, I think Herobrine dropped you too hard." Steve told her. Link and Fluttershy were gone. "Where did they go?" Twilight asked. "I don't know, but I think Rainbow will be too weak to go with us to find them." Steve said. Rainbow sighed. "No... I'll make it... just... let me rest.." "I can't let you do that Rainbow Dash, you'll become a minion, or worse, you'll die. Just sit down and have some water. I'll go get some." Steve went to the kitchen. He returned with a glass full of water. Rainbow drank the whole glass. She flew up, but her wings dissapeared. "Huh?!" She screamed. Twilight's horn soon vanished as well. "My horn!" They were both in panic now. They could hear Discord's voice calling to them in the walls. "You're in Minecraft. Play fair. No wings, no magic." Steve whispered to them. "Say /fly. Same with you Twilight. You're gonna have wings for a while." "/Fly." They both said. Wings appeared on them both. Now it was time for the biggest adventure of their lives to begin.

    3. Chapter 3

    Steve flew beside them on their way. "I used it too." He told them. "Where exactly are we going?" Rainbow asked him. He smiled. "The Nether."

    Steve lead them to an old castle on a mountain. Inside there was chests and cobwebs everywhere. He lead them to the roof, where a portal, much similar to the one they stepped through to get to Minecraft, was. "Is this safe?" Twilight asked. "Yes," Steve said. "I built it." Rainbow shrugged. "Let's go." They stepped through.

    Screeeaacchh! They heard. "Herobrine!" Rainbow called. Steve shook his head. "Ghast, beware. They will shoot fireballs at you. Stay close to me." They did. Pheww! A ghast shot at them, but Steve had his iron sword. He blocked the shot and the fireball shot back to the ghast. He screamed again. Rainbow and Twilight had to block their ears with their hooves. Screeeaacchh! This time it WAS Herobrine. He lifted Steve and Rainbow into the air like he did to the others. "Help us!" Steve called to Twilight. A ghast shot at Steve. Herobrine let it. "AH!" Steve could feel the pain of his burn. 3 lives gone. 7 left. "HEH HEH!" Herobrine laughed. "Herobrine! Give them back!" Twilight shouted. She remembered her wings. She tried to fly, but they were gone again! "/fly!" She yelled. Nothing happened. "STAEHC ERA FFO!" Herobrine screamed. "What?" Twilight muttered. "Save yourself, Twilight. We'll be fine.." Steve said. Twilight ran to the portal and stepped through. She was all alone.

    "Well, well, well." Pinkie Pie told the two. "You brought Rainbow Dash. Steve too, huh, Hero? Perfect. Letmee see Rainbow first." She took her to a room and tied her to a table. "I won't do much, but I need some of you're mane Rainbow." "LET ME GO PINKIE! This isn't you! Discord took over you're mind!" Rainbow cried. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Letmee get my scissors." Pinkie rolled her eyes. She began cutting her mane. "I only need a little bit. Gummy just needs a small snack."


    "A snack. You're mane contains something he needs to survive."

    "Oh." Pinkie stopped. "You're good. Gummy will like this. I don't need Steve. I need Twilight. Oh wait, never mind. Tell Hero to bring me Twilight." "Never!" Rainbow yelled. Pinkie narrowed her eyes. "Yes, you will." Pinkie's white eyes made Rainbow's head ache. "Fine." Rainbow said. "Just stop staring at me!" Even when Rainbow closed her eyes she could see the whiteness of the eyes. Pinkie stopped. "Okie dokie lokie.."

    Twilight was standing at another portal. "It mentions this portal in the book. I'm glad I found it." She told herself. She stepped in.

    4. Chapter 4

    All Twilight could see was darkness. The white eyes of Herobrine flashed through her mind, and her head hurt. "Must, continue..journey. Don't do this for you... do it for your friends." She heard a scream that made her head hurt even more. Herobrine flashed in front of her. "S'ANEMAKNIP GNITIAW.." He smiled. Discord's voice shot through her mind. No wings, no magic. Kill Hero 10 times and you get you're little elements. Twilight snarled. She kicked Herobrine in the face and ran. "Pinkie Pie can't scare me!" She yelled. Herobrine screamed. Twilight tried to ignore it, but she finally had to stop and cover her ears with her hooves. Hero stopped in front of her smiling. He tried to grab her, but she bucked him again. A dragon flew just nearly above her. "Woah!" She muttered. The dragon came right at her just when Hero grabbed her. The dragon knocked Twilight out of his shield, but it hurt Twilight. "Ugh.." She groaned, but she stood back up. The dragon was coming again, so she bucked it. The dragon growled. Twilight continued bucking both Herobrine and the dragon when each came near. Soon, they were both deafeated. Twilight fell through a portal and she blacked out.

    Is she awake?


    Then we can appear to her in a dream.

    Twilight was sleeping.


    You are a brave one, young pony.

    You have defeated both monsters. But I'm afraid the war is not over yet.

    Herobrine needs to die 9 more times.

    Discord is still holding the elements.

    A new monster is awaiting.

    A much stronger one, with more power than anything.

    Make sure Link does NOT pull the sword.

    No! Make sure he does not pull the sword... don't pull the sword.

    5. Chapter 5

    Twilight woke up. The moon was high, but it wasn't a block. She looked at her hooves. They wern't blocky anymore, they were rounded perfectly. She looked at her surroundings, she had fallen asleep on a bridge. Twilight's mane had small portions of blood stains. Her nose was bleeding. "Ugh."

    "Heh, heh, heh," Discord laughed. "Show yourself, Discord!" Twilight snarled. "Oh, little ole me? Sure thing." He flashed in front of her. "I see you've defeated him ONCE. Once is not enough. Defeat him 9 more times, you get you're elements. You're now in Hyrule. Here's your Link." He dropped Link in front of her. "Ugh.." He groaned. "Twilight? Zelda..." He muttered. "Link, you're just a kid..!" Twilight said. Link nodded. "Yeah..." "HA HA! You got your little Link. Here, another challenge. Cross the river, past the bridge, there you'll find you're rewarding chance.." He flashed away. Link smiled. "I know where that is! Follow me, Twilight!" He started running, Twilight galloped along.

    They reached a small river. There stood a platform with a sword stuck inside. Link ran up to it and tried to yank it out. "Wait!" Twilight yelled. She remembered her dream. But it was too late. Link split into four. One red, one purple, one blue, and the original, green. "Heh, heh." Discord laughed. Twilight ducked down. Fluttershy suddenly appeared. "Fluttershy!" Twilight called. The Links smiled. "Hey, how are there four of us?" The blue Link asked.

    "I pulled out this sword."


    "Whatever. You have to do whatever I say." The green Link grinned. "Noo," The blue Link said. "Yesss." Link said. The red link was chating with the ponies. "Hey, me, green version! Look at these ponies!" Link looked over at the red him. "Hey, Fluttershy, you're back!" Fluttershy smiled. "Yes." The group huddled together. "We have many jobs. Red, you need to find 4 more of us multi-colored ponies. Blue, I need you to find Discord, a draconequus. Purple, explore for a human with white eyes. Green, come with me and Fluttershy. GO GO GO!"

    6. Chapter 6

    Rainbow Dash appeared. "You go Rainbow, do it." Discord said.

    "Which of you're friends do we need to look for first?" Link asked Twilight. "I guess Pinkie," She said. "Hey guys.." Rainbow said. "Rainbow!" Twilight and Fluttershy said together. "Hey guys.."

    "What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

    "Uh, Pinkie wants to, see ya.."

    "Okay! I've been looking for her."

    "Uh, yeah, come with me please." Rainbow lead her behind a rock. "What's wrong?" Twilight asked once more. "Pinkie Pie's Pinkamena, once more.. she wants to see you.." Twilight gasped. "Nonononono. Tell her I'm busy!" Rainbow's eyes were filled with tears. "I can't she already saw me, I don't want her to see me again. She sent me to get you.. she cut my mane." "No wonder it's shorter." Twilight said. "Alright. I'll go, but just for you Rainbow." Link walked over to them. "We need to go," He said. They walked. "We're here.." Rainbow said weakly. "Don't look into her eyes. They're as white as Hero's. Don't let her stare at you," Twilight nodded. She gulped.

    "Ah, Twilight Sparkle, I've been waiting.." Pinkamena said. She strapped Twilight to a table. "All I need is you're mane. Gummy wants a colorful snack." She grabbed her scissors. "It won't hurt dummy. I just need a couple strands." She started cutting. "Okay, perfect.. go be a dear and grab Fluttershy for me, won't you?" Twilight shook her head, or at least tried to, but her head was strapped tightly. "No way, Pinkie. You know how delecate she is. She loves her mane." Pinkie stared at Twilight and Twilight's head hurt. "Don't worry my friend, I'm just gonna make her hair as short as Rainbow's! You will GET HER FOR ME." She stared until Twilight couldn't bear it. "OK, OK! I'll get Fluttershy! Just stop!" Twilight screamed.

    Fluttershy was crying. "Pinkie?" "Yes?" Pinkie asked.

    "Why am I strapped to this table?"

    "I'm cutting you're hair dummy! Can't you see the scissors?"


    "Cuttiinnggg yyoooouuuurrrr mmmmaaannnnneeee." Pinkie said slowly, sounding out each word. Fluttershy tried to break free, but the straps held her tightly. Pinkie began to cut. Fluttershy could see hair covering the floor. "You're cutting all of my mane?" Fluttershy cried. "No dummy, I'm cutting it so it's as pretty as Rainbow's!" Pinkie giggled. Soon Pinkie finished. "Oh! Gummy LOVES pink! Maybe I should cut you're tail too!" She began.

    7. Chapter 7

    "Pinkie noo!" Fluttershy cried. Pinkie rolled her eyes. "I'm not doing anything Fluttershy. There, you're mane looks beautiful." She put down the scissors and held up a mirror. The sight of her own short mane cut almost made Fluttershy faint. "Oh lokie Fluttershy, it ain't that bad, now you look like Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie laughed. "Why did you cut my mane?" Fluttershy asked."Well, I do this to everypony!" Pinkie's eyes flashed. "Herobrine's taken over!" Fluttershy whispered. "What was that?!" Pinkie pushed her hoof in Fluttershy's face. "Nothing..!" Fluttershy smiled. Pinkie pointed at the exit. Fluttershy walked out.

    "How'd it go?" Twilight asked her when she walked out. "Horrible! Jut look at my mane!" Fluttershy cried. Twilight closed her eyes. "Pinkie.. I will get you for this.. I will get you.."

    ((short, yes. but i need as many chapters as i can get))

    8. Chapter 8

    "Must...find...diamonds." Rarity said as she dug a hole into the earth. "Oh tarnation, ole Rarity. Those diamonds you'll never come near." Applejack said. Rarity kept digging. Applejack cautiously dug herself a hole next to Rarity's. "Er, Rare. Shouldn't we go find our friends?" Rarity rolled her eyes. "What friends? Oh, the lousy ones? They'll just try to take my diamonds!" Applejack didn't feel the need to lie anymore, or to follow Discord. "I feel different Rarity, like we should go find them," Rarity ignored her. "RARITY!" Applejack yelled.

    "What do you want?!"

    "Let's go look for Twylight."

    "Why should we? She's horrid!"

    "No, she's NOT." Applejack growled. "I refuse." Rarity turned her head. Applejack grabbed the end of Rarity's tail and began dragging her to the cobblestone house they saw for shelter ((its still there, but not blocky :)). Applejack's coat began to turn orange again, until no more gray was left. "What happened, Applejack?" Rarity was staring at AJ'S coat. "It look's like I've awoken." She replied. Rarity managed to free from Applejack's grasp, but she didn't go back looking for diamonds, she tagged along. They both smiled, and Rarity's coat turned white once more.

    "Where's Pinkie Pie?!" Twilight called out. Fluttershy pointed to the door. Twilight took Link's sword and shield, and prepared for the worst.

    "Hi, Twilight..!" Pinkie said excitedly. Twilight ignored the welcome, and knocked Pinkie to the ground. She cast the memory spell, and Pinkie couldn't resist. The gray slowly dissapeared, and her hair was bouncy once again. Twilight allowed Pinkie to sit up. "What happened?" Pinkie rubbed her head. Twilight smiled. "No time to explain, follow me!"

    "Hey, Rarity?" Applejack asked. "How long do you think it'll take them ponies to get back here?" Rarity shrugged. "I don't know, maybe a couple days.." Applejack groaned. "I just hope they're back soon.." A red Link pushed it's way in. "Hey! I found ponies! Come on ponies, follow me!" The two ponies followed.

    9. Chapter 9

    "Hey Link! Me found pony!" The red Link called to the green. "Great!" Link called back. "Applejack and Rarity! And..oh, they're not gray anymore, Twilight!" Twilight smiled. "How?" She asked the two. "We realized, that friendship meant a lot to us." Applejack said. "Yes," Rarity said. Herobrine screamed. "WOH DLUOC UOY?!" It sounded like he'd been defeated once more. The girls bro-hoofed. "Hey guys, don't leave out us!" Fluttershy and Rainbow called. They ALL bro-hoofed. Now the six were back together. All the Links came back. "We couldn't find them," They said. "Don't worry, at least you're safe." Twilight informed.

    "Hero, they've broken my spell." Discord complained. "What do we do now?" Herobrine smiled. "Should we, awake him?" Discord smiled. Herobrine nodded. They fixed the mirror.

    It was raining, hard. They all took shelter in Link's home. Fluttershy was crying. "I wanna go home!" She called. Twilight looked at the wall. "A deep sleep brought us here, so maybe another portal will take us to Equestria.." Twilight cast a portal spell. Sure enough, it looked like home. "Let's go!" Rainbow flew in. Everyone followed.

    They appeared in the middle of town. "I will tell you what to say and do." Twilight said. "Instead of "everyone" say "everyPONY". The thing on you're flank? A cutie mark." She pointed to a bunch of buildings. "That's Sugar Cube Corner, My home "library", Vinyl's house, Bon Bon's home, Daisy's flower shop, Rarity's botique, Cloudstale, The Everfree forest, don't go there, Fluttershy's cottage, Sweet Apple Acres, and last but not least, the route to Canterlot." She smiled. "Follow me,"

    10. Chapter 10

    They reached Twilight's home. Twilight opened the door and lead them inside. "Oh! Nice home!" The blue Link said. The other Links nodded. "I still don't know why all your manes are so short. Fluttershy, Rainbow, Twilight." Pinkie wondered. Twilight sighed. "It's a mystery..". Pinkie shrugged. Twilight pulled down a book on "What to do when..". She flipped to a page. "Ah! Here we are. What to do when you've met your fate? No.." She tried to keep flipping but Applejack put her hoof on the page. "Gimme that!" She took the book. "You're fate isn't always serious. You may not even know it's your fate. But be patient, and soon you'll realize." Applejack read it loud and clear. Twilight took it back. "What is THIS supposed to mean? My fate is to be Celestia's student! No more." Twilight put the book back. When she turned around, everyone was gone. "Where did you guys go?" She asked. No reply.

    Twilight took back the book from the shelf. She ran outside to see Herobrine and Discord. They had the Princesses. "Let us go, Discord!" Cadence yelled. Discord didn't allow that. "Discord, Herobrine. We will not let you take Equestria. We will use our magic if you do not let us go!" Celestia called. Luna didn't say anything, instead, she started a spell. Her horn glowed light blue. The shield holding the three broke, and they all landed on the ground. Herobrine tried again. Discord shot at the three, but they easily dogged the shot. A black Link flew beside them, holding the elements. Twilight was speechless. She ran inside the tree, knowing they could handle their fate. The three princesses lined up, one after another. First, Cadence shot at Herobrine. Second, Luna shot at Discord. Third, Celestia shot at Shadow Link. They didn't miss. Herobrine screamed and was defeated 7 times. One more to go with death. A mirror stood in Shadow Link's place. Unbroken. Celestia kicked it and it fell apart. Discord still remained alive. "You get one wish. Make it. This is only because you killed my friend." He snapped an he was gone. Luna spat out a wish without thinking. "I wish that Herobrine would just die!" The wish came true. The elements now rested at their feet.

    Celestia gathered the six friends. They now stood with their elements on, at Discord's feet. "Go ahead, fire away. I'm soon to be dead." Discord planted a target at his stomach. They stood in their positions, ready to fire. "At the count of three. One, two, three." They fired. In less than 1 second, Link flashed away. Twilight sat on the ground. "I wonder if Steve's okay." Applejack patted her shoulder. "I'm sure he's in his little Minecraft world somewhere, safe as can be." And that was a fact.

    The End.

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