
Rainbow Generations

by EmileetheCat

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 2

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As Rainbow Dash trekked through the dead city, she noticed something odd; once she passed, Fillydalphia began to regain color as well as life. "Huh," thought Dash, "It's as if my colors are replenishing the city!"

Once at the end, Rainbow noticed something standing there; or should I say somepony? "Fluttershy!" Rainbow gasped. The Pegasus mare looked as if she were frozen in time, all color drained from her fur, her face frozen in shock. But as soon as Rainbow Dash touched her, Fluttershy began to regain color. The shy mare blinked, then began to move again. Fluttershy happily high-hoofed Dash. "Thanks, Rainbow Dash!" she said, "Wow, I felt like a cocatrice got me!"

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went to the city next door, which was Trottingham. "Geez," Rainbow commented, "Above fighting an evil crystal-obsessed king and resisting Trixie's rule on Ponyville, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before." "No doubt," said Fluttershy, "and something about those eagle feathers makes me feel nervous." Dash couldn't help but agree with the shy Pegasus.

Later on, Rainbow Dash found herself walking through a hall of mirrors. As she walked, she suddenly stopped and noticed something; her reflection seemed to be smaller and scruffier than her. Dash cocked her head, and her reflection did too. She banged on the glass; so did tiny-Dash. Then Rainbow really began to test her reflection; she made a face at the glass. Her reflection made a face back.

Suddenly, Dash heard maniacal laughter. "Discord!?" she wondered aloud. Even more suddenly, Rainbow Dash spotted her reflection running towards the source of the laughter! Dash shook her head in wonder. "Huh? Another Rainbow Dash!?" She tried to fly after tiny-her, but the large doors shut her out, leaving Dash to slam right into it. Rainbow Dash wondered what was going on…

Filly Dash followed Discord's laugh all the way through Trottingham, until something suddenly blew her back. She looked up and gasped; a giant Sweetie Bot! Filly Dash put on her determined face, and flew into the battle.

After defeating Sweetie Bot, Filly Dash got an S rank, and then looked at her handiwork; pretty much only the robot's head remained.

Suddenly, a huge timberwolf appeared; Filly Dash screamed and ducked. But the wolf wasn't aiming for her; it was aiming for the broken robot! "What? No!" came the voice of Discord, "Rainbow Dash! SAVE ME!" But soon the timberwolf disappeared, along with Discord and Sweetie Bot. Filly Dash shrugged, and went on her way.

Soon, Filly Dash found the exit to Trottingham, along with frozen Pinkie Pie. After one touch, the party pony was back to normal. "Thank you, Dashie!" Pinkie giggled, "I was worried I wouldn't be able to hug you again!" Filly Dash simply facehooved.

Rainbow Dash stood with Fluttershy and Filly-shy until Filly Dash arrived. "I still can't believe there's two of me!" commented Dash, and her filly-self nodded. Filly-shy piped up, "I think I figured it out! Doubles of us…" "Places and enemies from our past…" said Fluttershy. Both pegasi said, "We're travelling through time and space!"

Filly Dash looked at her grown self with a smile. Rainbow Dash smiled back. "I think it may have something to do with that thing that just kidnapped Discord," she said, and Filly Dash nodded in agreement. "Well then we'd better go, everypony!" said Filly-shy determinedly.

Sorry if I left out a few parts of the game! I haven't played in a long time! Anyway, please review and tell me what you think!

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