
Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter and Dose Things Da Humies Ride

by Cobra of England

Chapter 5: 5. Showdown

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Gorgutz clanked his power klaw's talons together as he and the 'Big Blu' Squig circled each other. She appeared to be focusing on the most recent addition to his collection of heads.

"What pony's head is that, pray tell?"

"Dis one?" Gorgutz pointed to the head of the 'Black' Big Squig. There were too many Big Squigs, there was the 'Dakka Practice' Big Squig as well. He had to cull the herd.

"Yes, that one."

"Dis un? Dis un was da Ead of da Big Black Squig dat I dakkaed till it was dead good un propa. Not dat good a fight, eitha."

Big Blu's eyes narrowed. "What did thou do..."

"I chopped its little orn off, smashed it in da face, an blew da side of its body out. Den you showed up. Hopefully ya offa a betta fight than dat un."

"There..." Big Blu began to circle around Gorgutz, eyes darting around looking for a weakness in the ork's defences. "There are no words to describe what thou hast done to incur our wrath upon thee... So we shall let our actions do the talking!"

Luna shot a magical laser out from her horn, intent on turning the Ork's face into a pile of mush. Gorgutz raised his klaw, reflecting the blast into the ceiling.

"Dat all ya got?"

"Thou underestimates us."

A blue cloud covered Gorgutz's eyes, blinding him.

"Now dats cheating..."

"Thou shouldst know there are no rules in war." The Big Blu's voice whispered in Gorgutz's ear. He lashed out to his right, smashing his klaw into the wall.

"Dere are no rules in da Waaaaaagh, so play with dis!" Gorgutz's kustom shoota blasted away, chewing chunks out of the castle walls. A pained scream came from his left and the blue mist vanished from his eyes.

The Big Blu Squig was in the process of getting to its hooves, blood leaking from its front leg. Gorgutz charged.

The Big Blu Squig raised its head and it's eyes widened as it saw Gorgutz charging at it.

Gorgutz slammed into a blue wall that had appeared in front of the wounded Squig while it recovered. He needed to get rid of its 'orn before it pulled any more fancy tricks.

Luna panted from the strain of maintaining the shield. This Ork was nothing but a pillaging, burning monster and he had to be stopped. He was, however, a highly capable fighter.

She glanced over to the other side of the room, where Celestia was being circled by a large group of orks.

Gorgutz noticed the switch in attention, and launched another wave of attacks at the barrier, shattering it.

Luna turned her attention back to the Ork, revealing that it had broken through her barrier. She pushed herself to the left with her wings, dodging out of the path of the charge.

"Thou art quick for a creature of such size..."

"An you need to speak in somethin otha dan Old Humie!"

Gorgutz spun round and unleashed a storm of dakka back at the Big Blu Squig, this was getting to be a better fight than the last one.

Luna cried out in pain as the bullets shredded her outstretched wings, her mobility was no longer a advantage. It had come down to sheer brute force judging by the earlier ineffectiveness of her magic.

The blinding trick usually only worked once, unfortunately.

Gorgutz grinned, showing his teef as he saw the ruined state of Big Blu's wings. He was going to knock this one out (or kill it- it didn't matter to him) so he could get its Ead after dealing with the 'Dakka Practice' Squig.

"Thou will regret thy thy actions now..." Luna rasied her head, horn glowing. She couldn't harm the monster with her magic, but she could augment her own abilities.

Her whole body filled with magically-enhanced strength and toughness, Luna charged.

Gorgutz blinked as Big Blu charged, few creatures other than Red Kans and Tenticled things charged a Ork.

Gorgutz sidestepped out of the charge before hooking his power klaw under Big Blu's belly as she came to a stop and throwing her behind him at a wall.

He turned, revealing Big Blu's mostly intact form lying at the bottom of the wall below a window.

"Un down, un to go..." He muttered to himself as he walked over towards the other fight.

Things hadn't been going as well for the Orks in the other fight.

"Boss, we'z gettin shot up!" One of the Stormboyz shouted from behind a pile of rubble before a beam of magic impaled itself through the back of the Orks head.

"I'z can see dat ya git!" Ucky shouted at the dead ork. Orks should be out and charging, not hiding like the Tau. He looked around, making a note of the boyz that were left. Only six Stormboyz and himself had survived so far under the barrage of magic, and they needed some inspiration desperately...

Ucky leaped onto the top of the pile and, pointing forwards with his axe, shouted "WAAAAAAAAAGH!" before he charged off towards the 'Dakka Practice' Squig, hoping the Stormboyz were following.

A roar of pain as one of the magical bolts struck home confirmed that some of the Stormboyz were following in his charge.

He dived at the Dakka Practice Squig, trying to hack 'dat dakka thing' off with his axe before a wall of force threw him to the other side of the room as he skidded to a halt in front of Gorgutz.

"Get up ya git! We'z got a good an propa fight to win ere!" Gorgutz kicked the fallen Nob.

Ucky got back to his feet and saw the results of his charge. The bodies of fallen Stormboyz littered the floor, and the Dakka Practice Squig had probabaly gone to help the Little Squigs.

"Oi! Get back ere an fight, ya cowardz!" Gorgutz bellowed as two Stormboyz flew into the Manta. There was a Grot's scream as the ramp began to close.

"They're stealin ma kroozer!"

Gorgutz and Ucky charged towards the rapidly closing ramp before the ship lifted off, leaving Gorgutz and Ucky behind.

Gorgutz shot a stream of dakka into the Warp Drive, and after a series of small explosions, the Warp Drive detonated, scattering pieces of the Manta across the forest.

"How'z we gonna get outta dis un, Boss?"

"Taktikal Genius."

Celestia rushed over to Twilight's limp form, while Rarity and Pinkie cried and Fluttershy tried to stem the tide of blood.

"How is she?"

"Not good Princess, I can only do so much..." Fluttershy whispered, almost in tears. "Twilight will be alright, won't she?"

"I hope so, for all our sakes... Can you move out of the way, I have some experience with healing magic but I won't be able to fight after this. It is very tiring."

Fluttershy moved out of Celestia's way, leaving the Princess to fix Twilight.

"This is going to be difficult..." Celestia whispered to herself. Her horn glowed as she scanned through Twilight's body, looking for the bullets.

"There you are..." The bullets had embedded themselves just above Twilight's left thigh, leaving several gaping holes in their entry point which was just below her spine on her right flank.

A faint yellow glow came from the entry points as Celestia tried to lift the bullets out. She could faintly feel them moving as her magic patched up the path the bullets had left, and after a while the bullets finally popped out and the magic closed the wounds.

Celestia huffed, it had been a long time since she had had to do magic on such a large scale.

Rainbow and Applejack wandered over from their sides of the room, both slightly dazed while Luna was still lying by the wall, out cold.

"Alright girls, here's what we're going to do..."

Ucky and Gorgutz stood in the centre of the rubble-filled room, back to back as their eyes darted around, looking for any sign of movement.

A bolt of yellow energy struck the wall behind them as a bright light appeared from over the ridge.

"It's dat fancy lightshow of theirs again..." Ucky muttered.

"An we'z gonna charge it." Gorgutz finished.

Ucky shrugged. "You'z da boss."

The two Orks charged forwards, cresting a pile of rubble before they were suddenly caught in magical bands.

"Not dis again..." Gorgutz said to himself.

A rainbow of light hit the two orks and they felt themselves begin to become unmovable as the stone crept up their bodies. Soon the process was complete, the two orks turned completely to stone.

"Good job, Elements, now let's take these Orks back to Canterlot where they can be put on display."

None of them heard the faint sound of stone crumbling away as Gorgutz began to open his klaw.

They would go to this 'Canterlot', steal these 'Elements' and take the heads of the Big Squigs.

Inside his statue, Gorgutz smiled. There might even be more Big Squigs to take the heads of!

Authors Note:

And the Orks go to Canterlot.

Next chapter should be out on Monday, and I've had it planned for a while.

And thanks to Cadmium for pointing out the syntaxing error.

Next Chapter: 6. Allies' of Convenience Estimated time remaining: 13 Minutes
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