A Sign of Good Luck or Danger?

A Sign of Good Luck or Danger?

by Make A Sequel To Space Jam


  • 1. Chapter 1: What?
  • 2. Chapter 2: Learning
  • 3. Chapter 3 Getting stuff done
  • 4. Chapter 4: Revelations of A New Threat
  • 5. Chapter 5: New Power
  • 6. Chapter 6:Breaking of Seals
  • 7. Chapter 7:Gaining and Showing Love
  • 8. Chapter 8: Almost the End of Everything
  • 9. Chapter 9: Uh Oh
  • 10. Chapter 10:The End Is Now Arriving
  • 11. Chapter 11:It's Over
  • 12. Chapter 12:The Choice:Leave
  • 13. Chapter 12:The Choice:Stay
  • 14. Chapter 13:Epilogue
  • 1. Chapter 1: What?

    Before I start this is my first fanfiction and its about My Little Pony so please tell me any suggestions or things I'm missing please. Thanks now I'll start.

    Another game won unsurprisingly Nathan, good job me. My name is Nathan and I'm 15 plus I'm a sophomore. My football team has now won our 5th straight game making us 5-0 this season. When it comes to football I'm the ultimate player. Some say its my speed, my toughness, my epic kick returns, and my awesome quarterback skills that make me great. I can't argue with that but I just say its luck. After the post game talk I went home and took a shower. I look pretty average, hazel eyes and brown hair. I'm 6ft 1in and 111lb. I pretty much have a week to do whatever I want because my parents said they'd be out of town for a week. I'm not going to school but football practice, yes. I took out my laptop and starting watching MLP. I had developed a bad addiction to it about 2 weeks ago. I also discovered I had weird crushes on Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. I wished life was like that sometimes.

    Later, I saw a shooting star and I wished I could live in Equestria right now. Like that did anything other than crush my hopes. I later ate a burrito and on the wrapper it says it tastes like magic. It tasted good. Later I was trying to work on my robot project (something I tried to make to do my work that I didn't want to do) whenever it seriously shocked me. It was so bad I thought I was hallucinating when I saw a big glowing circle thingy shoot me with a purple beam.

    I went unconscious and when I woke up I started falling from the sky for some reason.

    "AHHH WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!" I shouted as loud as possible.

    "Okay Nathan happy thoughts happy thoughts like...soft mattresses!" I said scared out of my mind. I closed my eyes so i wouldn't see myself hit the ground. When I hit I opened my eyes and realized I was alive and I had landed on a soft mattress.

    "I'm not questioning it." I said in complete shock of what happened.

    I looked around for people but I didn't see any people but instead a bunch of ponies.

    "Oh cool horses," I said walking over to a horse with black fur. I started petting when it said this.

    "I don't know what you are you thing but if you touch me again I will rip your head off and eat it!"

    I was stunned and just walked away. I didn't know what was going on so I started walking in a random direction. I stopped when I saw something that was not a bird but it was flying. It might have seen me or something cause it was flying straight at me! It looked blue and it stopped before it hit me. It was Rainbow Dash and I could hardly believe it.

    "Woah what kind of thing are you?!" She asked surprised.

    "I'm a human and please don't call me a thing." I replied.

    "A human?!"

    "Umm yea."

    "I've never heard of a human before."

    "Well Rai-" I shouldn't say her name she would probably think I was a stalker or something plus I don't think she knows about the show."Now you do."

    "Are there any town-like places nearby?" I asked.

    "Follow me and I can take you to Ponyville." "By the way what's your name?"

    "My name is Nathan" "What's your name?" I asked even though I knew.

    "Rainbow Dash." "So how did you get here Nathan because I've nevet seen a human before."

    "Nice name and I don't know all I saw was a purple beam thingy shoot me then I fell from the sky to here."

    "Umm ok I think you should go see Twilight." She said. "Or a doctor." She whispered.


    "Here we are, Ponyville."

    "Can you show me around?"


    She showed me around town and said I should see if I could stay with Twilight Sparkle for now. I kept getting these weird looks from everyone-I mean everypony. Well no duh they've never seen a human before. We got there and Spike answered suprised by my form. Rainbow Dash explained me when Twilight and Spike wondered what the hell I was. Long story short I can stay. I thanked her then she showed me where I'd stay.

    "So from what you said something shot you here to Equestria?" Twilight asked.

    "Yea it was a purple beam that looked like it came through a portal."

    "Ohhhhhh that's what it did."

    "What are you talking about?"

    like I said just tell me stuff later on


    2. Chapter 2: Learning

    Here's chapter 2 please give me any ideas, suggestions, or tell me any mistakes. HERE WE GO

    "What are you talking about?" I asked Twilight.

    "Well earlier today I was trying a new spell that would take me through other dimensions."


    Twilight POV

    "Spike!" I called out

    "What is it?" He asked.

    "Can you get me the new book I got yesterday?"

    "Which one?"

    "The one about other worldly things."

    "Ok." He replied. He went to the bookcase and pulled it out. He struggled to hold it because that book is huge.

    "Thanks Spike." I told him.

    "No problem." He said walking away. I started going through the book and I found a spell that could take me to other dimensions. I started concentrating and then casted it. Nothing seemed to happen so I did it again and nothing happened. I'm sure I'm doing it right. Later after I kept trying I got it but it didn't take me anywhere. Instead it disappeared leaving me right here so I just put it away.

    *Out of flashback*

    Nathan POV

    "Well I saw a little portal shoot me then I was here." I told her.

    "Ok well I'll try to find the book again. I think I might have displaced it somewhere." She said. I wanted to go out and see lots of stuff here. But Twilight told me I should stay here while she gets the mayor. Twilight explained everything to the mayor and said she should introduce me to everypony.

    "Are you ok with that?" She asked me.

    "Sure I'd like to." I told her.

    "Well we'll do that tomorrow." She said as she left.

    "By the way is everypony from where you come from look like you?" Twilight asked.

    "With the arms and legs yea sort of but face no and we say everyone not everypony."

    "Ok then just curious."

    I realized I had my backpack with me for some reason so I took out my football and started just flipping it in the air.

    "Uggg this is bori-what's that?" She asked excitedly.

    "A football."

    "What's a football?"

    "It's a ball used to play an awesome game."

    "Oooo I wanna play!"

    "Maybe some time." I told her laughing. I looked at my watch and saw it was 9:38pm.

    "Well I'll be going." Said Rainbow as she left.

    "Yea I'll be going to sleep soon." Said Twilight.

    "I'm tired I guess I'll go now." I said.



    My bed was in the basement so I went down there. I liked the feel of it. I went to sleep and I felt like I slept long but I woke up at 5:45. I went upstairs and saw Twilight making some sort of food.

    "What are you making." I asked.

    "Oh you're awake well I'm making pancakes. Have you heard of them before?


    "Sounds like you like them."


    She giggled as she got done and then we ate.

    "Thanks" I said.

    "No problem. Hey today the mayor is going to introduce you are you ready?" She asked.

    "Yea I think so." I said.


    "I'm here to introduce a new...human here who will be staying with us for a while." Said the mayor. There were all kinds of words that sounded like "what kind of thing is that" it made me uneasy.

    "Hello my name is Nathan and I'm a human." I said.

    "Treat him like the rest of us." She said. I'm glad that's over with. I thought I might as well get a job here since I'll be staying here. I could be a night assistant for Twilight and maybe work during the day at another job. I think I can work at the farm for Applejack maybe. I am pretty strong so I'll go there.

    When I got there I looked at all the apple trees in amazement. I never knew there were that many. I found Applejack and I asked her if I could have a job here. She gave me a job of getting apples from trees. I kicked the tree and to my surprise lots fell. I got done with all the trees she told me to do in about an hour and a half. She was surprised and I asked if there was more. There wasn't so she gave me the bits and I left. She told me to come 8:30 every Monday and Friday.

    I went back to Twilight's house hoping to get a job here too. For some reason I didn't see any ponies up and about. It was 12:56 I figured someone would be outside but I guess not. Finally I got to Twilight's house. I was about to open the door but I felt weird about. Kinda like there was a disturbance in the force. I decided to open it slowly .

    Well there's chapter 2 please tell me mistakes or ideas and suggestions

    chapter 3 should come soon PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW AND/OR FAV

    3. Chapter 3 Getting stuff done

    Well here's chapter 3 in the same day chapter 2 was finished! This deserves applause. Please please please give me ideas suggestions or tell me any mistakes I made

    "SUPRISE!" Everypony yelled in unison!

    "AHHHH SHIT!" I yelled in suprise while I fell on my ass.

    "Hi Nathan I threw a welcome party for you! Are you happy?! Are you?! Are you?!" Said PinkyPie not taking a brake in talking.

    "Yea it's awesome!" I replied happily. The party was awesome there were cookies, ice cream, and cake. I limited myself though because if I ever go back I don't wanna be out of shape. After a while the party was over and Twilight, Spike, and I had to clean up. After that it was 7:59. I asked Twilight if I could be a night assistant she agreed as long as I'm not late. I had to be there at 5:30 pm. After that I was done so I just went to sleep.

    I started to have a strange dream this night. I saw myself (from what it looked like) learning to do magic from Twilight. I decided that dreams are dumb and don't help anything from there. Then I saw myself learning how to fly from Rainbow Dash. But I didn't have wings. That is where I woke up from. It was 6:50. That's weird, back on Earth I'd usually sleep until 10 unless school was on that day. Who cares though because I don't. Twilight made breakfast again and we ate.

    I decided that I'd need new clothes so I went to Rarity's place. I drew up some shorts and a shirt and I gave the design to Rarity. After a bunch of measuring and explaining she told me they'd be done in 3 hours. Also as a generous plus, she made them free. I thanked her and left. It was now 9:00. I decided I'd visit Fluttershy because I haven't talked to her at all. I made it there and I started to knock on the door.

    "Who's there?" Whispered Fluttershy.

    "Nathan. Remember me...from the party." I replied.

    "I remember you now." She once again whispered.


    "I said I remember."

    "What can you please speak up?"

    "I said...I REMEMBER YOU!" She yelled very fucking loud.

    "I'm sorry." I said checking if my eardrum wasn't dead.

    "It's fine." She said as she let me in.

    "Very nice house." I said. We talked for a good while then I asked here if she had any work I could do. There wasn't any so I thought I'd be on my way. It was then 10:00. I was walking around when I saw Rainbow Dash come over.

    "Hey Nathan watsup?"

    "Nothing just walking around."

    "Well then can you judge these tricks."


    "Just judge them by how awesome they are." She took off not a half a second later. She did a whole bunch of loops and dodging clouds then breaking them. Then she started going up as far as she could. Then she started going straight down. She's trying to do a sonic rainboom!

    But she started to wipe out! I didn't want her to hit the ground so I started to run as fast as possible. Why couldn't she be closer to me? I then went for a diving catch hoping to reach just barely! She landed right into my hands just by nanometers.

    "Thank god." I said in relief.

    "Thanks for saving me." She said

    "No problem." I told her.

    "Hey remember that ball thing you had yesterday?"

    "You mean this football?"

    "Yea can we play!"

    "Do you know how?"

    "No. Can you teach me?"

    "Well there isn't enough ponies to play right now but we can pass."

    I taught her all about football and how to play and from the sound of it she likes it. I told her how she should grip the ball because she doesn't have fingers. After we got done with football it was 11:48.

    "Hey I gotta fly see you later." I said.

    "But you don't have wings." She said laughing.

    "You know what I mean." I then went to Rarity's place to get my clothes.

    "Here they are darling and with no charge." She said

    "Wow thanks!" I said leaving. They were just like I wanted them too. A black long sleeve under armor shirt with a orange shirt that goes overtop with black shorts. I decided to head back to Twilight's house. When I went in I had an idea. Magic isn't possible on Earth but maybe humans can do it here.

    "Hey Twilight do you think you can try to teach me magic?" I asked.

    "Umm I guess I could try." She replied. She told me it's in the concetration. We started out simple with a levitation spell. I got it down with no trouble at all. She looked surprised and kept teaching me more and more. Long story short I know about more than half of what she does. I also have a headache the size of King Kong.

    "You have a lot of patience unlike everypony else." She said smiling.


    "Woah I didn't even keep track of the time it's 9:00pm." Twilight said.

    "Hey maybe some other time we can go over more books?" I suggested.

    "Yea it'd be great. Your job today is over good job even though it wasn't really work. I'm just tired. Goodnight." She said.

    "Ok goodnight." I said chuckling. Tomorrow is Wednesday, I have nothing really important to do tomorrow. Then I went to sleep.

    theres chapter 3 and chapter 4 coming to you soon! Please please please give me ideas suggestions or tell me any mistakes I made PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW AND FAV

    4. Chapter 4: Revelations of A New Threat

    Here's chapter4 our hereo or as i would call him idiot is gonna learn more and will his visions give him more clues of what he should do or what the inevitable is here we go and remember MSI Mistakes Suggestions or Ideas

    I started having more visions in my dreams and I take back my statement of dreams are dumb or whatever I said. I saw myself training with flying and magic more. I also saw me walking with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to somewhere secluded. They showed me an old looking book. I also saw a lonely small 1 room house that looked like it was from Earth with a dark eerie glow. Inside was a black cloud of smoke surronding some object. That's when I woke up.

    "Dammit Dreams let me sleep more." I said to myself. It was 7:32am so I guessed Twilight was making breakfast. I guessed right as I smelt it. I ate and I told Twilight I was goimg for a walk. I had my bits with me. I really didn't have a lot and I don't think I can wait for Friday. I started heading towards Sweet Apple Acres hoping I could get extra work in. I got there and asked Applejack if there was more work I could do for extra bits. She said I could help Big Macintosh get more apples.

    "Hey Big Macintosh Applejack said you might need help." I said.

    "Yep." He said.

    We got done a lot faster than I expected. Applejack didn't really see that coming either. She gave me 25 bits and I thanked here and left. I wonder if they have some sorta weight lifting rooms around Ponyville. I gotta be in shape for going back. Will I ever go back though? I've only thought about it twice. I like it here too though. Do I even want to go back? It doesn't matter though I'm here right now so there's no need to care about it. Once again I was almost hit by a flying rainbow.

    "Hey Nathan whatcha up to?" she asked.

    "Nothing just heading back to Twilight's house." I replied.

    "Well now you're judging tricks, watch this." She said.

    Pretty much the same routine as last time. Loops, dodging, breaking, and me making a diving catch. Still pretty amazing though. Both the tricks and my catch.

    "Hey you're pretty fast right?" She asked.

    "Yea, why?" I said.

    "Let's race."

    "Ok sure."

    We lined up in our stances ready to sprint. I told her no flying and she didn't care because she thinks she can beat me. We started and it was neck and neck when she barely got ahead. Adrenaline time for me, I caught up and passed her. She caught up and I still barely beat her by like an inch.

    "No way you beat me! Rematch!" She said.

    "Not right now." I said. "I'll race you tomorrow."

    "Ugh fine." She said.

    I started heading back towards Twilight's house when I looked at my watch and saw it was lunchtime (about 12:30). I stopped at Sugarcube Corner and got cupcakes for me, Twilight, and Spike. Thought I should be a nice person. They thanked me for the cupcakes and I asked Twilight if I could do more magic and that cool stuff. She said we could so we got started. I got another headache the size Uranus. But I had learned so much so fast that I think I made Twilight jealous. She decided she'd send a letter to Princess Celestia about me. She got a letter back with 2 train tickets to Canterlot. Celestia wants to meet us at the library tomorrow at noon. She didn't say why though. It must be pretty important. Later I got my assistant work done and got 30 bits for it. I think Twilight likes my patience she keeps giving me smiles and always tells me about it. I decided it was time for bed at 8:56.

    I had my visions again. This time I saw myself doing a Kamehameha Wave from Dragonball Z. Which I thought was really cool. It also made me miss TV. I also saw the big old book again its name is the Book of Secrets. I saw it was a spell book. I saw the stuff from last night only I could see more of what was inside of the little building. It looked like it had the shape of a human but you could feel the power from it. Once again my sleep didn't last long enough for my curiosity. Oh well, Twilight and I had breakfast before getting on the train to Canterlot. We got to the library at 11:59.

    "Shouldn't she be here?" Twilight asked. And speak of the devil as soon as it hit 12:00 she appeared.

    "We're here." Said Celestia.

    "First we need to talk to Nathan then we'll talk to you both." Said Luna. "Twilight why don't you go look at some books, as for you Nathan come with us." They took me to a wall and there was a book they used their magic on then they pulled it halfway out. It opened a secret staircase which we walked down.

    "We know everything about you here, your job in Ponyville, your abilities, and your little crush on Twilight and Rainbow Dash." Said Celestia.

    "I don't have a crush on Twilight or Rainbow Dash!" I said.

    "Then why are you being so defensive about it."


    Princess Luna POV

    He wants a 3-way with them I just know it.

    Nathan POV

    "There's no need to try and hide it or be ashamed because their ponies and you're a human." Said Celestia

    "We figured you could use this magic book since your magic is different from a pony's magic." Luna said. "And no pony has ever been able to use it before."

    "This book is called the Book of Secrets and yes we know you had a vision about it and the other things that are going to happen." Said Celestia.

    "That is just creepy." I said grabbing the book. We then left the secret room and found Twilight.

    "Listen the both of you have an important job ahead in time. There is an evil threat coming made of pure darkness and chaos." Said Luna.

    "Is it Discord?" Asked Twilight.

    "No it is much worse. Discord is nothing compared to this threat." Celestia said.

    "He came here around the same time Nathan did. Twilight the spell you did brought him. It's no big deal we just need to kill him. He is locked in a small building by a spell. He has the potential to release his powers outside of it before the spell wears off which will be why we must go and get him. Otherwise he can just destroy everything from there. There will be no room for error. 6 seals hold the spell together that keeps him in. Each one can be broken at different times. Only one is known at this time and can only be broken last. If someone enters the building when the other 5 seals are broken the 6th breaks. And sadly you can only enter once the others are broken. He can toy with your mind, just destroy it, or control it. He's too dangerous to keep around too long. But you may get prepared for as long as you need. We'll just get guards to keep people from going in." Luna explained.

    "And this is our duty to stop him?!" I asked.

    "You and the 6 elements." Celestia said. "Go ahead and leave you have much time and the other 5 seals will be explained in the book along with helpful spells."

    "We will explain this to the other 5." Said Luna. "Now go."

    Wow so a lot of stuff was explained and this is the longest chapter so far. Chapter 5 will come soon and remember tell me any MSI PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW AND FAV

    5. Chapter 5: New Power

    Here's ch5 the book of secrets is finally Nathan's now he needs to find out what the other 5 seals are they have some time to prepare but will unexpected events rush them (probably not) remember mistakes suggestions ideas MSI

    The train trip back to Ponyville was about 2 hours so now its 2:30 plenty of time to read before assistant work. I got cupcakes for Twilight and me and headed to Twilight's house. I figured I'd get started on the book. Cover to cover and as soon as I opened the book it told of the six seals, very convinient.

    A new form of life appears.

    A heart will be broken.

    Magic causes day to cease.

    Nightmares progress into life.

    Great knowledge disappears.

    One enters the chamber of the cursed one.

    Well the last one I get along with the first (obviously me) so I guess I'll let it play out. As for the rest of what I got to read it was spells. The three I learned seemed very useful. One let me bend the law of conservation of mass. I can create anything from nothing now by thinking about it and putting it in reality. I learned how to become invisible for as long as I want or until I run out of magic power. Then I was able to teleport like instant transmission which is awesome. I also learned there was a stone called soul dew which would allow me to use magic anywhere. I'll have to find that sometime.

    I went to assist Twilight until it was 7:46pm and because there was some time we practiced more magic. I then went to bed. I got more visions this time I saw more of the lonely building guy and he has yellow eyes. I saw a burning building in Canterlot with blue flames and an unnatural glow around it. And then pretty much the same stuff. I woke up at 7:43am. I had breakfast that Twilight made and I thanked her and left. I went to work at Applejack's place. I got 50 bits then I left. I just thought of something I could do with my magic. I started to make a potion out of nothing that would give me the powers of Goku from DBZ. It worked and I drank it. I instantly felt powerful. Thank god I don't have a tail unless I turn SuperSayain4. I wanna try a kamehameha!

    "Ka-me-ha-me-HA!" I shouted as I concentrated and shot a blue beam out of my hand.

    "WOAH THAT WAS AMAZING HOW'D YOU DO THAT!" Rainbow Dash shouted in amazement.

    "I just can using my magic."


    "Hey did the princess explain everything."

    "Yea...Wanna race?"

    "Sure." I just had a thought. If I'm like Goku...I can fly! "You can use your wings if you want."

    "Pff I can beat you without them."

    "If you say so."

    "3." "2." "GO!"

    I had to go really fast because she got a head start And I don't really know how to fly well. I caught up easy after I finally got ahold of it. I beat her by a mile.

    "Bu-bu-but wha-how?!" She asked rubbing her eyes.

    "I can fly whenever I want now but could you help me learn more please?" I asked.

    "I-I guess so." She said. She then taught me how to fly 100% better. I thanked her and left to go to Twilight's house. I then came up with a amazing idea. I could create my own house with my magic. After about 1 hour it was done and furnished and I waa exhausted. It had a scientific teleporter with a weapon and bunker room. Has 3 bedrooms with bathrooms. A landing pad for any helicopters I might make on the roof. A secret underground room with tanks. A wardrobe place with my favorite outfits. A huge living room with a big TV which for some reason has signal. A sterio system that plays music in every part of the house. A kitchen with amazing recipes and ingredients (I'm quite a good cook back on earth). And to top it all off, a giant football stadium with robots designed to play football. Well I might as well tell Twilight I don't need to stay in her basement anymore.

    I got a fun idea walking there. Im going to turn myself invisible and teleport myself in her house and scare her. I did all that and started looking for her. I found her in the basement and it looked like she was talking to somepony. It looked like she was talking to a disembodied spirit.

    "You're going to help me put it in the ground!" Said the spirit.

    "No and there's nothing you can do to make me!" Twilight said.

    "I wouldn't say that." The spirit said. It then went inside Twilight and possessed her. She/whatever the hell it is started to walk out of the basement. I decided I'd become visible again after she/whatever the hell it is walked out.

    "Hey Twilight what's up." I said as I started making as bottle of holy water. I figured if it worked on Earth it'd work here.

    "Oh nothing." She/whatever the hell it is said.

    "Ok well then I gue-TASTE HOLY WATER MOTHERFUCKER!" I shouted as I threw it on Twilight. Appearantly it looked like it hurt because it started to scream as I saw it fly out.

    "Are you alright?" I asked Twilight.

    "Yea I'm fine." She replied.

    "Oh well I'll use somepony else." It said as it flew away.

    "Ok I just wanna get studying done and sleep." She said. She studied and we practiced new spells then went to sleep. Forgetting to tell her about my new house.

    well there's chapter5 what did u think. What did the spirit do and why hasn't our hero talked to Fluttershy or Rarity much at all. I have no fucking clue. MSI AND CHAPTER 6 coming soon! ALSO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW AND/OR FAV

    6. Chapter 6:Breaking of Seals

    Here's ch6 for all you so let's see what happens with the spirit thingy and will our hero talk with Fluttershy or Rarity?! Probably not Mistakes Suggestions Ideas MSI

    I had more visions of the future. I saw the little building again it looked like the spirit from earlier belonged to the guy in the building. What was he trying to do? I then saw Canterlot and it going towards the library. But what does that mean? I awoke instantly and ran upstairs to wake up Twilight.

    "Twilight wake up now!" I shouted.

    "Why?" She asked rubbing her eyes. "It's 3:00am."

    "We need to get to Canterlot right now!" "I know what the spirit is doing and it belongs to the man in the small building."

    "Ok ok!" She said waking up. We started heading towards there on the train. I then realized I can teleport so I grabbed here and teleported outside the library. It was too late all the books were burnt along with any other source of knowledge. That means another seal was broken!

    "It was too late to save any of whatever was in there." Said Princess Celestia as she appeared here.

    "It doesn't matter now though another seal was broken and that leaves the other 4." I said

    "I think we should have a meeting at the castle with you and the 6 to discuss ways to keep the other seals from breaking." Said Princess Luna.

    "That would be smart it shall be tomorrow at noon. We shall tell the other 5 later for now though you two go back to sleep." Said Celestia. We then teleported back. Twilight went to sleep but I didn't, instead I went to my new home. I figured I might as well be ready for anything so I made a radar room operated by scientists I created. It would help me locate people or things. Just in case I needed to use it. I also made an earplug so they can tell me things long distance. I then made a weight room addition with lots of weight since I have the strength of Goku. I also made a blacksmith forge to make weapons like swords and knives because they are awesome (I am also talented at using them). I made a nice sword along with 3 combat knives. 1 for me, 1 for Twilight, and 1 for Rainbow Dash. I love magic now. By the time I got done it was 8:00am.

    I started walking to Twilight's house when I actually was hit by a rainbow.

    "Oh hi Nathan what are ya doing." Said Rainbow Dash getting up.

    "Nothing going to Twilight's house now." I said.

    "What's that you got there?"

    "A knife I made for Twilight. I made you 1 too."

    "Thanks. Wanna have that rematch now?"

    "Yea sure." I said as we lined up. "3, 2, 1, GO!" We started and we were tied. She sure got way better than she was last time. She beat me just barely.

    "Ha I beat you! In your face!" She said gloating.

    "Good race...I guess." I mumbled.

    "Well I'm gonna be going bye Rainbow Dash."

    "Bye Nathan." She said. I then went to Twilight's house. I decided I'd do the invisible and teleport thing I was planning yesterday. And I did, I then made sure she couldn't see me. She was reading another book so I'm gonna make her think she is being haunted.

    "Oooooo." I said trying to sound like a ghost moving books around.

    "What the-." She said as she got ready to buck. Which I didn't notice.

    "I'm a ghooost ooooooo."

    "I bet you can't pick my book up if you're a ghost."

    "Yea I can see." I said as I picked it up with my hands.

    "Ok so if you're a ghost well guess what I can't do to you."


    "This!" She said as she bucked me in my boys if you know what I mean.

    "OOO GODDAMIT!" I shouted as I came visible again.

    "I could tell it was you. Next time disguise your voice." She said laughing.

    "Not cool." I said covering my boys. "Seriously though I even brought you a gift."

    "What is it?"

    "This knife I made for you just in case."

    "Thanks but be happy you didn't give me this before you decided to play ghost."

    "..." Painful thoughts went in my head thinking of that. She then winked at me and laughed. "Can we just practice more magic now and forget those thoughts."

    "Sure." She said. She grabbed the books and we practiced. Then I did more assistant work then I went to sleep at my new house. I had more visions. I saw never ending night and a monster heading towards the crystal empire. I still don't get most of the visions. I woke up at 8:37. I hurried to eat breakfast and got to the train station at 9:23 and got on with the other 6. We finally arrived there at 12:00pm.

    We got up to the castle at 12:23. We were about ready to go start the meeting but we were waiting on Princess Celestia. Twilight left the room saying she needed to use the bathroom. All of a sudden we heard a scream that sounded like Celestia's! Then it's like the sun disappeared all of a sudden! We rushed to the room Celestia was in and what we saw blew our minds!

    It was Twilight she used the knife I gave her to kill Princess Celestia!

    "Guards seize her!" Luna shouted.

    "Wait Nathan isn't that the knife you gave her?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

    "Ye-Yea." I uttered.

    "Guards seize the human too, he is the one who gave her the knife." Said Luna

    "Wh-What?" Said Twilight.

    "I can't believe they'd do that. I'm ashamed." Multiple voices said. We were thrown in a maximum security jail in the bottom floor of the castle. We were extremely guarded outside of the cell and it is soundproof from every way. We blacked out when we thrown in. We woke up 9 hours later.

    "Ok Twilight WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I shouted in disbelief and anger.

    "I di-didn't do it!" She said.


    "I didn't do it!" She said. I could see she was starting to shed tears.

    "It's ok it's ok I'm sure you can explain something." I said calmly stroking her mane.

    "Ok well we were in the room then everything went black and when I woke up apparently I killed the princess." She said stuttering a bit from her crying.

    "Its the guy from the small building I know that now. It wasn't your fault." I said. I then realized that one of the seals were broken. :Magic causes day to cease: Twilight is the element of magic. And Celestia died by her hands which causes only night now. I pulled her in close and hugged her.

    "We are breaking outta here." I said.

    "How?!" She asked. "The jails are magic proof!"

    "I still have my powers though because it doesn't dispell magic." I said standing up. Just whenever I break the door stay behind me." I went to the door and started punching it but it only pushed outward a bit and wouldn't break like this.

    "Oh well didn't wanna do this." I said starting to charge up.

    "Do what?" She asked.

    "Ka-me-Ha-me-HA!" I shouted in concentration as a blue beam came from my hands and completely abliterated the door blocking the way out.

    "Oh that I guess." She said.

    "STOP THERE PRISONER!" 1 guard shouted. Those was his last words. And about 50 other guards'. We then escaped Canterlot completely. We were walking to Ponyville when Luna suddenly appeared in front of us.

    "Halt!" Luna said.

    "Let me explain everything to you before you try anything. I said. Then I explained everything to her.

    "I see well I believe you now I shall tell everypony telepathically that you and Twilight are no longer criminals go home and rest it's 2:00am.

    Theres ch6 and it took a while but it's done so with Celestia dead there is everlasting night and the library was burned down! 3 seals down 3 to go for the guy. ch7 coming soon yet still we don't know the name of the guy in the building well until then MSI also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FAV AND REVIEW

    7. Chapter 7:Gaining and Showing Love

    Here is ch7 so no longer criminals Twilight and Nathan are free to go. 3 more seals are all that is holding the man in the building still. Equestria has never been more scared. And the fact that there is only night doesn't help at all. Here we go Mistakes Suggestions and Ideas MSI

    Luna told us that we were ok to go to sleep but I'm not gonna. I need to be ready for anything that will come. I started vigouresly training for hours. Lifting, sprinting, punching, and then finally energy attacks. I did a Kamehameha to the side of a mountain. I decided I needed something holding me back to push more then it hit me. I need the hyberbolic time chamber from DBZ so I put it where my lifting room was and then put the lifting room in the chamber. Instead of 1 years training in 1 day it's 1 year in 2 hours! I then entered the chamber. With randomly changing structures, climates, and conditions it made it perfect to train plus the standard force of gravity was 10 times the original force. I could change it from 10 times of G to 1000 G! I decided to work my way up about 80 more per month (in the chamber). It got so intense that I almost accidentally killed myself throwing too much of my energy around. I felt lonely for those years worth of training. I guessed it paid off but I was still uneasy about my strength. I guess I'll see how it plays out and if my training was worth it.

    I stepped out feeling even stronger than I did in the chamber. I forgot that there's lighter gravity out here. It was 5am and I wasn't tired so I figured I'd head to Twilight's and make her breakfast before she wakes up. I saw a new poster in the town talking about a Wonder-bolts show. I decided to make her homemade waffles with syrup, butter and all that good stuff. I saw her coming down rubbing her eyes and yawning.

    "What the-" Twilight said a little surprised.

    "Surprise, I made you breakfast." I said smiling.

    "Awe thanks you didn't have to."

    "I wanted to." I said she then hugged me before she started eating. I then heard a telepathic message in my head from Princess Luna.

    "Soooo you don't have a crush on Twilight?" She sent.

    "...Not funny..." I sent back. Its just so weird when you think about it that's the worst part. I went outside to see Applejack surprisingly outside. She was selling apple stuff for breakfast.

    "Hey Applejack watcha up to?" I asked.

    "Oh nothin much, jus sellin my apples." She answered.

    "That's nice."

    "Hey I know you like her."



    "Ugh ok ok fine I LIKE TWILIGHT are you happy now!" I said. I think I shouted too loud.

    "Hey ask her to the expensive restaurant east of here. She'd really like it."

    "Ok I guess I will." I said nervously. For being an all-star athlete in my 2 years of high school you'd think I have the confidence to ask girls out on a date. You are clearly mistaken if you did. Oh well I guess I will later. Applejack said I didn't have to come to work today. I don't even have to to get bits now. I can just create them. I saw stands selling tickets to the Wonderbolts show. I got 1 for me and 1 to Rainbow Dash. It's tomorrow at 1:00pm. I went to find Rainbow Dash and that I did...after her rainbow mane went in my face.

    "Hey Nathan watcha doin." She said.

    "Looking for you." I said.

    "Before I ask why judge these tricks. She said as she took off in the air. It looked amazing. Lots of loops and skill. Then she tried to do a double sonic rainboom! I was getting ready to catch her when to my surprise she did it completely!

    "How was that?" She asked.

    "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!" I exclaimed.

    "Awe thanks." She said blushing. "I'm practicing to show it off at the Wonderbolts show after its over. So why were you looking for me?"

    "To give you this." I said handing her a ticket to the show. The look on her face was hilarious. It was frozen at the same time moving all around.

    "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!" She shouted while hugging me.

    "No problem." I said as I tried to get her to let go. We then had a couple of races, a couple games of football at my house, and then we rested. I checked the time and saw it was 5:26pm. I told Rainbow Dash goodbye and then I teleported to Twilight's house. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask her out. Fuck I'm nervous I'm just gonna get over with it.

    "Uhm hey Twilight I want to ask you um something." I said stuttering.

    "What is it?" She asked.

    "Instead of assistant work today I was wondering if...if"

    "Keep going."

    "If we could both together go to that restaurant to the east here?"

    "...Uhm like a date?"


    "Sure just give me a couple minutes to get ready."

    "Ok." Wow that went way better than expected. A couple minutes passed and she came out then we proceeded to go to the restaurant. It was expensive so good thing I can make bits. The food here didn't really appeal so I just ordered a salad.

    "Um so how has it been lately?" I asked. Ugh bad question.

    "Oh good good what about you?" She asked.

    "Ive been doing good too." I said. I'm gonna have to redeem myself later. We ate and after that and a while of talking we left. I convinced her to go somewhere else with me. I had gotten an idea. Using my powers I could make fireworks saying "Twilight I love you" which I think is a great idea.

    "Wait here." I said as I flew up in the sky.

    "Why?" She shouted.

    "So I can do this." I said as I pointed my fingers toward the sky and made explosions up there look like it spelled out "I love you Twilight". Then I came back down and looked at her.

    "...I love you too." She said looking back. There was a silence but then she broke it by coming over and kissing me on the lips. I will admit its creepy but I can come over physical indifferences. It lasted about a minute or 2 when we decided to head back.

    "I had a good time." She said blushing and smiling.

    "Me too." I said blushing as well. "Well goodbye." I said as I left.

    "I love you bye." She said. I turned around and told her I loved her too. Then I went home. I decided to go to sleep and I did.

    I had more visions of the guy in the building and he even starting talking to me.

    "My name is Htaed (pronounce:Hit-taid). I came from the same world your from. It was about to be demolished by me until that little purple unicorn took me and your little dead princess sealed me in here. I will kill your friends then you slowly and painfully. It will be so crazy you won't be able to stand the chaos. Just wait a little longer for the seals to break then you will be dead." It said. Before I could respond I awoke at 9:40am. I walked outside just to have an impatient rainbow in my face. We screwed around racing until it was about to start then I teleported us there.

    The show was amazing, not as good as Rainbow Dash but pretty amazing. After it was over we went to the back of where they got ready at. We were stopped by 2 security guards.

    "Stop right there no one passes here." Said the guard to the right.

    "Hey let us through my friend wants to show the coach her moves." I said.

    "No one passes got it wimp." Said the guard on the left as he pushed me with his hoof.

    "If you do that again your head is going up his ass!" I said pointing from left to right.

    "Let her show her moves." Said the coach.

    "Thank you! You won't regret it!" Said Rainbow Dash. Then she took off doing what she did yesterday. Then she went to do a double sonic rainboom. And she did it just barely! She came back tired as all hell.

    "Oh my god! You did a double sonic rainboom! You can join anytime you want!" Said the coach.

    "Thanks coach I'll remember that." Said Rainbow Dash as we left. She said she didn't wanna join this instant. Whenever we got close to my house she turned me around and kissed me. She said she knew Twilight and me had stuff going but if we wanted to do a 3-way she would join. A little creepy but nice. After all that it was 5:21pm. I then went to Twilight's house to get my work done. We sweet talked more and kissed more which was exciting. After that I decided to go to bed. Not knowing what would happen next.

    wow nice chapter if I'd say so myself so Htaed is tryin to kill Nathan so yea that should be interesting and we had some good relationship stuff. This is also the longest chapter in the story. Well ch.8 will come later I had to change this cuz I'm pretty much the same as our hero I'm occupied with football so ill get it done eventually. Please don't hate me. MSI AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW AND FAV

    8. Chapter 8: Almost the End of Everything

    Well it took me a while to get the time but here is ch8 sorry for the wait. action is gonna pick up and also please make sure you guys read everything i started to realize how fast i progressed the story and i dont wanna fix it all. So please Mistakes Suggestions Ideas Reviews MSIR

    More visions came more clear than before. A giant monster started ravaging Ponyville. It looked like some kind of thing with eight arms like an octopus. With razor sharp teeth and legs. Once again it started heading toward the Crystal Empire. Then it went black and I heard the screams of the mane 6. That's when I woke up, but I heard screaming outside coming from Ponyville. There was a glow of fire and a giant blob of darkness in the middle (it only looks like that because of the darkness). I quickly flew over there to see the mane six trying to fight it. The beast was made of darkness like Htaed but it was giant with eight arms and 2 legs just like the dream. Thankfully it didn't hurt anypony. I then found the mane 6.

    "Hey you guys I got this just get everypony out of here!" I shouted to them.

    "Ok." They responded. As they started to evacuate I started to charge up a bit to fight. I then flew at it full speed and punched it with my left fist which is stronger than my right. I hit it and it hurt my fist a little and didn't affect it at all. In hindsight I should of charged more. it then hit me with 4 of its arms in a row then it kicked me into a building.

    "Out of my way peasant!" It said.

    "You can talk?!" I said.

    "Yes now quit before I kill you."

    "Forget it you'll never get passed me and get to the Crystal Empire!"

    "Oh so that's where it is."

    "I swear me and my mouth sometimes."

    "Thanks for making it easy now stay down." It said as it started running towards the empire. I caught up with it after charging more and then I tackled it successfully. I started to punch and kick it when it shot a black beam at me from its mouth.

    "What did I just tell you?!" It said. I starting charging up another move I remembered from DBZ.

    "KAIOKEN!" I shouted.

    "Kaio what?" It said as I jabbed it, hit him around a bit, knocked him to the ground, and shot a kamehameha at it. It then grabbed me with 2 arms and started squeezing me while moving towards the empire.

    "Now to crush you!" It said squeezing me. I then let out a squeaking sound that comes from a rubber duck. "What the- that is amazing." It said as it started squeezing more while laughing.

    "Ow quit that it's my ribs being crushed it's not funny." I said getting angry.

    "Yes it is!"

    "No it's not!" I said going Super Sayain which looked awesome. I then broke the grip and shot him far away. Unfortunately it was towards the Crystal Empire. I rushed towards him as fast as possible. Then I charged the ultimate kamehameha. He broke some spire thing then ran towards me. I then unleashed it when he was inches from hitting me. I looked around and saw him nowhere. Great he's gone I thought as I fell to the ground. That hurt considering I put everything I had into that. I got up and looked around and saw there was the spire thing only destroyed. I looked into it and to my surprise the crystal heart was no more. There was nothing I could do to fix it but I was being stopped by Htaed's power. I went back to Ponyville and fixed that just fine. Everything turned out all right after that. Everypony only cared that they were safe and that the town wouldn't be destroyed.

    Well there's the nightmare seal-that was also the broken heart seal! That's what it meant the whole time and I didn't even know it. I have to tell Luna. I teleported to her and told here of what happened. She told me she shall send elite guards to make sure no pony goes in the small building. Well now that that's taken care of for now I got a good idea. I'm going to make the dragonballs from DBZ to bring Celestia back to life! I started to make them it took a little power. It's going to be Shenron and there will be one wish with no limit on the amount of times on revival. And done with the same effects after it's used. It will spread out all over Equestria.

    "Rise Shenron!" I said. As Shenron rose up.

    "You have summoned me with the seven dragonballs. I shall grant you 1 wish."

    "Bring the one known as Princess Celestia back to life at the castle in Canterlot."

    "Your wish shall be granted." Shenron said as he granted the wish. "Princess Celestia Is now alive once again at the castle in Canterlot. Until next time." It said as the dragonballs scattered across Equestria. The sun then rose like it awoke from a long sleep. Celestia and Luna then teleported to where I was at.

    "Thank you so much." Luna said.

    "The sun has risen once again thanks to you." Celestia said.

    "People in Ponyville are waiting for you go and receive their thanks." Said Luna as she teleported back with Celestia. I traveled back to Ponyville and there was a party thrown for me. It was awesome and better than the last party there. I was told by Applejack and Twilight that I'm no longer needed at work. I didn't really care though since I can make my own bits now. Applejack found someone new to work there. Twilight said if I was there during her study she would be too distracted which is fine. She said we would do something every other night. I like that idea right now. Well the party finally got over 1:21am! I then went to my house and then to bed.

    Well theres ch8 i hope you liked it so now only 1 step away from Htaed being released (tell me if you notice anything about that name) :) so please please please MSIR it helps a lot and please show others this story please. I am in the process of thinking of ideas for ch9 but i got a good side story idea. so intermission here while i write the side story for this. Whenever the side story is done itll be its own story. ch 9 coming soon hopefully.

    New note side story done it's not a crossover of DBZ and MLP just look in my stories. Its called A Sign of Good Luck or Danger?:Side Story 1: Back Home.

    9. Chapter 9: Uh Oh

    Im sorry it took so long ive been trying to make time and i just got it so here we go. Mistakes Suggestions Ideas Reviews MSIR PLEASE IT HELPS ME IMPROVE

    I woke up at 6:23am, a bit early but it didn't matter to me. I ate breakfast then went outside to have a rock fall on my head. I might have the strength of Goku but that hurt. I grabbed it and took a close look at it. It looks familiar then I looked closer and it had a map looking thing on it but appearantly it starts here and goes somewhere in the Everfree forest. So I followed every instruction and it led to an abandoned shack with a treasure chest. I opened it and it contained a soul dew! That's great now I can use magic anywhere. I also found a scroll that said "body swapping." It interested me a little so I looked further and saw its a spell to swap bodies and it also contained a whole history behind it. I read that it was being used by spies and greedy people to either get information for wars or to take thrones from ponies. Reading further I saw that this is the last in existence for someone got rid of them all to try and restore everything. Well that's cool, I will probably use this for emergencies I thought walking home. I decided to take a look at Earth but just for a glance. I did so and realized time had not moved since I left so I went back to Equestria and the same was here. I discovered Htaed must have put a spell on me for that but that's okay.

    It was a bit weird to me, sort of like it was giving me a sign. It looked like a very beautiful blue in the sunlight. I walked a bit and noticed a red strip on it that seemed to change when I turned. I discovered it was like a compass so I followed to where it led me. After 4 hours I got to a secluded pond that had a sign saying to place the soul dew in. It sank instantly as I placed it. It came up instantly along with a little bag that had a mirror, a badge, and a note. The bag was bigger on the inside. The note read "The smaller bag you have gotten contains the brightest light in the universe use it to defeat Htaed. It is the only way." That's all it read but what's the mirror for? I'll just carry it on me just in case.

    I walked all the way home and when i got back it was 2:00pm. I didn't know what to do. Should I hang out with someone. Maybe talk to Fluttershy or Rarity...nah. I went to Twilight's house and hung out with her for a while. Same with Rainbow Dash then I got the idea of writing music. I decided if I go back I need good material for my metal band called "Black Lightning" and I need someone's help to write this because I'm currently out of ideas for this. I went to see DJ Pon3. I asked her if she could help me with some songs. She came to my house and I explained my concept of metal to her and everything else about it. She understood it pretty well for just now learning about it. We got writing and 3 hours later we got done with a good song. We called it "The Mist of Tar". It's about the effects of choices and how they'll haunt you. I thanked her and she left.

    By then it was 7:00pm and I was getting tired. So I decided to get tons of sugar and other stuff that keeps you up and put it in a drink and drank it. It was like drugs and kept me from falling asleep. I went to the game room and made an Xbox 360 and a couple games. I put in Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and started playing. I thought I might be able to connect to Xbox Live but then I realized time didn't move on Earth and that there was no internet here. I played zombies by myself for a while then played Mass Effect 3 then went to bed. I had more visions. I was going through a maze but it never ended until I had given a peice of paper and something else to a goat. It was extremely weird with all kinds of different things happening. I woke up at 8:34am and ate breakfast. I had nothing to do today so I decided to go out into the Everfree Forest and explore.

    It was pretty exotic and unique compared to forests on Earth. Different animals and weird looking trees, all new to me. Eventually I got bored and went to the Canterlot Gardens. I followed something that looked like it came from Htaed. It was a pure black mist flying there. I need to know what it's doing. I teleported to my house and grabbed the body switch scroll, the mirror, and the bag of light then I went to find him. I walked around looking for it when I came up to the stone imprisonment that held Discord. It looked a bit funny so I decided to make funny faces at it. Now I get why people used to say I have child-like enthusiasm and attitude. I kept going until a piece of stone chipped off. When I saw that I fell on my ass and looked at the statue. Discord's statue then broke with a flash of light.

    "Haha I'm free at last and..um is this the one you talked about Htaed?" Discord said stretching.

    "Yes." Said Htaed as he disappeared.

    "Well now to begin." He said putting a protective dome around this area and the castle. "Nothing gets in, nothing gets out now none of our powers effect each other very much so you're going to go though this maze without using any magic or ki or else you fail and I release Htaed or destroy everything." He is said making a maze appear.

    "Ok then game on." I said pumped. He let out a long laugh and disappeared. Now I just got to go through the maze. There's 3 paths here, which one do I take?

    ok there's ch9 hope you liked it along with the side story. NOTE: I am making all side story's into one with each ch being most likely 1 story so please read it and keep reading this story. IT FUELS ME so please MSIR AND I MEAN IT WHEN I SAY IT HELPS I'm trying to make good time so once again I'm sorry for the wait please follow and favorite thanks

    10. Chapter 10:The End Is Now Arriving

    Ok so here's chapter 10 sooner than i thought well here we go Mistakes Suggestions Ideas Reviews MSIR Please

    I was ready for the maze Discord had setup. It's not that I knew it was coming but I was ready for anything and I love a good challenge. Was he right about us not being able to effect each other though? Well it doesn't matter right now though. I decided to take the right path out of the three. It was straight forward from there. Until I came to a wall with 2 paths to my right and left. I took the one on the left this time and proceeded. About 10 minutes of going through twists and turns went by until I got to a center part.

    "Congratulations Nathan you made it through the first maze but before you proceed to the next mazes you must pass a test." Discord said.

    "Bring it on." I replied confidently.

    "I seem to have lost my pet dog his name is Sweety can you yet him for me?" He said as two animals came out. One was a giant wolf with 2 heads and razor sharp teeth while the other was a small cute beagle puppy. Of course the beagle puppy has to be Sweety. I started calling Sweety out but the beagle wouldn't come here but the wolf is trying to chase me down. Eventually Sweety started running too and I chased him. He crawled through a hole in the maze and I turned around to face the beast when it rolled over on its belly. It was like it was telling me to scratch his belly and I did. I quickly realized Sweety was the wolf.

    "Now for the second maze." Discord said laughing. It was the same concept for the paths, just in a different way. It took me only 7 minutes this time and now there's a different test. There are 3 rings on 3 different stands made of marvel from ancient Greek and I have to find the difference with them. I looked at each ring for a brief amount of time. But there were no differences between them. I got confused about the difference but then I noticed there were the stands just standing there. One of them had a chip in the marvel unlike the others.

    "Hey Discord I found it." I said pointing at the difference.

    "Excellent now for the final maze." Discord said laughing menacingly. "Here's some of what you would consider armor for the next maze." Suddenly a set of football pads appeared on me and I was transported to another maze only it didn't look really complicated. It was a straight forward path with a circular room all the way at the end. It was about 100 yards away and a voice boomed in my head saying that this is the final test and to pass I have to make it to the circular room. Only problem is that a bunch of evil looking ponies blocked my path. There were about a million of them and they started running towards me. There's no real way to fight them all so I braced up and charged at them full speed. I hit through a ton of them consecutively. I'm almost through I just gotta get through the rest. Suddenly a giant one appeared and started running at me. It jumped at me which gave me time to duck so it'd go over me.

    I quickly ran into the room and all the evil ponies disappeared.

    "Good job, I thought you'd never make it through." Said Discord. "Now give me your bag of light and the scroll."

    "No!" I shouted pulling them out and holding them close.

    "You made it too easy." He said pulling me up with his magic as he ripped the items out of my head. We then appeared by the garden.

    "Now sleep." He said putting a sleep spell on me. I went out fast.

    Third Person POV-Location: Small Building

    "Okay so Nathan is out and I'm about to cause chaos in Ponyville. Aha so much fun and I know just what to do!" Discord said happily.

    "Good now get me out of here so I can kill them already!" Said Htaed.

    "Aw but what fun would that be?" Said Discord.

    "It's not supposed to be fun until they're dead. I brought you back now get me out!"

    "I don't like your tone. You're staying there now."

    "You can't do this to me!"

    "Yes I can now if you'll excuse me I'm heading to Mirror Pond I have an idea."

    Nathan POV-3 hours later

    I woke up suddenly forgetting what happened but a couple minutes later I remembered. I started flying towards Ponyville when I saw a bunch of Discords everywhere. What happened while I was out? I then saw Twilight gallop quickly into her house. I decided I'd follow her and just when I got to the door I bounced off. There was a protective barrier around it then I saw a little slot on the door. Eyes came through it and looked me up. Then I heard what sounded like Spike's voice.

    "Who goes here?" Spike asked.

    "It's me Nathan." I replied.

    "I don't believe you...prove it."

    "Spike let me in!"

    "Okay okay jeez." Spike said letting me in. I saw the mane six talking about something while looking for a book. I asked them why there were a bunch of Discords running around. And they said that Discord had made a bunch of clones from Mirror Pond and using some sort of spell switched everypony's body in Ponyville with his clones but luckily they didn't get the same fate exactly. Instead it only switched them with each other. It became weird quick because of how confused I got. I finally figured it out though. It's Twilight became Applejack, Applejack became Rarity, Rarity became Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash became Fluttershy, Fluttershy became Pinkie Pie, and Pinkie Pie became Twilight. Good thing their voices went with them or I'd never figure it out. Now they're trying to find the book. Discord now has an army of ponies with the town of confused ponies who look like Discord. I told them the only way to get back to normal is to get the scroll from him. He has the bag of light too so he could just blind us. It seems impossible.

    "Come to my small building with your pony friends but don't come in." A voice echoed in my head. It was probably Htaed. I decided to take the mane 6 there, there's nothing left to lose. I didn't want to be spotted by Discord so I teleported outside the building.

    "Glad you came now before we start let me do this." He said standing at the door putting out the palm of his hand. I saw lights go through the ponies when they started cheering. Apparently Htaed switched them back. I also saw something strange, it was a cute red bird perched on his shoulders.

    "Now listen up. I know Discord is causing havoc and I set him free but I freed him to free me except that he didn't. He defied me and I don't want him alive anymore, he's useless to me. I know you want him gone but you must help me to help you. I'm going to give you these 2 items, it shoots a claw to grab anything and these badges will prevent you from being affected by his magic. Grab the scroll and bring it to me and I'll be able to get rid of him effectively since his magic is linked to the scroll if I destroy it completely it should dispel everything he did then kill him. Your energy attacks won't affect him unfortunately so be careful with what you do. But you must hurry and for the hell of it I'll grant you a permanent power of your choice to get it." Said Htaed with desperation in his words. He must be serious if he's asking us.

    "Okay we'll help and give me the power of a changeling I have an idea." I said confidently. I felt the power start to course through me then I turned myself into the form of Htaed. I proceeded to teleport to the real Discord.

    "Hello Discord." I said sounding menacing.

    "Yo-You're free!" He said scared.

    "Yes and if you value your life you should switch everyone or everypony here back to normal. NOW!"

    "Okay...there done."

    "Now give me the scroll and light."

    "Okay here. Now please let me live."

    "No." I said teleporting back to the small building. I turned back to normal and saw Discord come too. He was laughing for some reason though. I went to hand Htaed the scroll but Rarity took it and threw it to Discord! I could tell Htaed didn't even see this coming as well as me.

    "Hahahaaaa oh oh haha I-I can't believe you thought it'd be that easy!" Said Discord laughing his ass off. "That's not even Rarity!" He was right it was Queen Chrysalis! Rarity fell from what looked like a catipiller pod. Somehow no one noticed.

    "Listen Nathan release me. This needs to be dealt with." Said Htaed in a calm voice.

    "No and even if I'd consider it why should I?" I replied.

    "I don't want to harm anyone innocent anymore." He said calmly. I pinched myself making sure I was awake.


    "Let me tell you why."

    *Flashback* Time:After releasing Discord

    A while after I released Discord he told me he'd make sure I stayed here for eternity. I was raging mad at him when a bird flew in the building and onto the palm of my hand. I killed it without hesitation and layed it down. But a whole bunch of animals came by and it looked like they were mourning in someway. I realized they were friends and family of the bird. It made me sad seeing they cared about it. It then made sense, I'm immortal and they aren't. They value everything about life especially friends and family because they don't know if they'll ever get a second chance to see them again. I brought the bird back to life and let it go but it wanted to stay here with me and be my friend. It finally made me see the good of being alive. I decided to be its friend as well and he's been here ever since.

    *Out of Flashback

    "Wow you really have changed I guess I can." I said walking to the door.

    "No you don't because I have another maze for you ahaha!" Discord said using his magic to put us all in a new maze. "Now time to play, you all should know the rules."

    there you go ch 10 and almost the end of the story and this is now the longest ch. PLEASE FAV AND FOLLOW ME AND THE STORY AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MSIR IT KEEPS ME GOING CH11 coming soon.

    11. Chapter 11:It's Over

    Here is ch11 a lot faster now and yes I changed the story at ch 10. It leaves more oppourtunety and yes another maze extremely cliche Well you know the drill Mistakes Suggestions Ideas Reviews MSIR and I would also like to say we're at the last actual chapter of the story and there will be 2 short ch12s it will have two different endings which all of you can vote once on for one of the endings being canon or non-canon so here we go Ch11

    "Another maze! Really!" I said.

    "Yes but difference is now all of you participate." Replied Discord. "Also you can use your flying and powers but if you try to escape using them or cheat a lot with them, you will be severely electrocuted."

    "Bring it on. I'm not intimidated!" Said Rainbow Dash.

    "Me neither!" Said everypony else.

    "Good now begin." Said Discord once again putting us in a maze. Now it was a challenge for me but I could handle it. I got through a bunch when I came to a circular room similar to the one from earlier. The only thing different was it wasn't the same challenge. No it was completely different, it was a physical challenge. Something I'm amazing at. It was completely fucked up though. I have to race Rainbow Dash (a fake one) and if I lose she gets to cut me with a large knife wherever she wants. She had cuts all over her and her eyes were a very frightening light blue that was unnatural and evil looking. We raced from one end of the room to the other and I lost. She took out the sharp knife and cut me on my left arm leading to the back of my hand. The blood flowed out of my arm and over my underarmour shirt. It doesn't sicken me though, I've experienced my painful blood loses on Earth as well as fatal ones there. The next race I lost again and she cut my right leg down the middle. The pain was too excruciating to run or fly fast and I can't use my powers to cheat. But I don't have to use my powers to cheat. He never said anything about cheating without powers.

    The race started and as soon as it did I grabbed onto one of her front legs. She tried to shake me off but she couldn't and right before we hit the finish I threw myself ahead of her to get the win. I was congratulated then teleported to the next maze. That one was easier than the rest along with a new challenge. Discord told me that this challenge is not to get consumed. So I assume lions or some carnivore is going to try and eat me. I then felt a burst of energy go into me and it felt amazing then I heard Discord's voice saying he gave me a portion of his power. I started laughing insanely from how good it felt. A black aura surrounded me while my eyes turned a demonic yellow and I grew a bit taller due to the power. I started blasting explosions everywhere and I saw the damage it did to this maze and it was a spectacle. Stone was everywhere in giant holes that appeared within the ground from the impact of the power. I then snapped out of it. All of the terrible destruction reminded me why I needed to stop him.

    "Hmm congratulations I didn't think you'd do it. And I will admit you had the hardest tests. Then again that isn't too hard." Said Discord. "Now instead of another maze here's your final challenge." I was then teleported to a completely white void. In the distance I saw Twilight and I ran up to her.

    "Twilight I was worried." I said happy to see her again.

    "Oh it's you." She said sounding uninterested.

    "Is there something wrong?"


    "He's changed. I'm not kidding."


    "And you actually listened to him. He's the enemy not me and besides that I love this world."


    "Fine if you believe him instead of the person who loves you then I have no business here. I'll just leave." I said walking into the whiteness not caring anymore.

    "Nathan where are you going" She asked with no received answer. "Nathan." "NATHAN! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" She said crying. I looked back and walked up to her and hugged her.

    "We're getting out of here." I said as I pulled out my small ear communicator. "Hey this is Nathan. Find my coordinates along with the rest of the mane six and teleport us back to the small building and outside of it." I said into the mic.

    "You got it hold tight." Said the scientists in my lab. Suddenly we all appeared outside of the small building. And nearby was Queen Chrysalis and Discord grinning confidently. I looked around and saw no little changelings though which surprised me. The queen then told me she killed them all. She said they were too annoying. Quickly the mane six attacked the queen not even announcing it to me. Discord than reacted to them and I realized that they were giving me time to release Htaed. I did so swiftly and everypony noticed as well. The was a great black light released as he left the building. It was created from a surge of power he gained being released. He instantly killed the queen without hesitation. Discord found it hilarious and started doing an insane laugh. Htaed slowly walked over to him and lifted Discord off the ground and broke his defensiveness.

    "Now Nathan, please help me do the honor of killing him and ending this once and for all." Said Htaed holding him up for me to blast.

    "Gladly." I said turning Super Saiyan 4. "Ka-me-Ha-me-HAA!" I said releasing every single drop of energy I have into that blast. Htaed quickly jumped behind Discord after the blast hit him and hit him with a blast too. Discord could handle 1 of us but not both at the same time.

    "I accept my death here but my chaos will live on. BUT I'LL ALWAYS BE AROUND!" Said Discord laughing again. The blasts dissipated and Discord was finally dead. I could no longer feel his energy.


    "Thank you all for freeing me. I want every world to have peace now that I know it is a good thing. I will miss you all. Maybe some day we will meet again. But until then...Farewell." Htaed said casting a dimension spell and leaving. I never knew it'd be over so quickly. I had fun though and I love it here and I love Twilight as well. But I have a great life on Earth. Princess Celestia and Luna came up to the mane six and I in the castle in Canterlot. They gave me a choice to either let me go back to Earth or stay here.

    Wow It's over. I had fun writing this and there have been little amounts of people reading it but I thank you all. Review or PM your choice. Here it is: Nathan decides to go back to Earth. Canon or non-Canon and i might use it if I don't know what to do which is a very high possibility. I shall be making more side stories now and I MIGHT make a sequel. So PLEASE MSIR AND FAV AND FOLLOW I shall have the 2 ch12s later

    12. Chapter 12:The Choice:Leave

    Ok so this is the leave ending where Nathan decides to go back to Earth and remember you all have a vote in if its the actually story or not so MSIR and here we go.

    "Just so you know Nathan, Htaed is gone which means time will move freely instead of where you're at. When you came here I put a spell on you to freeze time in the opposite worlds so you can return to your old life." Said Princess Celestia. I don't know what to choose. I love it here and it's almost completely care free now and besides that I love Twilight too. But I have responsibilities on Earth and a great career ahead of me. I'm in a metal band that's about to be signed and I'm probably better than most college athletes at football and I'm still in high school as a sophomore.

    "Listen I absolutely love it here...but I also have a great life on Earth and it just wouldn't be right if I lived in this dimension for the rest of my life. So I'm going back." I said.

    "Please don't go." Said Twilight sadly.

    "But I will stay here for 1 more day starting now. Of course to say my goodbyes and have 1 more cherish able memory here." I said. All of the mane 6 plus Spike and I had fun the whole day. I made sure to take pictures and put them in a photo book and I put a frame of a picture of me and Twilight in my house here. Around 7pm everypony else went home except for me and Twilight. We took a long walk along some great sights before getting to her house. I spent the rest of the night there with her. Around 2am she fell asleep so I left and went home to pack. I packed the cool clothes, the soul dew, a spell book, some appleseeds for apple trees from Apple Acres, also Fluttershy gave me a cute little bunny and I can't just leave him so I'll take him too, I also got rainbow from the weather station, and I got cupcakes and a some recipes from Pinkie Pie.

    Finally it was time to leave. I was trying to be strong but I couldn't hold back a couple tears. Princess Celestia opened a dimension portal for me. I said my last goodbyes and left. I was back in my house at Moundsville on Earth. I hid the photo book in my room in my bed springs of my mattress since it would last me forever. I put the spell on the soul dew after increasing my physical abilities. If I hold the soul dew for 10 seconds in the same spot in my hand It'll teleport me back to Equestria. I also put a note by it saying "if". Years passed and eventually the house I used to live in was abandoned. No one else ever lived in it again. But I do own the deed to it. Eventually Nathan forgot about My Little Pony. And the one he loved...

    there's the leave ending and you all have a vote if you want this to be the actual story or not so review or PM me your vote and soon I'll tally them up. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MSIR AND FAV

    13. Chapter 12:The Choice:Stay

    Ok so here's the ending where Nathan chooses to stay. You all have a vote and if not enough people vote I'll choose. Remember to MSIR

    "Just so you know Nathan, Htaed is gone which means time will move freely instead of where you're at. When you came here I put a spell on you to freeze time in the opposite worlds so you can return to your old life." Said Princess Celestia. I don't know what to choose. I love it here and it's almost completely care free now and besides that I love Twilight too. But I have responsibilities on Earth and a great career ahead of me. I'm in a metal band that's about to be signed and I'm probably better than most college athletes at football and I'm still in high school as a sophomore.

    "I'm staying here. There are great people here who care about me and are my friends. Sure I'll miss Earth but I would miss this place even more." I said.

    "Yayayayayayay!" Said Pinkie Pie and Twilight. I from there on out lived in Equestria. Twilight became the new Princess and an alicorn. Eventually I married Twilight and we had a pony. I know what you're thinking too, that's gotta be a messed up child. But you're wrong he was a unicorn with blue fur and a gold mane that looked like SSJ 3 Goku's hair with short bangs. And because I'm married to Twilight I became King. Life is great here.

    well there you go and I know that no one wants Twilight as an alicorn but too bad and besides that its not like every new story is gonna have her like that. So remember to vote and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MSIR, FAV, AND VOTE IF THE LEAVE ENDING IS THE ACTUAL STORY OR NOT either way though this shall be continued in my side stories story

    14. Chapter 13:Epilogue

    Here's a little thing I made for you guys. Its a epilogue to the leave ending MSIR and pay attention here Enjoy

    Epilogue to Leave Ending. 10 years later.

    It's 2023 and our character Nathan is 25 years old now. 10 years it has been since he defeated Discord with Htaed. But sadly, due to time and his lack of it being free he forgot all about My Little Pony and everything that happened in the realm of Equestria. He even forgot about the pony he loved. Oddly enough though, he never dated anyone else after that. With him being a star people asked why and he didn't have an answer he simply went to the next question. But yes his career did take off. His band was signed to Runner of Roads Records where they were working on their 4th album. They had millions of dollars. Along with that Nathan's football career had even more success. He went to WVU for college and got 4 BCS wins there. In the draft he was a first round pick to the Pittsburgh Steelers. He was pick 18 because him the combine and lost college game he didn't look good. But it was a steal for the Steelers. His first year in he was a QB and backup returner. They went 15-3 and won the SuperBowl in his first season making him the youngest rookie to win it. By then he was 23. And the next 2 years he won the Superbowl as well both seasons undefeated. He got 2 MVP rings so far. And the Steelers once again became the team with the most Superbowl wins. And the city of Moundsville and Pittsburgh could not be prouder. He was known as the best all around. And now it has been 2 weeks since he won it this year. He decided he'd go back to his home town of Moundsville.

    Not much changed from when he was there as a teen. He decided to go to his old house and remember the good memories.

    So there's the epilogue which will make a chapter. Tell me what you think of it so please MSIR FAV me to please piece out.

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