

by Skarfly

Chapter 3: 3. Episode 3

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"Welcome!" Daniels said into the microphone with a smile, "This is where we answer any and all questions from the UNSC message hotline!"

"We have already received our three questions for the episode" Morris continued, "So we decided to increase the question count to four."

"That's right" Harvest did his deep announcer voice, "Now we'll answer four of your questions an episode! Call or review today!"

"First question is…" Daniels sighed, "For the princess; princess Twilight that is."

Dear Princess Twilight ,

From what i've been able to gather you were chosen to complete the spell that
this 'Starswirl the bearded' couldn't and in the end transformed into an
Alicorn . I pose a Question to you. Will you be staying in Ponyville or will
you be moving to Canterlot to be ruling over an entire kingdom with or without
your friends ? as this would be quiet a concern for everypony and to you
Rarity knowing you ,You would love to desgin royal dresses ,To you RD i know
for a fact that you will make it into the wonderbolts as have so many
fanfictions have explained and as for Fluttershy best of lck in taking care of
you animals to AJ best of luck in Sweet Apple acres ,to Pinkie Pie you thor
hem parties i'm no much a party animal i could aten one of your parties, to
Princess Luna best of luck n the future

Your's Truely


PS: Anypony know when the GGG is?

"What?" Twilight asked; confused

"I think we're getting these things from places that aren't our timeline" Young suggested, "That would make sense."

"Well I'm not sure… I never thought I'd be a princess…" Twilight scratched her head

"And now time and space is screwed" Harvest said, "Thanks ChipMunkFanatic."

"The next question is for-" Morris got interrupted

"This one is for me" Discord warped into the room

Dear Discord: I know you are a good guy now, but... You have to be the most pathetic villain in all this *** world, I mean, why hide the elements of Harmony in Twilligh's lybrary? Why not put them in the Everfree Forest or in the fricking earth's nucleus?! Is like 5 million degrees down there! They would never find them! But you're not only the world's most pathetic villain, but also the girliest one... Chocolate Milk rain? Sugar Cotton clouds? Floating houses?... Dude, just stand behind one of the elements, grab a **ing knife and cut her throat, as easy as that. You can control reality for satan sakes! Do domething better than that stupid girly **! **! With love D.B.S

"Well that isn't very nice of you" Discord pretended to be hurt, "You should always give them a sporting chance!"

"I'm just glad that- no matter what he did- Discord still played fair." Morris pointed out, "If he didn't; then they would never have found them."

"He made us think they were in the labyrinth!"

"Up until now I was willing to try with this" Harvest threw his hands in the air, "Now this?"

"Well whoever the letter is for has to answer it; that's how it works." Daniels shrugged

"You never were forced to think that" Morris countered, "You made that choice yourself."

"I'm just glad he didn't kill any of them" Young smiled, "Next question."

Mr.E:That's right. I'm back. I actually have two questions. Dear Princess Celestia, Is Twilight Sparkle you slave? It seems that's all you ever seem to treat her as. She's saved Equestria three times and reunited you with your sister. Couldn't you have done that yourself? Seems as if all you ever do is sit on your royal **. Care to explain? And Twilight Sparkle, do you even consider yourself worthy of being a princess? I mean, you haven't really done anything to become a princess. You're just Celestia's Slave. That's all you'll ever amount to. You are far too ignorant to even be looked upon on as a bearer of the element of Magic. So tell me, how did you get to wear that abolishment on that empty brain of yours? Yours with wuv, Mr. E

"Good god…" Daniels clenched a fist, "That one was a bit… offensive don't you think?"

"Not worthy huh?" Young crossed her arms, "How many times did you save Equestria?"

"Plus; a slave?" Harvest cocked his sniper, "That's low; even for a UNSC hotline."

Morris went to go comfort Twilight; Discord had left and Daniels was busy equipping the squad

"After this next question we plan to go mug you Mr. E; you pissed all of us off." Daniels warned

"We're out" Harvest checked the PC

"Well that was quick" Daniels shrugged, "See you next time then."

"But we'll see you first Mr. E." Young smiled as the screen faded to black

Next Chapter: 4. Episode 4 Estimated time remaining: 3 Minutes
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