
The Light and Dark of Insanity

by jreidsma

Chapter 6: 6. Memories in a Memoir

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Nighttime, a clear night with all of the stars and the moon on display, street lamps light the paths for the ponies still outside. Some stores and buildings still have their lights on, including the late night convenience store.

"My whole body is numb from being on that train," Peach jumps out of the train stretching like a cat woken from its sleep.

"If you two don't mind, can we make a quick run to the store before going home?" Rain quick checks her saddle bags for money for whatever it is she is planning to get.

"Sure, no need to rush getting back. Peach hasn't seen the town in quite a while anyways, might as well start at the store. What is it you want anyways?"

"More ice cream…"

Peach just about chokes and her eyes bug out, then a confused look comes over her face, "Wait, did we develop some sort of ice cream obsession or something while I was gone?"

"No, it's just that-"

A familiar unicorn, Dream, walks up to the three with a small package giving it to Lucky, "Why hello you three, I was just at your house but no one was there. You three always have perfect timing so I figured I would pass this along to Lucky, it's from your hometown. Celestia sent it my way saying it contained information that concerned your unusual abilities, but we both think that it would be best if you were to read it first."

"Umm, thanks? But what is it exactly, what is it about?"

"I have not read it, so I do not know. I was just told to pass it on to you once I had a chance," The unicorn slowly walks ahead, most likely towards her home.

Once inside the store they make their way to the frozen goods isle. Rain picking out the usual tubs of ice cream then checking out, making sure to get a few extra tubs means they have an extra mouth in the house now that Peach has come back.

With a bowl in hoof and a large comfy sofa large enough for the three ponies, Lucky begins to open the package given to her earlier by Dream. Inside she finds a small notebook addressed with her name on it from Pure Dreams and Maroon Dreams, on the inside it's a bundle of papers that have been bound inside the notebook for easier keeping. The purpose has been given away already; on the cover was a picture of Lucky as a small filly.

She begins to read and flip through the pages, making mental notes on the words inscribed inside. These are letters to her from some pony who had taken care of her back in the farming town that she had come from. The town where every pony treated her like some sort of plague, except her aunt and uncle, who had cared for her. They were both unicorns like her, so magic ran in the family.

She begins to read the pages while her friends sit by her side.

This is hard, but important for you to find out sooner or later. You know that we have been caring for you for quite some time now, your aunt and uncle. We feel that, as we write this down, we will store these notes and give them to you later on so you can find more out about yourself and what truly happened to your parents.

You have probably wondered why every pony in this town treats you unfairly, or why they never talk to you the same way they do every pony else. It's hard to understand, and we want you to know that it's not your fault. They do have their reasons to be angry, but not at you, at a group that we hope is long gone by now.

It was a cult that housed their selves in a large Obsidian Castle-

At those words every pony in the room dropped their spoons and stopped eating.

They were capturing ponies that were gifted in magic, mainly unicorns, but the occasional Pegasus or earth pony was thrown in just to see how it would go. The cult was thought, at first, to be merely a nuisance. But once they had started pony napping the guards stepped in, stopping them from taking any other ponies. The cult had to use only the ponies they had inside the castle, without napping any others out of the nearby towns, as the guards were close by. However; this did not stop the cult from making their moves.

Your parents were some of the main ponies we had to fight them, and they were trusted by the royal guards in Canterlot to gather whatever info they could on the issue. There was only so much the royal guards could do; after all they do show up a bit easily don't they.

Your parents were sending letters to Canterlot on any advances the cult made every chance they had, while the guards handled the main offensive tactics. But somehow the cults caught on to what your parents were doing, the day before the night you were born a new pony came to town. He had gray hair and wore a lab coat; we assumed he was a scientist from Canterlot or from some hospital somewhere.

The first thing he asked was where your parents lived, that he needed to speak with them immediately. A few of the town's ponies pointed him to your house and he moved along to speak with them. Rumors spread quickly that the baby was coming; we were all so happy and excited that you were coming. But why would a new doctor need to come when we had perfectly smart ones of our own?

That night when I went to your parent's home to check up on things no one answered, the door was left opened and no one was inside. We quickly told the royal guards who had been stationed around the town and a search was implemented. We couldn't wait though, we knew where they were taken, it was that blasted cult. They had taken our family and unborn and now they would pay.

It was tricky but we managed to sneak our way into the cult, we knocked out a few of their weaker members outside the castle and put on their uniforms. Black cloaks completely covering a pony's body and face if you wore the hood up. Once inside we made our way to the "slave room" as some were calling it, it took a while but we managed to find it. Once inside we found your father, terrible condition, he could barely stand and looked as if he could die any minute. He told us that they had taken your mother to the back room to "harvest" the magic from her. He would have gone and rescued her himself but he was strapped down and unable to move until we had arrived and freed him from the shackles.

As the three of us made it to the backroom, however; we found that it was too late for your mother, they had taken their revenge. Using their machine until all her energy was gone. All that was left was a little foal on the table in the corner, you. We all feared the worst, you weren't moving or anything. But that didn't stop us from grabbing you and trying to leave.

Guards had noticed us though, a couple barging into the room yelling at us. Your father tackled them onto one of the walls and frantically yelled for us to escape. The anxiety of the moment, mixed with our inability to fight an entire cult caused us to run out of the castle and escape back to the town. But before leaving through the doors, your father left us one request. He held up a small notebook which he had his name and your mother's name carved into it on the front. It was a list of names that they had been writing in all this time and trying to decide on one for you. He asked us to name you Lucky Dreams, the name your mother wanted the night the scientist came.

As more guards flooded in the back doors, we had to escape; leaving your parents behind, neither has been heard form sense.

We later found on the way out of the castle that they had run experiments on you before we arrived. They had machines that appeared to be used to infuse magic into items. We found a journal that roughly described what had happened, we would have included it with this but we didn't have a chance to take it with us.

It simply stated that the experiment was a success, but the results would have to wait until later when the foal would develop magical abilities of her own. They had tried magic gathered from Celestia and around Canterlot from the guards, the holiest of forms. Along with that from their leader and various evil beings, the opposite of the holy magic energy gathered in the first "empowerment" as they called it.

We entered the town and rushed to the hospital, there the nurses and doctors revived you from whatever grim things that cult had done. They put you in their care overnight, but you were not in the path of death. That experiment had taken a toll on your health, however; the cult wanted you alive to see their work pay off.

The town's ponies and leaders from Canterlot held a meeting the next day in our town hall to discuss what would be done with you. No pony knew what would happen with this experiment that they performed. No pony knew what would happen if you would lose control of it, or if it even did anything that would require you to control it.

Some wanted to "throw you out," they even discussed some drug used to quickly kill. Some wanted to exile you somewhere away from every pony that knew about the cult. Banishment to the moon with Nightmare Moon was presented. We felt that all of those were unnecessary and harsh. Celestia herself would not hear of that sort of treatment of a filly, especially one that had not committed a crime. She understood that you were innocent, and the sins fell on the cult.

After a long time of anxiety and anger, it fell onto us to take care of you. Something we were already planning on doing, so we gladly accepted the offer. We were warned that there were potential risk with bringing a filly, especially one that had been through as much as you, into our household, but we didn't care. We had raised children before and we could do it again, sure you may have a few magical problems later down the road but we can worry about that later.

That same morning the Obsidian Castle along with its cult vanished. No warning, nothing was left behind. We assume it was because we had sneaked into their castle and retrieved you form their laboratories.

From then onwards you were treated differently, everyone felt that you were a reminder of the cult. And that you could lash out at any minute and kill every pony in the town. We tried to reason with them, that you were not a threat and that you were just a normal filly in the wrong place at the wrong time. But they still doubted it, they still resented everything.

Adults treated you wrongly because of the cult, while the children treated you wrongly because their parents did. Along with the fact that they thought you were different, or the fact that you were quiet.

We still remember when you gained your cutie mark; it was a normal day of school except you never came home. It was past an hour later than normal, we decided that we needed to check out the school and find out where you were, usually you would tell us if you were going to the library or do anything after school.

You weren't at the library though, you were in the playground. A group of larger students were surrounding you and bullying you along with another quiet classmate. They had both of you stuck in one of the house shaped play sets calling you names, kicking dirt, throwing stones, but the gates into the playground were closed shut and locked. It took us time to get through them and to where you were.

Both of you were huddled together not giving in, you kept that other filly strong through the ordeal. Talking to her the whole time about what you two would do afterwards, and what she meant to the ponies that cared for her. You understood her; you gave her a chance and stood up for her.

A bright light came from you; your rainbow prism shaped cutie mark appeared right where it is today. Just like a prism you took the regular light and made a rainbow. It may sound strange but every pony is different, it's up to you to decide what it means. We have always assumed it meant that you could take the worse and make it better. Or that you could make others feel better by showing them the best in things.

You spent the years growing up with that filly; you should really get in touch with her again soon. Even though you both have grown I am sure you both could still be friends.

Your first years were rough, especially once you began school. But once you began to open up to the world; it began to open up, ever so slightly, to you. The bullies calmed down and ponies in the town would actually treat us like regular ponies, making life much easier.

As Lucky flips to the next page she notices that these next pages are ideas hastily jotted down by her parents, mainly on the history of the cult, its workings, and hypothesizing on it.

This cult is ruled by a strict hierarchy, one ruler then a few under him. We assume that they are guards, scientist, and advisors. One is seen outside nearly all the time, Regal, an all gray unicorn that has near immortal healing powers. The cult must have used some sort of magic on the pony to make him this way. We never see him speak to any pony else in the cult. Royal guard after royal guard has been taken out by him as they try to enter.

Their leader appears to be some sort of strange, other worldly creature. It can change shapes at will, its body made of fog or some sort of smoke. Not much is known on it now, more will be written later as we find more.

The castle they live in houses many machines that they use for tasks unknown to us. We have heard some of the cult's members speaking of machines that bind magic to items, machines that can bring the dead back to life. Or worst of them all, the one that sucks the life force, and magic, from ponies used in it. What they use it for we can only guess.

We have stumbled upon a few documents that explain this cult's origin! Such luck we have today. The leader is in fact not a pony; no pony has any idea what it is. It could shape shift even as a physical being. It seems to embody insanity; perhaps its own mind caused itself to go crazy? But something made it turn evil; something made it turn on Celestia and Luna long ago. The princesses destroyed its physical body thinking they had defeated it, but they were wrong. It reformed from the energy left from their battle; the psyche left from when it was alive all added up and revived the immortal beast.

After years of it restoring its Obsidian castle, ponies began to swarm to it after hearing how it nearly defeated Celestia and Luna. Power hungry fools that didn't know what they were getting into. It took years for it to build the castle from a simple castle, to the monstrosity it is today. He has the power of an army, hundreds of magical machines inside that thing he calls home. Now it is not just his home, he has been spiritually bound to that castle, he is the castle now.

One of the poor souls to first run upon the dark monster was Regal, the mute guard mentioned before. He has been mentioned as one of the co-founders of the cult. Along with the scientist that we see every once and a while, all gray hair is about all we can explain on paper. They must both be incredibly old. All we can figure out is that the leader has done something to them, perhaps even brought them back to life, or made them immortal, something like this may not be as far-fetched as it sounds.

The leader, Regal, and the scientist all gathered together forming the cult. One offering pretty well anything they needed, while the other two offered guard and smarts. It has been written down that Regal was mute upon arrival, for no apparent reason that we know of. If only we could get a hold of him or that scientist… then we could get some info.

We can hypothesize that the beings true point behind the magic gathering machine is to gather enough magic to create his physical body again. There is a surplus of magic in that castle after he uses some for running the machine and the rest of the cult.

Once the royal guards found out about the cults pony napping and torturing, they put a stop to it quickly and tried to invade. That did not end well. A simple spying mission it was, a few sent inside as cult members, then they were to report back to Celestia as quickly as possible afterwards. Their motives were spotted by the cults many guards on the inside. The spies never came back out of the obsidian monstrosity.

After this set back the movements of the royal guards have been much more cautious. The battle between Celestia, Luna, and the cult's leader all those years ago must have been more dreadful than we can imagine. As they are planning this out more than one would think, some of the towns ponies are wondering why Celestia doesn't just come herself and end this. But it might not be that simple; perhaps she fears that she cannot defeat it without taking serious damage, or a more viable assumption is that perhaps the castle cannot be destroyed that easily. If the leader is part of the castle, then will the castle need to be destroyed to defeat the leader now as well? If so, then how would one destroy a castle that is technically alive?

None the less, the royal guard's protection and the guidance of Celestia has kept them from pony napping any more innocent lives, that we are all thankful for.

The rest of the notes have been torn off, the cult must have gotten a hold of the rest when they pony napped Lucky's parents.

In the back of the notebook an address in Canterlot is scratched down onto the inside of the cover, along with the names of Lucky's aunt and uncle. Under it, it reads "We had to move to Canterlot, a lot has happened sense you started your adventure. The cult has made its move again, so we had to be given protection from them."

Tears swell in Lucky's eyes as she finally knows what happened to her parents, why she never got to see them, why every pony picked on her, why no pony would talk to her, why she has these strange abilities now of all the times.

And why this blasted cult is in her life, past and future. Their training will be put to good use, no pony else will be hurt because of this cult's ideals. They will destroy what her parents couldn't.

Next Chapter: 7. Rebirth of a Monster Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes
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