
The Daredevil and the Bookworm

by DebsterFanatic

Chapter 4: 4. Applebuck Season

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And so here's the next chapter, my friends. I like this chapter mostly because of all the awkward situations everypony puts Dash in. Also because, I like having TwiDash moments even if they're not together.

Thank you all for the reviews as well and the follows and favorites!


Something hard whacks into the back of my head and I tumble forward and crash forward at a wall with a large groan as I fall over, "Fluttershy!" I shout to the yellow Pegasus, "Tell your stupid bunny to stop throwing carrots at me or I'm gonna squash him!"

Fluttershy picks up the small, fluffy bunny who glares daggers at me. Anypony else would take one look at his cute features and see an adorable woodland creature. I see fire and brimstone raining down around him at his own command, "Angel Bunny didn't mean that, Rainbow Dash." She tells me softly.

"That's what you said the sixth time it happened!" I throw my hooves in the air. Typical Fluttershy, taking the bunnies side over her best pal.

"I'm sure it was an accident," Fluttershy places the bunny on the ground as he smirks in victory at me.

"Alright, that's it!" I growl before my wings flap and I fly forward at him. He turns and hops away and I continue chasing him. I almost have him, I just need to-


The sound of me making contact with the wall for the second time today rings out, my face smacking into the hard concrete as I slide down painfully, releasing a groan. The stupid bunny had bounced off into a small hole that was built for mice and not idiot bunnies like himself.

"Rainbow Dash!" I hear Fluttershy but it comes out in different volume tones. She grabs my tail and lightly drags me as she doesn't have the strength to carry me herself, "Are you okay?" She asks in concern, examining my face.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I grunt, knocking her hoof away, "That didn't hurt a bit." On the contrary, it stung like hay! But I wouldn't let that fluffball win, "I said I was fine, 'Shy." I roll painfully out of the way as she tries to start examining me again, "Stop actin' like you're my mom."

I notice Fluttershy recoil a little and her eyes lost the usual brightness in them. Maybe I was being harsh on her, I kinda liked being treated like that by Fluttershy. It showed she cared for my well-being, like a mother or an older sister would, "But thanks." I then add, my tone for once soft. I always seem to be kinder around 'Shy. I guess it's because I've known her for more than ten years. We've been through tons together after all.

Fluttershy looks up meekly and I quickly send her a smile to assure her I meant it and she smiles back, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, Fluttershy," I nod, "Completely." I send a glare as I see the bunny from hell himself by her side, "Anyways, I was going to head into the village, wanna come with?"

Fluttershy nods, "Of course." She looks down at Angel, "Don't worry, Angel, I'll be back." She smiles.

He sends a death glare at her, indicating he didn't want her to leave.

"Um, I'll make you dinner when I get back?" She offers. I can't believe it. Why doesn't she just tell him to take a hike?!

Angel crosses his arms, glaring at her more in a way that seemed to be asking her something.

"Your favorite salad?"

The glare drops and a smile plays on his face as he hops to Fluttershy and nuzzles her once before heading off. Of course not without sneaking a glare at me.

"Let's go then!" I shout as we exit her cottage. Immediately I hover in the air as Fluttershy stays on the ground. She was an odd Pegasus, I'll give her that.

Fluttershy trots along happily before she asks, "Why are you heading into the village?" She then frowns a little, "A-are there clouds to clear? Is there a storm coming? Is-"

"Chill, 'Shy," I release a chuckle, "I'm just helping Twilight out in her library. She needs help putting some books up and I figure I may as well help."

Fluttershy stops, her eyes widening, "B-but, y-you never help anypony!" She then adds, "Um...no offense."

"Yeah, guess so," I fly around her as we continue on, "But she's my friend."

"Whenever Rarity or Applejack or even Pinkie Pie asks you, you never h-help," Fluttershys says quietly. I don't know whether to be proud of the fact she was being nosy or angry that she was interfering with my personal life.

"I just am," I mumble.

Fluttershy sneaks a glance at me before she squeaks something out, "-ting?"


"-Ating?" Her voice is barely a whisper now.

"Speak up, 'Shy!" I cup a hoof around my ear to try and get better hearing.

"A-are you and T-Twilight d-dating?" She manages to press out. Immediately my eyes turn wide with shock and my face flushes red. I stop flying altogether, stammering and opening and shutting my mouth in shock. By the time I manage to pull myself together, Fluttershy is a little surprised herself, "Oh...I didn't mean to intrude. Whatever happens between you two is fine, better than!" She says and she let's a little smile out.

"M-me and Egghead are not dating!" I manage to say. How could she think that? Me and...and TWILIGHT?! That doesn't make any sense. She's a bookworm, I've never read a book in my life. She's a nerd and I'm...well, and idiot! It wouldn't add up and I don't even like her! Aw man...if Fluttershy was suspecting it, maybe the others were as well. I don't recall every acting like me and Twilight dated. Sure, we talked a lot and stuff but we were friends, isn't that what friends do Talk?!

"It's okay, I won't tell anypony," Her soft quiet tone tells me she actually believes it's true.

"We're not! I'm just helping her out!" I exclaim as we cross over a bridge and arrive in Ponyville, "We are not dating. No way, definitely not. Nope, nope, nope." I repeat over and over before a rumbling noise rings through my ears. Curiously (And just to escape further embarrassment), I fly up into the air and I can only see smoke far away but then my eyes wide as I see what was the source of the noise, "STAMPEDE!" I roar as I fly ahead, forgetting about Fluttershy.

At once all the ponies break into havoc, running all over the place, minus Pinkie Pie who was bouncing from the tremors happily until Twilight interrupted her. If I wasn't so worried about the stampede, I'd be embarrassed to see Twilight. Flying around, trying to think of a way to stop it, I notice something in the distance, "Look there!" I shout and point a hoof.

It directs at Applejack, running alongside the herd of cattle, her pet dog Winona by her side as they charge up, slowly passing cow by cow.

"Go AJ!" I shout to encourage her. Even I have to admit that if anypony could do this, it would be Applejack. After all, she was a born-and-raised cowfilly, "Yeah! Alright! Woo-hoo!" As they begin drawing nearer, Applejack hops on the back of a cow, producing a rope out of nowhere as she looped it around the head cows neck and began tugging.

Just when the cows were about to head over the bridge into Ponyville, the cow turned to the right and away. Hehe, she did it! Of course I won't say it in reality but I was impressed. As we all cheer and whoop, I grin as Applejack comes over the small hill, smiling before she heads off? Well, that was weird. If I did that, I'd be basking in the glory for ages!

I stiffle a laugh as Pinkie tries to act like Applejack, failing a lot. As we stand in front of the Mayor, she happily says that we have to thank Applejack for saving the town.

"I know!" Pinkie exclaims as we all lean in to see what her plan was, "A party!"

The next few days were spent in planning a celebration for Applejack and we spent a long time setting it up. I helped with the high stuff, banners, balloons and what-not.

"Hey, Dashie! How's my super-best friend who's a stallion?" Pinkie bounces over to me with a smile as I fix up a few balloons.

"I'm fine, Pinks," I reply, "Just fixing up some balloons." I turn around, spotting Twilight who has a clipboard in front of her. We all voted for her to be the organizer for the event, "Yo, 'Twi, where do you want the next batch of balloons?" As she nods and points at a location, I smile and take off instantly.

Pinkie was already there, "Huh, you seemed in a hurry there, Dashie. You never really do what me and the others say at once. We have to bribe you or order you."

"Well, it's just because Applejack earned this," I simply say as I slam my hoof on a hammer that stuck the string of the balloons to a wall.

"Oh, I thought it was because you had a sort of crush on Twilight."

For the second time today, I stop what I was doing, my eyes widening, "WHAT?! NO WAY!" I shout before noticing everypony (Including Twilight) staring at me, wide-eyed, "Hehe, nothing to see here folks!" I quickly give the most forced grin in the universe.

Pinkie stares at me, her aquamarine eyes wide and bright as she grins at me, "Aw, you so do, Dashie!" She yanks me into a bone-crushing hug.

"N...n...n-no," I gasp out as I feel pain shoot throughout my body. How Pinkie can lift me up shall be a mystery as old as time.

Pinkie drops me and I fall to the ground in a painful heap, moaning in pain. She bids me a quite cheerful reply and heads off, bouncing along the way.

I feel a hoof grab my and pull me up and I am met with a pair of dazzling blue eyes, "Oh, hey, Rare." I yawn loudly.

"It is rude to yawn in front of a lady, Dash," Rarity shook her head in disbelief at me as I sit down until I get feeling back in my body.

"Well, sorry," I grunt, tone showing I barely was.

Rarity shook her head side-to-side, "I couldn't help but overhear you and Pinkie's-"

"You were listening in on us, weren't you?" I shoot her a look.

"By accident strictly and you did appear to overreact at a certain quote, Sweetheart," I growl at the nickname again.

"Oh really?" I ask slowly and deadly.

Rarity doesn't take notice, nodding her head, "Along the words of that she said that you had a crush on Twilight?"

"I don't!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes! And you and everypony else can shut up and about it!"

"I'm not the first? More than Pinkie have accused you of liking Twilight?"

"Me like Twilight? Why does everypony seem to be talking about that?" I ask Rarity, my tone short and arrogant.

"Maybe it's because it might be true, but you might not just know it," Rarity does her annoying smile at me.

I huff and look up at Twilight as she helps Pinkie Pie set up a banner, "I don't, I won't and I never will. Fair and simple."

"Of course, Sweetheart, but do try and find out what you think of her?"

I turn away from her to hide my blush, my back to her and the hall, "I think she's an egghead, there." I mumble.

"Oh, hello there, Twilight?"

My eyes widen? Twilight was behind me! I quickly fix up my mess of a mane, trying hard to tame the spikes as I turn around and grin charmingly, "Hey, Twi-" I stop at once only to see Twilight was a good few metres away, helping Pinkie fixing up that banner. I then see Rarity smirking at me, as if proud of herself, "That doesn't prove anything."

"Oh, but I believe it does."

"Whatever, you and everypony can have your stupid fantasies, I'm gonna look and see where Applejack is," I take off at once. I fly all around Ponyville but Rarity's words still play in my mind.

Just what do I think of Twilight? Smart, geeky, a clutz, socially awkward, cute, with a pretty smile and bright eyes-


For the third time today, I smash into something. I release a groan as I slide down a wall, my head throbbing with pain. As I flop back staring at the sky while moaning in pain, I forget all of whatever I did think of Twilight and just focused on the increasing pain in my head.

Applejack seems to be nowhere. I've looked around the whole village, she must be at her dumb old farm. She's been there all week! I've barely seen her. In fact, I never saw her! Maybe she's already there and I missed it.

Forcing myself back onto my hooves, I weakly flap my wings and take off, much slower than usual as I didn't want to crash into another wall. I then see the city hall, but no Applejack. As I begin to land, I hear Twilight ask if Applejack was ready.

"Actually, I haven't seen her all week," I say as I land behind her and Rarity.

"Not since the stampede!" Pinkie joins in.

"But she'll be here for sure," I smile to assure them, "Applejack is never late."

Soon, the front of the hall fills with tons of ponies, a lot of the village. Waiting on the sidelines was me, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. I stare in disbelief as Twilight fixes up about a billion cards with her magic. Dear Celestia, she'll bore everypony to death.

"A pony whose contributions to-"

I quickly fly in front of Twilight, knocking her notes away as I girn, "Did you see Applejack slick moves out there?" I raise my forelegs to emphasis it, "What an athlete! This week she's gonna help me with my new flying trick. And I know it's gonna be-" I put on the goofiest smile and childish expression on my face as I place a foreleg on either side, "-So awesome!"

"Exactly," Twilights shoves me to the side as I stumble and send a death glare at her as I trot off. But to my amusement, Pinkie Pie who interrupts Twilight, talking about Sugar Cube Corner and how Applejack is gonna help her. She announces free samples for all and I whoop and jump up happily.

Free food, is free food.

I land beside Spike and we both share a secret laugh as Fluttershy of all ponies interrupts Twilight to the unicorns anger. We quickly shut up as Twilight asks in a bitter voice did anypony want to talk.

"Well then, as I was trying to say," Twilight lifts up her cards again and blinks as she stares at Mayor Mare, "Urgh! Never mind!" She tosses all her cards up in the air.

"Poor Princess, not being able to finish her little speech," I pause as one of the many cards land on my mane, "Well, maybe not-so little." I tease her with a smirk. Twilight glares at me and I open my mouth to talk only to find one of those cards shoved into my mouth. As I spit it out, I chuckle, "Feisty, I like that in a mare." I say simply, before realizing I was flirting with her and I turn and give a face-hoof only to see Rarity smirking at me again. What I would do to wipe that dumb smirk off her face.

The sounds of cheering and then gasping alerts me and I look up to see the place Applejack was supposed to be was empty.

"Awkward," Spike mumbles and I have to agree with the little guy.

"Ah'm here!" A country voice suddenly announces, "Ah'm here!" A loud yawn follows the sentence, "Sorry ah'm late, ah was just-" The sound of tripping came, "Did ah get yer tail?" Applejack practically drags her body onto the stage before shoving her face close to the Mayor's, her eyes dead with bags underneath them, "Miss Mayor." She shoves her away, "Thank ya kindly fer this here award thingy." She trots over to the large trophy, "It's so bright an' shiny, and-" She chuckles at it, "Ah sure do look funny." The next few moments are spent with AJ rocking back and forward, staring at her reflection.

Did she eat a bad apple? She looks crazy! Then Pinkie joins in, making the percentage of crazy on the stage 110%, "Somepony get up there." I mutter to the others and eventually Twilight goes up on stage who tries to stop the silence between everypony as she thanks Applejack for saving us.

Me and Spike giggle again as Applejack actually falls asleep on the stage and she snaps back to reality and the next few moments are spent with her dragging the trophy away and soon she is out of sight.

"Was it just me or did Applejack seem a little-"

"Tired?" I say in reply to Twilight.

"Dizzy?" Fluttershy adds on my side.

"Messy?" I send a puzzled look at Rarity, "Well, did you see her mane?"

"She seemed fine to me!" Pinkie bounces on the stage before tipping her head back and making one of the most annoying sounds in the world as Twilight looks skeptical.

I yawn then, "Well, that was the amusing event of the day. I better start prepping for my awesome trick before AJ helps me out." I start flexing my forelegs, trying to work out all the kinks in them and loosen all the muscles. I glance around the place and chuckle as Pinkie Pie is talking to a squirrel that Fluttershy was around with Rarity also there, but standing a good bit from it. Probably to keep her coat clean, knowing the white unicorn.

As I continue on, I see Twilight talking to Spike but her eyes seemed to be fixed on...me? At once, I smirk at her, "See something you like, Princess?" I call over, crossing my forelegs then.

Twilight blushes bright red but rolls her eyes and forces her gaze to Spike as she says something then heads off.

"Where's she going?" I ask Spike.

"To try and talk some sense into Applejack," The baby dragon eyes me for a moment before dropping it.

I chuckle, "It was funny when she fell asleep."

"Hehe, yeah!" Spike starts to laugh again.

"Well, I better go and head to where I'm meeting AJ," I stretch my wings.

"Bye," Spike nods at me before I take off and I'm soon there.

But Applejack isn't.

I fiddle around for a few minutes. Which turns into a couple of hours during the time I had gotten some cupcakes from Sugar Cube Corner, fly around the village twice, heck, I even had time for a nap!

Standing on a post on a fence, something catches my eye, "There you are."

"Ah'm a might sorry, Rainbow," Applejack yawns as she speaks, "Ah was busy apple-buckin' and ah guess ah closed mah eyes fer ah second and when ah woke up, ah was late. Now, what's this new trick of yours?"

I smile and point a hoof, "See this contraption?" I point at a seesaw placed in front of large platform a big red X on the upper seat.


"Well, I'm gonna stand on one end, then you're gonna jump down from that platform, launching me into the air faster than I can take off on my own! Once I'm in the air, I'm gonna do some amazing flips and spins that are sure to impress the Wonderbolts!"

"Isn't that a might' dangerous?" AJ looks at me.

I scoff as I fly in front of her, "Not for a pony who can fly." I sent off for my part of the seesaw.

"Well, alrighty then," AJ is soon on top of the platform.

"Ready?" I ask, oblivious to her dizzyness, "1...2...3!" I watch as Applejack falls flat on the ground, "Uh...maybe I wasn't clear. You're supposed to land on the other end."

"Got it," AJ replies, with as much sanity in her tone than Pinkie Pie's usual speaking voice.

She misses again. And again. Guess what? Again!

"Applejack!" I demand, "What the hay is going on? I mean, I thought I was working with Ponyville's best athlete!"

"You are!" She says with eyes like that of a friend of mine; Ditzy Doo, "Ah'm okay, really! Ah have an idea! Watch this!" She pushes down the end of the seesaw and I glare at her as I raise up about a metre, not the hundreds of hooves in the air I was expecting, "Ta-da!" I just keep up my glare, "Oh, maybe not. Okay, one more try. Ah'm sure to get it this time." She hops off her end and I crash to the ground with a grunt.

I try to gather myself but then I hear Applejack announce she was ready and I see her jump off the platform, "WAIT!" I flail my forelegs around but it's too late.

She slams down on her end and I do literally launch into the air, "APPLEJAAAAAAACK!" I shout, trying to flap my wings but I was moving too fast to do it, "AAAAAAAHHHHH!" I shout before I continue on. In a way, I was doing tricks, but dodging house and signs weren't exactly Wonderbolts material-


For the FOURTH TIME today, I crash into something. A grunt escapes my lips and my gut feels as if it was split in half as I smack into something wooden.

"Can I help you?"

I lift my head, my blurry vision on something purple. As it focuses, I see Twilight looking at me with a puzzled look.

I reply weakly, "I think somepony else need your help."


"Yup," That was all I can say before everything blacks out as I pass out.

I wake up to find myself in the exact same position as where I was; lying over the balcony in Twilight's house. Gee, thanks for the help Twilight. I slip over and groan but I'm pleased to feel no pain in my gut and I feel like I can fly.

I take off, soaring around wonkily trying to get back to flying as I usually did. However, a familiar rumbling noise alerts me and I rise up and gasp, "STAMPEDE!" I roar.

Everypony takes for cover as attack of the killer bunnies happens.

This was Angel! He was getting his revenge on me from before! He was seriously trying to kill me! I have to report to Fluttershy! But first, I have to stop those critters! Taking off, I notice them attacking all the flowers as Fluttershy tries calming them.

"Alright, where's that Fluffball?!" I fly around 'Shy, "He did this to get me! I'm gonna pound his head off!" I growl.

"Angel didn't do this! It was, um, sort of Applejack's fault," Fluttershy softly says as she tries to stop the bunnies, "But of course it was an accident." She adds then.


"Can you please help me, Rainbow Dash?"

"Sure, pal," I sigh.

We then start chasing after bunnies and catching them. We manage to round them all up and we release a few cheers (Mostly me) once we place them back at her cottage.


We turn to see Twilight trotting up, "Hey, Twilight." I say.

"I managed to get Applejack to accept our help," She says with a smile, "You guys up for some apple-bucking?"

"Not really, tell AJ I have cloud-dutying or something," I yawn but shut up as Twilight gives me a look and I sigh, "Fine."

The rest of my day is spent at Sweet Apple Acres, kicking tree after tree and collecting apple after apple, filling up bucket after bucket. Sometimes I snuck myself an apple or two to eat because boy was it hot out here!

"How 'bout y'all take ah little break?" I smile and happily trot over to her, where six bottles of apple juice were there, "Ah got some fine apple juice for ya." As we approach her she smiles, "Girls-" I clear my throat, "And Dash, I can't thank ya enough fer this help. Ah was actin' ah bit stubborn."

"A bit?" Twilight smirks.

"Okay, ah might' stubborn and ah'm awful sorry," She apologizes, "Now, ah know the town gave me the prize pony award, but the real award is havin' you five as mah friends." I then grab the apple juice and slurp it down at once.

"Rainbow Dash! Drink with much more manners!" Rarity scolds me,

"What? I'm a male, being reckless with food or drink or anything is in my nature," I shrug.

"Yep, typical of male idiots," Twilight says without even looking at me.

I roll my eyes as they all laugh, "All that apple-buckin' has made me hungry."

Spike arrives, "And I got the perfect treat!" He holds up a batch of discolored muffins.

"Ew!" Pinkie squeals, "Spike I threw those away! Where'd you get them?"

He smiles happily at them, "From the trash!"

"EWWWW!" All the girls scream.

I blink. Not even I was that gross. As we head off, Spike seems determined as he follows us, "Just a little nibble? Come on..."

"No way, Spike, even us male idiots know when to quit," I smirk at Twilight as I say that line. She smiles back and I seem focused on her, not looking where I was going. To me it was just her and me, nopony else, just me and Twi-


As I smack into something for the FIFTH time, I release a small huff as I look up at a tree, "This could not get worse..."

Several apples fall out and hit me on the head.

Okay, maybe it could.

I'm excited for the next chapter/episode which is (as all you know) a Rainbow Dash centered one. I'm definitely gonna have fun writing it out.

Next Chapter: 5. Griffon the Brush Off Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 8 Minutes
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