
Six New Alicorns

by JusSonic

Chapter 4: 4. Chapter 3: Unicorn Madness

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Author's note
All righty, folks, time for the next chapter of this AU tale. VISION-KING, that is of course Pinkamena. As for your idea, very nice, I could use it. As for Star-Swirl, that can work too.

Unknown, Boris will be a cameo. As for Ben and Lorcan, that's a 'who knows'? right now.

Chapter 3: Unicorn Madness

It was morning or whatever you call it in the Infinite Realm. The alicorns and Spike were still sleeping as two shadowy familiar figures appear. One of them giggles, "Sister, looks like they're sleeping."

"Yes, it would be a shame to wake them up." The second sister said in agreement.

"Want to wake them up?"

"Yes, I shall..." The second figure clears her throat then screams in her Royal Canterlot voice. "WAKE UP!"

The group screams as Pinkie jumps into the air before falling, landing on Spike. The pink alicorn screams, "I swear, it wasn't me! It was an imposter who cuts Dashie into cupcakes!"

"What the hay is you on about?" Rainbow asks Pinkie uneasily by the screaming.

"Oooh, bad dream."

"Rise and shine, my little ponies," Celestia giggles to the ponies who are recovering from Luna's Royal Canterlot voice waking them up.

"It's flank kicking time!" Luna laughs a bit. She loves doing this kind of stuff.

"Ugh, couldn't you wait until we wake up naturally?" Twilight ask the Royal Sisters with a groan. "What time is it?"

"It's not sunrise yet but we decided to wake you up early." Celestia remarks with a smile. The new alicorns looks disbelief. The sun has risen yet?

"Oh dear, waking up early and without combing my mane does murder." Rarity said with a sigh while looking at her mane and tail. "I wish I can use my magic to fix it."

"Well, you're in luck. Today is the start of the unicorn portion of the training. You are now allowed to use your magic."

Celestia uses her magic to remove the devices on the alicorns' horns. Rainbow exclaims, "Man! Those things are cramping my style!"

"So how we will y'all be doing 'dis?" Applejack asks the Royal Sisters curiously. "Is there anything we gotta fight against?"

"In a moment; my sister will leave for a moment to raise the sun and do some duties for a while." Luna explains to the group. "I will train you in levitation in the meantime."

"Ugh, no offense but 'de last time Ah did 'dat, it didn't end well."

"Neither is for some of the ponies." Spike explains with a slight chuckle.

"Well, this time we will do it right." Celestia said as she motions to some barrels of apples nearby, "All right, Twilight? Will you kindly get us some apples; with your horn? And focus."

Twilight nods as she focus on some apples in the barrels, some of them came out of them. The fruit floats over to the ponies who grabs them and ate the fruit. Fluttershy said, "Wow...that was...amazing."

"Shows what you know." Rainbow remarks with a scoff. "Twilight has been studying magic all her life. We're beginners."

"I must leave for now but I shall be back soon. Luna? Take over from here." Celestia said as she teleports from the area, leaving Luna to do the alicorns' training.

"All right, time we begin. Applejack; you're first." Luna said with a grin to Applejack. The latter gulps in worry, recalling what happened before.

Applejack focuses a bit, getting some fruit out...then it went out of control and almost hit Spike, Pinkie moves him out of the way in time.

"Focus, Ms. Apple, focus." Luna said calmly to Applejack who tries again. The mare was doing good...but it hurts herself int he head. "You disappoint me. And you are one of the Elements bearers who saved me from the darkness?"

"Shucks, 'dis ain't easy fer a cowpony like me!" Applejack exclaims in frustration as she throws her hat to the ground. "Ah mean, Ah was doing farmwork all mah life, not magic or nothing. Ah can't git 'dis!"

"It's okay." Fluttershy said with a smile while nuzzling her friend. "We believe in you."

"Right, so do I. Believe me, I have trying levitating when I was doing magic but it was a few tries before I got it right." Twilight said to Applejack in agreement. "If Fluttershy say that we believe in you, then we do."

"You can do it, keep trying." Spike remarks as he pats Applejack on the back.

The mare smiles, her friends' encouragement has cheered her up. So Applejack tries again, causing more fruits to come out and heading towards her, Luna and Applejack's friends. To her surprise, the floating is in complete control.

"Well done!" Luna exclaims pleased as she took a fruit eating it. "I can see why your family is the best in Ponyville."

"Ah did it? Ah did it! YEEHAW," Applejack exclaims as she floats more fruit with control. "Looks like wit' mah friends' support an' encouragement, even 'dis former Earth pony can make magic easy."

"Who shall go next?"

"I will!" Pinkie exclaims as she happily uses her magic to cause all of the fruit to float out then she juggles them in the air without holding. "Ta da! Watch the Great and Powerful Pinkie juggle! Look, ma, no hooves!"

"Pinkie Pie, you are so random!" Rainbow giggles to Pinkie in amusement.

The training took a while to work involving magic, especially when Celestia came back to assist. Some ponies took a few tries but they have managed to get the levitation spell done.

"Good work, Fluttershy." Celestia said proudly as Fluttershy levitate a basket from one end of the field to the other. "You are so calm even when under fire."

"Thank you." Fluttershy said gently as she put the basket down. "When working with animals, I am calm as long as I'm not scared."

"Well, I think you have gotten the hang of the levitation spells."

"Yeah, it took a few tries but even an unicorn like me has done the impossible." Rarity said proudly as she passes an apple to Spike who takes it with a smile.

"Thanks, Rare." Spike said while biting into the apple.

"And now, it's time for the defense spells." Luna said seriously. "When dealing with attackers, you must defend yourself."

"What, no offense spells?" Rainbow asks Luna puzzled. If the alicorns have to defend, won't they need to fight back?

"I'm sure the offense will come later." Twilight assures to Rainbow, "Right, princess?"

"Right; for now, we will throw fruit at you and you must block the attacks." Celestia said as he and Luna stood next to one another, "Spike?"

"Right, out of the danger zone," Spike said as he moves away a bit to get away from the range. "Okay, be careful, girls."

"We're..." Pinkie yelps as she dodges an apple thrown by her by Luna's magic. "Hey, no fair, we ain't ready yet!"

"The enemy wouldn't give you time to prepare. You must focus and be prepare at all cost!" Luna exclaims as she and Celesia throws more fruit at the alicorn who either run or tries to use magic to dodge. "Keep trying, my little ponies!"

As the unicorn training goes on, two ponies were watching as the bigger pony says to the little one as she was getting a launcher of some kind ready, "Are you sure about this? Is this a little too much?"

The little pony then says, "To me it is not too much. Just make sure to keep loading this as I fire away. This will really give their magic something to truly be put to the test as they try to not get crushed." She then looks at the readers and says, "Not really but it is to just make it more tougher," The little one then fires the first shot and says to the bigger pony, "Please load the next one we got alicorns to train."

The big pony nods and starts loading. The two Royal Sisters sense something, smirking a bit.

"Well, never mind the apples; we got something bigger to train with." Celestia said with a giggle. The ponies turn and saw huge shots coming their way.

"Holy matrimony," Spike exclaims in shock and alarm.

"Watch out!" Twilight shouted as she and her friends dodged the blasts at first.

"Do not dodge, try to defend!" Celestia exclaims seriously. The alicorns took their advice to start and focus hard, causing shields to block out the blasts.

"There, you're learning!" Luna cheers on the ponies with a smile on her face.

"Come on, girls, we can do this!" Twilight shouted.

"Move it, Fluttershy!" Rainbow exclaims as she uses a shield to block a blast from Fluttershy in time.

"Oh, oh, my goodness," Fluttershy squeaks as she barely dodges in time.

The little pony firing watches on in amusement while the big one said, "Well, those ponies are doing well for beginning alicorns."

"I know! It's like they are meant for this!" The little pony exclaims eagerly.

The blasts kept on coming. The new alicorns manages to do well in defending themselves so far.

"Keep at it, girls! We gotta pass this test!" Twilight shouted.

"Yes, keep at it...you're being attacked on both sides!" Luna teases as she fires a lightning bolt at the ponies whose blocks both it at the blasts at the same time.

"What in Sam Hill is yew doing?" Applejack demands to Luna in alarm.

"When attacked by both sides, you must learn to defend both." Celestia explains as she flies up to fire a ray which Rainbow blocks.

"Oh I see, I get it," Spike said while watching on, "Pretty clever, attacked on both sides."

"So you wanna play rough, do ya?!" Rainbow shouted with a determined look on her face.

"Well, we can play rougher!" Twilight exclaims as she and her pals grow a bit. Soon a huge shield appears around all the alicorns, blocking out the attacks.

"Impressive." The big pony said in amazement as he saw what's happening. "This is much better than my own first time!"

"Yeah, and in 3-D," The little pony booms while wearing a pair of 3D glasses that appears to have come from out of nowhere.

"Try and beat that now! Nah nah nah nah nah," Pinkie teased the princesses.

"Impressive." Celestia said as the glow dies down, causing the ponies to land onto the ground. "Okay, I believe we can stop. You too, Golden Heart, your job is now done."

"Golden Heart," The Mane 6 asked in confusion and unison.

The mysterious ponies finally came out of hiding. One of them is a male brown alicorn with a golden mane and a golden tail with a gold heart cutie mark, wearing a golden plated chest armor, gold bracelets with green jewels and silver anklets with green jewels.

The other new pony surprised most of the alicorns but amuses Pinkie as it looks like her except both her mane and tail are flatten and she got a creepy look.

"Hi! Love the game of catch? It's Super Duper fun!" The little pony remarks with a smile.

"Greetings, my little alicorns; my name is Golden Heart, an ally of the Royal Sisters during the fight against Discord." Golden Heart said, greeting the new alicorns while bowing to them all.

"Nice to meet you," Twilight said with a smile.

"I must be seeing double!" Rarity exclaimed as she looked at Pinkie and the other pony that looks almost exactly like Pinkie.

"Why were you attacking us?" Rainbow asks the new alicorn while glancing at the Pinkie Pie lookalike. "And what's with the lookalike of Pinkie?"

"Oh, you mean Pinkamena?" Golden Heart asks Rainbow with a chuckle. "Not to worry, she's practically harmless."

"Just part of the test to keep your guards up," Pinkamena exclaims happily. "I am from another reality which is too long to explain in this AU fic."

"Hey, that's a coincidence! My name's Pinkamena, too! Of course, I usually prefer being called Pinkie." Pinkie said.

"Weird, weirdie, but fun, fun, fun," Pinkamena exclaims with a giggle. "Sorry that we gave you the scare; Just testing."

"It's okay!" Pinkie said happily.

Celestia clears her throat while getting her students' attention, "Well, then, you have to learn to defend yourselves. Now it's time for the offensive...fighting back."

"Finally, some flank kicking!" Rainbow exclaims eagerly.

"Wait, would we be fighting you two...or Golden Heart?" Fluttershy ask nervously, fearing that she isn't enough to fight against experienced alicorns.

"No, you all will be confronting...each other." Luna explains, much to the alicorn's surprise.

"WHAT," The Mane 6 asked in shock as they all looked at each other. They have to fight each other?!

"No worries, none of you will be using lethal spells. Just spells to knock each other down." Celestia assures the alicorns with a chuckle.

"Right, we aren't aiming to kill anyone here." Golden Heart remarks in agreement. "We will pair you girls off. Let's see...Fluttershy and...Rainbow Dash."

"Eep," Fluttershy squeaked.

"Come on, Fluttershy. You must learn to stand up for yourselves, even against your friends." Rarity insists while pushing Fluttershy forward. "What if one day we fight an enemy we can't win against?"

"Well...I guess I can give it my try." Fluttershy squeaks as she moves up to stand into position.

"Try not 'ta be too hard on her, Rainbow." Twilight said to Rainbow sternly, wishing her friend not to be too hard on Fluttershy in the fighting.

"Don't worry, I won't." Rainbow said.

The two Alicorns stood in positions. Celestia request, "Now then, remember, knock your opponent down only. No lethal or major harms!"

"Take this!" Rainbow exclaims as she fires a blast at Fluttershy, who yelps and uses a spell to block it.

"Rainbow Dash," Spike exclaims to Rainbow in annoyance.

"What? I wasn't going to harm her!" Rainbow protests to Spike innocently.

"Err, okay...uh..." Fluttershy focuses and fires a spell, which went so quickly that it knocks Rainbow down to the ground, "Oh my. Are you okay, Rainbow Dash?"

"Am I okay?! Fluttershy, that was awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed in amazement.

"Wow, you did good, Fluttershy!" Spike cheers on, making Fluttershy blush a bit.

"All right, let's do it again." Luna advises as Rainbow got back up. "Only this time, Rainbow shall try to defend herself from your attack."

"Oh, I don't know if I want to do it again." Fluttershy said meekly, fearing the worst. "Is that any part of the training that doesn't involve attacking?"

"Well, I hate to do this Fluttershy but I got no choice." Rainbow said while clearing her throat. She then speaks in a mocking voice, "Fluttershy can hardly fly, Fluttershy can hardly fly, Fluttershy can hardly fly!"

Hearing this got Fluttershy angry and a bit hurt. "That... big... dumb... MEANIE," She yelled in anger before launching a blast at Rainbow, knocking her down to the ground.

"Whoa!" The other ponies exclaims in surprise.

"Have Fluttershy ever been this angry?" Twilight ask her friends in concern.

"Not normally, but whenever she is, she got something called the Stare." Pinkie explains to Twilight happily. "It's like having the devil stare right into you."

"Very good, very good," Rainbow said with a chuckle as she got back up, "Oh, sorry about the 'hardly fly' part. I just needed a way to get you riled up. No hard feelings, right?"

"Oh..." Fluttershy said, calming down, realizing that her friend was only pretending to tease her just to get her riled up. "That's okay."

"When angered or when your friends are in trouble, you will have the inspiration needed to fight back." Celestia explains to Fluttershy gently. "Remember, fight only to protect yourself or others, not to cause street fights."

"Right," Fluttershy nodded.

"And Rainbow Dash; while using technique is a good motivation tool, it's best not to push it." Celestia explains to Rainbow calmly. "The last thing you want is to push your friend too far into being...not like herself."

"Right," Rainbow said with a chuckle.

"Okay, next up...Applejack...and Rarity." Luna said, selecting the next two alicorns to square off.

The two alicorns in question walked up before getting into dueling position.

"All right, this oughta be good." Spike said with a grin as he ate some snacks. Seeing the mare that he's liking fight off another friend.

"May the contest begin," Luna exclaims sternly.

"Honestly, I am not into these kinds of barbaric fights. I am simply..." Rarity was cut off as Applejack fires a fireball past her, causing her mane to be a mess, much to her horror, "AHHHHHH!"

"Ah dunno, 'dat is a new look fer yew." Applejack remarks to Rarity with a mischievous grin.

"It...is...ON!" Rarity shouted before launching a magic blast at Applejack.

Applejack blocks the attack with her shield then fires a blast at Rarity who deflects it. Her friends and Spike cheers her on.

"Yeah, go for it! Go...oh dear, who do I root for?" Fluttershy ask her friends not fighting, worried as to whom to root for.

"Who cares? Just cheer for both!" Rainbow laughs as the duel goes on. Both ponies fling a spell and reflect it back.

"Ah like 'dis! It's like playing a game o' paddle ball!" Applejack jokes a bit while reflecting the next shot.

Rarity gave a mischievous smirk and bounces the next shot a bit different. This time Applejack miss, the shot hits her on the mane. When it's clear, Applejack's mane is in the same style as Rarity's.

"Now we're even, darling." Rarity chuckles a bit to Applejack using her magic to bring in a mirror, showing AJ's reflection in it.

"AAH! Mah mane," Applejack screamed in shock.

"I don't know; it's a good look for you." Rarity jokes, mocking what Applejack has said to her before.

Applejack glares at Rarity then fires a spell, hitting her in the face. The mare now got a mustache on it.

"Shucks, looks like yew found a new way 'ta attract colts." Applejack chuckles a bit at Rarity. "Or mares in 'dis case."

"Oh, yeah," Rarity shouted before hit Applejack with another spell.

Applejack got hit…and is turned into a stallion. Rainbow gasps, "Whoa! I don't know why but I find Applejack cute for some reason!"

"Oh...my," Fluttershy said with a blush.

"Err, Applejack? Don't get this the wrong way...but you're a hunk." Pinkie remarks with a playful giggles. Even the Princesses giggle at Applejack's new form.

"Yew dirty mule," Applejack shouted in a male voice before she hit Rarity with another spell.

Rarity yelps as she was turned into a mule. Rainbow laughs as she fell to her side. Rarity scowls as she fires another spell. The bystanders move out of the way as both sides fires spells at one another.

"Okay, okay, ENOUGH! Cool it down, you two!" Golden Heart exclaims as both sides cease fire.

Soon Applejack and Rarity...are turned into filly alicorns, both of them are panting. Spike said, "Wow. Who is which now?"

"It's still me, Spike." Rarity remarks to Spike in a filly voice. Just then, Applejack trots up to her. "What? Want to charge at me?"

Applejack smirks...then hugs Rarity, much to her surprise. The mare exclaims, "Hoo doggy! 'Dat's a first time someone like yew has done gotten 'de best of me; 'Dat's respect in mah book!"

Rarity blinked a bit then smiled as she hugged right back, saying, "Why, thank you, darling. You aren't so bad yourself."

"Yeah, you look good, Rarity!" Spike is heard cheering. The ponies gasp and laugh as they see Spike...now a handsome stallion. Rarity must've hit him by accident during the magic flinging.

"Oh my, Spike...you look handsome." Rarity said with a giggle while blushing a bit.

"Really; Wow, thanks, Rarity; I didn't think you would notice." Spike said, blushing a bit; Looks like he has a chance with Rarity after all.

"Okay, I think it's time for the next duel." Celestia giggles as she uses her own magic to changes Rarity, Applejack and Spike back to normal, much to the disappointment of the restored baby dragon.

"Awww, man; I was getting used to being a stallion!" Spike pouts a bit.

"Spike, you just met her a while ago." Twilight explains to Spike calmly. "Just wait a while. You may get your chance."

"Yeah, kid. It's kinda sudden." Rainbow added.

"All righty, I believe I will choose the next round of fighters. My faithful student..." Celestia said as Twilight trots up, "And to make things interesting, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie bounces in, smiling as she said, "Goodie; can't wait to have fun fun FUN!"

"Well, this oughta be interesting." Twilight mumbles to herself as she and Pinkie got into positions for a duel.

"All right, may the duel begin," Luna exclaims as the next duel begins. Twilight glares at Pinkie, preparing to think up something.

The mare then nods as she fires a simple spell at Pinkie...whose bounces a bit then moves to dodge. Twilight frowns as she quickly fire another spell at her but the pink pony kept dodging each one as if she knew what was coming.

"Ugh! Stop dodging and defend!" Twilight exclaims to Pinkie in frustration.

"Oh, I am defending!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she bounces a bit while moving her head around in a clock like matter somehow. "See? This is how I defend with my Pinkie Sense!"

"Pinkie what?"

"Oooooh! Right, you're new to Ponyville. My Pinkie Sense is like my warning system! And when my Pinkie Sense goes off, you ponies better listen."

"She's right." Applejack said to Twilight in concern. "'Dat's how we avoided getting hurt whenever her Pinkie Sense done goes off."

Pinkie's tail twitches a bit while she says, "Oh! My tail's twitching, my tail's twitching!" Some of the Ponyville gasps and heads for cover, much to Twilight's confusion.

"What are..." Twilight yelps as a familiar shot hits the pony, knocking her to the ground. "Ouch!"

"Oopsie! I must've missed a shot when I was firing earlier!" Pinkamena exclaims as Goldie sighs a bit.

"When my tail is twitching, that means stuff is falling!" Pinkie explains happily as Twilight got back up. "That is why I was bouncing, it allows me to show which way you're firing your spells."

"Ugh, thanks." Twilight groans a bit. "Are you sure it isn't because of your alicorn powers?"

"No way! I got my Pinkie Sense long before I became an alicorn, silly filly!" Pinkie yelps as her noses itches, "Uh oh, itchy nose."

Twilight yelps as a swarm of bees attack her, causing the mare to trot around like mad. Celestia giggles as she uses her magic to get rid of the bees. The alicorn remarks, "One rule: always listen to your friends. What they say may not make sense but it helps to do so for it will be helpful later on."

"Thanks." Twilight remarks while recovering to confront Pinkie. "Listen, why don't we continue this duel? And promise to defend or give me a chance to get some points."

"Okie dokie lokie," Pinkie exclaims happily as the duel thing continues onward.

Each time Twilight fires some spells as Pinkie defends or get knocks down by some. Each time, the former unicorn picks up what Pinkie Sense stuff shows what happens from opened doors to holes in the ground to sneak attacks.

Twilight fires a spell at Pinkie which knocks her to the ground. The mare grins while announcing, "Looks like I got one up on you, Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie got up then blows up like a balloon, bouncing around like mad. "Okay, what Pinkie Sense is that one?"

"Nothing! I feel like doing it!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she deflates herself before landing gently onto the ground. The mare's horn glows like mad, making her gasp. "Uh oh..."

"What Pinkie Sense is that one?"

"I don't know! It's never done this before! This must be a whole new Pinkie Sense as if we're about to do something cool and unexpected!"

Twilight yelps as her horn glows which send a rainbow into the air. Pinkie's horn does the same thing, making another rainbow! The others, including the oldest alicorns, looks amazed and awe as two rainbows appear in the sky, wrapping around in a cool and expected kind of way.

"Impressive, nice work, girls," Golden Heart comments as the two rainbow disappears from sight. "That is cool and unexpected."

"Wow! Did you see that? We were like BOOM! And then rainbow and wowie!" Pinkie giggles as she hugs Twilight who smiles a bit. The mare hiccups a bit and backs away. "Yikes!"

"What now?" Twilight ask her friend, wondering what Pinkie Sense goes off this time. A lightning bolt appears and almost hits the alicorn, making her yelp. "Okay! Close one. Nice..."

As the ponies continue on, none of them saw a shadowy figure on a hill nearby watching. He chuckles to himself in amusement, "The princesses' students are doing well...but soon they will face the final part of their test..."

With that, the old stallion disappears as soon as he appears, preparing for when the final part of the training will begin...

Author's note
Looks like the unicorn training is doing well. Next up is the Pegasus part of the training where speed and agility is involved. Will the new alicorns pass this one? Read, review and suggest!

Next Chapter: 5. Chapter 4: Speed and Gold Estimated time remaining: 44 Minutes
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