
Six New Alicorns

by JusSonic

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 1: Newest Princesses?

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Author's note
To VISION-KING, I won't go further into the series. This is only an AU ending to the series premiere episodes. Trust me, this can work.

Chapter 1: Newest Princesses?

It was an hour later after the fall of Nightmare Moon and the return of Princess Luna. But rather than return to Ponyville, Celestia took her sister and the newest alicorns back to the castle.

"Incredible, Celly," Luna said glancing at the new features on the Mane Six. "They are now alicorns...but how is it possible?"

"The Elements of Harmony must've changed them this way, incredible." Celestia said impressed.

"So we really are alicorns now? Goodness!" Rarity exclaims in amazement as she flew a bit into the air before landing. "I must confess, when we decided to come on and help Twilight, we didn't expect this to happen."

"Nor does Twilight become an alicorn so soon. When I watch her on her first day, I didn't expect her to become an alicorn until later on."

"So wait, you have my destiny decided for me?" Twilight ask Celestia in shock and disbelief.

"No, I didn't decide your destiny. That's for you to decide. Unicorns or any other pony became alicorns when they did the most remarkable thing in their lives." Celestia explains to her student clearly. "Saving my sister must've been it, though I was expecting something else."

"Just like in the actual series, right? Yahoo," Pinkie giggles making her friends sigh a bit.

"Sooooo, is there a way to reverse this?" Twilight ask her teacher and Luna in concern.

"I'm afraid once you become an alicorn, there is no going back." Celestia explains to Twilight with a sigh. "No one knows if it can be reversed as of yet. You and your friends may be stuck like this."

Twilight looks down. She doesn't mind being an alicorn but didn't want the destiny to be forced on her friends. Applejack on the other hoof smiled while saying, "Shucks, Twilight. Actually, we done don't mind. 'Dis could be a good look fer us."

"Yeah! I can fly and shoot down enemies with my magic!" Rainbow laughs as she fires a zap at Applejack, making her yelp.

"Why yew!"

Applejack flies after Rainbow as she sends a blast at her, only to miss and hit a wall. Fluttershy yelps, "Eeeek! Okay, it's only fun and games until somepony gets hurt."

"Oh boy, alicorn fight!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she flies to join in the fun of zapping her friends.

"Oh, you mares are acting like..." Rarity yelps as Rainbow zaps her by mistake. Narrowing her eyes, she snaps, "Oh...it...is...on!" The white alicorn screams as she flies after her friends.

"Girls, stop it, come on!" Twilight exclaims to the other alicorns as Fluttershy hides behind a potted plant, doing her best to conceal herself.

"Enough!" Celestia exclaims as she uses her magic to stop the flying fighting alicorns in the air, putting them back onto the ground.

"Awww, we were having fun too!" Pinkie exclaims with a pouty look.

"Look, you girls just became alicorns and already you are misusing your powers. Now, you must learn to master your new alicorn powers if you are to stay this way. Until then, you shall continue living in Ponyville until we send for you, understand?"

"Yes, princess," The six alicorns, even though Twilight and Fluttershy weren't the ones involved in the madness. This is going to be a long day.

Ponyville cheers at the return of the princesses. Celestia smiles as Luna look around in uncertainly, wondering how her subjects will teach her after all she has done to them. The Goddess of the Night looks surprised as some ponies put a wreath on her neck as if saying 'all is forgiven'.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, today is a special day for two reasons. 1, my sister has returned." Celestia explains to the ponies who cheers on. "Now then, second, you wish to meet the heroes who are responsible for that happening as well as saving Equestria from Eternal Night."

"Yes, let's say that they got some new...improvements." Luna said to the ponies with a chuckle. "Ahem, please welcome your heroes...and your newest alicorns!"

The ponies look surprised as Twilight and her friends lands in the center of them. They look around a bit nervous. The ponies are now meeting new alicorns, how will they react?

"Oooh, I am not comfortable with the stares." Fluttershy mumbles a bit, uncomfortable by the stares given to her.

"Relax there, Flutter. Things oughta be y'all right." Applejack said to Fluttershy though the former Earth pony is a bit uncomfortable herself.

"Whoa, Twilight," Spike exclaims as he rush up to Twilight, hugging her. "You and the other girls are alicorns now!"

"Yeah...does that disturb you?" Twilight ask Spike in concern.

"You kidding; that's cool!"

"Everypony, Twilight and her friends will be learning how to use their alicorn powers but until then, just treat them as if this never happen." Celestia said to the subjects with a smile. "Now then, isn't there a party that should be happening?"

"Yes, the fun shall be doubled!" Luna giggles a bit, the ponies cheer on, making the Mane Six sigh. At least their alicorn status is accepted...for now.

Unknown to them, a figure is watching, looking curious as he ask, "They're alicorns and wielders of the Elements?! Hmmm, interesting..."

The alicorns and Spike walked into the library with joyful smiles on their faces. They couldn't believe that the former saved Equestria AND gain new forms! Amazing!

"Well, besides the whole alicorn thing, on the plus side, we get to stay in Ponyville with our friends!" Spike exclaims to Twilight with a grin on his face.

"That's true." Pinkie remarks as she uses her magic to bring in some cake. "Sooooo, have you ever seen an alicorn at work?"

"A few times with my teacher and maybe my foalsitter Cadance," Twilight remarks in recollection. "Haven't try it but then again, I've never flew yet."

"Wow, I betcha with my new horn, I can help more with the animals." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"An' apple bucking will be mighty better 'dis season." Applejack remarks with a smile.

"And I can also deliver my customers' dresses with my new wings without waiting them to pick up!" Rarity exclaims eagerly. "That's service."

"And I can make more parties this way!" Pinkie giggles.

"Girls, girls, I know you're all excited about being alicorns but let's not go wild until the princesses shows us how to use our newfound powers." Twilight explains to her new friends in precaution.

"Come on; let me show off some magic." Rainbow remarks with a grin at her new horn.

"Rainbow," Twilight said to her former Pegasus friend sternly.

"Ugh, fine. Okay, I won't go crazy with my new magic." Rainbow said to Twilight a sigh.

"Right, so will the rest of us, darling." Rarity promises Twilight with a nod while the others nod a bit.

"Good, we can only hope we can continue what we normally do and hopes that Ponyville can get used to new alicorns living in their town." Twilight said hopefully.

"I sure hope so." Fluttershy said meekly.

And so, the other alicorns continue living their lives as if nothing has happened. Of course, it probably won't take long for something to go wrong.

"Wow, big sis!" Apple Bloom exclaims as Applejack trots into Sweet Apple Acres. "Yer're a winged Pegas wit' a horn!"

"Alicorn, sis, an' Ah is still who Ah am." Applejack points out to her sister, "All righty, time 'da git some apple bucking done. Where's Big Mac?"

"He's right over 'dere, Applejack." Apple Bloom replied as she pointed a hoof to a direction.

Applejack notices Big Mac, getting a bit exhausted. The big sister ask, "Havin' trouble, big bro?"

"Eeyup; Getting exhausted wit' 'de apple bucking an' our family went on home." Big Macintosh said as he motions to a lot of apple trees,"Got a lot 'ta work wit'."

"Dang; 'Dat will done take all day 'ta work wit'." Applejack said in concern. She will be at this job until nightfall!

"Well, why not use yer new horn power?" Apple Bloom asked, pointing out the horn on her sister's head.

"Great horny toads, no; Ah ain't ever use magic 'ta fix problems on our farm before!" Applejack exclaims to Apple Bloom with a frown.

"Ah know but yer're an alicorn now! Yew could git 'dis done in no time flat!" Apple Bloom points out to her sister with a smile.

Applejack hesitates then said, "Maybe...but Ah promised Twilight not 'ta overdo mah new magic."

"Actually, I may agree with Apple Bloom. Just use some levitation magic." Big Macintosh suggests to Applejack.

"Well...As long as Ah done don't overdo it." Applejack mumbles a bit. After all, it's just some levitation trick, right?

Applejack concentrates as she uses her new horn magic. Soon, the apples float out of one tree, landing in a bucket.

"Yeehaw; 'Dat's awesome, sis!" Apple Bloom exclaims to Applejack who looks impressed. She did that on her first try.

"Yeah...now let's see what happens when Ah do it while flying!" Applejack exclaims as she flew into the air and uses her magic to move apples from another tree, putting them into another bucket.

"Mighty impressive," Apple Bloom exclaims with a squee.

"Eeyup," Big Macintosh remarks in agreement.

"'Dat's nothing! How about Ah y'all do it at once?" Applejack asked eagerly as she goes into overdrive, using her magic to pull all the apples out of the trees.

That's when things went bad. The apples went flying out of control, hitting other trees and almost hitting the ponies.

"Yikes, look out!" Apple Bloom screams as she and Big Macintosh heads for cover.

"What in tarnation," Applejack asked in shock at noticing the madness she's unintentionally causing.

Applejack screams as she flies for cover behind a cloud. After a while, things calm down...but the area looks like a tornado has went through it.

Applejack, landing near her family who came out of hiding, looks embarrassed as she ask, "Yew think Ah done overdid it?"

"Ah think ya really did." Apple Bloom replied nervously.

Rainbow went back to her duty of weather control. The mare was clearing the skies and putting in some new clouds.

"Man, it's boring that I can't use magic to make this better." Rainbow mumbles a bit. She looks down, seeing some ponies getting a bit hot. "And those ponies sure look hot."

Rainbow got an idea; perhaps she can use a little magic to make a cool breeze. The mare focuses her horn's power...and makes a spell that send the said cool breeze throughout Ponyville.

"Oh yeah, I did awesome!" Rainbow exclaims with a smile. "Hey, maybe I can add a lot of rain in the clouds!"

Rainbow then flies around using her magic on some clouds, causing them to glow a bit.

"Very soon, it will rain and..." Rainbow begins to speak, but suddenly too much rain and hailstones came out of the clouds. "WHOA!"

The ponies on the ground scream as they run to avoid the hailstones, some of which are the sizes of boulders. Rainbow, in a panic, works on trying to fix things, but ends up either making heavy blizzards or giving ponies sunburns.

"Hoo boy, Twilight isn't going to be happy about this." Rainbow remarks, looking worried for the mess that she has made.

Applejack and Rainbow aren't the only ponies having a bit of problems with their newfound alicorn status. Rarity begins having problems of her own as she is working on some dress.

"Hmmm..." Rarity said thoughtfully. "Perhaps I could give it some notch..."

Rarity hums while using some magic to make her clothes come to life. The white alicorn smiles as she works on the clothes happily.

"My goodness; I didn't know why I didn't become an alicorn sooner." Rarity said with a smile. She is getting her dresses some faster.

Perhaps a bit too faster, some of the clothes are flying towards her, the needles end up missing and cause holes in the fabric.

"Oh my," Rarity exclaimed in surprise.

Rarity flies around, doing her best to get things under control, but her wings end up getting trapped in some goo stuff that flew, sending her right into a dressing room where some stuff piled up in front, trapping her.

"Perhaps I overdid it a bit." Rarity said with a whimper.

And of course, the other new alicorns (besides Twilight) are having trouble with their powers as well. Pinkie smiles as she uses her magic to make cake and other desserts appear, flying around and serving the customers.

"Well, I gotta admit, this is an improvement for you, Pinkie." Mr. Cake said to Pinkie, impressed.

"Yes...but aren't you overdoing this a bit? Maybe you should try to calm down." Mrs. Cake said to Pinkie in concern.

"Awww, come on! Everypony else loves the new me! Don't you folks?" Pinkie asks the customers happily.

"YEAH," The crowd cheers on wildly.

"Yeah; Okay, how about some cannon fire?"

"Pinkie no," Mr. Cake gasps in alarm and shock upon hearing what the new alicorn just said. "No cannon! Because..."

Too late, Pinkie uses her magic to make more cannons appear...that only fires like mad. Soon what was once cheering gave away to screams of terror as they dodge to avoid the cannon fire that sent holes right through the walls of Sugarcube Corner and of course it also attacks any pony outside as well.

"FUN FUN FUN," Pinkie exclaims as she flies around happily but notices the terrified looks on her bosses' faces. "What?"

Twilight was busy, studying alicorns. It said here that the powerful ponies' magic can take time to master and longer to do unless trained with an experienced alicorn. Twilight figures she could ask one of the Royal Sisters to train her and her friends to use their magic earlier.

"Spike, send a letter to the princess." Twilight said with a smile as Spike got the usual paper and quill out. "'Dear...'"

Suddenly Fluttershy flew in, looking worried as she exclaims, "Twilight, Twilight, you must help me!"

"With what; what's wrong?"

"Look outside!"

The new alicorns and Spike rush outside, two of them AKA Twilight and the baby dragon saw a horrifying sight. The animals, even the baby ones, are rushing throughout Ponyville like mad, causing ponies to run around in horror, with Rose screaming, "The horror, the horror!"

"Fluttershy, what happened?!" Twilight gasps to Fluttershy in worry.

"I...I am sorry. Some of my animals are trying to get used to my new alicorn form. I thought I would use a spell to calm them down. Unfortunately, I made a bright light...and they went nuts." Fluttershy said meekly, hiding behind her huge mane. "I'm sorry."

"Ugh, I told you not to go overboard with your newfound powers! At least the other girls..."

"DUCK," Spike screams as cannonballs and hailstones almost hit the group. They saw Rainbow and Pinkie trying to get the weather and cannons under control.

"Pinkie, watch your aim!" Rainbow scream then yelps as one bear almost claws her, "GAH; Fluttershy!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Fluttershy squeaks as she flew over, trying to get the bear under control but almost got hit by lightning, "Eeek!"

"Not my fault! Okay, it is, but still..."

"Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie!" Twilight exclaims in belief while dodging the madness. "Did you use your magic to try to make your jobs easier?"

"Uh...if we say yes, are we still in trouble?" Pinkie asks Twilight sheepishly making the purple alicorn groans in frustration. She warned her friends not to go crazy with their powers, but did they listen? No! What else could go wrong?

"Twilight, be a dear and give me some assistance!" Rarity is heard muffling. Twilight saw an unusual sight. There's the white alicorn trapped in fabric used for making dresses. The mare is having trouble in keeping her own supplies under control.

"Rarity, not you too," Twilight said to Rarity to despair.

"No worries, my lady, I will save ya!" Spike exclaims in determination as he jumps at the fabric, trying to rip it apart in hopes to free Rarity. Of course, a mannequin pushes him right off, sending the baby dragon onto the ground, "Ouch; or not."

"Great, almost all my friends have misuse or have been overdoing their powers! Let me guess, Applejack has been using her powers to work on her farm too, right?"

"Well..." Twilight saw Applejack, covering with applesauce remains from her apples, flying up to her, looking a bit sheepish. "Yew could say 'dat."

"UGH! Why the hay didn't you girls listen?! I told you to not to go crazy with your powers!"

"We're sorry." Fluttershy said meekly and in guilt. Even the rest of the new alicorns feel sorry for not heeding their friend's advice.

"We got tempted and...oh, we're so sorry, darling." Rarity said, still trying to escape from her fabric prison.

"But you got to at least do something, Twilight!" Rainbow exclaims frantically at the madness happening. "You're the princess's number one student. Don't you got any spell or something?"

"Allow me!" Twilight exclaims as she stood in one place and then her horn flashes, glowing with magic. Then she aims at the madness that is happening.

For a moment, it looks like Twilight has done it and things are showing down...WRONG! Things suddenly multiply like mad and go faster, smashing down buildings and attacking ponies. Even Rarity screams as the fabric tries to squeeze the life out of her.

"No good, we're in trouble." Pinkie said meekly. Twilight looks helpless and worried. If she became an alicorn years later, then the mare would've been better prepared. But now, her new home is in danger.

"ENOUGH!" A familiar voice booms. Every pony, even the new alicorns, looks up to see a familiar princess floating in the air, looking sternly and upset while glowing.

"Princess Celestia!" The new alicorns exclaims in surprise, relief and worry, the last part is because of the upset look on her face. They know why. Celestia must've heard about what happened...and is very upset indeed.

Celestia glares at what's going on then her horn flashes, sending a wave throughout Ponyville. Soon the weather went back to normal, the cannons disappear, the Carousel Baroque supplies went back to normal, even the animals calm down, looking confused; The citizens of Ponyville calms down, happy that everything is back to normal.

Well, almost. Celestia lands near the new alicorns, giving an upset and disappointed look to her student and her friends. They look away or down in guilt and concern.

Twilight and her friends are in trouble.

Author's note
Hoo boy; First day as alicorns and Twilight and her friends messed things up with their new powers. What will Celestia do? Looks like the girls are in need of some training earlier. Read, review and suggest.

Next Chapter: 3. Chapter 2: Alicorn Training Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 13 Minutes
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