
Temptress of Equestria

by Darkryt Orbinautz

Chapter 1: Temptress of Equestria

Disclaimer: My Little Pony is the properties of Hasbro. This is a non-profit work made by an independent contractor outside of the official company's notice intended for non-profit entertainment and speculative purposes only.

By Darkryt Orbinautz

Temptress of Equestria

Chapter 1


Canterlot...was a socially upright and uptight city. Ponies demanded the highest quality and quantity, and anything less was just insufficient at best, and downright useless at worst. Every pony kept their nose in the air. The hustle and bustle of the city was deafening during the day, but the silence of the night was unsettling in it's own way. Few ponies dared to sneak out into that cold dark air, unappreciative of Luna's beautiful night as ever. (The fact that she almost brought about the apocalypse should make them more considerate, but noo!)

Few. But they existed.

Fleur-De-Lise, the companion of Fancypants, was one of those few. Her hooves clinked softly against the concrete as she walked around, searching for a potential party to engage her in after hours activity.

Fancypants was aware of his companion's habit. He let her get away because he was quite aware of how his companion valued her freedom to do as she pleased. No sane pony would try to restrict her from...well, he said "It" but really, it was from anything. The satisfied smile on her face like she had just justified her existence to the universe... he loved seeing that smile on her face, despite the craven depths he knew she went to get it.

Once, she had told him that her favorite was taking a 'mature' proud, strong (and egotistical) stallion and making him beg. For more. For mercy. For a break. For whatever it was. Point was, strong stallion reduced to begging. It was extremely satisfying to her, for some reason.

She saw a stallion's shadow come out from the corner, followed by a few more. Her interest piqued, Fleur-De-Lise slithered over with a cat's grace and started eying them hungrily.

"Oh..." She let out a deflated sign at as the group came into view. It was some guards on patrol. Not her preferred choice of victims. She liked the jerks. The ones who thought they were untouchable. The guards weren't like that. She did notice that one of the patrol was a previous victim of hers, but he didn't make any notice of her.

Fleur went back on the prowl, attempting to find somepony suited to her tastes. She walked all the way from her current street to the next ones over. She eventually found somepony that hit all her right buttons, and even another one. A large, grey stallion with a brown mane and scar on his cheek sitting on a table at a lunch patio.

As she spied on him, she found another mare with the same pink and white colors as her who she could tell was just lost. But when she passed by the stallion, he leaped out and started scaring her. Trying to intimidate her into doing what he wanted her to.

"Hey, you!" The stallion yelled.

"Me?" The mare whimpered, backing away.

"This is my part of the street." The stallion growled.

"Oh, please, sir! I'm just lost, is all." The mare pleaded.

"Too bad. You want to cross the bridge, you got to pay the toll."

All right. Fleur thought to herself. Now he's worked himself up. Time to strike!

Whisking her way out from the shadows like she was one, she tapped the brute on his Cutie Mark. He turned around and glared at her.

"Excuse me?" He was clearly unhappy with being interrupted.

"Excuse you indeed." Fleur retorted.

The stallion growled at her. "I was just explain to this little mare here about having to pay the toll."

"I don't recall you buying this street from anypony." Fleur told him. She peeked over his shoulder at the lost mare. "Go on out of here, dear."

"Oh...thank you. My hero! I don't know how I can ever repay you!"

"Oh...I'll figure something out. Run along, now."

The little mare went around the stallion and Fleur and start running in the opposite direction. Fleur watched her go before turning back to the stallion, who was fuming, steam heaving from his nostrils.

"You little-! NO pony gets away with taking a girl away from me!"

"I'm not afraid of you." Fleur-De-Lise stuck her tongue out, making sure to wiggle it as enticingly as possible as she drew back into her mouth.

The stallion raised his hoof, probably intending to strike her. She reacted quickly, though, and threw against the table he was sitting at and pinned him down.

"Tonight, I'll be your girl. Hmm?" Fleur stroke his chin with her hoof.

An excited tail whip from him told Fleur she had pinned- in more ways than physically.

"Sure." The stallion agreed.

Having absolutely no clue what he was in for.

Fancypants sat on a chair, reading a magazine from a pile. A mare's magazine. One that talked a lot about how to find "The Perfect Colt" or what to look for in a date. He liked doing strange things to pass the time. Especially when he was waiting for his companion to return home. His ears perked from the click of the doorknob as she did indeed return home. He looked from his magazine to see with a pep in her step.

"Mmm." Fancypants knew what that body language meant. "Did you break him?"

"Oh, yes." Fleur responded proudly.

"How many years of therapy will he need?"

"About three."

"Three..." Fancypants repeated. "Wait, three? That's rather low for you. As I recall, your best record was...ooh. You're planning on seeing him again, aren't you?"

Fleur just smiled naughtily.

"Hmm. Sometimes I worry about you."

"I know how to take care of myself, Fancypants."

"I'm not worried about you for you, I'm worried about you for me."

Fleur chuckled. She and Fancypants had yet to engage her each other. Mostly that Fancypants was afraid of Fleur doing her mental breaking to him. Fleur got too much of a kick out of teasing him with the idea to tell him she liked him too much to do that.

"Oh. A letter came for you." Fancypants said, pulling out a pink envelope from his pile of magazines. Fleur made a curious noise and levitated it from him.

"From the Crown Games Emporium..." Fleur read aloud. She opened it and pulled out the letter- the same pink as the envelop with the same red lettering.

To: Miss Fleur-De-Lise
From: Crown Games Emporium

Greetings, Fleur-De-Lise. This may seem strange and sudden to you, but we are a group that holds Crown Games. Games to decide the pony who is the 'Crown' -that is, the very best- of what they do. We send out professionals to scoop out contestants, and we have decided that we simply MUST invite you, with your nighttime habits and ability to break a stallion's mind, for this year's event.

This year's theme is "Temptress". We will be holding a contest between like-minded and similar-skilled ponies to see who is the most talented seductress in Equestria. Please consider joining!


Fleur was intrigued. How did they know about her 'nighttime habits'? Still, a contest to see who was the most seductive pony in Equestria... the idea was interesting enough for to keep her interest, which was a challenge.

She put the envelop down and turned to Fancypants. "Dear, I think you'll find this interesting..."

Author's Notes for "Fleur-De-Lise"

Oh, look! A new story!

Apologies if anything here makes you uncomfortable.

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