
Into the Unknown

by UnfitDinosaur

Chapter 1: 1. Chapter 1

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Hello everybody! In case you haven't noticed, all my stories have gone missing. Let me explain, my computer has temporarily vanished, in the time it was gone, some jackass deleted all of my stories. But, now that I have that issue solved and my computer returned to me, I can start rewriting everything. So here it goes, the first chapter.

Four Spartans were sitting in the back of a pelican, waiting to be dropped off in an area they were ordered to neutralize. Captain Jaspersen, the leader of the four Spartans, sat impatiently as they approached the location. Captain Jaspersen had black and red War Master armor, along with the most recent visor variant, Legendary. Sitting next to him was Corporal Henderson. Henderson had blue and white Recon armor, with the Frost visor. Henderson had a sniper rifle in his lap, he was the marksman of the team. Jaspersen preferred an assault rifle, though he carried an energy sword for a sidearm. The third member of the team was Sergeant Green. Green wore black and yellow Enforcer armor, with the solar visor. Green was the close quarter's specialist. He carried a shotgun and a SAW. Green also had the worst temper of the bunch, so it was best not to get him angry. The fourth and final member was Private James. James was the quiet one, he barely ever spoke. He was also the medic. He wore the basic Recruit armor with the standard Recruit visor. James usually used a battle rifle in combat, with a magnum for a sidearm.

The pelican approached the landing zone, but the pilot saw something that made him think twice about unloading the Spartans.

"Captain! We have a problem here!" The pilot shouted.

"What is it? AA guns or something?" Jaspersen replied.

"No, it's a slipspace portal. It just appeared right in front of us! Now it's pulling us in, the gravitational pull of the portal is too strong for the pelican to fight." The pilot said.

"So we're going in?" Jaspersen asked.

"Yeah, we're going in. So hold on to something, this is gonna be rough!" The pilot yelled.

"You heard the man! Strap yourselves in, we're gonna have a bumpy ride." Jaspersen ordered.

"Sir, do we know where this thing is taking us?" Henderson asked.

"No clue, so be prepared for the worst." Jaspersen replied.

The pelican went through the portal, and crashed into something. The pelican then started dragging across the ground, mowing down anything in its path. The back door flung open to show that they were in a forest. The pelican continued to run down trees, bushes, and any unlucky creatures. It finally came to a stop in a clearing, where the Spartans gathered their things and began to investigate.

"Any ideas where we are?" Green asked.

"I don't know, I would say we're on Onyx, but it looks too… different." Jaspersen replied.

"Maybe we're still on Requiem, just a part of it we haven't seen yet." Henderson suggested.

"If we were still on Requiem, then Prometheans would have attacked us by now." Green said.

Alright, cut the chatter. Green and Henderson, set up a perimeter. James, go check on the pilot. I'll inspect the damage to the pelican." Jaspersen ordered.

Twilight Sparkle was right outside the EverFree Forest. Just moments ago, there was a huge disturbance coming from that area, and she wanted to investigate. She had enlisted the help of Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack to go along with her.

"What if we find some kind of alien or something?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"That's nonsense, Rainbow. Celestia herself said that there are no such thing as aliens." Twilight replied.

"Well, what if Celestia's wrong?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Then we have a big problem on our hands." Twilight responded.

"Oh my gosh! I'm totally going to throw a welcome to Equestria party for the aliens!" Pinkie shouted.

"I bet it's those darn Timber-Wolves causin' all that noise." Applejack said.

"Well, the only way we're going to find out is if we see it for ourselves. C'mon, let's go find out." Twilight said. With that, they entered the EverFree Forest.

"So, how's the pelican?" Green asked.

"Not good, I don't think it'll ever fly again." Jaspersen replied.

"What about the pilot?" Green said, he looked at James, who shook his head.

"He's dead. Probably died before we even hit the ground." Jaspersen said.

"So it seems like we're in a pretty shitty situation." Green said.

"Yup. The only way it can get worse is if the locals show up." Jaspersen said. Then, ironically, he started hearing voices. Four of them, and they sounded female.

"Speak of the devil, here come the locals." Green joked. "What do you want to do with them?"

"If they're not hostile, then we treat them as so. If they are hostile, even if only one of them is, then you know what to do." Jaspersen replied.

"Shoot them?" Green wondered.

"Well, not shoot them. But maybe just tell them not to mess with us. In a very aggressive manor." Jaspersen responded.

"So you want to scare the shit out of them?" Green said.

"Basically, but only if they act aggressively against us." Jaspersen replied.

"That sounds fair." Green said.

The voices got closer.

"So how do you want to play it? Point our guns at them and tell them to go away?" Henderson asked.

"I was thinking we could be gentler. For all we know, we could be in some tropical forest on Earth." Jaspersen said.

"Or we could be half way across the galaxy on a planet we didn't even know existed." Green said.

"That too. So just play it cool, try not to scare them." Jaspersen advised.

The voices emerged from the trees. Their appearance was shocking to the Spartans.


Chapter one! Yay! So how was it? Better than the original? Worse? I think it was slightly worse than the original, but still good nonetheless. So tell me what you think, and I'll see you all next time. Thanks for reading!

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