
The New Discord

by llxxRawr its Beansxxll

Chapter 9: 9. Chapter 9

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The next morning, Pinkie awoke and realized she had to do something about her appearance. If she was going to be posing as Fluttershy, she'd have to look the part.

She started by dyeing her entire body a light canary yellow, thanks to a can of mane dye that Fluttershy had in her bathroom. She even covered her cutie mark and, with Angel's help, painted three butterflies on her flank.

Next was the mane. No matter how many hair products she tried, or how many times she combed it, her mane just wouldn't lay down. She decided the best option was a wig, so she snuck into Rarity's boutique that night and tiptoed past her making a dress.

In the midst of all the cloth and the hum of a sewing machine, the pink pony saw a wig that looked just like Fluttershy's long, luxurious mane. In her path was a growling, spoiled cat named Opalescence.


When she approached the wig closer, her growls just seemed to get louder, despite many shushes from Pinkie.

"Who's there?"

Rarity looked up from her work and saw a yellow pony in a black jumpsuit and black ski mask.


She grabbed a baseball bat and started pummeling Pinkie all over.

"You brute! You ruffian! You beast! You cad!" she said with every blow to Pinkie's face. "You peeping tom! You criminal! You monster! You-"


Pinkie revealed her bruised and bloodied face from Rarity's attack. But Rarity mostly recognized her wild mane.

"Pinkie? Oh, I am so sorry, you scared me half to death…Why are you yellow?"

"Not important…Can I…Can I borrow…that, uh…" Pinkie mumbled, barely conscious.

"Borrow what?"

She pointed to the fake hair behind her.

"Oh, the wig? Well, why didn't you just say so?"

Pinkie collapsed on the floor of the boutique.

"Oh, dear."

Rarity galloped over to the sink and filled a bucket with cold water.

"This might ruin the rug, but…"

She spilled the freezing water all over Pinkie's face.

"Wh-wh-where am I?"

"You were just asking me if you could borrow the wig."

"Oh, yeah. Can I?"

"Well, I don't see why not."

She immediately put the wig on and ran outside the shop.

"Now, what would Pinkie want with that wig? She looks an awful lot like Fluttershy in it. She even painted herself yellow. Hmm…Well, it doesn't concern me right now. Back to work."

She continued sewing while Opal took her rightful place on her bed.

When she got back to the cottage, Pinkie realized there was nothing she could do about her tail. She would just have to pretend it was a bad tail day for her. But would that work?

Next, she went to the store and purchased some sea green contacts, the color of Fluttershy's.

Finally, she practiced speaking like Fluttershy.

"Um…hi. My name's Fluttershy. I'd like to be your friend, if that's okay with you."

"What'd you think?" she said in her normal voice to Angel, the judge.

He held up a 3.5.

"Aw, come on! No, Pinkie, it's just constructive criticism. You've got to get this right."

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"COMING! I mean, coming. What should I do?!"

Angel pointed to the door.

"Right. I've got to face this."

She opened the door, as scared as Fluttershy normally is, and saw Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, Fluttershy!"

"Um, hey, Rainbow Dash."

"So, I brought over this new movie, and I was wondering if you'd wanna…you know…watch it with me?"

"Oh, that would be wonderful. Just let me make some-"

"Hey…where are your wings?!"

Pinkie had completely forgotten about Fluttershy's wings.

"I, um…forgot them?"

"Discord did this didn't he?!"

"No, he didn't. He's away."

"I knew that rat couldn't be trusted! I'm gonna fly up to Canterlot and show him I mean business!"

She tried to take flight, but Pinkie was stepping on her wing.

"Let me go! I've got some chaotic butt to kick!"

"Um, Rainbow…can you keep a secret?"

"About 50% of the time. Why?"

"That's good enough for me."

She dragged her inside and shut the door.

"Um…you see…and, um…don't get mad, but…I'm not really Fluttershy."

Rainbow just stared at her, confused at first.

"I'm actually…Pinkie Pie," she said, removing her wig.


She tried to fly out the window, but Pinkie grabbed her and covered her mouth.

"Please don't tell anypony."


"In the hospital! I can explain everything if you just calm down!"

After a few more seconds, Rainbow calmed down enough and sat down on the couch.

"Tell me everything, and I mean EVERYTHING."

"Okay…I'll tell you."

Pinkie explained the whole thing about Discord, him leaving, Pon E. Charlie's, Fluttershy falling down the stairs, and the restraining order. By the end, Rainbow was amazed.

"Are you sure you didn't just read me some nerd's fanfiction?"

"Nope, all true."

"So, if I go to the hospital right now, Fluttershy will be there?"


"Well…let's go see her! She must be pretty lonely!"

"Well, I can't…really go."

"Because of the restraining order?"


"I can record the visit, if you want."

"No, it could electrocute her."

"Pinkie…I'm only gonna say this once...Bad things are gonna happen in the world. We can't stop 'em, we can't predict 'em, we can't do anything about 'em, but they're destined to happen, y'know? But that chance covers the millions of miles that is Equestria, and a bad thing could happen to anypony at any time. But that doesn't mean all those bad things happen to you."

"Oh, I kinda get it now."

"Yeah. And if you seal yourself up in a plastic bubble and hide from the world…Life won't be so enjoyable, huh?"

"I guess not."

"C'mon, Pinkie, that's, like, your mantra. You're out there partying and having a good time and all that…Why don't we do that some more?"

"I'm afraid, Rainbow…I don't wanna hurt Fluttershy. She's got broken bones because of me…I feel terrible."

"Well, don't be. Those kinds of freak accidents are bound to happen to everypony at least once. Remember when I was in the hospital?"


"And I didn't let that get me down. I was up and flying after I'd read all the Daring Do books."


"Yeah. And Fluttershy's probably ripped up that restraining order, anyway. You know her. She's too kind."


Rainbow's pep talk made Pinkie feel a lot better.

"You know, she's probably gonna be really weirded out when she finds out you've been impersonating her."

"Oh, she knows me. She'll be fine."

"Right, right…"

The phone rang, and Pinkie ran to answer it.


"Hello, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie's face turned a dark green with fear, because Discord had found her out.

"What is it?" Rainbow asked.

"I-it's for you."

Rainbow got the phone from her pink friend.


"Loser says what?"

Rainbow didn't respond.

"Loser says what?!"

"I know what you're trying to do. I'm not gonna say what."

"Ahahahahhahahahaha! Hahhahahahahahahahahahahhah!"

"Talk about immature."

"Yes…let's talk about immature."

A green mist zapped out of the phone, turning Rainbow Dash into a filly before Pinkie's eyes.

"Hey!" she squeaked. "Why are you bigger?! And why is my voice so high?!"

Discord's laugh could still be heard through the phone. The green mist kept coming until it revealed the god of chaos himself right in the middle of the living room.


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