
Mine Little Pony

by Skarfly

Chapter 2: 2. Sleep Tight

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Disclaimer: I do not own MLP or Minecraft

Chapter 2: Sleep tight…

I was trotting through town; my iron sword by my side; I was getting used to seeing all of those bright colors; they didn't hurt my eyes anymore

I had sticks and stones; stone swords were great for an emergency weapon; however I preferred iron; it was strong yet easier to find than diamond

"So when are you going to explain what's going on?" Rainbowdash asked

"Once I actually know" I said

"So you don't know?" Twilight asked

"Not the whole picture; I need to get everything so I can understand why I'm even here." I sighed

"So you don't know why you're here; you just know that you are?" Rainbowdash summed up

"Exactly; I know I am just not why." I looked to the sky

"So you need to stay here in Ponyville?" Rainbowdash asked, "You could always stay in the Everfree; if you know what that is."

"Yes I know what that is; but the princess said I shouldn't go in there." I rolled my eyes

"How do we know she really said that?" Applejack asked

"Feel free to ask her; until then I'm going to go collect wood." I said

"Why do you need wood?" Rarity asked

"If I'm going to be here for a while I might as well make a house; and I'm going to get wood to build one." I explained

I trotted off towards the Everfree forest; it was the only place I could get wood without getting bombarded with questions; arrows are another story

I was punching the outer trees; gathering wood was something I was great at; although I got attacked often; this was one of those times

I was glad I decided to keep my helmet on; an arrow barely grazed the top; causing sparks

I grabbed the logs I had and ran; I wasn't in the position to enter the forest at that moment; I needed more armor and maybe some food

I trotted back into town; the logs I had gathered would make plenty of wooden planks for a house; not a big house but one I could use

Then I remembered; I had already downloaded the instant-structures mod; I could use that to make a good home; I just needed the right materials


I had the things I needed; I put them onto the crafting table in just the right way; and I had it; my instant house; now I just needed a good place to put it

"Excuse me; are you Skarfly?" a voice asked

"Yeah; that's me." I turned and saw Ditzy Doo

Her original name was Ditzy Doo; the fan dubbed her Derpy Hooves because her eyes looked different ways; why was she looking for me?

"You have a mail delivery" she handed me a box

"Thanks; you must be the mail mare Ditzy Doo." I said

"That's me; mail mare." Ditzy flew off to do whatever she does in her spare time

I regarded the box with suspicion; I didn't have an address; and I had only been in Equestria for two days; who could have known me that couldn't talk to me face-to-face?

I opened the box; there was an iron pickaxe inside

I picked it up; it would be useful when I needed it; but the box didn't have a return address; I didn't know who sent it

I put it away; there was no use in trying to figure out who sent it; without the return address it wouldn't do anything

I grabbed my instant structure box and trotted over to the library; Twilight would know a good spot to put it

I opened the door; the lights were off

'Monsters spawn in the dark' I realized; turning on the lights

Several zombies had been crowding around a door; they saw me and attacked

"Back it up; you son of a gun." I swung my sword wildly; pretty much owning it up

After the little escapade with the zombies I knocked on the door they had been bashing; Twilight and Spike came out; regarding the rotten flash on the floor

"Sorry about the mess" I smiled, "I had to get rid of your 'guests'."

"Is there any reason you came to my house?" Twilight asked, "I mean I'm thankful for what you did but…"

"I just needed to know if there were any good spots to build my house; I can put it up in a few seconds I just need the spot." I explained

"How can you build a house in a few seconds; you don't have that powerful of magic." Twilight pointed out

"You can watch if you want; I know you'll be surprised." I said; trotting out the front door

Twilight showed me a hill near the outskirts of Ponyville; it was perfect

"This is where you're mind will be blown." I said; digging a small hole

I put the box into the hole; a perfect fit

"What is that going to do?"

"Stand back; this is going to be instant." I said; poking the box

Right before our eyes a two story house appeared

"What- how-how?" Twilight stuttered

"Like I said; you'd be surprised." I opened the door; deciding to take a look around

There were several rooms; I saw one with a couple of bookshelves next to a table; a furnace was in the kitchen; the next floor had a balcony; flowers were on it; the second floor itself had a bed and a few other things; I went down to the basement where a small farm was already tilled and planted

I went back up to the ground floor; Twilight was still stuttering out front

"Twilight; go home; the sun is going to set soon." I warned

She just kept on stuttering

'Did I break Twilight?'

Twilight then decided to take her own look around; she checked the spines on the books and looked in the new basement farm; she then stepped onto the balcony

"How did you do this?" Twilight asked; her first coherent sentence in the last half hour

"I'm full of these kinds of surprises" I said; looking off towards the sunset

'Uh-oh; sunset…'

Twilight saw my expression; then she saw the lighting shift as well

Twilight went back inside; I closed the doors and locked them; we had the things we needed to stay self sustained in here for weeks

"What are we going to do?" Twilight asked

"Wait it out; we'll have to stay inside until dawn." I answered

"Can't you escort me back home?" Twilight asked

"Not without major risk to you and myself." I said; rolling my eyes

"What will we eat?" Twilight asked

"We have a farm downstairs; we can last." I sighed

"What will happen if a zombie got inside?"

"I would kill it; just like any other hostile that walked in here." I said; gesturing to my sword

I went upstairs; the bed I knew was made of two beds; I pulled one to the other side of the room

"We should get some sleep; I don't want to be too out of it tomorrow." I said

Twilight went to the other side of the room; I stayed next to the stairs

The next day

I woke up; the sun was just coming up from over the horizon

"That has to be the only good night's sleep I got since I arrived." I said; stretching

Twilight wasn't in the other bed; her covers were all messed up; after I made the beds I decided to go downstairs

I walked down the stairs; my helmet on my head; Twilight was sitting and reading; I waved and went into the basement; the wheat had grown and I began to harvest it; I re-planted the seeds and went up to the ground floor

Twilight put the book down, "So you seem to have a good setup in here."

I shrugged, "I'm a simple guy; I can get by with this."

"I'm going home; want to come with?" Twilight asked

I smiled, "I could use some time back in Ponyville; I should look around more."

We trotted out into the sunlight; the sun shone brightly in the sky

Upon entering the town I was introduced to Twilight's friends I hadn't met yet

"This is Pinkie Pie; she's a bit energetic so-"

Pinkie Pie began bouncing, "ohmygoshyou'renewherewhoareyouwhat'syournameohmyGOSHIshouldthro wyouawelcomingparty!" then she bounced off

"That was…" I searched for the right word, "Brief"

Twilight laughed, "Yes; Pinkie is very random and always welcomes new ponies to town."

"I think I'll go home; maybe go mining and search for more iron." I waved and went back to the hill that I now lived on

I went behind my house; I began to dig in a diagonal line down into the earth; deeper down

Location: Mine Shaft

I wacked it with my pick one more time; it popped out into a small block that I picked up

"I knew there was iron down here" I laughed slightly

I turned and began to climb out of the mine shaft I had dug; I came out into the night

'Now I have to get inside'

I ran around to the front; opening the door and going in; slamming it behind me

'That was easier than I expected…'

I huffed until my breath returned to normal; then I made some bread with the wheat from my farm

I put the iron ore I had mined into one of my furnaces; smelting it into iron bars; it took a while but I had nineteen pieces of iron

'Just enough to finish my iron suit; then I'll be great in a fight.' I thought to myself

I went upstairs; ready to settle into bed; but something was already in there; another box

'Who keeps sending me these things?' I thought to myself

I opened it; inside I found a small piece of flint; a piece of steel next to it

'This could help with fires; but why do I have it?' I thought; highly confused

A knock on the door

"I'm coming!" I shouted; going down the stairs

I opened the door to be face-to-face with a royal guard

"Is this the residency of Skarfly?"

"Skarfly home; Skarfly speaking." I couldn't help but say

"The princess requires your presence; come with me to the library." The guard motioned for me to follow

I shrugged and closed the door; going with the mysterious guard to the Ponyville library

I opened the door and trotted in; the lights clicked on


After my initial heart attack I took the time to notice what just happened; Pinkie's surprise party

"You look startled" Twilight noted

"What did you expect; my nerves have been on edge the whole time I've been here." I said; trying to calm down my frantic heartbeat

"Were you surprised; were you were you; Huh Huh Huh?" Pinkie Pie asked

"You nearly gave me a heart attack" I said, "I was extremely surprised."

"So… that's good right?" Pinkie asked

"Sure; I was told the princess was here." I said; looking around

Celestia walked out from what I guessed was the bathroom

"Ah Skarfly; you have arrived."

I waved hello

"I was interested in how you built that home you live in; my student told me it appeared in a few seconds flat."

There was a murmur of surprise that rippled through the crowd; not that it surprised me then

"Yeah; I just used a trick I know from back home." I said

"But how; that is the question." Celestia urged

"I used a crafting recipe" I said

Celestia looked at me blankly

"I make a crafting table; using that and the right things I made a special block that allows me to make a building in a few seconds" I clarified

"So how many kinds of buildings are you able to make?"

"Several; depending on what items I made the black from; I could make a smithery or a tower." I said

"So what do you know of this… Herobrine?"

I sighed; this was bound to happen eventually

"I know that he is the one who took me out of my home; he put me here." I said

My mind flashed back to that moment; I remembered something; the loud bark that occurred right before I crashed into the screen

'But not on his own…' I thought

"So are we here to interrogate me or was this a party?" I asked

Then the party began; I was over by the food table; waiting to be approached by someone

Ditzy Doo trotted up, "I got another package for you; did you get it?"

"Yeah I got it; thanks for delivering by the way." I said

She nodded and left

'That was the worst progressive dialogue I have ever seen.'

I decided to sit down; I wouldn't have anything else to do for a while

"So Skarfly" Rarity trotted up, "Where are you from?"

"Far away" I said

"Do they have fashion there?"


"Is it similar to ours?"

"You might call it 'a crime against fabulosity'"

"Oh…" Rarity seemed discouraged for a moment, "So… how do you like Ponyville?"

"It's really nice; I'm sure it would be better without all the mobs attacking at night." I said

"Yes; well; they tend to do that; those ruffians." Rarity looked highly annoyed

"Other than fighting mobs and doing my thing I've been down in my mine shaft; digging up iron to make more armor." I said

"You found iron; why not search for diamonds with your magic?"

"I was never good with magic; I'm more of an earth pony in that aspect." I said

"What's that supposed to mean?" Applejack asked; sounding annoyed

"It means unicorns use magic; earth ponies don't." I clarified

"So I see you three are getting along" Celestia said

"We're talking about my habits at this point" I said, "I'm sure we'll end up talking about mining if this keeps up."

"Alright my little ponies; Skarfly and I need to have a conversation."

They left; Celestia regarded me strangely; like she was studying me

"What did you want to question me about now?" I asked

"Who is Herobrine?"

"I told you; he brought me here."

Nervousness crept into my heart; why did she keep asking?

"I think there's more to it than that; you seem to have a burning ambition to stop him; are you two enemies?"

"No; I hadn't clashed swords with him until he attacked the hospital two days ago." I answered

Celestia nodded; I left and went back up to my hill

"Oh; that's what the flint and steel meant."

Next Chapter: 3. Canterlot Visit Estimated time remaining: 50 Minutes
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