
My Little Human

by llxxRawr its Beansxxll

Chapter 8: 8. Intermission

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"What's intermission?" Fluttershy asks.

"Just an opportunity for the audience to take a break," Twilight answers. "You know, stretch out the old legs and all that. Maybe talk about what's happened so far."

"Maybe explain to their date, who was in the powder room half the time," Applejack added.

"How would you know, Applejack?" questioned Rarity. "Nopony is in the powder room half of a movie. Especially a…movie theater restroom. Blah!"

"Big Mac had this fancy date from Canterlot. And she was real uptight and all, but still went out with him for some reason."

"Well, your brother is very handsome," said Fluttershy.

"All this talk of romance is making me sick," Rainbow Dash said. "I'm going to the snack bar."

"Concession stand," Twilight corrected.

"Whatever!" Rainbow responded.

"Uh-oh. Out of popcorn."

The ponies had emptied their fourth bowl.

"You had most of it, Pinkie," said Twilight.

"I didn't touch a kernel," Rarity said. "Movie theater popcorn? It's all sticky and gets in your mane. And all that butter is not good for your teeth."

"Oh, just lighten up, will ya?" said Applejack as she shoved some in Rarity's mouth.

Rarity tasted the popcorn.

"Mmm! This is really good! I must have more!"

"I'm sure Rainbow Dash is getting some," said Fluttershy.

"I hope she gets some candy!" Pinkie wished.

Rainbow soon came back from the concession stand with an extra large bag.

"Last round, guys. We're out of money."

"What? We brought 50 bits with us!" said Twilight.

"Aw, everything's so expensive these days." complained Applejack. "But it don't matter. Let's eat some-"

Rarity had finished the last of it, butter dripping down her chin. The ponies glared at her.


"Hey, look, the movie's starting again!" said Rainbow.

Next Chapter: 9. Chapter 8 Estimated time remaining: 4 Minutes
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