
World Troubles

by Skarfly

Chapter 23: 23. Getting back together

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Disclaimer: I do not own MLP

Chapter 22: Getting back together

I knew this was going to be a long walk; my legs ached but none of that mattered.

I was back with Twilight; we would have to find all of the other elements and work to stop Raven from taking over-

Oh wait; she already did that.

I have to stop her from doing anything worse!

'My god you sound like an idiot.' Cryptic said

'Shut up; I have a mission to accomplish.'

I got to a fallen outpost; it seemed to be beyond repair, "Let's look around; we may find something important."

I looked closely; there was a small piece of paper in the corner.

I picked it up, "It's a report from not even a day ago." I said

"Well read it; it could help." Twilight said


I got something on my radars; it reads as a high power influence; it may be the return but I have no way to know that; I just hope that they do not find me; if they did I would be doomed.

"It cuts off; it was torn from there." I said

"Strange; we may have to keep going before we do anything crazy."

Location: Canterlot 3rd person Raven Shadow

Raven was in a great mood; it was the three month anniversary for Skarfly and his death. If another day passed he wouldn't be coming back; her victory was sealed.

Canterlot was under her control; as was many other places.

Twilight was stationed in Ponyville and Rainbowdash was in Cloudsdale; she got a small reading out in the Everfree forest but it couldn't be his return.

Then she got a feeling; she rushed into the room where the tainted elements resided.

In horror she watched as the element of magic returned to normal; her rage returned; she tried to taint it again but it vanished.

Location: Apploosa outskirts 1st person view Skarfly

I stared; Apploosa was no longer the western town I expected; it had outlaws being hit by tomatoes in the stocks.

"Well I know what Applejack has been up to." I said

"We need disguises." Twilight said

I grabbed a Stetson hat for the both of us; I then slipped on my vest and handed (Or hoofed) her a western dress.

"They'll never fall for this!" Twilight hissed

"Do you have a better plan?" I countered; sticking a piece of hay in the corner of my mouth.

"No; it's just we still look almost the same!" Twilight said

"It's only dumb if it fails." I said

We trotted into town; nopony looked at us twice; I knew that hay would work; it appeared almost like any western movie; the only exception was that they were all ponies.

"I told you this was a good idea." I whispered to Twilight

"Hey; yer new around these parts." A voice sounded behind be

"What's it too ya?" I tried to sound western

Behind us was Raeburn; he seemed to look the same, "Who are ya'll anyway?"

"Does it matter pardner?" I growled

"No; ah'll see ya'll around." Raeburn back off and left

""You handled that well." Twilight commented

"Are you kidding me? My western voice was terrible." I said back

We continued; there was no sign off Applejack as we made our way into the very guts of the town.

Then I saw her; she looked the same; her mane was dirtier and her coat had several cuts and bruises on it.

She looked down at the ponies that milled around; her gaze lingered on Twilight and I.

"I think she knows; we may have to use this to our advantage." I whispered

Twilight nodded and we went to the center of town; Applejack somehow beat us there.

"Who are ya'll?" she asked

"Who wants to know?" I asked

"Ya'll know the rules; nopony from any of the other districts allowed." Applejack said

'Districts? This could come in handy.' I thought to myself

"Ya'll look like ya belong around here; ya'll have the right getup."

'I knew about that hay.'

"Spit out that hay and who are you?"

"Who do you think I am? Riddle me that Applejack." I went all Riddler from Batman on her

"Ah think ya'll need a good lesson taught to ya." Applejack growled

(My god this is horrible for my spell check.)

I looked behind me and saw several ponies sneaking up on us, "We have a bit of a problem." I warned

Then I heard hoof beats; I saw a pony in a rather large purple hat and a green bowtie gallop into the fray.

"Dr. Whooves?" I asked

"As usual adventure beckoned so we took it!" he declared

"We; ya'll mean there's more of yah?" Applejack looked around

"Now back to my question; who do you think I am?" I demanded

"Y-ya'll remind me of-of him okay?"

"Who is this him you speak of?" I asked; spitting out the hay

"It can't be; it just can't!" Applejack exclaimed in shock

I looked rather good with that hat on; I knew I couldn't keep it but it complimented my vest and hair.

"What's wrong Applejack?" I asked

"Ya'll died! I can remember the tears shed for ya!"

This was new, "Look at me; why don't you believe it's me?"

"Because Twilight would be with yah."

Twilight sighed and took off the western gear

"Twilight? But why did ya'll leave the district?"

"Because Skarfly came for me; he promised to fight even after death and he did." Twilight looked at me and I smiled

Applejack calmed down; I saw a dark aura vanish and an orange one replace it.

"Ahm with ya; if Twilight wasn't with ya'll I wouldn't believe you."

"I understand that; I'm glad we have this understanding." I said

We all had a group hug; Twilight Applejack Dr. Whooves and I.

"To the band of Equestrian Liberators!" I cried out

Then the whole town took up the chant; victory was coming to the small band of heroes.

Location: Canterlot 3rd person view Celestia

Celestia was disappointed in the situation; Skarfly died yet she still felt his tether to the world; could that mean he survived?

She was in a cell; her situation was bearable but then she heard something that made her heart soar.

It was Raven; she cried out and howled in rage; Celestia knew something was going on; she felt the elements of harmony returning to the land; one by one.

Location: Trail to Cloudsdale 1st person view Skarfly

I was standing next to Whooves Twilight and Applejack; the plan was to go to Cloudsdale next; Twilight would help the others get their wings so they could walk on clouds and blend in.

I flew up myself; I had kept the hat and I was in the perfect disguise. Myself.

I landed on the clouds; looking around I saw that the clouds were filled with snow flurries.

"What happened up here?" I asked

"Who are you?" a voice sounded behind me

I turned and saw the male member of the Wonderbolts; his name was Soarin' if I remembered correctly

"What happened Soarin'?" I asked

"Who are you; you look like an idiot."

'Disguise working.' I thought to myself

"I may look like an idiot; so what happened to Cloudsdale?" I asked

"Since you're an idiot I'll cut you some slack; ever since Rainbowdash took over it's been like this; the land has been taken by evil and I had been given a job as a guard."

"Okay; I'll get going; see you around?" I asked

Soarin' smiled, "You seem like a nice enough guy; sure I'll see you later."

I nodded and left; I looked around; there was nopony in sight.

Twilight and the others were supposed to arrive a while later; if we came in at the same time it would draw attention.

I saw a Pegasus flying nearby; he landed right in front of me.

"Who are you?" He demanded

"Does it matter?" I asked

"Yes; I need to know if you're a threat to general Rainbowdash"

"Do I look like a threat?" I countered

"No; I'll leave you alone for now." He flew off

'That disguise was genius.' I thought to myself

"Hey are you okay?" I turned and saw a small Pegasus colt

"Yeah; who are you?" I asked

"Don't say that!" he hissed

"What; I can't say the word 'Yeah'?"

"Yes; it shows that you're cool!"

I rolled my eyes, "Is there really a law that prevents you from doing that?"

I heard something crack behind me; I turned and I saw several pegasi sneaking up on me

"Can I never have a break?" I asked aloud

A cyan Pegasus rose up; her rainbow mane flowing in the wind.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"That's my business; I hope you stay out of it."

Then I was attacked

I jumped into the air; a knife sailed past the spot I was just standing.

Rainbowdash lunged; I ducked and did basically everything to avoid getting hit; evading and twisting.

I flew back onto a rooftop; Rainbowdash didn't look happy; as a matter of fact she looked so mad her face was bright red.

Or was it embarrassment that I avoided her onslaught of flailing hooves?

Twilight wasn't in sight; neither was Applejack or Whooves

"Am I too much for you?" Rainbowdash taunted

"Just try it; Rainbowdash; you know who I am and I what I can do." I said

Rainbow staggered; I knew what I was doing, "Who do you think you are?"

"I'm the guy who reads just as much as Twilight; I'm as loyal to my friendship as you; I'm just as stubborn as Applejack and I have a friend from Gallopfrey."

"Prove it; I don't believe you!"

"Rainbowdash; it's us!" I saw Twilight and the others trot out from behind a broken wall

"Even I know that none of you are pegasi!"

"You and I both know how much Twilight can do with her magic." I countered

I knew this was a big problem; if Rainbowdash didn't turn back to normal things would get very bad very quickly

"I SAID PROVE IT!" Rainbowdash roared

"Ask me a question; one only Skarfly can answer." I said

"Why did you leave us behind?" she asked

'Wow; she's really hitting you hard.' Cryptic said

"I didn't; I died and came back." I answered

"Lies; you left us!" Rainbowdash accused

"If I left you behind then tell me how I'm here right now!" I ordered

Rainbowdash took a step back; my anger must be very apparent.

"You aren't him are you?"

"I just lost my patience for a moment; would you still be like this if Nick was around?" I asked

"Their all gone; you know that right?" Rainbowdash

"Why; why don't you trust your heart?" I asked

Rainbowdash exploded into an aura of red; respective to her element.

'Three down; four to go.' Cryptic sounded off

Next Chapter: 24. Alterations Estimated time remaining: 45 Minutes
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