
World Troubles

by Skarfly

Chapter 13: 13. Together again

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Disclaimer: I do not own MLP

Note: I have officially made a relationship

Chapter 12: Doppelganger

I was truly happy now that I knew why Twilight had been staring at me; I went to sleep on the porch again and when I woke up I saw that Twilight was staring at me again

"How long have you been staring at me this time?" I asked

She didn't answer and instead said, "I see you wake up the same time to go to the training session; I was wondering if I could come with you."

"Of course; I can't guarantee that you won't get rained on though." I smirked and Twilight laughed

"Give me a moment." Twilight vanished into the library

'Was she studying me?' I thought to myself

Twilight came out with quills and scrolls; she saw my look and decided to explain, "I want to record how we spend our time together."

"Okay; I'm surprised Rarity got it head on so quickly." We started to walk and talk

"Why's that?" Twilight asked

"Well it only seemed obvious yesterday morning; I think Rainbowdash might've told her but I thought she would stay on the cloud; you know how she is when she decides to chill out."

Twilight looked up ahead while I bumped into somepony, "Oh sorry about that."

It was Doctor Whooves, "I see you are feeling better; I see you have Miss Sparkle with you."

"Yeah; I assumed you heard before we did?" I asked

"Yes I did; I wanted to thank you two for helping find Ditzy and the other mares."

"It wasn't too big was it Twilight?" I asked; I hadn't realized the magnitude of what we did

"It was!" Whooves exclaimed, "If you two and Mr. Wright didn't do what you did several families would be shattered."

"I never really thought about it; I just did it." I said

"Well trusting your gut is usually the best choice; Allonsy!" Doctor Whooves left

"Well that shows why she thought we were special someponies." Twilight commented

"I think so too; well as our friend just said; Allonsy!" I chuckled to myself and kept my pace

We got to the cloud where Rainbow was chilling out; I knew she had a test for me but I didn't know what it was

I know what happens now through the countdown isn't important; that's why I won't go into any more detail

Location: Ponyville square

Countdown: 0 days; three hours 19 minutes and 13 seconds

I just got my task from Rainbowdash; I had to go into the Everfree forest for about an hour

"It doesn't seem too hard." I said

"The Everfree forest has clouds that move on their own." Twilight pointed out

"So does Florida; I think I can handle this."

I got to the forest entrance; Twilight gave me a hug and I ventured deep into the forest; Rainbow didn't think I could endure it and she was probably right; but she never said I couldn't seek shelter.

I found Zecora's hut and knocked on the door; Applebloom came out and smiled

"Hey again mister; what brings yall round?"

"Well Rainbowdash gave me a task to stay in the forest for an hour so I figured I would go talk to Zecora for a bit." I explained

"Well she's busy brewing something and told me not to let Anypony try what I brewed but would you?" Applebloom made her eyes big and pleading

'I have been in Equestria too long; now I have to; otherwise I'm a monster.'

I sighed, "Can't we ask Zecora what it does first? I'd prefer to know what the potions I drink do."

"Nope!" Applebloom then forced the vile concoction down my unprepared throat

"Gak! Why did you do that?" I asked

"What's wrong with you mister? You're heads starting to change…." Applebloom trailed off

I fell to the ground and felt thing happen to my body; there was a rhyming talk as somepony approached then there was scolding; I was able to hear very little

"Can't we do something? I feel bad for doing that." It was Applebloom

"No; this potion works in time; I cannot stop it for it was not mine." Zecora answered

'So I'm on my own here? What joy life brings me.' I thought miserably

Then there was blackness

I woke up; feeling my head start to churn out ideas; I felt lighter for some reason or another; it was if something exited my mind.

'Wait a minute; my mind?' the events at the hut returned to me; how something could have mutated me

"Ah you are awake now; go back to Ponyville and from yourself you must save the town." Zecora said

I sat up; I was in the same spot I collapsed in; I looked around and saw a huge hole in the trees.

"What did that potion do to me?" I asked

"It removes evil and strife; however yours has taken new life." Zecora said

"In other words…." The reality wasn't good at all

"Yep! There's an evil copy of you running around!" Applebloom said

"I need a mirror." I said

"I don't see a difference." Applebloom said

"I might; I know myself and I know where to look." I saw a mirror and saw the difference instantly

My eyes were no longer the bright green of my pony form but my human eyes; green rimmed with blue and flecked with yellow; I was told I had very unique eyes.

"I think I should go." I stood

"You must not fail; or your lover on you will bail!" Zecora warned

"Right; I can't lose to this guy." I flew up through the hole and saw Twilight crouched by the entrance to the forest

I was confused; wouldn't she have seen my doppelganger? I should talk to her

Big mistake

"Hey Twilight!" I called as I flew down

She saw me and backed away; her eyes showing fear, "What else do you want?"

"Twilight; it's me." I tried to explain but didn't get the chance

"How could you do this to me!? I thought you cared! You are a two-faced cutthroat liar!" Each word cut deeply into me; I felt hot tears stream down my face but she didn't let up, "I thought you were different but you're all the same! Humans really are hateful creatures." Twilight then ran to Ponyville

It was billowing with flames

'You must go; time is short!' a voice shouted in my head

I didn't question it and flew up; I then was hit down by a cyan missal

"Rainbowdash; what was that about with Twilight?" I asked

"Like you don't know" she spat and it hit me on my right cheek

"I still don't get what happened." I said honestly

"You did this to Ponyville!" she shouted

My jaw dropped and I felt shock fill my body, 'I did this? But how I just got out of the forest!'

'Go; I said time was short!' the voice shouted

"I've got somewhere to be and fast." I flew up into the air and took off; Rainbowdash was following shouting threats that I cannot reprint here

'Who are you anyway?' I thought; hoping the voice would answer me

'Call me Cryptic; but I don't go by that name elsewhere.' It said

Location: Burning Ponyville

3rd pony perspective Twilight

"He looked so surprised; why? He must know what he did." Twilight thought aloud

Despite Ponyville burning Twilight went in; knowing nopony would dare come in after her.

"Well; I think I have a guest." A sadistic voice purred; it sounded just like the confused one from before

Out from behind a burning building walked a strange sight; it was Skarfly but it didn't give off the right essence; it was as if he wasn't really him.

"What do you want?" Twilight didn't sound too interested

"I know how you treated him just now; I hope you know I would do worse." He then struck Twilight to the ground; the tip of her horn chipped off

"Why do you switch like this?" Twilight asked; trying to buy time

"I think you know the answer to that." He lifted a hoof to bring it down on her head but something clasped around his neck and pulled him backwards

It was a cyan hoof

"Rainbowdash I'm glad you showed up!" Twilight breathed a sigh of relief

"Touch my mare-friend one more time and I'll knock you so hard you un-manifest!" it was the voice she knew as Skarfly

"Skarfly?" she asked; dumbfounded

1st person view Skarfly

"I thought you wouldn't arrive." The doppelganger growled

"You clearly don't know enough about me; I came back no matter what I went through." I said; clearly annoyed

"How is this possible?" Twilight cried out

Both me and my doppelganger look at her and I climb off his back.

I started, "Well it started when I went to talk to Zecora; Applebloom greeted me and shoved something down my throat."

My doppelganger then spoke, "then we began to separate; I was the one who came out first and he went down for an hour."

'It was an hour?' I thought to myself

"Then I woke up and left the forest; you know how it went when I tried to figure out what was going on." I explained

"So you two are two halves of one pony?" Twilight asked

"Well yes and no; I am the Skarfly you know; he is the darker and more hidden aspects of me." I said

"I'm glad you hid those sides; what else?"

"Hey me; have you been hearing a voice?" he asked me

"Yeah; It was helping me out." I thought of Cryptic

"It was pestering me; I think he chose favorites." Doppel grumbled

'You two are supposed to fight over who'll exist now.' Cryptic pointed out

"Right; I think we should go at it here and now." I suggested

He nodded, "And know that you were killed by my hoof."

We went at it; he tried all sorts of flurries and kicks while I just ducked and bucked; I was never skilled in fighting.

"You're good; but why are you so nice?" he asked me

"I am a nice guy by nature; you're the dark manifestation I tucked away from my heart." I said

Then we continued; I slapped him with my wings and he bucked me in the chest; I went flying into the burning house.

"Leave him alone!" Twilight tried to defend me

He smacked her aside; I felt a deep anger rise inside of me; he hit Twilight and I would make him pay.

"You just crossed the line; now you're going to pay!" I felt the familiar feeling that I call 'Berserk'; it's where I go crazy on my enemy.

I flew at him; a flurry of hooves and wings; he was floored in seconds.

The Battle was won; the day was saved; well kinda; and I had a plan.

"Twilight I need to find a cloud." I said after helping her up

"Thanks for saving me."

I nodded, "It's no big; I saved what I care for."

Twilight smiled and I grabbed a cloud; I made it rain all over Ponyville; effectively putting out the fires and saving the town.

"A job well done I would say." I said as I landed

"What are we going to do with him?" Twilight asked

"I'm not sure; let the proper authorities handle it?" We both laughed at that

"Well I see you two made up for- who is that on the ground?" Rainbowdash flew down next to me

"I never got his name; what I do know is he couldn't have been me." I walked over and looked at him

"Not you?" Twilight asked

"I would never burn Ponyville; I care for it and honestly this guy doesn't deserve to be graced with my beautiful face." Rainbow burst out laughing at that comment

Twilight trotted up next to me, "How can we explain this to Everypony?"

"I have no idea in heaven or hell how we can pull that off." I answered

"I do." A regal voice said; you already know who I mean though

"Princess Celestia! You're here!" Twilight was stopped by the princess walking up to me

"I know not what you did but-" then she saw my doppelgangers face; we were almost mirror images; only difference was that my eyes had all that extra color in them.

"Did you drink a potion?" she asked

"More like Applebloom forced it down my throat but the result was the same." I shrugged

"I think that you need to know; he is your dark side." Celestia said

"I kind of figured; he does look like when I got crazy when I was five."

"When you were five!?" he was outraged

"Yeah; you did things I wasn't told but you tried to fight like you were in a TV show."

"So? You fought like that towards the end."

"No; fighting is an ugly thing; I went berserk and beat you that way. I don't berserk often but when you hurt Twilight; well I can't be held responsible." I smiled

Celestia looked at Twilight's horn; it was chipped and she couldn't stabilize any spells.

"I'm okay; thanks to Skarfly. It could have been a lot worse." Twilight waved it off

"Was it not him who did this?" Celestia asked

"I can't call that thing Skarfly; he saved me when I needed him. The other one did it." Twilight said

"Well I see that you saved Ponyville from the fires; I think that was a nice touch." Celestia noted

"I can't say that thing was ever a piece of me; I'm still who I am without him." I said

"So you are; well I shall take him to pony prison." Celestia hit him with a beam and he was gone

"I hope what he did isn't irreversible." I sighed

"They will believe the princess and Zecora; while Applebloom needs to tell Applejack what she did." Twilight said

Authors note: I did it! I successfully did it; I created a decent scene where Justin had to save somepony who wasn't being a nice pony to him despite what the danger did. I hope to see you again; Skarfly out.

Next Chapter: 14. Untitled Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 57 Minutes
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