My Little Pony: Through Human Eyes

My Little Pony: Through Human Eyes

by Blu The Human


  • 1. Chapter 1
  • 2. Alternate Chapter 1
  • 1. Chapter 1

    Note: this is my little brother's work, he wanted to write something...

    My little Pony: Through Human Eyes

    Chapter 1: A pony in my bed?

    Hello, this is carter Soother. His friends used to call him Carrie, but now he had no friends, not unless you count used-to-be-pony girls. They arrived at his house late a few days ago. Well, one arrived, then two more. First to arrive-you know what, let him tell you the whole story…

    Carter had just arrived home from school, at 6:30pm; he had a 3 hour detention for missing all of his lessons. "Mom?" he called, but his mom of course started a late night shift today…

    "I'm just gonna go straight to bed" he said, and with that he got upstairs, and got in his bed. He didn't change clothes or anything.

    "Who are you?" came a voice from the other side of the bed. Carter screamed and turned his light on,

    "What the flip-flop?" he said. There was a girl in his bed, about the same age as him, but completely naked. "Why are you here?!" he screamed. She looked at him. The girl had purple hair, and she looked tanned, orangey tanned.

    "I'm Scootaloo, who are you, and why am I here?" she asked, she looked extremely scared.

    "I-oh god, let me get you something to wear…" he said. As he turned around to go into his sister's room to get some of her clothes, there were 2 more girls there. "Why are there naked girls in my house?" he shouted.

    One of the other 2 spoke, "We don't usually wear clothes" she said. The one who spoke was a sick-yellow colour, very sickening colour, and had dull red hair. The other girl was very pale, and had pink/purple hair.

    "Why not, who are you, my little ponies?" he said. Scootaloo had gotten out of bed, and was looking at him,

    "Yes, we are-", she started. But at that moment, the TV turned on, and it said,

    'Up next, My little Pony!'

    "What the…" said one of the others.

    The episode that came on was "The cutie mark crusaders".

    "That's us!" said Scootaloo. Carter turned the TV off.

    "Girls are you three… Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Bell?" he asked.

    In near unison, the three replied "YES!"

    2. Alternate Chapter 1

    My little Pony: Through Human Eyes

    Chapter 1: Human claiming to be ponies?

    Hello, this is carter Soother. His friends used to call him Carrie, but now he had no friends, not unless you count used-to-be-pony girls. They arrived at his house late a few days ago. Well, one arrived, then two more. First to arrive-you know what, let him tell you the whole story…

    It was just after his two hour detention. His mom had work for the rest of the night. He arrived home and put his things away. His school bag kept falling over, which was annoying. He'd brushed his teeth, had dinner and everything else he usually went through in a day. He went to his computer to go and watch YouTube for a bit.

    A few hours later it had become nine pm. Carter decided to go to sleep, but he heard a noise coming from his cupboard. "Wha?" he said. He ignored it and went to get his pyjamas. While he was getting changed he heard something else downstairs, "Okay, that's weird. I swear I heard something that time" he said. He went downstairs to try and find what had made the noise, it sounded like a running noise.

    "Hello?" he said, trying not to scare or alarm whatever was in the house, if something was in the house. Suddenly and this freaked Carter out, he knew this time there was something going on because upstairs he heard the noise of his cupboard opening and closing. "Who's up there?!" he shouted. He ran back upstairs.

    The hallway light was of, he hit the on switch and the light shined brightly. "Whoever is in there, get out now!" he shouted at the rooms together, since he had no idea which one this… person could be in. "Your starting to really creep me out" he said, he got no reply. He turned around and sat on the stairs, "Oh god, I'm hearing things now" he said. He thought he'd gone insane what with all the bullying and arguments and such.

    From behind him, he couldn't see, but a figure in the darkness, [he turned the hallway light off again], was coming towards him. "Excuse me?" came the voice of a girl. Carter screamed and turned around, causing himself to slip and fall down the stairs. He hit his head on the banister on the way down, and the figure went back into the shadow.


    "Nggh" said Carter, then he woke up, he was in his bed. "What? I-I must have been dreaming" he said. He had his PJ's on, and he was in bed, it was five past ten. "Huh, I've been asleep for an hour?" he asked himself.

    "H-hello?" came the voice again. Carter was about to get out of his bed, but instead shuffled back and screamed again.

    "Who is that?!" he shouted.

    "Just turn the light on" came another voice, she sounded calmer.

    "Yes, just turn the light on!" shouted Carter. He had enough of this, he found his way to his draws with his hand, and he opened one draw and picked up a torch. "I'm gonna use my torch, so don't panic" he said. He turned the torch on, "Oh, well that's new" he said, for stood in front of him there were three girls, about his age, but naked.

    Carter blushed, "You need clothes" he said, trying to get the image out of his head. They were just stood there in the doorway.

    "We don't usually wear clothes, mister" said a southern sounding one.

    "Well, you gotta, otherwise you leave" he said. The tomboy one from before who said 'Excuse me?' spoke up,

    "Fine!" she said. Carter got up and turned the light on. The bedroom was lit up.

    He looked at the girls, and they looked at him. He tried to forget the image of three naked girls in his mind, but they were not leaving, "You're gonna have to move" he said. A pale on stuck out her hand and said,

    "Hi, I'm Sweetie Belle", which made Carter move backwards,

    "No handshakes until you get clothes!" he said, she looked disappointed and moved, Carted rushed past them.

    He was told never to go in his sister's room. But three girls weren't going to stop him. He walked in with a sense of dread. He turned the light on, and looked through the different clothes he could find. All he could find were a pretty looking dress, and fancy-dress cowgirl outfit and a normal outfit consisting of and orange shirt and jeans.

    He left the room, and bumped into the girls, '…' came to Carter's mind. "Here, all I could find" he said. Sweetie looked at the clothes, then him,

    "How do we put them on?" she asked.

    "Really? Are you really asking that question?" he asked. She just nodded. "Right, well, look at my pyjamas and figure it out" he said. He had to stand there for about ten minutes while the girls figured out how to put the clothes on.

    "You know, that dress kind of fits 'Sweetie Belle', and cowgirl costume goes with the accent, but I don't think your clothes have any meaning" he said to the last one, who looked dark. Not black, but pretty dark, tanned maybe?

    After Sweetie and the other one had finished getting dressed, the tanned one was still struggling, which made Carter think she was either mentally retarted in some way or not very clever. "C'mon, yours are the easiest!" shouted Carter.

    "Hey, don't shout, we don't wear clothes, it ain't her fault" said the southern accent.

    "Sorry, but that is the simplest" he answered. Sweetie looked really pretty in that dress, she stuck her hand out again,

    "Hi, I'm Sweetie Belle" she said.

    Carted took her hand and shook it, "I'm Carter Locksmith, and you are?" he said, looking at the other two. The southern one looked at him from her fingers,

    "What are these?" she said. Carted was really annoyed now.

    "I have gathered you are taking the mess or you aren't human, I vote the former" he said. Sweetie Belle looked at him,

    "This is Applebloom and that is Scootaloo" she said. Scootaloo was still failing with clothes.

    "Well, Sweetie Belle, if you aren't human what are you?" he asked. Sweetie laughed,

    "We're from Ponyville, and we were ponies, then we asked Twilight to help us with something, and then we saw you and we weren't ponies anymore" she said. Carter looked confused,

    "Wait, ponies… as in 'The cutie mark crusaders?" he asked.

    All in unison, "YES" they said.

    "Right then…" he said to himself

    Note: which opening do you like the best?

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