
The Derek Hicks Chronicles: Rampant

by Master Derek

Chapter 5: 5. The defense of Equestria

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Chapter 5: The defense of Equestria
Canterlot Castle, Equestria
October 2nd 2728

"You've got dropships incoming." The voice of Athena boomed in Celestia's mind.

She went to her balcony overlooking the castle courtyard.

"We've got company! Prepare the wonder-bolts!" Celestia's voice boomed throughout the Castle.

"Suit up!" Dash ordered her friends.

The CELESTIAL armor built itself up from the combat boots that the mane six wore. It
progressed to enclose there entire bodies horns and wings as well.

(In our final hour- Go Radio)

The pelicans appeared in the sky.

"This time we're ready for ya!" Dr. Whooves pressed a button and activated an alarm that alerted everyone in Equestria of the impending strike.

Dash rocketed off of the platform Canterlot was built on. The sky erupted into a plethora of color as her famous move the 'sonic rainboom' was performed.

The first of the 20 pelicans opened fire onto Canterlot tower with rockets. Dash reacted to this bio flying onto the oncoming vessel, smashing the windshield, and grabbing the pilot and tossing him out. The pelican swirled down and crashed into the Everfree. The remaining pelicans fired there chain guns at Dash. Her advanced agility multiplied by the CELESTIAL armor she avoided ever single shot and shot off rockets from her battle saddle.

Suddenly the wonder-bolts zoomed by and smashed through the next wave of Pelicans. They used ramming techniques to destroy the fleet of pelicans with armor similar to the royal guard's. The pelicans shattered and fell to the forest.

The remaining pelicans took evasive maneuvers and landed at the base of Canterlot mountain. About 40 troops were deployed varying in species, race, and guns.

Twilight jumped off of the mountain and landed in front of the crowd of soldiers with cat-like reflexes. Her Plasma repeater battle saddle armed and was enhanced by her magic.

A rain of blue energy poured out of the dual plasma weapons. The soldiers shielded there faces but were dropped by the plasma. A few dived for cover and fired there DMRs in precision. Her shields compensated. Suddenly Applejack fell out of the sky and pulled two energy swords out of her hooves.

She stabbed them into the nearest soldier's chest. He fell to the ground with 4 symmetrical holes in his body.

A rocket flew from the sky and impacted a trio of troopers. There dead bodies went flying in opposite directions. RD flew overhead and winked to them inside her helmet.

Now the area was littered with pelican remains and dead bodies.

(Song end)

UNSC Infinity in orbit around Equestria

The plasma impacted the already weak shields of the Infinity. The shields flared red.

"Shields at 20%!" Athena yelled.

"Fire all weapons." Jeff ordered.

"Belay that!" Hicks contradicted. "Clip there engines!"

Tom was hesitant but he fired precision plasma beams and they carved a hole in the coolant pipes of the Pure of Heart. He fired a torpedo at the thrusters. The ship's engines melted into a white hot mass of metal.

"Sir, why the hell did you contradict my order!?" Jeff yelled at Hicks.

"I want to see who's aboard. If there's any chance of saving them."

"How are you gonna save them?"

"We have the elements of Harmony Dammit! We have the power to either freeze someone in stone or turn them into a tool of good or hell those are the only exploits I've seen using the elements. Plus there are most likely UNSC survivors on board. I thought you could think ahead dad, but I guess I was wrong."

Hicks stormed off the bridge and into the turbo lift. The entire bridge crew were frozen in awe of what had just taken place.

"The rest of the enemy fleet is coming through. I suggest we vaporize them."

"I agree let's just stay on the task at hand."

The Infinity came about. Its shields restored. It fired its plasma beams and cut through the incoming fleet like wet paper. A cruiser fired its MAC gun but the shield absorbed it and fired a volley of plasma torpedoes. The ship burst into an explosion of ionized metal. Archer missiles left the Infinity and impacted the nearest destroyer.

The Infinity charged into the massive fleet of old UNSC starships guns blazing. Each ship was obliterated one by one. Every so often a ship might hit the Infinity when the shields were down but the outer structure was that of a Halcyon's.

Suddenly 3 cruisers formed a line and at full speed rammed into the Infinity's prow and fired plasma rockets.

"Hull breach in the primary weapons storage! PAC discharging inside of the ship!"

The front of the ship erupted like a nuclear bomb. Blue energy flared and boiled away the hull.

"The PAC gun is completely gone! MAC offline and all ammo reduced to shrapnel!"

"Remind me to remind docking to add another 7 feet to the hull!" Jeff retorted.

"The primary weapon's storage is gone. Med bay is leaking atmosphere! Weapons control is also offline. Plasma beam emitters A-C are gone. Armory A has suffered an atmospheric leak. Airlock is offline. Major structural damage."

"No shit."

"Using our new energy to matter processor installed last refit we can make complete repairs in 2 days or we can get back to fighting power in about an hour."

"Just fix the damn ship."

"Next fleet will arrive in 3 hours. I can get weapons back but the hull will take a few days. I can also fabricate a PAC gun and give us minor hull in that area."

"Do it. O'Brian you have the bridge."

"Yes sir."

Next Chapter: 6. Pure of heart Estimated time remaining: 13 Minutes
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