
The Derek Hicks Chronicles: The Search for Echo

by Master Derek

Chapter 5: 5. Operation Cauterize

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Chapter 4: Operation: Obsidian
UNSC Infinity bridge

In orbit around Obsidia

August 28, 2728

"Standard orbit achieved." Athena proclaimed. "All crew personal and VIPs are accounted for."

"Good." Hicks replied.

"Never been to this planet." Morgan said. "Please explain the nature of this colony, sir!"

"Gladly. Obsidia is a volcanic planet most continents are completely
covered in ash clouds. The one colony on the surface is a bio-dome.
The reason we colonized this world is well apparently this world was
very earth-like but then something happened and the entire ocean
turned to obsidian. And obsidian is a good recourse to have."

"You better have brought your diamond pick ax!" Michael said.


"So you can build a nether portal!"

"What are you blabbering about?"

"All of this shit sounds like Minecraft to me!"

"What the heck is Minecraft?"


"Well there's an old game called Minecraft but I don't have it."


Michael exited the bridge.

"When did we let him be on the bridge?" Morgan asked.

"We never did." Hicks replied. "Athena!"

Athena's hologram appeared above Morgan's captain chair.

"Yes sir?"

"Get us in communiqué with Governor Fisher."

"Yes sir!"

On the view screen appeared the face of a man with a long brown beard
and long scraggly hair and glasses.

"Governor Fisher I presume."
"Bought damn Time you showed up Hicks! I'm up to my head in wreckage
our mutual friend."
"I see you've heard."

"Yes and I also here you have 6 pretty fucking ponies aboard your ship
and the freelancers and some kid from another universe. Not to mention the heavy duty armament of the Infinity itself and those Azure ops guys."

"Azure isn't on the ship right now."

"Well all of your crew is battle ready isn't it?"

"Yes 100% and quite trigger happy."

"Well our local Mercenaries have joined up with Echo and donated there AIs to Echo's cause and are even assisting him; most of our weaponry has been stolen. They're hold up in the docking area."

"Right; we'll get em out of there if we have to reduce the docking area to glass."

"I wouldn't advise that if you breach the vacuum the whole colony will depressurize."

"In that case I'll get a team in and I have just the team…"

UNSC pelican en route to the surface of Obsidia

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were in a game of ultimate hoof wrestle as the pelican descended to the surface.

Of all the spec-ops personal aboard only Washington, York, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were on the pelican. Washington held his BR55HB, York had a couple of SMGs, Applejack and Rainbow Dash had there battle saddles with Gauss rifles, shotguns, and MA5Bs.

Out of the window were 3 volcanoes erupting. The pelican passed through the ash cloud revealing 2 large bio-domes and a docking tower connected by passages. The first bio-dome contained a small city the other farmland. The Dashing Loyalty was connected to the docking port.

"Shit; Infinity come in the enemy vessel is blocking our entrance vector." Delta said from the pelican's cockpit.

"I can take care of it." Dash said.

"Negative on that go Dash." Hicks said over the intercom. "We got it covered."

UNSC Infinity in orbit around Obsidia

The vessel was perched at a slanted angle. The pulse lasers began to glow.

"Target the vessel's starboard air-lock and peel off the hull." Morgan ordered.

"Target locked, captain." Athena replied.


"Affirmative; firing pulse laser 8 on target in 3….2…..1….FIRING!"

UNSC pelican Echo-20-42

A beam of glowing blue energy pierced the ash cloud and struck the Dashing Loyalty; peeling a good chunk of the hull off.

"There now you have a good entrance." Hicks said over the intercom.

"You heard the man!" Dash's wings extended though they were covered in the armor. "We've got one hell of a maneuver to make."

Applejack bucked the compartment behind her and 3 jetpacks fell out.

"Oh nonononono!" Wash said. "I don't do jetpacks."

"Too bad." Hicks said on Wash's headset.


Wash, York, and Applejack donned the jetpacks. The rear doors opened. The first thing they saw was the mutilated hull of the Dashing Loyalty.

"Ladies first." Dash bucked Wash out of the pelican.

His jetpack ignited. Followed by York and Applejack's. Dash used her wings and took the lead.

The 4 UNSC soldiers entered the peeled apart air-lock of the Dashing Loyalty and landed.

Dash's HUD came online. One of the great technologies recovered from the fallout universe was V.A.T.S which was integrated into all modern military suits.

Dash detected no enemies. She pulled up a map of the ship and found the docking port.

"Alright boys; docking port's this way."

"I like how we're being ordered around by a blue pony." York said to Wash.

"200 years of work for us and only a few weeks and she's higher on the chain of command!"

"Quit your yammering and let's move!" Applejack said.

The snuck through the corridors of the ship but stopped due to the fact of one of the Mercenaries were patrolling through the hall.

Scanning… Agent Knight. Armament: 1 MA37 assault rifle, 2 fragmentation grenades, and 1 M6D sidearm. Threat level: High.

"Wash, stack up behind that pillar." Dash pointed to the pillar on the other side of the hallway. "York stay here." She removed her helmet. "Applejack your on me."

Applejack removed her helmet.

"What the hell?" Wash whispered.

"Trust me."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash strolled out into plain view of the MERCENARY.

"What the fuck? Why are there 2 ponies on this ship?" Knight scratched his head.


Wash and York fired there weapons and took down Knight. He fell to the floor; his visor shattered.

Applejack and Dash donned there helmets.


"Pegasi are naturally warriors." Dash answered.

As it turned out Knight had been guarding the docking hatch. York hacked the lock and the door opened. On the other side were the 2 other Mercenaries besides Echo.

Analyzing… Agent Fire starter and Agent Fox. Armament: Designated Marksman Rifles, 2 Plasma grenades, and M6D sidearms. (Possible concealed weapons) Threat level: Extremely High

They were sitting in chairs facing the opposite direction of the door with a radio and a couple bottles of Brazilian ale.

"Hey Fox why don't you put on that song you like so much?" Fire Starter said in a gravelly voice.

"Ok." Fox hit the radio and on came a song.

(Ready to die- Andrew WK)

York and Wash looked at each other and readied there weapons. But Dash had already shot her Gauss rifle at Fox. Fox's arm went flying off and Fire starter grabbed his concealed energy sword.

"Oh really?" Dash said.

The suit pulled up a shotgun and fired but his shield took the round like a man. Applejack bucked the sword out of his hands. He kicked Applejack out of his way and aimed his pistol at Dash's head.

Washington fired his battle rifle and breached Fire starter's armor.


Dash readied Fox's M6D and pulled the trigger killing the MERCENARY. She aimed her shotgun at the radio and blew it to pieces.

(Song end)

"Hate that song." She said.

Suddenly all of them were on the ground. In the center of the room was a man with black recon armor. Echo.

"So." He said in the voice of Discord. "You come to foil my plans again."

"What?" Dash asked.

"Oh you didn't know. Well I possessed this man back in Canterlot. HAHA!"

Dash tried to get up but Discord used his mind powers to keep them all on the ground.

"Why are you here? Your home is gone and these humans are responsible."

"It's not there fault!"

"Oh yeah. It was there ship that slammed through Cloudsdale."


"And yet Samborn is still alive."

"Fuck you!"

"Oh such language."

"Pony's?" Gavin asked.

"Yes Gavin. PONIES!" Discord replied.

"I'm tired of this 'Pony' thing."

"Will you be quiet GAVIN?" Eli appeared.

"Uh boys." Frost also appeared.

"FIRE STARTER!" A new red AI appeared.

This AI was Alphega's anger. His name was Anthony. Since well he was basically Anthony.

"Screw you! Fox is dead too!" Alphega's Accuracy Fernando said.

"All of you AIs be quiet!" Discord said and all of the AIs disappeared.

"I believe I may have a use for you all."

"Up yours!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well maybe just you and your girlfriend."

"I'm not a fucking lesbian!"

"Language! Any who you two 'Freelancers' are not who I want." Discord picked up Wash and York and tossed them behind him with his telekinesis. "You two are mine."

Discord/Echo picked up Applejack and Rainbow Dash and pulled them aboard the Dashing Loyalty.

Uh oh….. Well just FYI the beginning of the chapter was written using my iPad then transferred to my computer via G-mail so I can use my iPad to write. Kinda neat! Well anyway this means I may be able to update quicker than I would when I have distractions. So as always do spidonia!

Next Chapter: 6. Man err ponies down Estimated time remaining: 16 Minutes
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