
The Derek Hicks Chronicles:First Contact Equestria

by Master Derek

Chapter 10: 10. Operation HARMONY

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Chapter 10: Operation Harmony

Boarding craft 1 en route to the Dashing Loyalty

August 9th 2728

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Anthony yelled.

"You shouldn't have got drunk!" Fernando replied.

"I always get drunk before a battle!"

"You're always drunk!"

"SHUT UP!" Hicks ordered.

The craft breached the energy shield surrounding the Dashing Loyalty and drilled into the hull. The hatch opened Hicks was first to jump out of the pod followed by Anthony and Fernando.

"Fernando! Pull out the schematics!"

Fernando activated his Tactical Tac pad and pulled up a map of the Dashing Loyalty.

"OK we're about here." Fernando pointed to the air-lock corridors. "And the bridge is here."

"Alright, you six. Follow us and stay low!" Hicks ordered.

"For harmony!" Twilight said.

"For Cloudsdale!" Dash said.

"For the after party!" Pinkie said.

"For equestria!" Rarity said.

"For uh apples!" Applejack said.

"FOR THE PLANET!" Fluttershy said.

"Yeeeeee!" Anthony said.

Suddenly 5 patrols came around the corridor.

"HOLY SHIT!" They yelled.

Anthony put a DMR round right in between there eyes.

"Let's move!" Hicks ordered.

Suddenly the corridor was filled with soldiers.

(Falling towards the sky- John Williams)

Anthony started sprinting he stabbed one of them in the eye. Hicks chucked a grenade at the group of soldiers. Fernando used rockets and Dash bucked one of them to the floor. Suddenly Midnight's boarding craft smashed through the wall and Echo got out and jumped on top of 2 of the soldiers. Nova jumped over Echo and fired her SMGs.

Anthony tossed a Molotov at the soldiers that he had made with the Brazilian ale that he didn't drink. Fernando fired 3 rockets into the crowd. All of the enemy soldiers in the corridor were dead.

(Song end)

"Sweet!" Fernando said.

"Let's keep moving! Hicks said.

ISS Satan's vengeance

Two soldiers were patrolling the hallways of the imperial ship.

"So what did you think of that Grifball episode last night?" One of them asked.

"It was bull shit!"

Suddenly the corridor exploded and a boarding craft appeared and opened. Sierra shot out of the pod and shot the two soldiers in the head with his M6D. Weston, Doc, the other Doc (The one from purple team), and the other members of purple team.

"Ok you simulation troopers stay here! We'll take the bridge!" Sierra said.

"You tried to pull this shit last time!" Grif said. "There's no fucking way we're gonna let you and your team have all the fun!"

"Fine! You guys can sweep the ship."

"Fuck you I'm going to the bridge with you!" Church said.


Church took point with his DMR. Sarge led the red team and Caboose into the living quarters.

UNSC Infinity

"The team we sent to the Here comes the Calvary have all been slaughtered." Logan reported.

"Begin bombardment of that vessel." Morgan ordered.

The Infinity moved into position and boiled the Here comes the Calvary into globs of molten metal with its plasma weaponry.

Echo's mind

"Kill them!" The entity that was residing inside of Echo said.

"We need there fragments!" Eli said.

Echo was slowly beginning to loose control of his own mind and body.

ISS Dashing Loyalty outside of the bridge

Hicks pulled his knife out of the eye of the soldier he just stabbed.

"Anthony! Hack that console. Move control of the ship to there!"

"Can do!" Anthony got busy to hacking the terminal.

"Open the door!" Hicks ordered.

The door opened long enough for only Hicks to get through. Hicks pulled out his pistol and shot the bridge officers in the head. It was just him and Samborn.

"Well! Well! Well! Hicks again! What have you come to kill me?"

"No just to fight you."

Hicks raised his fists. Samborn did the same.

(In our final hour- Go Radio)

Hicks let Samborn kick first out of respect that she was a woman. But as soon as she kicked Hicks in the face it was on. Hicks kicked her in the chest and she went flying into the command console. She sprinted back at him and uppercut him. Hicks kicked her in the head as he was flying away from her uppercut. Hicks landed and knocked her against the wall. She moved out of the dent she made in the wall and punched Hicks's tooth out.

"Just like old times no?"

She responded with another kick in the head. Hicks punched her 3 times in the chest and she collapsed to the floor.

(Song end)

The door finally opened. Twilight, Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Azure stepped through the now opened door.

"Formation! GO!" Hicks ordered.

The 6 ponies went into formation and started to float in mid-air wearing the jewel blazoned elements of harmony.

"Da fuck is this shit?" Samborn asked.

The rainbow energy lashed out at Samborn. It wrapped around her and then let her go. Hicks had his MA5B ready if she wasn't changed.

She tried to stand up but she collapsed to the floor.

"Why?" She asked.

"Why what?"

"Why did you leave me to die on Harvest."

"A skyscraper crashed on top of your head! We didn't think anyone could survive that!"

"What about what you said back in training about me being a bitch?"

"I was young and foolish. You've proven that if you set your mind to it just about anything can happen."

"What happens now?"

"Welcome back to the UNSC Captain Mandi-666."

Echo's mind


"We need her AI and his AI."


ISS Satan's vengeance

Sierra shot the captain of the innie ship. He fell to the cold metal floor. Dead.

"Bridge is secure. Turning control to the Infinity." Sierra said.

Sierra sealed the bridge and decompressed the ship. Purple and Azure were safe on the bridge. The Innies however…

It's done that cake is done! See ya next chapter!

Next Chapter: 11. New Friends and new enemies Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes
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