
Friendship No More?

by YouAreMyHappilyEverAfter

Chapter 1: 1. FashionShow Invite Declined

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Okay, Since Love Life and Music is ending I figured I'd do a new series. In this Series...It's all about My Little Pony. Because I'm one Huge Brony. So Enjoy

"Rarity! I don't want to go! How many times do I have to tell you that!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed at Rarity rudely.

"It's highly recommended that ALL ponies go!" Said Rarity not giving up on this argument. Rarity and Rainbow has been going at it for a long time. Rarity has been convincing Rainbow Dash to attend her one and only fashion show and Rainbow Dash wouldn't budge.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah! I have already made my decision! God, Rarity don't you listen?" Rainbow Dash yelled and flew away from the heart-broken Rarity.

Everyone was excited and thrilled that the one and only Rarity was holding a Fashion show here in Pony-vile. Showcasing her eye-catching fashions that everyone here adores. Why doesn't Rainbow Dash doesn't want to go? They had been friends for a long time and she'd always goes to her flying acrobatic shows she performs once in a while, she would always be the one out of the group to cheer her on.

Rarity gave up on convincing Rainbow Dash to go. For some reason, Rarity felt as if there was a big hole in heart. Even though she was one of the most drama queens in pony-vile but this one felt real to her. She walked into her house gloomily. She closed the door slowly, turned around and saw her sister in the kitchen with black smoke pouring out. Alerted she galloped quickly in the kitchen and started coughing once the block odor reached her nose. She started coughing harshly which started to hurt her throat.

"Sweety Belle! Haven't I told you not to cook with-out me?" Rarity says and helped her sister fix the chaos in the kitchen.

"I was making it to get you ready for your fashion show tomorrow." She says happily and Rarity crooked a smile, even though she was still depressed over the whole Rainbow Dash incident.

"Thanks dear. But I don't think that kind of preparation will help me.." Now her sadness seems to be readable. Now Sweety Belle was suspicious.

"Whats wrong, Rarity?" She asks in her sweet tone. Rarity sighed,

"I just got out of an argument with Rainbow Dash. She doesn't want to go to my fashion show for some reason. And as you know, Rainbow is one of those people I want to see when I showcase my fashions.." She explained sadly.

Sweety Belle seemed to understand her sadness and went up to rub her neck on her neck. She smiled and stepped a couple of spaces back.

"Who needs Rainbow Dash anyways? She's old news. You still have Apple-Jack, Fluttershy, Twilight and Pinkie Pie going right?" She asks and Rarity thought for a second.

She did invite Apple-Jack though. But from her experiences- Apple-Jack may not be so thrilled about the idea of fashion. That sounded rude but it also sounded the truth to Rarity.

"Yes, I don't think Apple-Jack may not come either. We have our differences you know.." Rarity answered. She slumped down to the marble floor and huffed.

"So? You guys still friends. She'll come for YOU. I don't think she'll come for the love of Fashion though.." Sweety Belle says and Rarity smiled. She was so glad to have a sister like her. Remember that horrible argument she had with her. She hardly remembers why she was mad.

She brushed off the Rainbow Dash incident. And ignored like the fight ever happened. Even though she was happy to know that she was going to have a peaceful evening with her 2 best friends.

"Thanks Sweety. I'm so glad I have you as a sister!" She says and they nuzzled each-other and Rarity went up to her room to check up on her wardrobe of her fashions. When she got to her room suddenly she remembered that she had a picnic she needed to go to. All this drama with Rainbow Dash made her forget about it. She galloped back downstairs to arrange a picnic basket for her-self. Sweety Belle helped out by giving her one of her favorite blanket. After she was done packing goodies in the picnic basket she trotted off to go find Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle.

Rainbow Dash laid on her cloud and watched the other pony's of pony-vile have fun in the meadow. She didn't understand why she was so harsh to Rarity. She had more important business she had to do, Fashion shows was not going to interfere...

"Hey Rainbow! Aren't you coming to the picnic with Me, Fluttershy and Rarity?" She heard the innocent voice of Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow looked under her cloud and saw Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle.

Oh that's right! Rainbow Dash thought. She agreed to Twilight and Fluttershy she'd join them on they're little girly picnic. But somehow- Like always. Rarity seemed to have wormed her way into being apart of their evening..

"Yeah, I'm coming!" Rainbow Dash says lazily and flew down and stopped at Fluttershy.

"Hello" Fluttershy says in her normal shy voice. For some reason- Fluttershy was the only pony that doesn't seem to get on Rainbow Dash's nerves. She was basically too shy to get on peoples nerves, that's why Rainbow Dash seemed to like her more in the group. She kinda felt as if Fluttershy's a little sister of hers.

"Hi" Rainbow Dash greeted- she smiled warmly at Fluttershy and shyly Fluttershy smiled back. Then Rainbow Dash heard galloping- the sound seemed like it was coming toward them. She looked at the direction she thought the galloping came from, but she saw something that made her regret on coming to the picnic

Rainbow Dash saw Rarity gallop toward them with a grin oh her face while magically using her unicorn ability's to float the basket right beside her. She stopped midway to look at Rainbow Dash in disgust and continue walking with hence of model walk toward them.

"Hello girls.." She smiled brightly at the two other pony's "Hello Rainbow Dash"

As much as she didn't want to be here, she channeled her anger and ignored her completely and focused more on the pony she found more interesting-Fluttershy.

"Why is she here?" She whispered to Fluttershy. She didn't understand why she felt so insecure over her-self. But for some reason she didn't want Rarity to be here. Obviously she didn't want to enter another argument about the upcoming event she wants her to go to.

"Because she is our friend." Fluttershy answered sweetly but that still didn't seem like an answer to Rainbow Dash. She had a feeling that the reason she was here was to force her to go to the fashion show.

Not going to work Rainbow Dash Thought I am a girl whom doesn't like fashion shows and Rarity doesn't get that...

She continued walking with Fluttershy, she tried as best as she could to ignore Rarity completely, but she felt as if Rarity was gossiping behind her with Twilight about some horrible lie about why she doesn't want to go the fashion show. Rainbow Dash KNOWS Rarity and she KNOWS she would do that. That was one thing she didn't like about Rarity. She knew that because Rarity is not just all about the fashion, She adores the sweet and juicy gossip floating around pony-vile..

She stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"Why did you even come? You knew I was planned on coming along" Rainbow Dash burst out randomly. She knew that was going to come out of her.

"Why, Dear Rainbow Dash. You think I'm still angry over our little fight? Of course not. It's just that a true friend would want to go see their friend up on the stage." Rarity said with a hence of diva to her voice. Rainbow Dash stomped her hove.

"Oh so now your saying I'm not your true friend anymore?" She shouted at Rarity. Fluttershy bent down nervously and looked at Twilight.

"Girls Girls, Whats going on? What fight?" Twilight intruded. Rainbow Dash sighed with annoyance and looked at Twilight.

"Earlier ago me and Rarity had a fight because I didn't want to go her fashion show" Rainbow Dash explained and Rarity huffed.

"What not? It's something really big to Rarity and all of us should go to support her" Twilight backed Rarity up. Rainbow Dash thought that was kinda unfair, Twilight hadn't heard the full story so she wouldn't known what side to go on. But if she knew the story she'd go on Rainbow Dash's side.

"No! It's just cause I have bigger things to do" Explained Rainbow Dash looking off into space.

"But all of us are going to be there. Don't you think that would be...f-f-fun?" Fluttershy muttered. Even though Fluttershy didn't seem to be apart of the conversation at all. Rainbow Dash took that into consideration- but she shook it off and concentrated on her decision at hand.

"I had already made my mind up. And plus I had already planed today that I'd go to...to. " Rainbow Dash stuttered thinking of an excuse "The bakery and have an awesome lunch with Big Mac!"

Twilight and Rarity didn't seem to buy it. Of course they were both thinking of them-sleeves Rainbow Dash thought.

"Isn't Big Mac going to the fashion show though?" Says Fluttershy getting up from the pavement. She looked at Twilight with those innocent charm-looking eyes.

"Yes he is. And I would think better of you to lie like that. It's not cool Rainbow Dash, If you don't want to go and be supportive over your friend then we might as well not be friends at all!" Rarity chimed in angrily. Stunned Rainbow Dash backed away from Rarity from her out-burst. But she stomped her foot in front.

"I don't care. In fact I would care less about your stupid little Fashion Show!" Rainbow Dash shouted and Fluttershy got so nervous she flew away. Rarity focuses her attention on Fluttershy's exit and turned back to Rainbow Dash.

"Aw Fluttershy" Twilight called out. But it was to late, Fluttershy has already left the picnic to its closure.

"Well, I think we should not go on a picnic till you two settle things out!" Twilight shouted at both of them.

"I agree mostly with Rarity. I really don't see any excuse for you to miss a friends important occasion like this.." Twilight added steping closer to Rarity. Rainbow felt discouraged and that was the most horrible feeling she could have ever had.

"We apparently aren't friends anymore" Rarity says looking at Rainbow dash with a gloomy look. Rainbow Dash grinned and flew upward to the sky.

"That settles it. Good thing we broke up like this because honestly I have been faking this whole friendship thing forever" Rainbow Dash says and flew away quickly at the speed of light.

To Be Continued

Next Chapter: 2. The Rise And Fall Of Rainbow Dash Estimated time remaining: 6 Minutes
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