
My Little Aperture Science 2

by awesomesauce4

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 – Preparations and Hiring

*two months ago*

Josh was not a happy person. He had been traipsing around this universe's New York City for a while now, and

couldn't find a place to stay. People were gawking at his Long Fall Boots and Portal Device, but that was normal

to Josh. However, he caught whispers of 'cosplayer' and 'He's from Portal'. Josh didn't know what 'Portal' was

supposed to be. He hoped it was cool. To prove that he was not a cosplayer, he chose a nice-looking building and

portaled his way into an empty office, the people who were staring at him earlier now screaming in disbelief. Josh

rolled his eyes. Hadn't they ever seen a portal before?


He made his way up to the roof of the building without further incident. There, he placed a portal on the side of

the building, which was taller than any others (Josh had chosen it for this) and jumped off. Before he knew it, a

crowd had gathered under him. He fired a portal at the space below him, causing the crowd to jump back, and

flung himself far out into the city. It reminded him of the time he had done the same with Canterlot. Only that

involved a lot more incapacitation of guards, and a lot more pony. Josh sighed. He missed Equestria. And now he

hated crows with a passion. He was still soaring through the air when he hit the side of another building with a

thump. Feeling the wind in his lungs leave him, Josh began to fall down the side, eventually landing on the

pavement. He looked up irritatedly at the building he had slammed into. It was a small store with scientific

equipment inside. What were the odds? Feeling a sense of fate, Josh shrugged and stepped inside.


He met with a young woman, early twenties by the looks of things. "Hello, and welcome to Magnus Industries,"

she said with a smile. "How may I help you?" Josh smiled back. "Well, I was thinking of browsing the shop, looks

like you guys have a great selection, and also I was wondering if I could ask you a question." The woman

laughed. "If you're asking me out, Portal guy, I'm married." Josh got a good chuckle out of that. "No, I was

wondering if you could tell me what 'Portal' is." The woman cocked an eyebrow at him. "You don't know? You've

got the Aperture Science lapel pin, boots, gun…" Josh grimaced. "Err… do you have a flat wall I could use?" The

woman jerked her head at the wall behind her.


A few fired portals and long explanations later, the woman was still staring in disbelief. "You're from Aperture

Science, went to the universe of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and now you're here?" she shook her head.

"Promise you won't commit me to the nearest mental asylum? I wouldn't blame you, this is pretty far-fetched. So,

my universe is a series or two of video games?" he asked in return. The woman nodded, and promised not to tell

anyone. "My name's Sara, by the way. Spelled with no 'h'." she said. "Josh." He answered, and they jokingly

shook hands. "You know, I've always wanted to learn more about Aperture, and I've always wanted an assistant

around the shop. You up for it?" Josh grinned. "Give me food, bed and science and I'm set for life."




Shane and that pony in the suit were still discussing their plans. It was the first time a Black Mesa associate and

an Aperture Science associate had come together on the same issue, and normally Shane wouldn't have bothered

helping. But you were generally supposed to be kind and helpful in Equestria, and he somehow found that easier

to do here. Also, the pony seemed to have a crush on 'Josh'. Who was the pony in the robotic suit, anyway?

Finally, she said "I'm quite famished. Fancy a drink?" Shane nodded, and the suit split down one side, a blue pony

climbing out. She smoothed her mane and tail, and Shane realized that this was the Great and Powerful Trixie.

But how? She looked at him and smiled. "Josh took me in when I was about to die," she explained. "I was his

assistant and best friend before the… incident. Anyway, I know a good food and drink place around these parts,"

Trixie mentioned offhandedly.


They finally arrived at Sugarcube Corner, and Trixie bought two cupcakes and two glasses of water to wash them

down. Pinkie, as per usual, gasped when she saw Shane, and rushed off. "Expect to be jumped at wherever you

live," Trixie muttered to him, and Shane laughed. They enjoyed the food and drinks, and headed over to

Twilight's. Now Shane was really confused. These two were supposed to be enemies, so why were they

discussing the latest news over tea and laughing? That Josh guy must have really turned Trixie around, Shane

guessed. Twilight noticed the preoccupied look on Shane's face and asked him if he was alright. "Just thinking,"

he replied. "Well, spill. What were you thinking about?" Shane blushed. "I was thinking that you're different than

the Trixie I saw in the show. You're nicer, smarter, kinder, all that. What did Josh do?" Trixie beamed. "Thanks for

the compliment!" then she drooped. "Josh gave me everything. A home, a job, food and board, and a friend," she

answered after a pause. "All he wanted in return was for me to have some fun with science." Twilight nodded,

noticing the small but visible tear in Trixie's eye.


As they walked to Fluttershy's, Shane was still thinking about his position here. He was promised food as long as

he helped Trixie with the new gateway (based off an amalgamation of Black Mesa and Aperture Science

technology), and bed as long as he stayed with Fluttershy, but Shane longed for independence. And a computer.


Josh surveyed his new bedroom. It was incredibly tiny, but he didn't care. The bed was spacious, and the pay was

just enough. He could get used to life here… But he knew Trixie would track him down and kill him if he didn't

make a few attempts to get back. He would need a lot of scrap metal and components if he wanted to build the

gateway, and it would take him a while. Fun would have to wait, he had serious science to do. Of course, Sara

had insisted she help, uttering "Friends never let friends science alone!" which Josh knew was one of his

company's mottos for cooperative testing.


A/N: The return of Josh to the scene! Read, review, and explode!

With joy, I meant! Stop yelling at me, Trixie!

Next Chapter: 3. Chapter 3 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 6 Minutes
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