
YuGiOh! Friendship is Magic

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 41: So Close to Home

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This chapter's featured card: Number 39:Utopia

Xyz Monster Rank: 4 ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000 Attribute: LIGHT Type: Warrior

2 Level 4 Monsters

This card can only be destroyed by battle with another "Number" monster. When any player's monster declares an attack, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to negate the attack.

Princess Celestia entered a private room inside the coliseum. It looked like an office, but fit more for a royal ruler such as Princess Celestia, rather than the boss of a law firm. Alex and Orion sat in the two chairs conveniently placed there across from the other side of the large desk where Princess Celestia sat. "I've called a long recess for the audience to take a break and for your friends to see their loved ones in the hospital, so we have some time," began Princess Celestia. "Earlier today, my sister, Princess Luna told you about the Numbers, did she not?" "Vaguely," said Orion, who was the only one of the two who was really told. "She just spoke of a 'great power.' It makes me think she left out more than she'd rather let on." "I'm not sure as to why she did that," said Princess Celestia. "Perhaps she didn't want to explain the full details of the tragic past that is tied with them, but I see no reason as to keep it a secret from you now." Alex and Orion leaned in close. "Long ago, my sister and I ruled over this land. However, not many ponies, and now humans for that matter, know that there was a 3rd sister among us: Princess Terra. While Luna and I were tasked with raising the moon and sun, respectively, Terra was responsible for creating life and nature. She was an extremely bright and omnipotent woman who claimed to have, as she herself said, 'visions from afar.' She used these supposed visions to create creatures that she's seen from other worlds and other times, including birds, mammals, dragons, among others, and then, using her own image, created the pony race, separating them from her different components: giving pegasi their wings, the unicorns their horns and magic, and the earth ponies' their connection with the Earth. One night, she was betrayed in her sleep by her most trusted advisor, a unicorn named Blackdawn. He was jealous of his ruler's power and wanted it all to himself. He rendered her to sleep using a hidden sleeping spell casted in her royal supper, and when she was asleep, he literally stole her heart, the source of her power. By the time we arrived, it was too late. Princess Terra was weakened beyond saving, but before she passed, she pleaded that the ponies she created would be the ones to monitor nature: weather to the pegasi, wildlife and the plants to the earth ponies, basically anything that was once her responsibility. She then said she was entrusting us with the last of her powers. After that, she was gone. Her body turned into the 199 Numbers, all containing images of all of the things she had seen in her visions. Terra's heart was in Blackdawn's control, now dubbing himself Inverz. He used the magic from her heart to become very powerful, creating a legion of dark forces, including his personal assistant, a disturbed image of Inverz's sick, twisted mind, naming it Discord. For a short time, Inverz and Discord ruled over the land, creating despair and misery for all ponies. It wasn't until we created the elements of harmony, plus the Celestia's wing and Luna's horn to wield the remaining 199 numbers to defeat Inverz while using the elements of harmony to defeat Discord. After that war, we acquired her heart once again. Powerless without it, my sister and I were able to banish him into the earth. To ensure that Terra's heart would remain safe, we hid it inside the elements of harmony, which remained dormant there… until now." "Alex pulled the Number card from his deck case, and looked at it. "Yes," said Princess Celestia. "You are currently the wielder of Terra's heart. But, I digress. To ensure further safety of the Numbers, we sent them to different worlds, including an alternate reality of Equestria. We also hid many of them into the Celestia's Wing and Luna's Horn. We then sent them to a specific world where if the time would come for us to wield the Numbers again, the inhabitants of that land would have the power necessary to unlock its power. That is why we deliberately sent them to your world. Orion, your finding of Luna's Horn was no accident. You were meant to wield this wand and help bring peace back to Equestria." "Bring peace?" asked Orion. "Yes," confirmed Princess Celestia, "Inverz will return one day. The signs came when not too long ago, Discord was revived from his stone prison. It was Inverz' awakening magic that revived him, and he too will awaken once again." "What about the Wing? Won't we need it to stop him?" asked Orion. "It still remains out there, but just as destiny called you to this world, destiny will bring it here too." "When will Inverz return?" asked Alex. "I'm not sure. He will appear when it's most convenient to him, but now's not the time. Now, we need to send you home." Princess Celestia then got up and left, with Alex and Orion following her.

Alex and Orion came back to the waiting room to find all of his friends there waiting, including the perfectly healthy Spike, Apple Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and all of the royal guards that Alex and Orion found in the mountain cave. Spike and Apple Bloom ran to them and hugged them and thanking them for saving them. Alex and Orion walked over and hugged Mr. and Mrs. Cake, along with Pinkie Pie who was too happy with her reunion with them to let go. They then shook the hooves of the royal guards that they also saved, who thanked the two and gave slight bows out of respect. Applejack then appeared next to Braeburn and Big Macintosh, pecking Orion and Alex on the cheek and hugging them both. "Thanks for saving my family," she whispered. Big Macintosh and Braeburn joined in the hug. Once they were done, Sammy appeared. "Go on," she said, cocking her head to the exit of the waiting room, "they're waiting." "Who?" asked Alex. "Fillies and gentlecolts," called the announcer. "Our winners of the first ever EFDC, Alex and Orion, have fought hard and fought well, but they have one more test to pass to earn the wish they've truly been fighting for." "Go get 'em," said Sammy pushing them both outside.

"And here they are!" cried the announcer upon seeing them. "The saviors of Equestria have arrived to face Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Good luck to both teams." The crowd cheered as they watched Alex and Orion walk to the edge of the cloud ring to face their last opponents before being able to return home. "Welcome, esteemed guests," said Princess Celestia. "You have traveled from afar, and you have fought valiantly. But there is still one more team you must face to make your safe return home: us." "And we are more prepared than ever," said Alex. "Now, that I know that my friends and family are safe, I have no reason to fear this duel, and I will have no hang-ups about defeating the both of you." "Such strong fervor," sighed Princess Celestia in admiration. "Very well. Let this final duel of ours begin!" Alex unsheathed his duel disk and drew 5 cards from his deck. Orion turned the Luna's Horn into his duel disk and drew 5 cards from his deck. Like on Nightmare Night, Princess Luna emanated a dark-purple aura from her unicorn's horn that had 14 light purple spaces on it like a standard dueling field. She then put her deck on the lower right hand space and drew 5 cards. Princess Celestia did the same thing, except the 14 spaces were a bright gold color and rested on a thick silvery aura. She also placed her deck on the lower right hand space and drew 5 cards from her deck. They were all ready to begin. "Good luck," whispered Sammy from the sidelines. "DUEL!" cried the duelists.

Alex and Orion vs. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna

Alex's Turn: Alex activates Dragon Mastery, allowing him to equip a Dragon-type Dragunity monster on a monster he controls. Alex summons Dragunity Militum (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1200). Alex uses Dragon Mastery's effect to equip Dragunity Militum with Dragunity Javelin. With Dragon Mastery's effect, all monsters equipped with Dragunity monsters gain 500 ATK (ATK: 1700 - 2200).

Alex places 1 card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-8000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Princess Celestia's Turn: Princess Celestia summons Sacred Gredi (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1400). With its effect, Princess Celestia can special summon a level 4 Sacred monster from her hand, choosing Sacred Acubes (ATK: 800 DEF: 2000). Princess Celestia overlays Sacred Gredi and Sacred Acubes to xyz summon Sacred Beehive (ATK: 2400 DEF: 800). Next, she overlays Sacred Beehive to xyz summon Sacred Ptolemys Messier 7 (ATK: 2700 DEF: 2000).

Princess Celestia places 1 card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-3 Life-8000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Orion's Turn: Orion summons Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki (ATK: 200 DEF: 2000). When summoned, Orion can special summon a Six Samurai monster from his hand, choosing The Six Samurai – Irou (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1200). When a Six Samurai exists on Orion's side of the field, he can special summon Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan from his hand (ATK: 1800 DEF: 500). Orion overlays Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki, The Six Samurai – Irou, and Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan to xyz summon Number 143: Gleaming Iron Golem in defense position (ATK: 0 DEF: 3000).

Orion places 1 card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-8000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Princess Luna's Turn: Princess Luna activates Into the Void, drawing 1 card if she has more than 3 cards in her hand. Next, she summons Infernity Guardian in defense mode (ATK: 1200 DEF:1700).

Princess Luna places 2 cards face down and ends her turn. During the end phase of the turn in which Into the Void was activated, Princess Luna discards her entire hand.

Status: Hand-0 Life-8000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Alex's Turn: Alex summons Dragunity Dux (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1000). Once per turn, with Dragunity Militum's effect, Alex can special summon a Dragunity monster from the spell and trap zone, choosing Dragunity Javalin (ATK: 1200 DEF: 800). Alex tunes Dragunity Dux and Dragunity Militum with Dragunity Javalin to synchro summon Nero, the Dragon Warlord (ATK: 3200 DEF: 2800). Alex attacks Sacred Ptolemys Messier 7, but Princess Celestia activates Dxyz, detaching all xyz materials attached to an xyz monster she controls, sending that xyz monster back to the extra-deck, and special summoning the xyz material attached to that monster, special summoning Sacred Beehive, Sacred Gredi, and Sacred Acubes. When 3 or more monsters are summoned by this effect during the battle phase, the battle phase ends.

Alex ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-8000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Princess Celestia's Turn: Princess Celestia tributes Sacred Beehive to summon Sacred Rescha (ATK: 2200 DEF: 1200). When Sacred Rescha is summoned, Princess Celestia can special summon a Sacred monster from her hand in defense position, choosing Sacred Antares (ATK: 2400 DEF: 900). When Sacred Antares is special summoned, Princess Celestia can send a Sacred monster from her graveyard to her hand, choosing Sacred Beehive (it goes back to her extra deck instead). Next, Princess Celestia activates Double Summon, summoning Sacred Kaust (ATK: 1800 DEF: 700). Princess Celestia overlays Sacred Kaust, Sacred Gredi, and Sacred Acubes to xyz summon Number 16: Ruler of Color – Shock Ruler (ATK: 2300 DEF: 1600). Next, Princess Celestia overlays Sacred Antares and Sacred Rescha to xyz summon Number 124: Feral Chill – Freezing Ursa (ATK: 3300 DEF: 3000). Princess Celestia activates Number 16: Ruler of Color – Shock Ruler's effect. By removing one xyz material from it, she can declare one card type, and neither player can activate cards of that type until the opponents next End Phase, choosing Trap Cards. Next, Princess Celestia activates Number 124: Feral Chill – Freezing Ursa's effect. By removing one xyz material from it, she can remove all xyz materials from an opponent's monster and inflict 800 points for each xyz material removed, choosing Number 143: Gleaming Iron Golem (3).

Alex and Orion's Life Points: 8000 - 5600

Princess Celestia attacks Number 143: Gleaming Iron Golem with Number 124: Feral Chill – Freezing Ursa. When Number 143: Gleaming Iron Golem is attacked when in defense position by a monster with ATK higher than its DEF, piercing damage is inflicted to the controller of the card.

Alex and Orion's Life Points: 5600 - 5300

Princess Celestia ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-8000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-0

Orion's Turn: Orion activates Monster Reborn, special summoning The Six Samurai – Irou, from his graveyard. Next, he summons The Six Samurai – Zanji (ATK: 1800 DEF: 1300). Orion overlays The Six Samurai – Irou and The Six Samurai – Zanji to xyz summon Number 39: Utopia (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000). Orion attacks Number 16: Ruler of Color – Shock Ruler.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's Life Points: 8000 - 7800

Orion places 1 card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-5300 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Princess Luna's Turn: Princess Luna summons Infernity Necromancer in defense mode (ATK: 0 DEF: 2000). When she has no cards in her hand, Princess Luna can special summon an Infernity monster from her graveyard, choosing Infernity Avenger (ATK: 0 DEF: 0). Princess Luna tunes Infernity Guardian and Infernity Necromancer with Infernity Avenger to synchro summon Purgatory Dragon – Ogre Dragoon (ATK: 3000 DEF: 3000). Next, she activates her face down Xyz Plant, which becomes a monster with the level of another monster she controls on the field, choosing Purgatory Dragon - Ogre Dragoon (Lvl. 8). Princess Luna overlays Purgatory Dragon - Ogre Dragoon with Xyz Plant to xyz summon Number 15: Gimmick Puppet – Giant Killer (ATK: 1500 DEF: 2500). Next, she activates the trap Give and Take, special summoning a monster in her graveyard to her opponent's side of the field, choosing Number 16: Ruler of Color – Shock Ruler. Because xyz monsters have no levels, Give and Take's effect of raising a monster's level doesn't apply. Princess Luna activates Number 15: Gimmick Puppet – Giant Killer's effect. By removing 1 xyz material from it, she can destroy all xyz monsters on her opponents side of the field and inflict damage equal to the monsters' combined ATK, destroying Number 39: Utopia and Number 16: Ruler of Color – Shock Ruler.

Alex and Orion's Life Points: 5300 - 500

Princess Luna ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-7800 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0

Alex's Turn: Alex activates Pot of Greed, drawing 2 cards. Next, he activates Graceful Charity, drawing 3 cards and discarding 2. Then, Alex activates Battle Waltz, special summoning a Waltz token with the same type, attribute, level, ATK and DEF as a synchro monster that he controls. Then, he activates Double Spell, discarding one spell card in his hand to activate a spell from her opponent's graveyard as if it were his own, choosing Xyz Plant, becoming a monster with the level of another monster she controls on the field, choosing Nero, the Dragon Warlord. Alex overlays Nero, the Dragon Warlord with the Waltz token and Xyz Plant to xyz summon Number 200: Adligo – Dragon of Harmony (ATK: 4500 DEF: 4500). Alex then activates Xyz Gift, removing 2 xyz materials from Number 200: Adligo – Dragon of Harmony to draw 2 cards. Alex attacks Number 15: Gimmick Puppet – Giant Killer.

Princess Celestia and Luna's Life Points: 7800 - 4800

Alex activates Number 200: Adligo – Dragon of Harmony's effect. By removing 1 xyz material from it, Alex can inflict damage equal to the ATK of the xyz material removed (Nero, the Dragon Warlord).

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's Life Points: 4800 - 1600.

Alex ends his turn. Because Number 200: Adligo – Dragon of Harmony has no xyz materials attached to it, it is removed from play.

Status: Hand-2 Life-500 Monsters-0 Face Down Cards-1

Princess Celestia's Turn: Princess Celestia attacks Alex and Orion directly, but Alex activates Negate Attack.

Princess Celestia places 1 card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1600 Monsters-0 Face Down Cards-1

Orion's Turn: Orion activates his Call of the Haunted trap, special summoning Number 39: Utopia from the graveyard. Orion then equips Number 39: Utopia with Megamorph, doubling its ATK (ATK: 2500 - 5000). Orion attacks Number 124: Feral Chill – Freezing Ursa. Princess Celestia attempts to actvate Magic Cylinder, but Orion activates Trap Jammer, negating and destroying the trap. The attack goes through.

Princess Celestia and Luna's Life Points: 1600 - 0

Alex and Orion win.

The crowd cheered at the duels end, as the all of the members of Lamss ran out to the two duelists and hugged them, overjoyed that they would finally be going home. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna approached the group. "You have defeated us with your powerful bonds of friendship," said Princess Celestia graciously. "And I am a pony of my word." The elements of harmony then appeared at Princess Celestia. The 5 necklaces then formed a ring around the tiara and spun like a gyro around the tiara. "What is your wish?" she asked. Alex then walked up to Princess Celestia, cupped his hands around her ear and whispered it in her ear. "Very well, then," she said. "Wait!" called a voice. Rainbow Dash and the other ponies ran to the group with tears in their eyes. "You can't leave without saying goodbye," said Rainbow Dash choking on her sobs. "Right," said Alex. All of the humans, plus Orion, then formed a large group hug with their pony friends, crying altogether. They then let go and stood back to let the elements of harmony send them home. The golden necklace ring then spun faster until it grew bright. Then, a white beam shot out of the glowing orb that it formed. The beam enveloped the members of Lamss in a bright blanket of white.

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