
Pony Christmas Carols

by Daemon McRae

Chapter 10: 10. Kidnap Celestia

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Kidnap Celestia (Kidnap the Santa Claws)

Fa la la la la la, fa la la la la
Fa la la la la la, fa la la la la

Kidnap Celestia,
lock her up and out
Throw away the key and then,
watch the sun go down

The Elements we'll throw away,
to guarantee the end of day
And then we'll snuff the sunlight out
and listen to her scream and shout

Wait, we've got to do some more
to catch this pretty pony whore
set our queen free let her reign
so they can know our master's pain

Kidnap Celestia,
tear her wings to shreds
then when she's torn and weak,
stuff her in the bed

Then Lady Nightmare Moon can rise!
To rule the ponies from the skies!
SHe'll give us all a great reward
Like candy, jewels, maybe gold!

I say that we set some oats
Along the stable floor and hope
When she comes a-sniffing
we will pin her down and use some rope

Don't be foalish use your brain,
if we give her a chance to escape
Then Nightmare Moon will come right down
and leave us in some horrid shape!

Kidnap Celestia,
give that horse the shaft
And then when we're done with her
cleave her right in half

Because Lady Nightmare Moon will give us everything we want
She'l rule all of Equestria They'll all be hers to taunt

She'll love us all for what we've done
Then maybe we can have some fun
She'd give us our own land to rule!
Now wouldn't that be cool?

We're her Shadowbolts
and we will do our job so well
We'll send those ponies in our way
to where the dark things dwell

I wish my teammates weren't so slow
I'm not the slow one, you don't know!

I've got something, shut your mouths
This one's sure to work, you guys
We'll go straight for Moon herself
and let her catch them by surprise

And when they're running far and wide
to find they're precious Princess Horse,
we'll tear the Elements apart,
and make them useless but of course

Kidnap Celestia,
beat her with a crop
show that Sun-based royal pain
who should be on top

Kidnap Celestia,
leave her in the ditch
Nightmare Moon was always right
that old hag's a (WITCH)

Kidnap Celestia,
throw her to the dogs!
let her rot a thousand years,
right beside the hogs

Kidnap Celestia,
let her gather dust
Noone dares defy our Queen
Nightmare Moon is just!

Next Chapter: 11. What's This? Luna's Wonder Estimated time remaining: 3 Minutes
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