
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess

by Harry Leferts

Chapter 6

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Here's the new chapter just in time for the Holidays. And I got the rest of the chapters beta'd and switched, also, for those worried it'll be a complete rehash of canon, it won't, this chapter is just because I couldn't think of a better way for the introduction to the Wizarding World. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello." -Normal Speaking

"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts


Laying back on the floor, Harry shivers for a moment under a threadbare and partially moth-eaten blanket. He becomes warmer a moment later as Luna settles on top of him, wrapping her wings around him as much as possible. "Thanks Luna."

She simply smiles and shrugs. "It's cold out and unlike me you're not covered in fur."

Hearing something, they turn to see Nightmare poking her head out of the bag again with a scowl as she glares at Dudley and then the room where both Petunia and Vernon are sleeping. "Oh, tonight you're going to-"

She gets interrupted by Harry. "You're not going to do anything at the moment." Seeing her stare at him in shock, he gives her a pointed look. "At the moment, Uncle Vernon isn't the most stable I think. Do we really want to take a chance of him going off the deep end?"

Nightmare stares at him for a moment before sighing. "I suppose... I'll just hit him with twice as much once he's his regular oafish self." Both Luna and Harry roll their eyes as she cackles. Once she stops, she glances over at Harry and smiles. "Ten more minutes and you'll be eleven Child."

Harry just sighs and shakes his head. "Are you ever going to stop calling me child?"

Nightmare looks up at the ceiling as if in thought for a moment. "Eventually." Suddenly both she and Luna stiffen as a creaking noise reverberates through the shack. Harry is about to say something when Nightmare holds up her hoof for silence. "Hush."

Luna nods as she stares at the door. "Harry... there's someone outside." Her ears swivel as she looks to the door. "They're at the dock right now. And frankly... I can't think of a good reason why they might have come out here in this weather." Soon, they can hear the sound of rocks crunching. Frowning, Luna steps in front of Harry with her horn starting to spark as Nightmare crawls up into Harry's oversized shirt, her own horn lit with a glow.

A minute later the shack shudders with a "BOOM!"

Vernon comes rushing out of his room with a rifle held in his hands. "I warn you! I'm armed!"

Nightmare just rolls her eyes. "Is that supposed to do something? More liable to shoot himself the foal..." Other than that, all is silent for a moment until with a great crash the door is knocked off its hinges and hits the floor. A moment later a giant of a man walks into the shack causing both Luna's and Nightmare's eyes to widen. "Well... someone's been eating their vegetables..."

The giant then bends down and picks up the door before putting it back on the doorframe. Turning, he looked at them all. "Couldn't make us all a cup O' tea could yeh? It's not been a nice journey."

Luna, Harry, and Nightmare all blink with the same thought running through their minds: 'The hay?'

The giant then strides over to the couch before looking at Dudley. "Budge up yeh great lump."

With a squeak Dudley jumps off the couch and runs behind his parents causing Nightmare to snicker as he tries (and fails) to hide behind his parents. " Don't know why, but I'm starting to like this fellow."

He then looks at Harry and his eyes crinkle in a smile. "An' here's Harry!" He then chuckles. "Las' time I saw you, you was only a baby." This causes Luna's, Harry's and Nightmare's eyebrows to shoot up in sheer surprise. "Yeh look a lot like yer dad but have yeh've got yer mum's eyes." A rasping sound comes from Vernon before he finds his voice.

"I demand that you leave at once!"

Harry just watches the confrontation though he feels his eyebrows shoot up once more as he watches the giant bend the rifle as if it was made of rubber before throwing it in a corner. The giant then turns back to Harry. "Well anyway Harry, a very happy birthday to yeh. Got sommat fer yeh here. Mighta sat on it though, but it should be okay I reckon."

Opening the box that was given to him, he blinks as he sees a chocolate cake with his name on it. Blinking, he looks up and asks a question on his, Luna's and Nightmare's minds. "Um... who are you?"

The giant blinks for a moment. "True, I haven't introduced meself. Name's Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts."

Harry blinks for a moment before Luna leans over. "Well Harry. Seems they did send someone after all."

Meanwhile, Hagrid rubs his hands together. "What about that tea then, eh?"

Harry watches as he first lights a fire in the fireplace (with what him, Luna and Nightmare assume to be magic) before he begins making a cup of tea and cooking up some sausages. Dudley whimpers as the smell hits him only for Vernon to grip his shoulder. "Don't touch anything he tries to give you Dudley."

Hagrid simply snorts. "Yer great pudding of a son don' need fattenin' any more Dursley. Don't worry an' more."

Nightmare's grin grows at this as she whispers just loudly enough for Harry and Luna to pick up. "Now I'm really starting to like him."

Hagrid then passes the sausages to Harry who eats two of them before setting the others aside on a piece of newspaper he had since he's too interested to eat. "Um... Mr. Hagrid."

Hagrid chuckles before taking a gulp of tea and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Call me Hagrid. Everyone does, Mr. was my father."

Harry nods as Luna smirks. "Go for it Harry."

Harry nods. "So, um, Hagrid... You're from this school of magic then?"

Harry, Luna, and Nightmare savor the looks on Vernon's and Petunia's faces as Hagrid smiles widely. He's about to say something when Vernon explodes. "WHAT! HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THAT FREAK PLACE!"

Harry simply pulls a letter from his backpack and holds it up. "Saw a winged unicorn who gave it to me last night."

Vernon goes from a deep red to an almost bone white in a second as Petunia has to grip a nearby wall to keep from fainting. Hagrid catches onto one bit as he rises full of anger. "WHAT! WHAT DID' YEH MEAN BY HOW HE FOUND OUT! DIDN' YEH TELL HIM ANYTHIN'?" He then turns to Harry. "I thought that yeh weren't getting yeh letters what wit' no replies an' all. But I never thought that yeh knew nothin' about Hogwarts! Did yeh never wonder where yeh parents had learnt it all?"

Blinking, Harry shakes his head. "Learned all what Hagrid?"

Hagrid seems to fill the whole hut in his anger as he turns to the cowering Dursleys. "YEH MEAN TO TELL ME THA' HARRY KNOWS NOTHIN' ABOUT ANYTHIN'?"

Harry, of course, takes slight offense to this as does Luna and Nightmare. "Hey! I know lots of things. I am quite good with my maths and sciences!"

Hagrid simply waved his hand. "I meant about world. Yer world. Yer Parents world."

Harry swallows a little at this. "My parents..."

The conversation goes downhill from there as Harry, Luna and Nightmare learn quite a bit about his parents such as they were murdered and not killed in a car crash among a number of things. It eventually ends with Dudley (who was snagging the sausages that Harry had put aside) getting a pig's tail. After the Dursley's fled into the other room and locked themselves in there, Hagrid sighs. "Shoudn'ta done that." After a moment he shrugs. "Didn' work anyway. Was tryin' to turn him into a pig. Too much a one already I suppose." He then looks outside. "Well, it's gettin' late and we've got lots ter do tomorrow. Gotta get up ter town and gets yeh books and such." Handing Harry his coat. "Go on and take a kip under tha'. Just don't mind if it wiggles a bit. I think I still gotta couple O' dormice in there."

Watching as Hagrid lays back on the couch (that collapses under his weight) Harry rubs the back of his head. "Um... I think I'll be up for a bit. Need to clear the head and all."

Hagrid just nods. "If yeh want, yeh can have a cup O' tea."

Harry nods as Hagrid settles in. "Thanks." The giant nods and tells him that he's welcome before dozing off. A moment later he's in a deeper sleep, placed there by Nightmare who jumps out of Harry's oversized shirt.

"Well now. This has been quite the interesting night."

Harry nods as he makes two mugs of tea before staring into them. "Very interesting indeed."

Sensing his sadness, Luna comes up and hugs him. "It's okay Harry. At least we know the truth now about your parents."

Harry silently sets down a mug as he cuts the cake with some magic. "Yeah..." Leaning against him, the two share his magic as they quietly munch on the cake while drinking the tea.

The next day, they're travelling across the water with Hagrid when he turns to them. "Harry, was wonderin' somethin'." Harry nods though his eyes go wide with Hagrid's next question. "What's the thin' in yeh backpack moving around."

A moment later, heard by all is "Ah, horseapples." Before Hagrid can say anything, Nightmare pokes her head out of the backpack. "I am the magnificent Nightmare Moon."

Beside them, Luna is facehoofing. "You idiot..."

Hagrid narrows his eyes some before looking towards Harry. "Who gave her to yeh Harry?"

Thoughts racing, Harry blinks. "I made her of course... well, her body anyways." Harry then looks at Nightmare. "I met her for real one day when I was stressed out." Silently, Harry gulps. 'Please believe that...'

Hagrid suddenly smiles. "Ah. Never mind the'. I've heard O' toys comin' to life and even talkin'." He then becomes thoughtful. "Never met one O' course. But I've heard of them." He then gives Harry a pat on the back that nearly causes him to fall forwards. "Jus' another sign that yeh'd be a powerful wizard Harry."

Harry just nods. "Um... thanks Hagrid."

Beside him, Nightmare jumps from the backpack before plopping herself in Harry's lap. "Good. Then there's no more need for me to hide." She then scowls. "I hate hiding. Especially in that back pack. No room to stretch my legs."

Ignoring her for the moment, Harry turns to look at Hagrid. "So, um Hagrid? You said that my parents' were murdered... who did it? And why?"

Hagrid flinches for a moment before answering. "I don' know if I'm the right one to tell you abou' this..." He then sighs. "It's only righ' that yeh'd find out abou' wha' happened before going to Hogwarts. Best that I tell yeh wha' I can. Mind, parts of it are a great mystery."

As Harry and the other two listen, the tale of Voldemort and how Harry's parents were murdered unfolds. At the end of it, Nightmare has a fierce look on her face as she mumbles Voldemort's name over and over, as if to burn it into her memory. Beside her, Luna is hugging and nuzzling Harry to comfort him as he sees a green flash and hears high pitched laughing. Finally, Nightmare looks up at Harry and after a few moments he turns and picks her up and hugs her (and while usually she doesn't like being hugged or cuddled, she makes the exception this one time). She then turns towards the sea, with an angry look. 'If you ever return Voldemort... I shall show you what a True ruler of the darkness can do...'

After a moment, Harry turns to Hagrid and sadly smiles. "Thank you Hagrid. For telling me."

Hagrid nods with some dampness around his eyes when Nightmare speaks up. "I got a question for you Hagrid..." Once he nods, she continues with narrowed eyes. "You said that you were there when Harry had been dropped off at the Dursleys." Both Harry and Luna stiffen as they remember that (having been too caught up with what happened that night to catch it) as Hagrid nods once more with a confused look on his face. "May I ask why Harry was left with those animals?"

Frowning a bit at the animal comment, Hagrid shrugs. "Don' rightly know. Dumbledore made the decision. Great man Dumbledore. Musta had his reasons. Told me that he would be protected there."

Nightmare nods as her mind is going a mile a minute. "Thank you for answering that." She then glances at the approaching land in thought. 'Well now... there is another name for my list. I do believe that he shall be third. Just under Celestia and Voldemort.' She then glances at Hagrid. 'As to him... we shall see if he should be on it for his part.'

Clearing his throat, Harry catches Hagrid's attention. "Um... Hagrid? I don't think I can pay for the things I need..."

Hagrid simply shakes his head. "Nothin' to worry abou' Harry. Did yeh think that your parents left yeh with nothin'? First stop for us is Gringotts. Wizard's bank run by goblins it is."

Harry blinks at that. "Goblins?"

Hagrid nods sagely. "Yeah. Goblins. Yeh'd be mad to try and steal anythin' from them. Some O' their high security vaults have dragons." He then sighs sadly. "Crickey I would like one." Seeing the expression on Nightmare's and Harry's faces, he clarifies. "A dragon I mean."

Flying beside the boat, Luna crosses her arms. "I wonder if the goblins play rock? Or live in a Labyrinth?" Both Nightmare and Harry stare at her causing her to blush as she looks away with a huff. "What?"

Harry just shakes his head and sighs as he softly mumbles. "Never mind..."

Nightmare just turns back to Hagrid. " So then... what else is there protecting Gringotts?" She pointingly ignores Harry and Luna giving her a look. "Just out of curiosity..."

Hagrid shrugs. "Lots O' things. Enchantments and spells. And yeh'd get lost in the tunnels unable to find your way out. They're hundreds of miles beneath London see."

Harry gives an odd look at this while ignoring Luna having a victorious smirk on her face beside the boat mumbling about someone named Jareth. 'What the? That has to be an exaggeration. There is no way that it could be hundreds of miles below London...' Hagrid then tells him that the only place safer then Gringotts is Hogwarts causing a raised eyebrow from the trio. Hearing Hagrid mumble about a Ministry of Magic as he opens his newspaper,

Harry blinks. "There's a Ministry of magic Hagrid?"

He nods. "Aye. The Ministry O' Magic. The current Minister O' Magic is a bit of a bungler. Pelts Dumbledore with owls every morning asking for advice." Harry then asks what the Ministry does causing the giant to shrug. "Mostly to keep the muggles from finding out that there's witches and wizards."

Harry blinks at that and this also catches Luna's attention. "Harry, ask him why they're hiding. Maybe it's because of the witch hunts?" Luna shivers a little as she remembers reading up on them after finding out about Harry's magic. 'It must be because of that... right?'

The answer they do get shocks the three. "Why, because otherwise the Muggles would be askin' for magical solutions for every little problem."

A small expression of confusion crosses Harry's face. 'So... the reason why they hide is because they don't want to be bothered to help...' Looking down, a small expression of distaste comes across his face. 'That's... selfish.' Shaking his head, he raises it in time for the boat to arrive at the dock. Eventually, they reach London. "Is there really somewhere I could get my items here?"

Nodding, Hagrid stops. "Aye, and it's righ' through here." He gestures to a grubby pub. "This is the Leaky Cauldron, tis a famous place."

Nightmare snort softly before talking under her breath. "If that's a famous place, then I'd hate see what counts as an infamous place." As they walk in, they notice people nodding and waving at Hagrid "Huh. Someone's popular."

Harry is about to say something when Hagrid mentions who he is causing him to be swarmed. It takes a while, but eventually they get through it. Fluttering beside him, Luna lays a hoof on his shoulder. "You okay Harry?"

He nods for a second before muttering under his breath. "Yeah... but that was insane." He then looks up at Hagrid. "Um, Hagrid? What was that all about?"

Hagrid simply grins. "I told yeh that yeh were famous."

Nightmare grumbles a little. "There's famous and then there's famous." She then looks up at Hagrid. "So... what is the story about that Professor Quil fellow?"

Hagrid looks down at her for a moment. "His name's Quirrell. Poor bloke, took a year off for a bit O' first hand experience. hasn' been the same sense." He then leans closer. "Heard he had a spot O' trouble with some vampires in the Black Forest. Not to mention a small bit of trouble with a hag. Scared of everything now. The students, and the subject he teaches."

Nightmare's eyes light up at the mention of vampires. "Vampires... really? So they do exist."

Hagrid doesn't notice her evil smile as he nods and starts walking again. Luna just scowls. "How the hay can they expect someone to teach a subject that they're scared of! That will mess up the student's education!" She then notices Hagrid pull out his umbrella and start tapping a pattern of bricks before they begin shifting and moving out of the way. "Oh... you have got to be kidding... Someone has read too many mystery novels..."

Nightmare just raises an eyebrow and then grins. "Hm... I wonder what magic is being used..." A moment later she facehoofs. "Diagon Alley... really? they couldn't come up with something better?" Hagrid gives her an odd look but shrugs it off and begins walking towards a slightly leaning building. As they pass by a goblin, it bows and is slightly surprised as Harry bows, but says nothing. Taking note of the poem, Nightmare chuckles. "Ominous and dark. I fully approve."

They walk through the doors, not noticing the goblins there narrowing their eyes at the group as they pass. They soon arrive at a teller who looks up and watches them with a slight sneer. "May I help you?"

Hagrid nods as he comes up. "Aye, we've come to take some money out O' Mr. Harry Potter's vault."

The goblin nods. "Do you have his key?" Digging into his pocket for a moment, Hagrid produces the key and hands it to the goblin who looks it over before giving it back. He then folds his hands in front of him. "There is only one thing left to do. Please stand still."

Before they can say anything the goblin reaches under his desk and there is a flash of light. Then they feel a splash of water. Shaking his head, Hagrid looks at the surprised goblin with fury in his eyes. "WHAT WAS THA' ALL ABOUT!"

Clearing his throat, the goblin looks them over with an inquisitive look. "Just a precaution Sir, I assure you. We have had... others try to claim Mr. Potter's money. If you were not who you said you were... well." The goblin snaps his fingers and then the three are dry (as Luna was unaffected), though Nightmare is glaring at him with pure murder in her eyes. "Once again, I must apologize for our precautions. We will add your magical signature to make sure that we won't make the same mistake again." They feel a tingling sensation that soon stops. "Is there anything else I may do to help you?"

Shaking himself, Hagrid nods. "Aye, I have a letter here from Professor Dumbledore." He leans in. "It's abou' the you-know-what in vault you-know-where."

The goblin gives him a look but opens the letter and after reading it. "Very well." He then hands it back. "I will have someone take you down to the two vaults. Griphook!"

Watching as the three visible people come up, the goblin takes note as a guard comes up. "Sir, is there anything we should do about our... guest?"

The teller thinks it over for a moment before shaking his head. "No, not at the moment. Seems the boy has a spirit following him and he likely knows it. Watch." Both of them observe as Harry glances to the side and with their keen eyes they see his lips move slightly. "No, do nothing at the moment. It's non-hostile. but if that should ever prove to be... kill the boy. He's what is most likely anchoring it to this plane. And if he isn't?" The goblin grins bloodthirsty. "That is one less human in the world so it's still a win."

The guard bows with a grin of his own. "As you command Sir."

As the guard makes his way back to his post, Harry. Nightmare, and Luna are screaming in joy as the cart goes flying down the tracks at a high speed. Sitting in Harry's lap, Luna holds her hooves in the air. "This must be what those roller coasters are like!"

Harry nods as they shoot down the corridors at a high rate of speed. Once they reach Harry's vault and open it, Harry's and Luna's jaws drop while Nightmare makes an appreciative noise. "Very impressive indeed." She then chuckles under her breath. "More than some of those nobles."

Getting off Harry's shoulder where she's sitting, she makes her way to Griphook who looks down at her with a sneer. "Yes? And how may I help you...?"

Stamping down the urge to do something to him as punishment for his actions, Nightmare clears her throat. "I was wondering a few things about Harry's vault."

Griphook's sneer grows. "I am afraid that I cannot do that. Only the vault owner and their guardians if they are underage may know."

Having heard this, Harry looks back. "I have no issues with Nightmare knowing the answers to her questions. It is my vault after all and I am sure it's probably stuff I need to know that I haven't thought of asking."

Nightmare looks pleased as the goblin looks as if he just bit into something rotten before motioning for the doll to ask it's questions. "Can we have an exact listing of what is in the vault as of right after we make our withdrawal?"

Nodding, Griphook grunts. "As a matter of fact you can, just see a teller right after your business down here is concluded."

Making a thoughtful noise, Nightmare nods. "Also, what happens if the vault is emptied by us through spending? Does it stay emptied or is it automatically refilled to prevent just that happening?"

Blinking, Griphook is stunned for a moment before shaking his head. "Once more, ask a teller."

Rolling her eyes and causing Griphook to glare, she sighs. "Oh, very well."

Later, after picking up a mysterious object in another vault (a high security one), Harry is in front of a teller who has been asked the same question. After looking over some papers, the goblin nods before leaning back slightly. "Seems your parents have set it up so that it keeps a certain amount in your school vault. As it empties, the interest from the main family vault is diverted into it, thus keeping it at the present level." He then reaches down and hands them a piece of parchment. "This holds the current amount of your school vault. And don't bother asking about the family vault as you won't see it until you get to your majority."

Harry simply nods before giving a slight bow and walking away. Coming out from the bank, Harry looks up at the giant beside him. "So where are we going next Hagrid?"

Looking ill, Hagrid takes a swallow before looking at Harry. "Well 'Arry, I'll take Yeh to Madam Malkins to get your robes and shuffle off a little to get a pint."Hagrid shakes his head and groans a little. "I hate them rides..."

Nodding, Harry follows Hagrid as he leads him to a store and leaves. He soon finds himself being measured and fitted for his robes beside another boy with a pale, pointed face. Seeing Harry, he nods. "Hullo. Going to Hogwarts as well?"

Nodding, Harry looks around. "As a matter of fact yes."

The boy nods. "Father is getting my books and Mother is looking at wands." He then gives Harry a raised eyebrow. "So what house are you in?" Before Harry can say anything, the boy notices the doll. "And why, pray tell, do you have that dingy toy?"

He's surprised as the toy puffs up and whips around to glare at him. "Dingy! Say that to me again boy and see what happens." Nightmare then looks at his hair and sneers. "And at least I do not look like I used a bucket of grease on my hair."

Now the boy looks at her with anger. "Have you no idea as to who I am! Who my parents are!"

Nightmare just gives him a bored look. "The King and Queen of England perhaps? No? Don't care then and can't bring myself to care."

The boy goes red and looks like he's about to explode. "Listen here you ratty thing! I am Draco Malfoy! The son of Lucius Malfoy!"

Nightmare just shrugs as she rubs a hoof on her chest and then looks at it as if it was far more interesting. "And I care... why exactly?" She then looks at him. "And your name... it suits you." Draco puffs up before she continues. "Yes, Draco, a legless worm. And Malfoy, Bad Faith. Yes, both suit you."

Snarling, Draco whips around to look at Harry. "You better do something about your toy before something happens to it. After all, the Ministry..."

He trails off as Harry's eyes focus on him, cold as ice. "Are you threatening her?"

Draco just shivers and turns away. Nightmare just stares at him before her eyes hood some and purrs unheard by all. 'Ooo... very nice.' She then makes her way to an unoccupied area and sits down as she watches them get fitted. She then glances over at the dress robes on another rack. 'Hm... I wonder if any of those might look good on me...'

Finally, the fitting is over and Harry sees Hagrid in the window with an ice cream cone in one hand. Harry gives a small smile as he's nearly had enough with the boy beside him. After paying, he heads out and takes the ice cream from Hagrid with a thank you. After finishing most of it, he drops his hand as Luna presses up against him, taking magic from him as she finishes it off (the two not even thinking about such things anymore). "Hagrid, can I ask you something?" After he nods, he continues. "Do you know someone called Lucius Malfoy?"

Getting a sour look on his face, Hagrid nods. "Aye, I unfortunately do. Where'd yeh hear that name?" Harry tells him getting a sigh from the giant. "Remember those how I was tellin yeh abou' those followers O' You-Know-Who?"

Harry nods slightly confused. "Yeah... but what does that..." Suddenly he grimaces. "Don't tell me..."

Hagrid nods. "Aye. Lucius was one O' them. In fact..." He looks around and leans down. "I heard that he was in You-Know-Who's Inner Circle."

Harry looks at him in slight disbelief. "How the Hay did he get off?"

Blinking at the odd term, Hagrid shrugs. "A number of the Death Eaters got off. Mos' just believe that they paid their way out o' jail."

Nightmare looks over with a slight smirk. 'And there's the fourth and fifth names for my list...' She then notices Harry with a grimace causing her smile to grow. 'And it seems Harry is disliking this place more and more...'

As they walk by a shop with a broom in the window, Harry overhears the group of kids talking about something. "What's 'Quidditch' Hagrid?"

He starts for a moment and begins explaining. "It's a wizard sport. Kind O' like that muggle Football thingy. Except it's played in the air using broomsticks and four balls. Sorta hard to explain the rules."

Harry then brings something up that's been bothering him. "Hagrid, Malfoy mentioned something about Houses... what did he mean?"

As Hagrid explains, Luna gives him a deadpan look as her eyebrow twitches. "What the hay is the matter with these people? Something like that will lead to rivalries and disrupt the learning process..." Soon after they enter the shop and Luna starts drooling a little. "So many books..."

Even Nightmare looks slightly excited. During the trip to the Apothecary, Nightmare finds something that causes her to shudder with fear and disgust as Luna whimpers and Harry stares. "U... uni... unicorn horns! What monsters!"

Hagrid flinches a little as the man behind the counter shakes his head. "I know what you're thinking. Usually I get the reaction from Muggleborns, but you're obviously not one." He walks out from behind the counter and picks up a horn. "Most people don't know is that unicorns shed their horns once every three years. We have people like Hagrid here collect them and then we sell them." He then looks down at the horns with a frown and picks one up, showing the base which isn't cut. "See? If we cut these from a unicorn, there would be marks, but as you can see there are none." He then sets it back down. "Unicorns are pure beings and anyone who willingly harms one can look forward to a cursed life."

Harry just nods, relieved that it wasn't what he was thinking. Once they leave, Harry looks up at the giant beside him. "So where are we going to next Hagrid?"

He looks down at Harry and chuckles. "Why, to get yeh a wand. Can't do magic withou' one." He then smiles and points to a shop with a long stick sitting on a pillow in the window. "And there it is."

Having entered the wand shop, Harry glances around as the hairs on his neck stand on end from the feeling of magic, some of it old, washes over him. Beside him, Hagrid sits down on a chair. Luna is also glancing around. "Slightly spooky here..." Suddenly she stiffens and looks behind where Harry is with a smile. "Seems we have the owner trying to sneak up on us."

Harry whips around at that and smiles. "Hello sir."

Hagrid jumps a little as he notices the old man, who also looks slightly startled before he calms down. Clearing his throat, he seems to stare where Luna is for a moment before looking back at Harry with a creepy smile. "Ah! Mr. Potter... I thought that I would be seeing you soon." He leans in close causing Harry to get a slightly unnerved expression. "Your eyes... you have your mother's eyes. Yes. I seems like only yesterday when she was in here..."

Harry listens in as Ollivander tells him about his mother's wand, his father's, and the one that gave him his scar. One bit catches his attention. "Sir? What do you mean that the wand chooses the wizard? Do you mean that they're self-aware?"

Ollivander looks slightly surprised while pleased at the question. "Oh no Mr. Potter. Or, at least, not how we would see it." He then glances at the boxes with a fond look. "Every wand has, in a sense, it's own magical core centered around the core material. This magic, according to theory, resonates with similar magical signatures. Hence why it 'Chooses' a wizard. That's the theory anyways. Those of us who make wands... believe that the magic inside the wand chooses those closest to it in personality." He then shakes himself out of it. "Anyways Mr. Potter, which is your wand hand?" Harry replies that he favors his right, but can use his left to some extent. "Hm... most interesting... Now then, let's see..." He then brings out a tape measure that begins to measure Harry by itself as he turns to the boxes. "Every Ollivander wand uses a core made of a powerful magical substance, Mr. Potter. We use Unicorn tail hairs, Phoenix tail feathers, and Dragon Heartstrings. No two wands are the same, just like no two wizards are. And, of course, you will never get the same results with another wizard's wand."

Beside Harry, Luna looks a little ill at using a piece of a dragon's heart in something like this. Harry just gulps. "So... is there a reason you can't use any more items for cores then?"

Ollivander just hums a little as he looks over wands. "No particular reason actually. But it's just that those cores in particular are the least temperamental as well as stable. The others only really have a use in a custom wand." He turns back to Harry and regards him with a piercing stare. "Something that you will not need for a while yet." After that comes the wands. Most of them don't seem to do anything, though the unicorn ones give off a spark once in a while causing Ollivander to raise an eyebrow. "Most curious... Hm. I wonder if that one would work." He wanders off for a moment and comes back with a box. Pulling out a wand, he hands it to Harry who feels a slight warmth. Waving it, sparks fly from it. "Oh! Very good. Not an exact match, but I do believe that this may be the closest we can get for now. But... how curious..."

Harry glances up from the wand in his hand. "What's curious sir?"

Ollivander seems to lean in. "I remember every wand I have sold Mr. Potter. It just so happens that the phoenix that gave the feather in this wand, has given just one other. Just one. And it just so happens that the wand in question... gave you your unique scar..." He then straightens. "With that wand you now hold and how you seem to cause reactions, though minor, in various other wands..." He seems to smile. "I do believe that you are destined for great things Mr. Potter. You-Know-Who did great things as well. Terrible things yes, but great."

Giving a polite smile, Harry and the group soon leaves. As they're walking, Luna rubs her head with her hoof. "That... was weird to say the least." She then becomes thoughtful. "Though it makes sense that humans, lacking a horn to channel magic through would find another way." She then grimaces. "Though I could do without the heartstrings bit. There's several dragons I count among acquaintances."

Nightmare just scoffs. "He was stranger then a generous dragon. And what the hay is the deal with Harry having a similar wand? Does that mean anything?"

Luna then notices Harry rolling his wand with his finger tips, every once in a while pushing some magic through it. "Does having a wand related to the one that killed your parents bother you Harry?"

Harry just shakes his head as he talks under his breath, low enough that Hagrid can't hear him over the bustle of the alley. "While there is that... I'm having trouble sensing the 'Connection' that Ollivander spoke of. I can feel it but... it's somehow distant. As if far away at the moment..."

Having gotten all his supplies except for his trunk, Harry's walking beside Hagrid. "Well now Harry, afta this we'll get Yeh a present and then your trunk before we take yeh back home."

Harry just stops. "I... don't think that would be a good idea Hagrid."

Turning, Hagrid looks at him with a confused expression. "What'd yeh mean it wouldn' be a good idea Harry?"

Taking a breath, Harry let's it out. "What I mean Hagrid is that you saw my uncle, right?" Hagrid nods. "Well... I'm more then worried. he's been under a lot of stress lately and considering that he threatened to hurt you... I was thinking it might be a good idea to give him some time to cool off if you catch my drift..."

Hagrid slowly blinks. "Well... I don' know... Dumbledore said that I should to keep you safe..."

Harry just shakes his head as he repeats what Luna is telling him to. "Well, wouldn't it be safer for me to stay somewhere else and let him cool down? After all, with the way he's acting, I might accidentally set him off and place not only me, but my aunt and cousin in danger as well. He tried everything to avoid the letters including having us go to that shack when a storm was brewing. I don't want to know what might have happened if I fell off..."

Hagrid thinks it over. "I suppose tha' yeh have a point Harry." He nods. "Yeh can stay here tonight while I have a talk with Dumbledore, he'll know what ta do." He then smiles. "Anyways, we should go and get yeh, you're trunk fer school."

Walking into the trunk shop, they're greeted by the salesman. "Hello you two, going to Hogwarts I take it?"

Harry nods. "Yes sir." He then looks at the different trunks. "Um... why do you have so many trunks?"

The man chuckles as Hagrid looks over one. "We sell many different trunks for different buyers' young man. Some, like Aurors, like to have multiple rooms built into their trunks where they can either hide, or store items they might use. I have a Potions Master who has a trunk that she uses to do potion research in using the built in lab. For most Hogwarts students though, a regular trunk with a enlarged space and lightening charm does the trick."

Harry nods as Nightmare cocks her head to the side. "How many rooms can you have in one and how big?"

Slightly surprised at being addressed by a talking toy, the salesman thinks it over. "We could put as many as 10 rooms, though that isn't very common at all. As to size... about the size of a normal sitting room."
Harry nods. "Are there any extras?"

The salesman chuckles. "Young man, I do believe that you've asked more questions and better ones then most." Shaking his head, he sighs. "As for extras, other than the ones mentioned, we can place a permanent Flame Freezing spell to protect it from non-magical and most magical fires. Won't work a lick against a dragon's fire or some of the more powerful flame spells, but it'll do for most. A cushioning spell is another, helps keep items in the trunk from being jarred around too much. There's a Magical Signature spell to keep others but you and those you choose out, but I would recommend against it due to the fact that since you're still growing, your signature might change slightly and thus stop you from opening it." Harry then asks about items in the trunk rooms. "Well, we have a particular spell for that where it keeps the items where they're left. It basically prevents the motion of the trunk from carrying into the room."

Harry grins a little. "So it's like a inertial dampener like in those sci-fi shows and books?" He just gets a look of incomprehension from both Hagrid and the salesman causing him to sigh. "Never mind..." He then thinks it over some. "I think... I would like the cushioning charm, the Flame Freezing one..." He grimaces a little. 'Just in case Uncle Vernon tries to burn it.' He then continues. "And a single extra room."

Hagrid just shakes his head. "Don' yeh think tha's a bit much Harry? I don' think that yeh need that extra room."

Harry takes a breath before letting it out. "It's... so I have a private place to simply unwind. Some of the music I listen to, well, some people might not like it." He then blinks. "There is a way to have electricity in there, right?"

Hagrid clears his throat a little. "Sorry Harry, but them Muggle things don' work at Hogwarts."

Harry blinks and deflates a little as Luna hangs her head beside him. "Oh... still let's me have a place where I can unwind though."

The salesman nods with a chuckle. "Right. We were all young men at one time." He then winks at Hagrid. "Right?"

Hagrid chuckles a little and nods as Harry looks on in confusion. 'What are they talking about? Whatever... at least now I can practice what Luna's taught me out of sight.'

After getting Harry an owl for his birthday (and causing Nightmare to laugh for some reason) Hagrid drops him off at the Leaky Cauldron and heads back to Hogwarts. Walking through the doors, the first person he sees is a sneering Snape. "The Headmaster wants to talk to you."

He doesn't even wait for Hagrid to answer before brushing past him and out the door. Making his way up to Dumbledore's office, he's about to knock when he hears Dumbledore call him. "Come in Hagrid."

Walking through the door, Hagrid smiles. "Hello there Professor. Happy ta see yeh."

Dumbledore chuckles a little. "Thank you Hagrid." He then engages in a little chit-chat before getting to the heart of the matter. "And how is young Mr. Potter? Things went well I suppose?"

Hagrid's answer is a scowl. "Those Muggle relatives of his caused problems Headmaster, but I gave them a stern talking to." He then smiles. "And Harry and his friend Nightmare will be comin'."

Dumbledore frowns in confusion. "Nightmare? Who is this 'Nightmare'?"

Hagrid chuckles a little. "She's this winged unicorn doll Harry has. Her full name is Nightmare Moon. Quite the talker too."

Dumbledore leans forward at this. "Please tell me more?" After Hagrid describes the entire day, Dumbledore smiles. "I do not think it an issue if young Mr. Potter gives his Uncle some cool down time. I'll have you escort him to the platform though if it's not too much trouble Hagrid."

Hagrid puffs up in pride. "O' course not Professor!" He then snaps his fingers. "And here I was almost forgetting the errand yeh sent me on." He pulls out the package and hands it to the Headmaster. "Here yeh go Professor, safe and sound."

Dumbledore smiles as he sets it on his desk. "Thank you Hagrid. If you wish, I am sure you have things that you feel need doing and I shant keep you with an old man's ramblings."

After a few denials from Hagrid, he's convinced that he can leave and does so. After he's left, the old Headmaster slumps back in his chair before looking at some of the instruments as he slips deep into thought...

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