
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess

by Harry Leferts

Chapter 2

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And I'm back for another chapter. Hope that you guys enjoy this one!

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking
"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking
'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.
'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Having spent most of their time chasing each other or playing Hide & Go Seek, the two new friends lay down with Harry cuddled up into Luna's side. Exhausted from their activities, they both just lay there as they relax. After a few minutes, Harry yawns followed by Luna before she just sleepily smiles at Harry. "Thanks for today Harry, I had a lot of fun with you. In fact, it was the most fun that I've had in a long time."

Harry just smiles as he nods, burying his face into her fur as he makes himself comfortable. "You're welcome Luna." After a little while longer, Harry speaks up about something that's bothering him. "Um... Luna?"She just nods and looks at him. "Can... can you be my friend forever?"

Luna's eyes widen at this in surprise before they soften along with the rest of her face. "Of course I can Harry. As long as you'll be my friend that is." Harry just nods as she nuzzles him. Slowly, Harry's and Luna's eyes close as they drift off into sleep. All of a sudden, Luna's eyes shoot open. For a moment, she can't understand why and then she notices something odd: She's in a cramp, dark space. Blinking in surprise, she then feels movement below her and looks down to see Harry slowly moving. "Harry?"

Harry's eyes pop open at this and he reaches over to grab his glasses before hurriedly putting them. He then blinks at the sight of a confused Luna sitting on top of him as his jaw drops. "Luna? What are you doing here? I thought that you were all a dream?" He then notices something else. "And why do you have a string coming from your back?"

Her eyes wide, Luna moves her head far enough around to see a silver string coming from her back. "What the Hay?"

She's about to say something else when all of a sudden the "Roof" of the room starts to shakes as if someone is running right above them. Then she hears banging on the door followed by a screechy voice. "Boy! It's time to get your lazy self up and make breakfast!"

Harry just sadly nods as if ashamed. "Yes Aunt Petunia. I'm up."

Harry then gives Luna a sad look before leaving his cupboard. Luna follows a nervous Harry as he makes his way into the kitchen, having ignored him when he motioned her to stay where she was. Once they enter the kitchen, the first thing they lay eyes on is a scowling Petunia. "Well boy? Took you long enough to get off your lazy behind!" She then points at the stove and fridge. "Now make breakfast right this instant. Diddy-kins and Vernon will be down soon and they need to have a good breakfast to start the day! Maybe if you do a good job you might get a piece of toast."

Luna's jaw drops and she stays there stunned at the disgust in Petunia's voice towards Harry not to mention the comment about the toast. A moment later she's flapping in Petunia's face with a snarl as she feels a surge of anger run through her, not realizing that something is feeding it. "You poisonous bunched back toad! You sniveling, loathsome horsefly! How dare you talk to Harry like that you disgusting grub of a dung beetle!" Noticing that Petunia hasn't said a word, Luna gets up in her face. "Well! Got nothing you... you... OLD HAG!"

A moment later she just about goes into shock as Petunia steps through her. As she's blinking, Petunia places her hands on her hips and glares at Harry. "Well boy! What are you waiting for! Hard of hearing as well as stupid, just like that mother of yours..."

The last bit is said with more than a little snarl. Luna just twitches as she sees how Petunia's words effect Harry and for once, she actually wants to physically hurt something but finds herself unable to. Needless to say, when both Dudley and Vernon show up, Luna gets even angrier at the situation. Though Harry ignores her yelling what he assumes to be insults at them. Like calling his aunt "One of the Gryphon Pharaoh's lean kine!" Or calling his uncle a "Flanderkin" though he nearly stopped when she called Dudley a "Bel-shangle" if only to wonder what that was. She really gets angry when she sees Dudley stick out his leg and trip Harry before getting praised for it. Thankfully, Harry manages to leave the house for school ahead of Dudley after he snags a brunt piece of toast. As he's jogging, Luna is flying beside him muttering angrily under her breath as her pupils become slitted every few moments and her hair begins to move in a non-existent breeze. Finally swallowing the last piece, Harry glances over at her. "Luna? What's wrong?"

Luna just looks at him with tears in her eyes, her anger replaced for a moment by a great sadness. "How... how could those... things treat you like that! Aren't you family!"

Harry shrugs at this and slows down some while keeping a wary eye out for Dudley and his gang. "I don't know. They've always treated me like that."

He just looks away from Luna and she can see a slight shininess to his eyes before he does so. "Harry... Look at me." Slowly, Harry turns to face her and Luna can't help but flinch a little at the resignation in his eyes as well as the fear. Fear directed at her. "Harry... What's wrong."

Harry hangs his head slightly as he sniffles. "Now that you know... you'll stop being my friend because I-I'm a freak."

Luna's nostrils flare at this for a moment in anger. "Harry, you are not a freak. Those... creatures that call themselves your family are the real freaks." Feeling a dark presence in the back of her mind begin to stir and recognizing the signs, Luna fights hard not to lose herself in anger. After taking a deep breath and scrunching her nose at the smells in the air, she floats over and gives Harry a hug, making him stumble some. "I won't leave you Harry. You're my first friend after all." She then frowns as she realizes that the stirring hasn't gone away. 'Go away! I won't have you harm Harry!'

The same dark voice that has tormented her for centuries answers her back. 'But why should I hurt him Princess? He's someone who truly understands our greatness and adores us. Look at him.' Luna then notices how, now that they're between two buildings and out of sight, Harry is hugging her back with a happy smile on his face. 'This... this is how those ponies should have looked at us. Shame that he's not a pony of course... but this is a good start as any.'

At this, Luna feels some anger. 'It's not like that!'

The dark voice just snorts in amusement. 'Of course it is Princess. But you can keep telling yourself otherwise if you want.' Luna mentally widens her eyes as she feels a spike of possessiveness come from the darkness. 'Yes... he's all ours... not our sister's...'

Luna just snarls at the voice causing it to retreat. She soon comes back to her senses though as Harry disengages from the hug. "Th-thank you Luna."

For the first time, Harry feels something that he's always wanted. Acceptance. Wiping at his eyes, Harry starts walking again. As they're walking, Luna looks around with a thoughtful look on her face at all the stuff around them since in her anger before, she ignored her surroundings. But once they're back out from between the buildings, Luna gets the surprise of her life as a car roars by on the road causing her to jump. She then shakily points at it. "What's that Harry?" She then notices more going by at high speeds as well as similar objects as well. "Er... I mean what are they?"

Harry gives her a look as if he's not sure what she's talking about until he realizes what she means. "You've never seen a car before Luna?"

Luna blinks before cocking her head to the side as another passes. "So... they're called 'Cars' then?' How odd." They begin walking and as they pass by, Luna realizes that they have people, other humans like Harry, inside them. She then turns to Harry with a smile. "So people use cars to transport themselves then? Like carriages?" Harry smiles and nods with a grin. She then becomes thoughtful. "So how do they move then? Is there some kind of creature inside them?"

Harry blinks and shakes his head. "Um... no. They have engines that burn petrol to move and... er..." He then looks saddened and hangs his head. "And that's all I know. Sorry."

Luna just looks at him softly as she softly pats him on the back with her hoof. "It's okay Harry. That's still more then I know." She then turns back to observe the various vehicles. Unknown to her, Harry feels a pang of disappointment in him at not knowing what his new friend wants. This feeling begins to war with the "Training" that the Dursleys have put him through to suppress his curiosity. But as the minutes pass and he gets closer and closer to school, Harry finds that he's becoming more and more curious himself with every question Luna asks that he can't answer (which is a number). After a few minutes, Luna looks at Harry. "Harry, once we get to your school, I want you to pretend that I'm not here."

Harry just looks at her confused. "But why Luna? I thought that friends don't ignore each other?"

Luna chuckles some and shakes her head. "Harry, from what happened with your... family this morning, it's obvious that no one but you can see or hear me. Now, I don't know about around here, but back in Equestria..." She trails off for a moment before continuing. "Well, back in Equestria, the sight of a pony talking to themselves wasn't met with much joy, you know? They would think that they were crazy and I don't want that to happen to you, okay?" Harry just nods as they continue their walk. Once they reach the school, Luna settles down and watches/listens as Harry goes through his day. As the day goes on, Luna starts to wonder about things as she observes the weird world around her. 'What is going on here? At first, I thought that this might be Nightmare Moon's doing... but now...' She then shakes her head in confusion as Harry slowly reads a book the teacher has passed out. 'If this is nothing more than a dream, it's one with more imagination then I could have thought.' She then looks up at the ceiling. 'Like these lights in the ceiling. I guess that I could dream them up as a non-magical version of those "Solar Orbs" that Celly was designing. But the cars? Television? Airplanes and Helicopters? None of that makes any sense! I could never dream up those things on my best days...' Suddenly a bell startles her out of her thoughts and she looks around to see children leaving and Harry packing up. She then smiles down at him causing him to smile as well. "So, that's what human school is like, hm? It was... interesting."

Harry shrugs his shoulder as he places his things in his back pack before lifting it onto his shoulder. He then begins to whisper softly so that only she could hear. "It was okay..."

He then leaves the class while looking around, causing Luna to frown as she guess why. Harry then begins to walk around the school when he sees Dudley and his gang. Unfortunately, they see him as well and begin to chase him. Slowly they begin to catch up as they taunt and jeer at him. Luna slowly begins to get angrier and angrier and turns around to do something, her horn beginning to glow, when a trash can in a nearby alley begins to shudder before shooting out and knocking Dudley and his gang to the ground. Luna blinks at this. 'What the... that didn't come from me!' She then looks at Harry, whose watching the groaning group in shock before he starts to run again. She soon catches up though. 'Was that... Harry who did that?' Shaking her head, she glances up as her and Harry enter a building. her eyes widen as she realizes what she's in. "A library!"

Harry glances back and the looks around. "Haven't really been in here before."

Luna looks at him in shock before Harry walks over to the information desk as a germ in his mind sprouts. Once there, a young blond woman in her twenties looks at him and smiles. "Hello there little guy. How can I help you?"

Harry fidgets for a moment before taking a breath. "Um... do you have any books on how things work here?" The Librarian looks at him for a moment before asking what kind of things. "Things like cars."

The Librarian nods for a moment before getting up and walking around the desk. "Well, I know just the books. Lots of pictures so they're not that hard to understand." She suddenly slaps her forehead. "How silly of me. let me introduce myself. I'm Juliet Short." She then reaches down and shakes his hand as Harry introduces himself. She then stands back up and motions him to follow her. "Now if you'd come with me, I'll show you where the books you wanted are." Harry follows her up a set of stairs into a floor of the library that contains the children's books. She then brings him to a small bookcase with a number of books. After a moment, she pulls out three and hands them to Harry. "Here we go Harry. Hopefully these will help."

Harry just smiles and walks over to a desk and sits down as Juliet walks away, leaving Harry alone... except for an unseen Luna. She turns to Harry and sighs. "You didn't have to do this Harry."

Harry just glances over at her. "I just felt bad that I couldn't answer your questions..." He then looks away and down while blushing before whispering in a voice so soft, that Luna has to strain just to hear it. "And I just don't want to disappoint you."

Shocked, Luna's jaw drops at this as she tries to find something, anything to say to this. Finally, she settles for a soft smile as she nuzzles him gently. "Don't worry about it Harry. You'd have to try very hard to disappoint me."

She gives Harry a quizzical look for a moment. Harry guesses what she's about to ask though. "Don't worry about Aunt Petunia." He looks down and fidgets a little as Luna frowns. "She told me that they're expecting company and they don't want me around where my-"

Luna cuts him off right there as her frown becomes more pronounced. "Harry. Your... Aunt... has no right to treat you like that. Neither does your uncle or cousin." For a moment, her mind flashes back to all the times that Celestia ignored her in favor of her duties, and when she banished her. But then she remembers the good times as well and smiles. She then looks at Harry. "While family may have their disagreements, in the end, they love each other."

Ignoring the snort in the back of her mind, she turns to the open book and looks over the pictures and diagrams with interest. The two of them spend a few hours doing nothing more than reading the books with Luna helping Harry with some of the larger words. The encouragement causing Harry to promise himself to make her proud no matter what. Unfortunately when Harry arrives home, he is almost immediately thrown into his cupboard by his relatives because of what happened with Dudley and his group. As Harry shifts around, he ignores Luna as she snarls at what happened before reaching into a crack in the corner where the stairs meet the "Floor" of his cupboard. He then pulls out a bottle of water and some crackers before he shifts around and watches as Luna quietens. Harry then leans towards her as he whispers. "It's okay Luna. I got these the other day." He then holds out the crackers. "Want some?"

Luna just shakes her head. "That's okay Harry. I'm not hungry at the moment and you need it more than I do." Harry just nods as he takes one and munches on it as he takes sips. Luna just frowns as she starts think over the situation she's in as well as to how to make it better for her new friend. By the time that Harry is done, however, she hasn't come up with an answer as to how she is to fix Harry's situation. At this point Harry gets under his covers and Luna lays beside him, one of her wings covering him as he snuggles into her warmth. The two soon fall asleep and once more wake up on the moon, where they have another day/night of fun together.

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