
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess

by Harry Leferts

Chapter 10

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Well folks, time for the sorting. I know that some of you won't like how I do it and I am sorry for that. However it is something that I had decided on when I had made an outline. Anyways, hope that you all enjoy the chapter and continue reading.

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking

"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Stepping through the doors of the train, the cold night air hits Harry's face causing him to sigh. "That feels good."

Above him, standing on the roof of the train, Luna nods as she closes her eyes in contentment. "It does." A slightly sad thoughtful expression crosses her face. "Reminds me of Equestria at night actually..."

Nightmare frowns as she looks down from her spot on Harry's shoulders. "It does..."

Grimacing for a moment, Harry reaches up and gently runs his fingers through Nightmare's hair, partially to cause her to smile again, and partially to calm his own nerves. "Well, enough of that I think."

He doesn't have time to do anything else as Tonks comes up and claps him on the shoulder. "Well kiddo, here's where we part for a while." She then jerks her thumb over at Hagrid as he starts calling for the First Years while Neville and Hermione come up. "Ickle Firsties like you go a different way than the rest of us big kids."

Her grin soon disappears as Nightmare widens her eyes comically before commenting. "Should you go that way then? Because I'm not too sure that you're that mature." She then looks Tonks over. "Nope. Not mature at all. Or big."

Harry could swear that Tonks' eyes turn black as she clinches her fist around her wand but passes it off as it being dark out as he admonishes his Alicorn friend. "That's enough Nightmare."

He apologizes to Tonks only for her to wave him off. "Nah, don't worry about it Kiddo. Besides, that doll's mouth is amusing... as long as it's not directed at me." Giving one last glare at the smirking Nightmare, she waves as she walks off. "Have fun. It'll be one heck of an experience."

Shaking his head at her in partial amusement, Harry turns to the other two. "So then? Want to head on?"

They nod and begin walking towards Hagrid who grins as soon as he catches sight of Harry. "Yeh all right there Harry?" Getting a nod and a smile from the young wizard, he looks around to see that the rest of the First Years are there and nods. "C'mon! follow me - any more firs' years? Mind yeh step, now! Firs' Years follow me!"

As they head down the slippery path, Harry notices Hermione rubbing her arms through the thick cloaks they're wearing as well as her shivering causing him to frown. "You cold Hermione?"

She just nods as she shivers. "Yeah, it's colder than In thought it might be." A moment later she finds that Harry's cloak being placed around her shoulders causing her to look at him with wide eyes. "Harry! What are you doing! Aren't you cold?"

Harry frowns and shakes his head. "Actually no. It's a bit brisk mind you, but not that cold."

Beside him, Neville looks at him stunned and with a little bit of awe. "Really? Because I'm freezing too."

Harry just gives him an amused look. "Sorry Neville, got only one cloak and being a gentleman, I'm giving it to Hermione."

Neville and Hermione blush, though with the cold it's hard to tell, but for different reasons. Flying close, Luna smiles at him. "Want me to land and cover you up?"

Harry shakes his head slightly while whispering just loud enough for her to hear. "Not at the moment. It's not nearly as cold as it was in that shack right now." He then cocks his head to the side. "In fact... it's not too much different than a cold spring day."

Luna makes a thoughtful noise before looking up at the sky. 'How odd... It's nearly as cold as that shack was and yet now he's barely noticing it. Strange that...' She's distracted from her thoughts as Hagrid calls out that they'll be within sight of Hogwarts. Grinning, she drops down to just above head height. "Well now, let's see what all the fuss is about then, shall we?" As they turn the bend, her jaw drops as she stumbles in mid-air as around them gasps arise. "I..."

Nightmare just nods, her own mouth open. "Yeah... now I'm impressed." She then closes her mouth and notices the boats on the lake shore before smirking. "Ready for a little boat ride kids?"

Hagrid motions to the boats with a smile. "Come on then! No more than four to a boat now!" Getting into a boat, Harry and his group are joined by a young girl who Luna recognizes as being the one she had seen with the elderly witch wearing the monocle. Looking around, Hagrid nods before shouting. "Everyone in?" Seeing as there's no one else, he smiles as he jabs his umbrella in the direction of the castle. "Well then, FOREWARD!"

With a jolt, the boats begin their journey across the glass-like surface of the lake. Turning, Harry smiles as he holds his hand towards the red-haired girl who's joined them in the boat. "Hello there. We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Harry Potter, the girl next to me is Hermione Granger and the boy sitting there is Neville Longbottom."

Shocked at being in the same boat as the Boy-Who-Lived, she jerks a little in her seat causing the boat to rock a little. Calming down, and seeing the welcoming smiles, the girl smiles as well before shaking the offered hand. "I'm Susan. Susan Bones."

Neville's eyebrows shoot up as he straightens. "Bones? You woul-wouldn't happen to be Amelia Bones' niece would you?" Seeing the questioning looks from the other two, he blushes some out of embarrassment. "She's an old friend of my Gran and happens to be the head of Magical Law Enforcement." They both nod in response and Neville is about to say something else when he notices something. "Um... Harry? Nightmare looks like she's about to fall off the boat..."

Whipping his head around, Harry spots her leaning precariously over the side of the boat, staring into the lake's dark depths. "Nightmare!"

She just scowls, as none of them notice the attention they're getting. "There's something down there. Can't quite make it out though..." Glancing around the boat, Nightmare spots a stick laying in the bottom and grabs it before leaning over the side once more. "Now then... what's down there I wonder..."

Sighing as she shakes her head, Luna stands upright in the air as she crosses her forelegs across her chest as she watches Nightmare hit the water with the stick. "You were likely seeing things." Rolling her eyes as Nightmare dips the stick in the water and swirls it around, she shakes her head. "Honestly. If anything it was a... big... fish..." Catching sight of Nightmare frozen with wide eyes, she looks down before screaming as she sees an eyeball the size of a dinner plate. "WHAT THE HAY!"

Dropping the stick, Nightmare yelps before scrambling under Harry's shirt as he watches with wide eyes as a tentacle rises out of the water to screaming from the other boats. His head slowly turns to Hagrid who's nearby laughing in his own boat. "Ha... Hagrid! What the Hay is going on! What is that!"

Flicking a tear from his eye, Hagrid takes a breathless sigh. "I needed that I did." He then looks at Harry with his grin visible. "Tha' was the giant squid Harry."

Harry blinks once and then again before looking at the now sinking tentacle. "A... giant squid..." Hagrid nods, still shaking with suppressed laughter. "Is this lake freshwater or salt water."

Giving him an odd look mixed with both confusion and mirth, Hagrid snorts. "Why freshwater of course Harry! It is a lake after all."

Harry just continues to stare as Hermione gaps before shaking her head. "A giant squid... living in a freshwater lake..."

Hagrid nods. "Yup! Got him off this American chappie from Oklahoma. Turns out that he was breeding fresh water giant octopus and tried it first on a giant squid he did." Hagrid then becomes thoughtful "I wonder wha' ever became of him...?"

Nightmare just stares at him before looking back at the water. "You have a giant squid... an animal that is one of the biggest and meanest predators in the ocean... in a lake... next to a school for children..." When Hagrid tells her that he's harmless, she stares at him some more before sinking down into Harry's sweater while mumbling. "I'm... just going to stay here. Yes. Right here away from the water until we get to land... nice... dry...safe land where there are no giant squid..." Soon, they make it to dry land where Hagrid hands Neville his toad (which had been hiding in his boat) and they're escorted into the school by a stern looking middle aged woman who's identified by Hagrid as Professor McGonagall. After a moment she looks them over and raises an eyebrow at Nightmare, who's head is poking out of Harry's sweater. Noticing this, Nightmare gives her a deadpan stare. "How about you take a picture, it'll last longer."

Seeing the raised eyebrows and look of surprise, Harry grabs Nightmare's muzzle and holds it closed. "Sorry about that. She's in a mood since we got surprised by the squid."

A moment of silence passes before McGonagall nods. "Very well." She then glances down to see Nightmare glaring at her defiantly. "Perhaps next time she should be left with the rest of the luggage?"

She's surprised as Harry gives her a quick glare before shaking his head. "Sorry Ma'am. She goes just about everywhere with me."

Professor McGonagall shakes her head. "Well, I am sorry young man, but she will not be going to classes." She then turns so that no one can see the slight smile on her face. "Now then, if you would follow me?"

They follow her into the castle before coming to a stop by a large door from which hundreds of voices can be heard. She goes on about the Houses and asks them to wait to be brought in before they leave. Over hearing that there's a test where they're sorted, Harry frowns a little. 'A test? Of what sort I wonder...' Seeing that Neville's nervous, Harry claps him on the shoulder. "Something the matter Neville?"

He slowly nods as he gulps, Hermione beside him quickly reciting what Harry believes to be spells. "It's just... what if I fail?" Neville pales even more as the red head from earlier mentions that his brothers told him they have to wrestle trolls. "Tro... trolls..."

Facepalming, Harry turns to see the red head from before. "Uh... I'm sorry but earlier I didn't catch your name?"

The red haired boy blinks for a moment before shrugging. "Name's Ron Weasley. Your's mate?"

Harry just smiles. "Harry Potter." Seeing the gasp, he rolls his eyes. "Anyways... about the troll, I think your brothers are putting you on." He then motions around him at the other kids. "I doubt that this 'Test' is very difficult. If no other reason than a number of us don't know any magic and we're children."

Ron just groans. "And those two would do just that."

Neither of them get to say anymore as a bunch of ghosts drift into view discussing someone by the name of "Peeves". They're a bit startled when they see the students and seem curious around Harry, particularly giving glances where Luna is, though none of the three notice. A few moments later McGonagall arrives and asks them to follow her. Once they're through the door, Nick frowns thoughtfully before turning to the Fat Friar. "Do you have any idea what is following that boy? There's something there but..."

The Friar shakes his head and is about to answer when another, chilling voice speaks up. "It was not a ghost. Of that you can be sure of." Turning, both of them watch as the Bloody Baron gazes at Harry's back calmly. "No... not a ghost but something... else entirely." He then turns to the other ghosts. "However, it is not a threat. That much I can tell. None of you though are to do anything to make that change... understood?" They nod and underneath his hood he smiles before looking back at the line of First Years as he passes on his way to the Slytherin table while they look around in astonishment. 'Seems that we might have a interesting next couple of years...'

Seeing the eyes and faces watching them (which to him seem to be staring at him, judging him) he gulps before glancing up and having his breath taken away by the sight of the ceiling showing the velvety black night sky outside speckled with stars. Beside him, he hears Hermione whisper that it's enchanted and how she read about it in Hogwarts: A History. Slowly nodding, Harry whispers back. "Reading about something is one thing... seeing with your own eyes however is another..."

He can feel Nightmare nodding as she sticks her head out of his sweater as behind and above Hermione, Neville, and Luna do the same thing. Still staring at the ceiling, Luna softly smiles as she whispers to herself. "I have to learn how they did this. It would be perfect for mine and Celly's throne room..."

Hearing her, Harry just smiles as he glances at her. 'And if need be I'll learn it myself for you.' He turns back to the head of the line not seeing Luna turn to him with a partially puzzled, partially thankful glance before she shrugs it off. He then spots an old man at the head of the professor's table causing him to frown as he recognizes him from a chocolate frog card. 'So... that's Dumbledore...'

Her head poking out of Harry's sweater, Nightmare gives a quick glare at Dumbledore before rolling her eyes at his appearance. "For Equestria's sake, is he trying to perpetuate the stereotype of old wizard mentors?" She then notices him looking at her causing her to shoot him an acidic glare, which, if anything, causes an enormous amount of amusement to him if his expression is anything to go by. "Stupid old man..." Her attention is soon caught as McGonagall brings out an old stool and a ratty looking hat which she sets down on top of the stool causing the possessed plush to snort derisively. "What? Are we supposed to pull a rabbit out of it or something?" Her expression soon changes and her jaw drops as the hat begins to sing of all things. "What... the... bucking... Hay..."

That snaps Luna out of her shock and she gives a slight slap to Nightmare's head causing the doll to turn and glare at her. "Language." Her eyes suddenly widen and she seems to pale quite a bit as the pieces from the song fall into place. "Oh Hay." She then turns to Harry only to see the nervous expression on his face as he too realizes what's going to happen. "This... isn't good..."

As Nightmare looks between them, Harry shakes his head before grimacing. "No it isn't..." Nightmare now realizes the same thing causing her to shudder, more afraid for Harry then herself. Harry watches as first Susan heads up and is sorted into Hufflepuff. Harry waves to her despite the sick feeling in his stomach, Harry gives her a smile and a wave. A few names Later Hermione is called up and is sorted into Gryffindor. Then Neville is sorted into the Lion's House as well, though Harry has a brief chuckle at his expense when he runs away with the hat from the stool. Finally though, it's his turn. Once his name's called every eye in the school turns towards him as he hears conversations about himself being begun. Reaching the hat, he takes a deep breath before sitting on the stool. 'You can do this Harry...'

His last sight before the brim of the hat covers his eyes being that of a worried Luna standing in front of him. After what feels like only a second, Harry can feel... something. It takes him a moment to recognize the feeling of someone else's magic trying to enter him and pushes back only for a voice to whisper next to his ear impatiently, a moment later he realizes that the voice is in his head. 'Oh, enough of that boy. I am not going to hurt you.' Harry grips the stool's edges tightly and a moment later, hears a scoff. 'Is that what you're worried about child? That I might tell someone about your friends? Fear not because I am unable to speak to anyone about what I see except in the case of danger to the school itself.'

Harry relaxes some and lets out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. 'Sorry about that. It's just...'

He hears a soft snort. 'Yes, I can just imagine how people might react, so no fear for that young man. Now then, to sort you...' A moment or two passes and he can hear an interested tone from the hat. 'Fascinating. Simply Fascinating. Haven't had one like you child in years.. You could fit in many different houses. You have a thirst for knowledge as well as a keen mind, otherwise you would not have figured out that you could talk to me through your thoughts. But not just for magical knowledge! Oh no! You also have a thirst for non-magical knowledge as well. I haven't seen something like this since that Albert fellow came here for independent studies back in... 1894 I believe. He was here for a few months but with the help of a... well, enough of that.' After a few more moments, the hat continues to make comments. 'Yes, lots of loyalty here as well. A fountain of it as a matter of fact. And a thirst to prove yourself as well. And a lot of courage as well. Hm... most difficult. Wherever shall I put you now? Gryffindor? Ravenclaw? Hufflepuff perhaps? Maybe Slytherin-'

Harry cuts him off there. 'Please don't.'

The Hat is silent before a interested chuckle comes through the voice. 'Not Slytherin eh? I see that you truly don't have any of the usual prejudices against that House. So then. What particular reason are you asking for you not to be placed there?' The Hat then catches something. 'Something about Mister Malfoy eh? Don't like him?'

Harry sighs a little. 'I could deal with him easily enough. But I'm more afraid what might happen if he were to make a... misstep if you would.'

This, if anything catches the Hat's interest. 'Oh-ho! Something about your two companions hm?'

Harry just responds weakly. 'Well... yes and they're my two best friends...'

The Hat chuckles as a feeling of amusement grows. 'Yes, you're quite close. And I can see that you got more from your father then just his looks.' Feeling the confusion from Harry, he chuckles. 'Ah, the young. Now then, let's see...' The hat suddenly grows silent for a moment before Harry can feel it yell into his head. 'ARE YOU MAD BOY! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT THING IS! WHAT IT'S DONE!'

Angered by its insinuation, Harry shouts back. 'THAT "THING" IS A "SHE" AND HAS A NAME! DON'T YOU DARE!'


Everything in Harry's head freezes for a moment and the Hat is about to continue when it's hit with the mental equivalent of a sledgehammer. Having dazed it, Harry begins speaking in a voice that sends chills down the Hat's metaphorical spine. 'Don't... don't you dare compare her with that vile creature. She and it are nothing alike. And so help me if you go on...'

After a moment of silence, Harry can feel a quite feeling of anger directed at him, which he bears the brunt of with his own helping him brush it off. 'I don't think that you quite understand what's going on here boy.' The Hat continues as Harry mentally glares at it. 'I am in charge of sorting and identifying possible dangers that students might present. And this... Nightmare is most certainly a danger to the whole school. If I so wanted, not only could I have you booted from this school, but also make sure that the Aurors arrive to take you and your friend away. You would likely never see the light of day from outside an institution ever again while that being would be taken away and destroyed as the vile thing it is.'

Harry is silent until... 'Go ahead.' The Hat reels from shock as Harry continues with a edge of steel. 'Go ahead and I swear that you will be gone first. I will fight with everything I have for them.'

The Hat mentally blinks. 'And you would die. At least one here would kill you to prevent a possible great evil from escaping.'

Harry just snarls. 'As... I... Said... Go... right bucking ahead!'

A silence seems to stretch until the Hat sighs. 'And so you are willing to face death itself for the two...' He then snorts before full blown laughter erupts. After what seems like hours, he settles down. 'Loyalty and pure utter balls as I believe young ones would call your courage. I see though that nothing that I say will move you. Also, I can feel that you honestly believe that she won't harm anyone not deserving of it...' Another moment of silence. 'Very well then. I will stay silent as long as you can keep her under control. Now then... with what you've shown only two Houses can possibly hold you. Hufflepuff due to loyalty and Gryffindor due to bravery. Either would fit, neither more than the other. So where...' Harry can feel amusement from the Hat while his own head is still spinning. 'Good thing that we have... extenuating circumstances in the case of your... friend. Hufflepuff might not be able to deal with her. But... the House of the Lionhearted should! So better be GRYFFINDOR!' Shocked as he knows that last bit was shouted out, Harry can only nod as the Hat gives him one last bit. 'And do not worry. As long as you keep her under a semblance of control, I will not say a word about her. If you can't...'

Knowing the hanging threat, Harry gives a mental nod. 'Very well. I'll not have a problem then.' Harry then mentally sighs as he can feel the Hat being taken off. 'Thank you.'

The Hat says one last thing to him before the connection is cut. 'You're welcome.' As Harry gets up and walks to the table before being grabbed by the Weasley Twins, the Hat tilts slightly. 'Your anger allowed me to see more in you then you thought child. Seems that Gryffindor gave me quite the amount of his own gambling instincts. Show me that I was right to allow this. Show me that you're right...'

Sitting down next to Hermione, Harry's surprised that what felt like hours was in fact just minutes. Soon after a feast begins and Harry, using skills gained during his stay with the Dursleys, slips small pieces of food down to Luna where she is under the table. The feast soon passes with only a few moments of excitement (such as when Nick shows off why he's nearly headless to the fascination of Nightmare and disgust of Luna). The warnings also catch their attention and before they know it, all the students are trudging off to bed. Falling back unto the bed after closing the curtains, Harry sighs as he stretches while Nightmare examines the bed. "Yes, this shall do nicely."

Suddenly remembering what happened, Harry sits up and listens only to hear snores and other sounds of sleep from the neighbouring beds. Taking a breath, he motions Luna and Nightmare close. "I... got something to tell you..."

He goes back over the conversation with the Sorting Hat, as he learned it was called, and watches as various expressions cross Luna's face while Nightmare's stay unreadable. Luna just snarls. "You mean to tell me that Hat threatened Nightmare and you?"

Harry just nods. "Yeah. And-Oof!" He falls back on his back and looks up to see Nightmare standing on his upper chest, her eyes glowing with anger. "You are the biggest foal I have ever met Harry James Potter..." Stung slightly by her comments, he begins to hang his head, only for Nightmare to grasp his chin and force him to look her in the eyes. "That situation could have gone so wrong for you in a number of ways. Thankfully you're luckier then anypony I have ever met."

Harry just gapes a bit as Luna turns to her with surprise. "Wait... you're not angry with him due to the danger you were put into?"

Nightmare merely snorts. "I was and am in no real danger." She then looks away. "You on the other hand placed yourself in great danger." A moment later she finds herself being held in a hug by Harry. "What do you think you're doing?"

Harry just smiles at her. "Thanks."

Scowling, Nightmare looks away. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

A moment later, Harry's arms fall away as he stares up at the top of the bed as Nightmare stays where she is. After a few minutes he frowns and takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes causing Luna to come down. "Your eyes bothering you again?"

Harry sighs as he lets his hands drop. "Yeah. Got a headache again as well."

The two Alicorns frown at that as Luna picks up the glasses with her telekinesis and examines them. "Maybe you need a new pair of glasses? Because you've had this pair since before we met."

Nightmare nods. "Yes, getting headaches from stressing your eyes is not good Harry." Ignoring the looks of shock from her using his name, she continues. "I wonder if the school nurse could help us..."

Harry looks at Nightmare in shock. "You... called me by my name..."

Nightmare starts and then scowls as she twists around. "Yeah well, I decided to be nice and do so since you did stand up for me. Sue me." Noticing him wince, she sighs before getting off him and making her way to his head. Manuvering, she sits with her back legs on either side of Harry's head and begins rubbing the sides of his forehead. Channelling her magic into her hooves, she smiles slightly as he sighs in relief. "Don't count on me doing this often."

Harry nods with a smile. "I won't." Closing his eyes, he relaxes as he feels Nightmare's magic. While Luna's could be said to be like a calm, clear night, Nightmare's magic is more like a foggy, windy night. After a little bit he opens his eyes and chuckles. "You know, it's odd. I could almost swear that at times I can see better with my glasses off then with them on. Even if it's only slight."

From where she is beside him propped up on her "Elbow", Luna shakes her head. "That's all just in your head Harry." Seeing that he's about to say something, she holds up a hoof. "Harry, you've never worn glasses on the moon since you never needed them. So, your mind is used to being able to see without them and tricks itself." She then falls onto her back. "Besides, with how your eyes seem to be strained at times, I'm more willing to bet that it's because you need a stronger prescription, not less of one."

Not wanting to argue at the moment after the long day, Harry simply shrugs before leaning back. Eyes still closed as Nightmare uses her magic to help his headache, he smiles. "Hey, Nightmare?"

She simply nods. "Yes Harry?"

He opens his eyes and looks at her. "When me and Luna head to the moon tonight, are you going to join us?"

A look of shock passes over Nightmare's face before she looks at Luna and sees a pleading look before she understands. 'I see... what happened frightened you with how close it came, didn't it?' She then smiles and nods. "Very well then. I'll join you two shortly." Harry just nods as his and Luna's eyes close and they both drift off. After a minute, Nightmare realizes something as she looks him over and sees him still in his uniform and on top of the bed sheets causing her to gain a deadpan expression. "Oh... you have got to be kidding..." A rather large amount of magic later as well as care not to wake him up, Nightmare manages to get him into the bed before sighing as she slips under the covers and falls asleep too...

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