Grumpy human and angry child just about tolerate one another.
Local deity and extra-dimensional interloper faff around, for good or ill.
Local human called upon to assist stranded princess
Local deity attempts to communicate amorous intentions to receptive, oblivious human
Local human makes amends for past misbehaviour
Recovering from a freak teleporter accident is a lot easier when your best friend insists on helpling you.
Twilight has another favour to ask of the local human, and an ulterior motive.
Local human shows up at night, drunk. Rarity finds out why.
Rainbow was looking forward to meeting up with the local human after work. Oops.
Local human cannot sleep, meets the other housemate
Human in Ponyville has his fairly normal meeting with Twilight about getting home.
The local human deals with change
Intrusion from a certain magical horse is a common problem
Celestia, visiting, had a rough night.
Horsey house-breaker returns yet again, with more backup. Man puts up with it.