When a colt named "Bad Dude" storms into Celestia's personal study and declares himself as her latest arch enemy, the Princess can't help but nearly gush from the sight. But is there more to "Bad Dude" than his cute exterior would suggest?
"Thanks, Mom." Two simple words said by a simple guard. Not so simple when those words are accidentally addressed to Princess Celestia.
Following her tragic death by yet another villain of the week, Twilight Sparkle finds herself facing something all alicorns eventually uncover. The continue screen.
Princess Celestia has a problem. Or perhaps it's Twilight Sparkle that has one. Namely, drunk teleportation.
When sent through a human's toaster after his defeat, Sombra craves his revenge. Seven months later, he doesn't seem all that interested.
It's official. Twilight Sparkle is dead. Better luck next time, I guess.
A changeling sets up a secret shop inside of Ponyville. He can be anyone you want him to be. Just don't ask him to be himself.
Super villain Bad Dude attempts to create Equestria's first ever super villain group. But were villains ever truly meant to play nice with one another?
While strolling around town, Twilight Sparkle accidentally knocks out Derpy's contact lenses, revealing perfectly normal eyes hidden underneath. So what else could Derpy be faking?
One fateful morning, Princess Luna finds Celestia has turned into a megalomaniacal tyrant with one clear goal in mind: to be sent to the moon. She even has her bags packed and everything.
After finding Discord hiding out in his closet, Twilight Sparkle soon learns the most horrible of truths about herself and the world surrounding her. And then she learns another truth. And another. And another.
When Discord is left dying, Celestia asks if he has any last requests. What a silly thing of her to ask.
At a tea party with all of her friends, Fluttershy returns from the kitchen to find her beloved Angel Bunny dead on the floor. "Okay! Who Killed Angel Bunny?"
For years, Twilight Sparkle has kept track of how little both Princess Celestia and Luna eat. A small slice of cake here. A single cup of tea there. So what really keeps the Princesses going?
Given the successful befriending of Discord, Princess Celestia deems that no longer will villains be defeated but instead reformed. Brought back from the dead and stripped of his powers, Sombra only wishes he could have stayed dead all along.