Princess Celestia will at last get a taste of Twilight Sparkle.
My name is Octavia Harmonious, I am a cellist formerly of the Royal Symphony, and now I'm nothing more than a broke washout waiting for fortune to favor me again. And when I meant 'fortune' I DID NOT mean Vinyl Scratch.
Twilight's first time was a magical, enchanted event. In the literal sense, unfortunately.
It's Luna's first morning in Canterlot, and she's having trouble getting sleep.
Lyra wants to participate in the Running of the Leaves... in her own inimitable style.
There's an old theatre in downtown Canterlot that's said to be haunted by the ghost of a cellist. Vinyl Scratch, for curiosity's sake, ventured into the ruined building. What she found had changed her life forever.
Toph gets her wish for a 'life changing field trip with Zuko' , shame it's at the worse possible time.
Pinkie Divides by Zero
After Grand Gallopin Gala, Princess Celestia deals with the problem of her nephew
Luna prepares for her Nightmare Night trip to Ponyville, when Celestia shows up...
Rainbow Dash deals with the aftermath of Town Hall's destruction in "The Last Roundup"
Sometimes, falling in love with your friends works. Sometimes, it doesn't.
Sweetie Belle finds the Alicorn Amulet, chaos ensues.
My Little Pony shipping in the vein of "Rashomon"!
When guilt consumes Rainbow Dash, she is forced to liberate dark secrets from her past to Scootaloo...