Octavia and Vinyl Scratch: Musicians and secret agents.
What should be a simple overnight ride turns into a three day trip from hell.
Secret agents Vinyl and Octavia reunite to tackle a threat to Canterlot.
Secret agents Vinyl Scratch and Octavia find themselves locked in an epic struggle against a ruthless group of outlaws in the wild west.
Some ponies never change. Prince Blueblood is one of them.
An incident in a Manehattan theater quickly draws secret agents Vinyl Scratch and Octavia into a hunt for a strange killer.
Daring Do ventures into the desert chasing changelings, but uncovers a dark secret...
The last journey of an unusual wizard and the role he played in the founding of Equestria.
A.K. Yearling is haunted by dreams of a shipwreck...
In which Big Mac meets Spitfire.
It's not easy being the most perceptive pony in Ponyville. Not when everypony else is a bunch of mindslaves.
At a rest stop on her way to Appleloosa, Twilight Sparkle has a rare moment to reflect...
The Mane Six discuss religion. ...And that's about it, really.
Banded together from the remote regions of Equestria, the Legion of Gloom seeks to harm the Mane 6!
An older Daring Do, restless and pensive, is called out west by a figure from her past.