Twilight has a few choice words to say about Starlight Glimmer's motivations
Twilight has an unusual moment during a slumberparty
Twilight learns that her evil self has quite a following
Twilight meets a horse
Twilight spends some time playing a strategy video game
Twilight gets taught a lesson or two by Nightmare Moon
Twilight gets the chance to re-live the last few years of her life
Twilight and her friends encounter a rather unique foe
Twilight and her friends suddenly find themselves with an admirer
Celestia journeys to Ponyville to learn more of a so-called time-travelling alicorn named Twilight
Twilight and her friends gets cuddled...a lot
Twilight poses a question to her friends regarding the cutie map
Spike pleads with Twilight over her role in life
Thorax finds himself having a heart-to-heart with Shining
The Rainbooms and Dazzlings spend some time with each other