
Old Words

by WurkyWilk358 0w0

Chapter 8: Love Conquers All

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Love Conquers All

Far to the outskirts of Equestria, there stood a large castle in the Desolate Zone. None would think to venture so far where the lair of the Changelings reside, or be foolish enough to do so. However, nowadays there had been a drastic change in the scenery and the castle itself. Instead of it being a baron wasteland as it once was, vegetation and other plant life has grown across the area. Even the castle itself is covered in plants and looked rather welcoming to any who would bear witness to it. It was not just the scenery that has changed, but its inhabitants as well. The Changelings have gone through a metamorphosis, in a sense, that changed them both physically and mentally. No longer did they have the sinister black chitin with holes in their hooves, but now dawned a more colorful and friendly appearance. Their chitins were as colorful and pastel as the ponies of Equestria, their wings looked similar to some species of insects instead of being jagged and unsightly, and their horns were more smooth-looking anc curved; some having grown antlers.

Within the Changeling Hive sat a larger Changeling on a throne made of a tree and plant life. Her chitin and hair were both light pastel blue, her eyes were as blue as a topaz gem, her wings looked similar to a dragonfly, and her horn was curved and long. The larger Changeling who sat on this throne was none other than Queen Chrysalis herself, reformed and adorning a warm smile almost all the time. Ever since the day she abandoned her desire for conquering Equestria, she had been searching for an answer a certain individual had told her that she was missing. She had based most of her existence in searching for a pure source of love to feast on for both herself and her hive, that she hadn’t considered the option of sharing love instead of taking it. How would this be possible? Wasn’t love just a food source? How else would she acquire love when it was her nature to feed off of it? For many moons, she pondered the questions that addled her mind and had almost considered foregoing it all and attempted her usurpation of Equestria. But the words spoken to her by the mysterious old man echoed in her subconscious, casting aside such dark thoughts.

One day, Chrysalis came up with a hypothetical answer to her questions. What if she tried to experience the feeling of love by using her drones as an experiment. She once stated that she cared for them all as a mother would for her own young, and she was right. The more she aquatinted herself among the hive, the more she came to care for them all. It was a surreal feeling for Chrysalis, caring for others besides yourself, and she wanted to share this feeling with many others. When the day came that she announced to her hive that she cared, no, loved them all not as their Queen but as their mother, her transformation took hold into the beautiful form she now holds. Chrysalis was beside herself at the drastic change she underwent, but also took note of how she no longer felt the need to feed since she could now self-sustain herself with her newfound love for her hive. What’s more is that she had even discovered how to love herself as a living being. The hive followed suit in her example, one by one, in taking on their new reformed appearances. Queen Chrysalis was ecstatic of the Changeling Hive’s new development, but knew that there was still work to be done before she could reintroduce herself to Equestria.

“May I have the room to myself, please?” Chrysalis requested to the drones guarding her.

“Of course, my Queen-Mother,” they both said.

“Thank you, I appreciate both of your hard work,” Chrysalis smiled warmly at them as they left.

Being called Queen-Mother was a new title she gave herself since her transformation. It was to address her not only as the Changeling leader, but also as their maternal figure. It filed her heart with joy, especially when some of the drones just called her Mother. Once the drones were gone, Chrysalis stepped off her throne and walked to the balcony to look down at her newly reformed kingdom. She watched her subjects/children fly around and laugh together with gleeful smiles. She often recounted the days when she was still the cold and calculating ruler, and wondered what might have happened if that old man had not appeared in the fist place.

“Hmm, I wish to meet him again one day,” Chrysalis thought aloud. “I would very much like to show him all that I have done thanks to his wisdom.”

Knock! Knock!

Chrysalis was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a knocking at the door. Before, she would be infuriated that one of her drones would disturb her when she said she wished to be alone. But she could not bring herself to be angered by something so trivial.

“It is open! What may I help you with-?”

Chrysalis’ sentence was cut short when she saw who entered her throne room. Her heart was sent into a rapid flutter and a wide smile spread across her lips. In walked an old bipedal creature with a cane in hand as he smiled warmly at the reformed Changeling Queen. Those kind eyes, the welcoming atmosphere, and his signature kind smile sent waves of happiness throughout her body.

“Hello, my dear, it has been some time,” the old man spoke softly.

“Oh my goodness! It’s you!” Chrysalis cheered as she unfurled her wings and flew directly at him. Like a filly first learning to fly, she flew in circles in the air above the old man until she landed gracefully in front of him. “For so long, I wished to meet you again, and here you are! It’s as if you heard my wish to see you again just now!”

“I am glad to see you as well, Chrysalis, you are looking much more vibrant than the last I saw you,” the old man said.

“Do you truly think so?” Chrysalis asked as she looked herself over. “It still baffles me how I was able to achieve such a form. The feeling of being loved and sharing it has allowed me to see things in a different light.”

“And what, pray tell, is that?” The old man wondered.

“I was convinced that I would do anything in my power to seek out love and take it, for my self and for my hive. I admittedly cared not for any who I may have harmed along the way, and was on the verge of usurping an entire kingdom just to get what I desired. When you explained that there were other ways to receive love and share it instead of just taking it, I was unprepared for such a concept. I took your words to heart and have been searching for the answer for many moons. Then I remembered what you asked me about my hive, how I cared for them as if they were my own young.” Chrysalis smiled as she glanced out the window to see a few young Changelings fly together in the air. “You were right, for I have come to love and care for them as any mother would for their young. I have come to realize that they bring me so much joy and it fills me with pride that they are able to love me back as their mother. It has taught me to also love myself, something that almost seemed too ridiculous to consider before my reformation. But I could not be more happier because of it, and I have you to thank for it all.”

“I’m glad you see it that way,” the old man nodded.

“But…this also leaves me feeling guilty,” Chrysalis confessed, sounding sad.

“Whatever for?”

“Though I now am reformed, I fear of what everypony else must still think of me after what I attempted to do. I caused them much grief and interrupted Princess Cadence’s wedding. I still recall each of their faces, how they looked at us with such disdain. I had hoped to one day make a second appearance, but I worry that they may not forgive me.”

“Hmm, perhaps you have this turned around?” The old man suggested.

“What do you mean?”

“You should learn to forgive yourself before you seek forgiveness from others.”

“Forgive myself?”

“Of course, you have seen the error of your ways and learned to love your precious hive and yourself. You have done what you have set out to do, but you still feel as though your transgressions will hold you back. If you forgave yourself, and then showed the rest of the world how much you have changed both inside and out, you would be able to achieve the closure you so desire.”

Chrysalis was once again taken back by the old man’s words. To seek forgiveness from others was one thing, but to forgive herself? Could it even be possible for her?

“Is it truly that simple to forgive myself?”

“It is if you allow it, I was able to do so long ago,” The old man reassured her. “So long as you have your family by your side.”

“My family…” Chrysalis repeated. “Once again, your words hold true, old one. My children, my…family, has been my source of support for as long as I can recall. If they can forgive me for once being a cold and unforgiving ruler, then surely I can do the same for myself.”

“So would you still say that the ponies would hold resentment towards you?”

“Not if I can show them otherwise. I’ll prove to them that I no longer take love, but share it with others.

“Then that is exactly what you shall do,” the old man smiled at her. “As the old saying goes where I am from: love comes in all shapes and sizes.”

Chrysalis smiled back at the old man as she raised up on her hind legs and gently embraced the old man. “Thank you, wise one, your words of encouragement have allowed me to become something I hadn’t realized I had the potential to do so. I suppose you could say that I was in my own way.”

“As we all are, at one point in our lives,” the old man said as he pat her back. “That is why it is important to forgive yourself.”

Chrysalis released the old man as he nodded in approval and turned to walk away. “Old one,” Chrysalis called out, making him look over his shoulder. “Will we…meet again in the future?”

“One day,” the old man nodded with a smile. “And I look forward to seeing what else you can accomplish.”

The old man then left out the door and Chrysalis was left alone. She returned to the balcony and smiled even more than before down at her reformed kingdom and subjects.

“I will show them all,” Chrysalis proclaimed proudly. “We will show them all.”

Author's Note

The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.

Side Note:
Almost forgot about this. It’s what Chrysalis would look like if she were reformed.

Hope you enjoyed!

~WurkyWilk has left the building…

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