
The New Royal Family

by Horizon Spark

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Radiant Hearts

The New Royal Family

Shining Armor has been waiting in the castle hospital ward patiently, but with great worry. What was only a few hours felt like years to him. His wife, Princess Cadence, has been in labor , and the delivery of the future heir of the Crystal Empire, and more importantly, their son, has been chaotic. Nurses and staff working feverishly to make sure everything went smoothly, without any problems that can come up like changeling attacks, representatives from nearby nations, and worse of all, an Alicorn in labor. To put it simply; all-powerful magic and pregnancies, do not mix.

As he sat in the hallway, he could only think about the family he’s now apart of. Words couldn't began to describe the way he felt when he learned that he was going to be a father. Sheer nervousness, but mostly sheer joy for the new occupation he would now have. Shining Armor: Captain of The Royal Guard, Prince of the Crystal Guard, Father. It had a nice ring to it.

Of course like any other future dad would do, he spent the whole nine months learning the ins and outs of fatherhood, taking advice from his dad Night Light, and putting up with the mood swing and food cravings of his wife. He did it all with the idea when this is all over, he can enjoy the rest of his natural-born life with his new family. His thoughts were cut off when he heard the hoof steps of his sister, Twilight Sparkle approaching. She spent the last couple of nights here, making sure Cadence would be ready for when it was time, even putting her organization skills in good use with the delivery.

She sat next to her B.B.B.F.F. and asked, “Are you alright?”

Shining turned his head and gave a small smile, “Yeah, just a little tired is all. How ‘bout you?”

“Fine." Twilight the gave a really enthusiastic smile, "I still can’t believe I’m actually going to become an aunt. This is so great!”

Shining gave his L.S.B.F.F. a playful noogie and a chuckle. “You've been saying that for nine months already Twily. I’m just surprised you didn't had one of your little freak outs when you learned about the pregnancy. Heck, mom nearly fainted when she realised that she was going to be a grandma.”

“And I can’t believe you didn't stay inside the room while they were doing the delivery,” she replied making Shining Armor turn red with embarrassment. “Really Shiny?”

“Oh come on Twily I stayed… for the most part.”

“You left the moment the doctor said that he could see the head.” Twilight stood up. “It’s the wonderful miracle of birth for pony’s sake! Every dad needs to see their own child being born in front of their eyes.”

“Hey I sat through mom’s delivery when she had you, and no kid wants to see that. It was just so gross, and disturbing for me. I’m not sitting through that twice.”

Twilight's only response was to facehoof. “Shining Armor; fearless Captain of the Royal Guard, can’t stand childbirth.” She giggled at her brother’s expense. “You’re gonna be a wonderful role model.”

Shining Armor knew that her little sister was just messing with his masculinity at this point. This was always her way of teasing him, especially when they were kids back then and the sight of Cadence made Shining Armor tremble at the knees. “Alright fine,” he said with a smirk. “How about this? When you have a baby, I promise stay and watch the whole thing.”

Twilight felt flustered after hearing this. And grossed out. She always thought about starting a family someday, she just didn't know when to start one, or who to start one with. “I… guess...so.”

“So. What’s going to happen now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’m a dad now. Things are going to be a lot different now. Not only do I have a kingdom to help protect, but a son.” He sighed. “I guess I’m just scared is all, Twily. Scared about the future. Our life is going to turn into one heck of a rollercoaster. And while Cadence might be able to handle this, I fear that one day I’ll just, crack under pressure. Heh, look at your brave big brother saying things like this.”

Twilight looked at her brother with sad, guilty eyes. “I’m sorry Shiny, I didn't mean to make you upset.”

Shining responded by giving a hearty laugh and poking her little sister. “Hey, don’t worry about it Twily. I know it’s not gonna be easy, but I got a wife who’ll help me along the way, family and friends to help too, and the greatest little sis any stallion could ever ask for,” he said as he hugged Twilight. “Things are gonna be fine. Okay?”

Smiling back, Twilight hugged her brother back. “You’re gonna be a great father Shining Armor. I just know it.”

As the two parted their hug, the hospital doors opened to reveal a doctor who had a noticeably disheveled mane and uniform. Shining and Twilight noticed him as one of the doctors who played the key role of delivering the baby today, and his tired and messy look showed.

“Your highness,” he said as he bowed. “ Your wife, Princess Cadence has been resting in her room with your son. They are both doing fine, and the Princess would like to see you now.”

Shining looked at him with a thankful smile, “Thank you Doctor. Please, take the rest of the day off. You deserve it.”

The Doctor's ears perked. “Thank you your highness. I’ll be sure to come back and check on the both of them first thing tomorrow morning.” He gave one more bow then headed out the waiting room.

“I think I’m going to call it a day too Shining,” Twilight yawned, stretching her legs. “I’m going back to Ponyville in the tomorrow afternoon. Spike doesn't like me being away without him for too long. I’ll be sure to stop and say hi to Cadence before I leave though.”

“Sounds good. Well I got a wife to see, goodnight L.S.B.F.F.,” said Shining hugging her sister.

“You too B.B.B.F.F.,” Twilight said hugging back.

The two siblings parted ways as Shining Armor went into the hospital room. Walking down the hallways, he went into the room that belonged to his wife. He quietly went in to see his lovely wife, tired, pale, hair in need of a lot of brushing, and bags under her eyes, yet still beautiful. She was laying peacefully cradling their sleeping son in her hooves. The newborn Unicorn had white fur like his fathers, light purple eyes, and had a dark pink mane with light blue streaks.

Shining got a chair and sat next to to his other. He caressed her hair which made her tired smile grow slightly wider. “You okay?”

Cadence nodded slowly. She turned her head towards the baby who was sound asleep. “He’s so beautiful honey,” she said tears starting to form.

“Yeah he is.” Shining leaned forward and kissed his wife on her cheek looking at the newborn. “Only been a few hours, but I love him with all my heart.”

“I know you’re going to be a great dad Shiny. Everything’s gonna be alright.”

“Heh, I guess you overheard my talk with Twilight.”

She nodded. “And I’ve noticed how worried you’ve looked since pregnancy.” She then placed her hoof on her husband’s hoof who in turn placed his on top of her’s. “It’s alright to be nervous Shiny. I’ve been since I became pregnant. Which is why we need to stick together, so we can make sure this little guy gets the life he deserves.”

“No need to worry dear, I’ll always be with you two through thick and thin. I love you Cadence.”

“I love you too Shiny,” she said kissing her husband. As they parted from each other, they both looked at the sleeping foal. “That reminds me, we haven’t came up with a name for him yet.”

She was right. In the span of nine months, the couple never established what they would name their child. Shining thought about this for a while, until he remembered the one named he thought of. “I thought of one a while ago, although I don’t really think It’s all that great.”

“Well whatever it is, it’s better than no name. What is it?”

Shining Armor gave out a huge sigh, “Radiant Heart.”

Cadence glanced at Shining, then looked at the baby. She smiled widely, “Shiny.”

“Yeah I know,” he said rubbing the back of his head. “It’s not a really great name, but I’ll…”

“It’s Perfect!”

“It is?”

“Of course silly, It’s perfect for him. Our little Radiant Heart, I love it.”

“Oh. Thanks dear. I think it’s a cool name too.”

The couple then heard the baby coo softly as he shook in his sleep, as if he was agreeing with the name. They gave each other a small kiss as they both enjoyed the first few moments together as a family. Shining Armor decided to spend the night in the room. Grabbing an extra blanket and pillow, he laid in the chair and started to fall asleep. Cadence then gave one last glance to the now two sleeping ponies she love with all her heart, and drifted off to sleep, awaiting the new and bright future, with her new royal family.

Author's Notes:

A simple little story I thought of randomly, and I wanted to write it. I always thought it would be cool if the royal couple have a baby. Might not ever happen, but it's a nice thought.
This is also the first time I ever made an OC, which was surprisenly hard for me, espicially since it's the son of two cannon characters. But I think I did an alright job for my first time. Might even do it again. Besides, this won't be the last time we'll see of Radiant Heart.
Anyways, Thank you for reading, please give any likes, comments and criticisms, and I'll see you next time.:twilightsmile:
P.S. L.S.B.F.F. = Little Sister Best Friend Forever.

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